

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:04:14 PM

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GM Franchise

I was thinking that too. I think we're too one dimensional with the mostly passing ratio. That's making us easy to predict. If we mix it up and add some FB runs or RB trick plays we should be good to go.




yeah, I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to run it more to keep teams honest.  Whatever percentages chnge you want, just note it in the lock in.

GM Franchise

Will do. The next big issue is Barger. I'm going to talk with him before we lock in. We need him in the zone in order for us to be competitive. That's the other main priority right now.


GM Franchise

I'll let you get to practice and I'll talk to him.


Princess, can you send in James Barger please, thank you.


James, nice to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances. The start of this season has not been what we anticipated going into this season. I think you're the key to turning the whole season around. What I want to do is light the fire that you had last season when you opened up a can of whoop ass on the entire league. I know you're elite, it's time everyone else did too.




I'm trying to get it going, but its been tough this year for some reason... I just need a slap in the face to get moving, you know?  I feel stuck in the mud.

GM Franchise

I agree with that. I think we need to find what motivated you and lit that fire last season. Last season you were elite and this season you still are elite. All we need to do is figure out how to unleash you on the entire league.



I think part of it is having my sister around cramping my style and squashing my game. 

When I'm in the club or trying to do my thing on Broadway she's always blocking me with the ladies... It's really lame.

GM Franchise

Ah, you've got yourself into a cock blocker scenario. I've dealt with this problem before. I think the solution is finding her a dude or get a wingman to keep her occupied so she won't be up in your business and you get your game on. I've had women friends do this. I get my game going and then they go into blocker mode acting like they're all into it. This is an easy fix. We just need to get her a man and you're good to go.



Heck yeah, you got GM Lane's number?

GM Franchise

Haha good one. I'll get on this ASAP so we can get your mojo back. This is basically the Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Storyline except a cock blocking sister took away your mojo figuratively instead of Dr. Evil doing it literally. I'll let you get back to practice but believe me we're hitting up Broadway after the game this week.


Princess, can you send in Jamie Barger please, thank you.


Jamie, nice to speak with you. How are you liking things here in Music City so far?



It's been fun so far.

GM Franchise

That's good to hear. Your brother told me you two have been checking out Broadway and other parts of the city. What do you think of all the nightlife here in the city especially in the Broadway area? I love the country bars myself so I figured I'd ask since your brother is a fan of the places there as well.




Oh man, its a rootin' tootin' good time!   James is awesome bait too you know?  He brings in all the fish and since he's got no game, I am there to close the deal.

Its like fish in a barrel, haha!

GM Franchise

Ah, so you're finishing what he started. Smart strategy and tactics there. As someone who apparently has the rizz I can relate to what you're saying. Fish in a barrel is definitely a good term for it. I think we need to help him with his game if that's the case because it's effecting his play on the field. I've got the kavorka, the lure of the animal, like Kramer from Seinfeld and from how it sounds you probably do too. Now we need to get him that power and I think he'll be good to go. Can you help me with this so his slump both on and off the field ends?



Help my brother get laid? Ew!  That's gross.  Plus, if he learns how to do more than say "hi, Im the Quarterback of the Music City Kings"  then it makes my life harder.

Not interested.

GM Franchise

Okay, figured I'd check. I think he just needs a wingman or something to get his mojo back. You're good to go in that area because you can hold a conversation so that's what matters. Good talking with you and you did very well in the preseason. You've got a bright future in the HIFL. I'll let you get back to practice.


Princess, can you send in Sidney Slinger please, thank you.


Sidney, nice to see you. I'm impressed with what you've been doing with the Slinger Foundation and I'm going to look into getting you some more funding next week for that. I think it's a great thing that you're doing that's helping out a lot of people.




That would be great, the more money we raise the better.

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me. I'll be out and about on Broadway after the game this week. I have a tendency to run into local business owners, country music artists, and other interesting characters down there. I'll see if I can find some investors while I'm on walkabout and let you know about funding next week.




That's amazing, I'll be out on Broadway too! 

