

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:04:14 PM

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GM Bennett

We sure do...Love the kid but we know why things happened for that exact reason. I have the upmost faith in our D and I think we can get that job done for sure.

Yeah, need our run game to be good. We know Kang is a strong back for us so we should do everything we can to that that part of the offense going.

Speaking of how's the line looking going into this week?



A little dinged up, but should be starting all 5 starters this week.

GM Bennett

That should help out things with getting our run game going. Alright sounds good, Coach. On your way down there can you have JVD join me in my office, please? Thanks Coach and good luck out there.

Be a little hard on them out there on offense. We can't go out there embarrassing ourselves like that if any of us wanna have jobs next season.


GM Bennett

My man, what's up? How you feeling so far about the team and yourself this season?




So far so good man, just trying to keep the grind on, you know?

GM Bennett

That's good to hear and that's all I can really ask for. Just wanted to see how you was doing my man.

Before I let you go how you feeling about Tate this season?




He's making gains, he's still a little soft for my liking, but he's been trying to be a leader and work hard.

GM Bennett

Yeah I think he has all the necessary tools to be a leader. I don't need him to be a captain or anything but I do need him to drive our offense and make everyone better around em. I like that he's a hard worker that works in our favor I think. And if he's holding guys accountable I'm all for it. He has to hold himself accountable as well, you know?

Nevertheless, I see the vision.



I think he and I get on well on the field and that's what really matters.

GM Bennett

Good, that's good to hear my man. Alright JVD I ain't gonna take up anymore of your time. Good luck out there this week let's make up for last week's bullshit, yeah?




Truth Boss, you can trust... 


J. V. D.

GM Bennett

MY MAN!!!!!

Ahem...I mean, good good.


Princess, anything to go over before I get use locked in for the week?


GM Bennett

Game Five vs. DC Cobras

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett


1. Discuss your week 5 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
Alright we're gonna try to speed through these questions because well...I'm not that much in the best of moods today. We lost. We lost a game I feel we should've won. Played a lot better than last game that's for sure but still not good enough. It's a damn shame. Our offense needs to step it up. The entire offense.

2. What does your team need most in terms of improvement?
If I didn't make it clear already, the offense needs to wake up and step it up. Not sure what the hell is going on but we went from looking explosive to looking like some zombies out there. I don't care if somebody has some flashy stats this game or that game. If we can't get the damn win what does it matter? Our rushing attack stinks. We have a premiere back this season and we've only been able to see him do his thing like once this season. It's a damn shame cause that just leads to our pass game not being able to take off like it should.

3. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I'm happy that the O-Line Showcase was a success and players are getting the opportunity they deserve in this league.

4. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
We're going up agaiinst Vancouver this week. It's not gonna be an easy week for us especially if we can't get our heads out from--- You know where from.

Thank you.


Coach....What's happening out there?



Tate's getting hit a lot more than last year and its hurting his progression.  He was sacked 38 times last year in 16 games and threw 14 picks.  This year he's been sacked 11 times and thrown 5 picks in 5 games. He's on pace for 16 picks and 43 sacks and its just not working out.   I'm not sure if its on him, the o-line, Kang and the run game, or guys like JVD and the rest of the WRs not making plays... but yeah our offense feels really flat.

GM Bennett

Might have to make some moves if this doesn't change. This can't keep happening. We're not gonna win any games if this kind of B.S. continues.

Coach I want you to stay in here.


Princess, can you do me a favor and call down to Coach Spud. Tell him I want him to join me and Coach Hunter in my office. Tell him to bring the O-Line coach and players along with em. Oh and have the interns bring in some extra chairs in here so we can accommodate for them all will you? Let em know I'll take em out to lunch personally today for all their hard work.


It's gonna be a long day Coach, but we're gonna get this addressed one way or another.



GM Bennett


Fellas, it's good to see you. There's a lot to address this week so I don't want you to think it's only the line that's gonna be hearing from me this week. If you peeped my presser earlier, you'd know that I'm gonna be talking to the entire offense.

First things first was talking with Coach Hunter and one of the main issues our offense can't get off it's ass in recent weeks is because of Tate getting hit way too much. More than he did last season even. We all know the kid has progressed since last season but we've barely been able to see that progression in his game because before he can do anything, he's getting touched up and getting some nice greenery on his Kings uniform. Last time I checked we weren't the Miami Hurricanes so I don't know why any of us should be seeing green on the QB's jersey.

If we can't protect the QB, we sure as shit ain't getting a damn thing done offensively. That mean we can't get the ball to our receivers. Our backs can't run the damn ball. Lord knows what it means to have both the pass and run game be top notch or on par in this game, but we can't see to do either. Why? Because we are robbing ourselves of that opportunity.

We got us a stellar back this season in Kang, I'd love to see him be able to have a great rushing game than just once. We got a rook who wants to prove how good of a steal he was for us this season. I don't need to say anything about LiAngelo, we know how special he can be for us when he gets hot. If we can't get anything going with those guys it makes it that much harder to get shit done through the air.

I don't have to sing our receivers' praises we know what they can do when they got a chance to make a play. We got some fucking playmakers at wideout but once again, we can't see em do shit.

What am I tryna say here? Fellas you boys are the heartbeat of this offense. Last season you were like a damn fortress, wasn't a damn thing getting through you. Only way that was happening was if an adnominally happened in the universe, you get me? I know for a fact we have the talent to get the job done. I know we've dealt with some injuries, that might've set us back a little, but it shouldn't be a whole lot I wouldn't think. With Seal back I'd think we'd be looking like a well oiled machine and there's not shit an oppossing defense can do about it.

We need to see better fellas. Coaches, we need to do better getting these guys prepared week in and week out. We all know what this season means for most of us right? We need to be giving it our all out there in order to win games. Last couple weeks have been hot stank ass garbage juice and that is NOT what we are and what being a King is all about.

I believe in every person with a heart beating in their chest and the souls in this organization. I believe in every single one of you in this room. I know we are better than what has been seen, but I need to know that you guys believe in yourselves too. I need to know you believe in this team and what we are trying to achieve here. Tell me what is it that we can do to help one another here? What needs to change to help us do better out there?




Boys, I know we're better than this, and you know it too.. Lets go out there and play better football, amaright?!

GM Bennett

As long as you guys can do better to protect the QB and make sure to make your key blocks in order to drive these fuckers back everything will be good. Tate just needs that chance to make the reads and get that ball out of his hands. Or at least give him a shot to make something happen on his feet. Same with Kang. Kang just needs the blocking to be good and he can take off from the backfield.


Just want the best for everyone here...Just out out there and give it your all to fix things.


I want you pushing these boys harder from here on out. I don't want any excuses or taking it easy on em. Hold each every man accountable no matter how long they have been in this league.

You guys can go...Coach when you get down there tell the RB coach and the backs to come up here. That includes Sanchez.



GM Bennett

Fellas thanks for coming. I'm gonna make this quick because I don't see much of an issue with our rushing attack. Yes I want to see you boys get more opportunties out there to make play that just hasn't been there all the time.

Kang you had an impressive first couple games but lately it's been lackluster and I understand that's not completely on you.

Our O-Line needs to do a better job protecting the QB and making sure you all have lanes to attack. I know that much. But I will say when you guys are tasked to protect the QB to do all you can because after a defender gets through the line you are our last hope. Tate has been getting hit a lot more this season compared to last and that's part of our damn problem...

If this offense has any chance being as prolific and exciting as I know it can be we have to do better. I'm tired of seeing us at the damn bottom and not able to capitalize. I need our rushing attack to be everything I know it can be and with having a premiere back in our line up and you others there come in to take over for em...We shouldn't be having any problems. All four of you are fucking playmakers man. Sanchez is a future Hall of Famer in my book I don't give two fucks what somebody has to say about that. Best damn full back in the game.

Sorry...I'm just a bit pissed off and fed up with everything so far. There's a lot on the line and we built a stellar team this season. I already talked to the O-Line but I'm gonna tell you boys to keep them in line. We will be holding everyone accountable I don't care. You see them fucking up on their protections you tell them. There's no reason you guys shouldn't be ramming that fucking ball down a mother fuckers throat every time you get handoff. Not with how good that line is.

Is there anything you guys would like to add or share before I let you go?



GM Bennett

Alright, good talk fellas.


When you get down there tell the receivers coach and his boys to come up. And if you want you can let the QB's coach know they'll be after them. Thanks Coach.



GM Bennett

Fellas thanks for coming. This is gonna be quick because I don't think any of you are quite the main issue with our offense. I will say I wanna see some more playmaking out of some of you but how can you do that when you aren't even given the chance right?