GM Franchise

Awesome! I'll be out there with my usual party crew that we recently named The Regulators after the Warren G and Nate Dogg song. I'll highly likely run into you when I'm bar hopping then so we can link up and talk then if it happens. I'll be the one dude there in a cowboy hat wearing fancy clothes with it. We usually start at The Stage, then move to Tootsies Orchid Lounge, go wander for a few hours, and end up at Ole Red at some point. It'll be even better if it's after a victory. Game comes first, then partying.




Heck yeah!  Do you still kick it with Lil Pippin?

GM Franchise

Yes I do. He's an OG member of the party crew.




That's too cool.  I heard stories from my Uncles about some of those antics that were on Sportscenter back during your baseball GM days...

Anyways boss, I hope I see you and your crew out on the town after a big win! 

GM Franchise

Sounds good! The stories are the best. Hell I've probably got more stories of stuff going on than any GM in history. Im like our league's Ric Flair or something along those lines with my partying and being a ladies man. Apparently I have the kavorka or it's modern term, the fizz. Anyway I look forward to seeing you rock it on the field and then party it up after. I'll let you get back to practice.


Princess, can you send Coach Hill back in please, thank you.


Coach, I'm hoping James Barger can get back in the zone. I think I got the ball rolling with that so hopefully he's unleashed this week. Let's lock in, the changes have been added to the ratios.

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes:
Pass Ratios -
1st and 10 - 65%
1st and Short - 60%
2nd and Short - 40%
3rd and Short - 40%
4th and Short - 40%
Goal Line - 50%
End of Game/Half (Winning) - 30%

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1. Talk about your teams performance this week.

"Regulators...Mount up! This was a great week! We came back from a seven point deficit to win after our defense got a clutch safety to give us the big win. James Barger backed up my talk with two touchdown passes this week. Losing McWhorter to an injury isn't good but Jackson stepped up big for us. Larry Ho averaging five yards per rush also stood out. The defense stepped up big time. We held them to 32 yards on 29 rushing attempts, forced then recovered a fumble, and got six sacks. Anderson and Carrier had big games for us. I think we showed that we're back on track and with a bye week coming up soon we'll be healed up from injuries as well."

2. Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?

"Coach Hill staying calm after the two losses and keeping the team from falling apart stands out. We wouldn't be where we are without his leadership."

3. Talk about your opponent for week 4, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

"This week we play our rivals the Atlanta Underground in a big match up for both teams. Their strong suit is definitely the passing game. Orion Harris is no joke, that dude is the real deal. Their rushing attack is a work in progress like ours and if their defense has any weaknesses watching game footage of their week one game against Myrtle Beach will be the film to study to find it. That was the one game where they had problems and using what caused them problems in that game is a good place to start. I'm expecting a close game but a game we can and will win. Now I gotta say I love seeing that James Barger and Sydney Slinger were out on a date. I hope to see more great news stories about this in the coming weeks. That said, Broadway was lit this week and will be again this week as well. My crew will be going to Blake Shelton's Ole Red, Tootsies Orchid Lounge, The Stage, Jason Aldean's Kitchen and Rooftop Bar, Dierks Bentley Whiskey Row, Nudie's Honky Tonk, Tequila Cowboy, and Wildhorse Saloon this week. Get ready for it because my crew is out to make the whole world smile. Woooo!"


So you support relationships in the work place?   Some say that you actually played match maker with Barger and Slinger, any truth to that, should we start calling you GM Cupid?

GM Franchise

Yes I do support them. We're a trendsetting organization I'm that regard. Yeah there is some truth to that. I'm a lot better with people than I get credit for so this is just a part of that. I mean, I'm out and about a lot so I'd have to be with how busy my social life is. My nickname is Dr. Kavarga because I have the kavorka, like from Seinfeld. But yeah I'm very happy with what's happening and with us winning a game. Hopefully this week is just good against Atlanta.



First win in the books, no easy task going up against a very high powered Atlanta offense, but we have the 3rd ranked pass defense, so lets see who's better.

GM Franchise

That's true. This is going to be a very tough matchup. Speaking of pass defense I'll be signing an extra CB this week and putting Browder on IR. That's the priority this week.



I don't know their price tags or our budget, but Couglin, Boyer, Owens, or Perkins would be the best bets on the market I think.