To put it to you plainly I am not pleased at all with how our offense has looked these past couple weeks. The defense is carrying this team. Hell the defense was the only ones to actually fucking score in a couple games back. That pisses me off, and it should piss you boys off too.

I know the main issue here has been Tate not being able to get the ball out of his hands quick enough to get it to you guys. The O-Line isn't doing their job and it's effecting you guys just as much as it is effecting every other aspect of our offense.

Regardless of that, I need to see better from everyone on the offense and it includes you guys. I need to see better run protection. I need to see more effort in making a play rather than just settling. I tell you this right now if we have any hopes of making the playoffs this year we had better be fixing this bullshit and winning some games. Coming close just aint gonna fucking cut it.

If you want to share anything or speak on anything right now is the time. If not, I want you holding everyone accountable out there and help fix this bullshit rut we are in. Let's get out there and do better. Every single one of you should want better for yourselves and this team.



GM Bennett

Okay fellas head on back to practice and get this shit turned around. Coaches stay with me for a bit will you.


Gentleman, I'm gonna put it you both straight. You two are two of the best offensive minds in football, we should be seeing a lot better than what we are seeing right now. I'm gonna give it some time but we might have to be aggressive during the trade deadline this season compared to years past.

With that there's two scenarios...Either I'm making trades to better our chances to go to the Impact Bowl this season or I'm gonna be looking towards the future.

But yeah this output we're getting these last few weeks is horse shit. It's down right embarrassing to have this much talent and seeing it all going to waste. Let's get back to being Kings, yeah?



  We need to make it back to the playoffs, Coach Spud hasn't been there with us before but we can do it. We can rally the troops and circle the wagons, we can lead the charge into a new frontier, can I get a YEEHAW!!!?!

GM Bennett



Ahem...Yeah, fellas I'm hoping we can turn things around and get us there. Good luck this week fellas.

GM Bennett

Game Six vs. Vancouver Wolfpack

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss your week 6 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
After being in a bit of a slump....We finally won us a game! In dominating fashion I might add. It was nothing short than great to see how good we played on both sides of the football. It damn near brought a tears to my eyes seeing this break through for our boys. Everything clicked. Absolutely everything. I gave our offense a hard time last week...We all sat down and had a conversation and the boys did not disappoint after our talk. I can't just give the game ball to one person, the whole offense deserves the game ball for stepping the f**k up this past week. I'm just so proud of them all man...Really proud.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I think league officials should definitely look what happened in that Cancun and Miami game if what Doss is alleging is true. I didn't watch the game personally but I don't think claims like that can be ignored. There's no place for that kind of B.S. in this game, certainly not in this league. We're not the far removed from a season where a GM utilized a player like his personal hitman for hire. Stained that players name despite how good he is, it definitely ruined his reputation in this game and it's a damn shame that happened. It's these kind of acts that need to be addressed out eradicated in the sport of American football.

I was pretty surprised to see Coach Murdoch let go. I hope he is put in a better position to succeed wherever he goes next in his coaching career. The way I see it, Louisville is in the middle of a full blown rebuild, it's gonna be interesting to see how that goes for them this offseason.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
This week we'll be going up against the Atlanta Underground. We're coming in with the same record and I believe the same goals we want in this season. Last season Atlanta stunned the world with how far they wee able to get despite the struggles throughout the season and well our division not being the best last season haha. I'm looking forward this game and hoping that we can build off this new found momentum. Our defense has been awesome all season and if our offense can play lights out like last week, we're a tough as f**k team to beat. We play like King, I don't see anyone beating us. I say that humbly and respectfully. I just believe in our group so much that I truly believe this.

As always, Destiny is All!!!!


Coach...GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT Game my man! Tate was out here slanging that thang, fellas were out there making plays! I love it, I absolutely love it!




  I see us going on a run here, I've got my master-brain working on great gameplans and we are going to roll them boys!

GM Bennett

That's what I like to hear, Coach. How's Charles? See he got banged up and had to leave the game.




  50/50 to play, but they consider him a low-risk to hurt himself more if he plays.

GM Bennett

Good, good. Let's keep an eye on that this week during practice just to make sure.

Other than that, I feel good bout how things are. As long as we keep Tate protected out there the offense will be fine. Let's keep that up Coach. I'm not gonna waste any of your time I know I took up a lot of it last week. Same shit as last week though, keep on their asses, Coach.