GM Franchise

I'll get right on that. Thanks for the information. I'll let you get to practice, Coach.


Princess, can you get me in touch with Steve Rosenhaus please, thank you.


Steve, nice to speak with you again. The reason I'm calling is we have an open roster spot and I'm interested in signing your client CB Kurtis Coughlin for the rest of the season. Would he take $1.5 million for the rest of the season with the option at the end of the season for an extension at a higher rate of pay with bonus incentives based on performance?




So Kurtis is seeking $8MM per season, if we can do $8MM for next season, we'd do $3MM now, with 3MM in off-season bonus to round it out.

GM Franchise

I'm absolutely cool with that deal. Glad to have him on the team.


GM Franchise

Pleasure doing businesses with you.


Princess, can you send Coach Hill in please, thank you.


Coach, I signed Kurtis Coughlin. I'll let his spot on the depth chart be Coaches Decision for this week, we'll adjust next week if needed.

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.




I'm not sure what kind of shenanigans you're trying to pull over there in Music City, but I just got a contract faxed in from your office and buddy boy, I'm here to bring an elbow down that would make the Macho Man Randy Savage cream in his spandex!

So tell me Martha, what exactly did you think you were doing sending in a deal with matching salary and bonus money, pal?!  The league has always has a cap to bonus money saying you can not exceed 50% of the salary!

Now I contacted that Agent Steve Douchenhiemer and he told me that it was supposed to be a 3MM salary, and then a $3MM off-season bonus payment, and then an extra year at $8MM and no in-season bonus money at all should have been in the paperwork, but in the end you send me this hot pile of migraine soup and tried to lock in before we could hash things out, now Daddy has to spank!

In the end, you make out a little too easy their Shirley Q, because had your little contract been legal, you'd be over the salary cap by $100K, and that would've cost you a big $5MM this year and next year... but today's your lucky day as fate would have it, I guess you must have some sort of rabbit foot hidden somewhere in those pants, because your illegal contract can't hit the books in this state.

That being said, I'm still fining you for an illegal contract submission AND for trying to lock in with less than the required 53 man roster as a result of said snafu.

So all together you're paying $4MM from your bonus fund, and you probably need to get your contract right with Kurtis Coughlin, send it in properly and you're good to go, hot shot.



  Well Darlin'  after the $4MM fine you need to send to the league office, we're sitting at $2.9MM in salary and 7.75MM in bonus available.

I did reach out to Mr. Rosenhaus and he says after the embarrassment of the contract issue and us needing to move salary to bonus, he would accept a deal like this:   $2.5MM salary and $1MM bonus this season.  $3MM off-season bonus paid after the season ends, and then the $8MM salary for next season.

GM Franchise

I'm cool with all of that. I'll pay the fine, send in the updated contract, and then lock in. I need a drink after all this chaos. Broadway tonight for the win. I'll lock in after handling this.

GM Franchise

I sent all that to the league office. Send Rosenhaus an apology, I owe him after this fiasco. Let's lock in and hopefully there's no more drama. Broadway tonight, I'm there and then after the game too. Bring on the tequila...

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1. Talk about your teams performance this week and through out this first quarter of the season.

"We had a great victory in the last minute of the game over a division rival! Kudos to Atlanta for giving us a fight but it was a war of attrition that we came out victorious in. We had 498 yards of total offense and we've now won two games in a row which is exactly what we needed going into Myrtle Beach this week. Barger has been on fire the last two weeks, we've got our run game finally going, and the defense has been clutch. Things are going great! Well minus my league office fiasco which I apologize for since it won't happen again and the late breaking wire fraud investigation into one of our players but yeah, we're winning. That's what matters in the end. We'll talk internally about the investigation this week so it is dealt with promptly and quickly to limit the distractions on the field. We're trending upward which is what I said would happen when our backs were against the wall at 0-2. And Ryan Ryan is right, it was part of the Master Plan and than plan was all coaches and players. They're the hard workers on the field implementing strategies and game plans to win the game as a team. They deserve all the credit in the world for this win."