Good luck this week my man.

GM Bennett

Game Seven vs. Atlanta Underground

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
What can I say? It was a close as f**k game and we came up short. Am I happy? Look at me...Do I look happy. Does my demeanor come off as I am happy go lucky about losing? Yeah I didn't think so. Again, it was a close game it really did come to the wire. It was anybody's game and we just....We came up short. Can i look at the game and blame any one person? Sure I can look at Tate throwing two interceptions and say yeah that lost us the game. But then it's like...S**t, Junior Barden had a legendary game maybe it was just his day. But he is a huge reason why they won so there's that. Erickson missed a field goal after hitting everything else. We could've went to OT and either won or lost there. Whose to say?

I can say one thing...One thing that I loved to see out there though...I loved seeing those boys fight like hell out there despite whatever f**k ups they had. That's something you can be happy about and build off of...That doesn't change how pissed I am about losing. That doesn't change how i feel about a damn thing. I can be happy for the effort and fight they showed out there....But it ain't changing what I feel inside me right now.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I don't know or believe that Coach Duncan is losing the locker room. Look at how hard they played out there my man, you telling me that's a team that's turned their backs on the coaching staff?

I tell you what I did find that Turpin news interesting out of Tottenham.

Also, to Mazza's point I think we've all seen him have better games but...He was going up against an elite defense. Yes despite our losses here I see our defense as ELITE.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
Charlette's coming off a big win and they are gonna be looking to build off that momentum. We're gonna have to keep fighting. We have a good enough team to get the win but we need to execute and not defeat ourselves out there.


Coach, how you doing?




It's been a helluva year already man, I wish we could stay out of the news for a bit.

GM Bennett

Yeah, me too. Wish we were having a much better year than what we're having too. Any truth to what that report said?




I don't know, it's not for me to say.  The players aren't disrespecting me, but we're not seeing results.

GM Bennett

I'll have a talk with the captains to see what's up.

Other than that, I don't know...I've been battling with myself on whether not to just pull a damn trigger on some trades and say fuck it all. I don't wanna give up on the team by any means. I also don't wanna end up getting the boot without doing everything in my power to try and make some moves. Moves that I don't know will help us or not even.

I wanna leave everything on the table. I wanna win...But I don't wanna look like a damn fool while trying. We built us a quality team I think this season made the right moves. Took a lot of risks to get here. Can't help but think I'm doing it all for nothing...We keep losing and if we miss out on the playoffs you can bet your ass I'll be finding myself unemployed chilling in Cancun with Luna on a beach (or wherever she wants to go visit this summer). Well I was gonna be doing that in the off-season anyways but still....

I guess what I'm trying to say Coach is that...I really don't know what the future holds...I'm used to having some sort of idea but right now? It's looking pretty blank...Bleak even. A lot of uncertainty going on right now in this head of mine.



I hear you boss, and I can't lie. The call to go back to College gets louder the more we struggle.

GM Bennett

Gonna be a lot to go through this offseason if things keep up...

Alright let's try to focus on the now, huh Coach? How are we looking as we go up against these Crows?



When they are protecting Vardy, they are as good as any team in the league, but if we can generate pressure on the QB we can force them into bad situations and capitalize on them.  Plus with our #1 ranked defense when it comes to scoring, we should be able to give them a hard time.

GM Bennett

Yeah I have up the upmost faith in our defense for sure. We also gotta limit our own turnovers. That's what definitely cost us last game. And if we can get another good run game going we should be in good shape to get a W.

Alright Coach I'll get us locked in after a quick chat with the captains. Good luck this week, and we'll see if we can save our jobs here in the Music City.

If you don't mind sending the caps' up when you get down to the locker room I'll appreciate it, Coach.



GM Bennett

Fellas how you doing? I'm not gonna hold you guys up for long cause I know we need to get to practice and getting ready for the week. Gotta bounce back from the bullshit loss last week.

To say the least I'm not all that happy at the moment but there is something to address other than us taking L's.

I'm sure you fellas have seen the news report for the week. Now, Coach Hunter told me he hasn't seen anything of the sort in terms of the players not respecting him or anything of that nature. Sure he can say that but he isn't the players. With you guys being my leaders in the locker room I wanna get a chance to hear from you guys. Is Coach Hunter losing you guys at all or is that report just some bullshit?