2. How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?

"Barger is rising in the ranks which is not surprising at all. He's going to show everyone that he is elite. Adams and Ryan being top ten in catches should surprise no one either. Cottrell being top ten in pancakes is great to see too. That trade we made for him is looking like it was a smart long term move for us. Speaking of that, my off-season moves are looking really good going by the stats so far this season. Anderson is having a great season so far on defense so he'd definitely be our unsung hero with honorable mention going to Slinger for her kick returns. They both are standing out to me right now. Our defensive line is very underrated as well. All of them are playing well. Also welcome Kurtis Coughlin to the team. We're glad to have you on board. Best wishes to Austin Browder on your injury recovery. We look forward to having you back next season."

3. Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

"This week we play the division leading Myrtle Beach Mastodons in a big game for both teams. They lost their first game last week and we're on a two game win streak with momentum. Losing momentum can be a bad thing for teams after a long win streak. Looking at stats both teams are very close in most categories on the stat sheet. The only real difference I'm seeing is in points for and points against. We need to flip that in order to win this game. After the game I'll be heading to The Bowery, 8th Avenue Tiki Bar, Wet Willie's, and the Hard Rock Cafe in Myrtle Beach ready to take over all night long. But first comes the game and it's going to be a close one but one we can win with by playing our style of game. We control the clock and limit turnovers to win this game."




The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Franchise

I'm really at a loss for words right now. I'm shocked by the passing of GM Black Death. I've known the man for close to twenty years so this one hits hard.

Our only real concern is the wire fraud investigation into Windy Mills. That's our only real issue and it could be a big one to deal with. Other than that we're good but I want the investigation to be handled swiftly so can move on. There's more important things going on in the world than that.




The league will be investigating, until then he is suspended.  Lucky for us, the signing of Coughlin moved him to the bottom of our depth chart anyways.

GM Franchise

That is true and it'll also allow Dillon to get some more playing time which I like. Signing Coughlin is looking like a genius move even with the LO disaster. We got him for next season too which is great. Let's keep going with The Master plan and see if we can't take over that top spot in the division after this week.




  El plan maestro.  Orale!

GM Franchise

Let's lock in since we can't do anything until the investigation is over anyway. I'm going to have a drink with some white women in honor of BD since that's one thing he was a big fan of. I prefer latinas but this week is different, this is real life so a switch up just this week as a tribute to my friend is the way to go. The league is mourning, let's treat this like it's a playoff game.

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.

GM Franchise

First and foremost this is a sad week for the league with the passing of BD. I've known him for years so finding about his passing was shocking. I've known him since the FBL days way back in the day and he will be missed by everyone. Now to the game. This was a great team victory that showed a lot of perseverance. We've taken the lead in the division and have a three game win streak which is great for us going forward. That's all players and coaches doing that. I'm very proud of how everyone on this team has been doing after our early season adversity. We are playing and winning as a team which is going to lead to a very successful season at this rate. Barger getting a broken finger isn't ideal and we wish him a speedy recovery. That said Santos Pond led us on multiple scoring drives in the fourth quarter so I'm very optimistic about our chances against Kansas City this week and Charlotte next week. Outscoring a division rival 16-0 after the game was tied at 17 is a huge deal and definitely is not being overlooked. Jackson rushing for over 100 yards definitely stands out and his running has brought a new dimension to this team. He's on pace right now for a big season which is very exciting. Mulkey catching two big touchdowns was huge for us too. The entire defense was clutch and locked down their offense after they tied the game. Everything is going good for us. We have two weeks until the bye week with two more big games. Our only real concern is the Windy Mills suspension. Other than that we're good to go. Kansas City has nothing to lose so we are definitely not looking past them. A team with nothing to lose is very dangerous but I'm confident that we can get the job done again this week.



  Hey boss!  Man you got to help me.   This investigation is crazy dude.  I mean I don't even know what they are accusing me of man.

GM Franchise

Yeah this investigation has thrown me off too. I definitely need to talk with the head of the investigation and find out exactly what's going on because it needs to get handled this week. I'll do what I can to help based on what I find out from them.




Ok cool!   I mean, one minute I'm donating and sponsoring Sydney's  soup kitchen thing and now I'm gettin' hit up by the FBI?!  What is this crap