

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:04:14 PM

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He's only 50/50 to play, unless you want to force him into the game no matter what.   

Not sure what we can do really, but The Mastodons offense has been potent so our defense has to be ready to shut them down.

GM Franchise

That's true. The defense has been good in the first halves but the second half has been an issue when we're losing but a lot of it is the offense getting off the field too quick on some drives which has led to them getting worn down. We can give Jamie more first team reps in practice to be safe.




You want to go with Jamie over Santos?

GM Franchise

Going by how it went last time, yes. He was a huge liability the last time we started him.


GM Franchise

Trade season is ongoing too so I'll see if I can get something done. If not we'll lock in and see how this week goes.



GM Franchise

We're just going to lock in. I'll switch up the QB2 and QB3 on the depth chart as well.

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Depth Chart change: QB2 - Jamie Barger, QB3 - Santos Pond

Lock in.

GM Franchise

*GM Franchise casually struts to the podium with a big grin on his face.*

"Sugar and spice, and everything nice. We all as GMs like myself have the opportunity every week to talk about the greatest talent in the world competing here in the HIFL. We also have the time to stand up here with you as well as talk about our business lives and in our private lives. Now I'm going to try and be calm at the first part of this. I was going to keep it real cool, real low key. But then I saw the breaking news that Milwaukee fired GM Powers and it made me reflect on the past that led me here to the wonderful place known as Music City."

*He reaches into his podium and pulls out a chalice that he puts on the podium next to the microphone.*

"This chalice is for the tears of all the Milwaukee fans who were calling for my firing a season and a half ago. There's no crying about this. There's no crying I said but those fans cried. I wouldn't have cried but they cried. I'll give you something to cry about because let me put it to you this way. Since I got traded along with Shaquille Carrier and two picks for Daniel Tate here's what happened since then. I hired the interim Milwaukee coach and then won a Division Title as well won a Playoff Game. What did they get? More mediocrity and a drunk clown getting fired after embarrassing the team. GM Lost His Powers was a really good hire. Maybe y'all will show me some respect after this considering the team was on the rise until we had a bad luck streak. Who won that trade? Music City because it's been the opposite of Milwaukee. It's been successful."

*GM Franchise puts the chalice back in the podium.*

"Now that the smack talk part of this press conference is over this leads me to our game this week. Why is this team successful? Not because of me but because of the coaches and the players. I'm just the GM. I'm not of the field like Dario who's kicking field goals just to keep from being on the chopping block.  Just kidding...not. But props to him for helping us out by beating Atlanta. Anyway this week showed why I will back up my players and coaches every week. We got a huge division victory over Myrtle Beach. Rushing the ball for over 200 yards and locking them down when it mattered most showed that this team is the real deal. This team is a division leader and for us to put up forty points on them is a huge deal for this team at this point in the season. This victory should give us the momentum that we need going into the biggest part of the season. Congratulations to Bill McWhorter on his 100 yard rushing game and Shaquille Carrier on his monster game. Good game GM Gooch but this week was the Kings to win. Coming up we have another big game against Cleveland who need a win. I saw what GM Wayne said in his press conference and he's correct, his team needs a win this week. The only thing he forgot is that we need a win too. We're one win out from the division lead and we'll be coming out guns blazing to win this week. One week at a time and this is another game we need to win. I believe in the players and coaches on this team. They are motivated to win it all this season and that is my goal. I may be the biggest drinker and partier GM but at least I do I come here acting a fool. I'm here to win and I proved that last season. Actually scratch that, I didn't prove it the team did. They're on the field week after week playing at an elite level. I believe in this team and you should too. It's the Kings time now and we're heading g straight to the top to win the crown that's long overdue for this franchise to win. I believe and soon all of you will too...Believe."




Get the brooms out, because that was a season SWEEP!

GM Franchise

Hell yeah! Getting the sweep over the Dons is huge for us especially when tie breakers play a factor later in the season. I think we're in a very good position going forward. Our only real issues are points scored, turnovers, and missed blocks. Everything else is looking really good.




Orale, we have some things to be proud of, but obviously we have to clean a lot of things up too.

GM Franchise

That's very true. Missed blocks are a big problem but scoring forty points alleviates us being last in points scored which should change really quickly if we minimize turnovers which is the other issue.




Yeah, for sure

GM Franchise

Let's lock in, I think we're good for this week if we continue doing the offense like we did last week. That was a massive improvement. Keep up the good work, Coach! You and your coaching staff are doing a tremendous job.

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.

GM Franchise

"I'm going to keep it cool this week and not go on a rant but this was not a good week at all. There's no way we can win a game when we go down 41-0. I know I haven't been the best GM with my past history but I don't think any team I've been in charge of has gone down 41-0 in any game ever. We allowed 321 rushing yards with Fields getting 177 of that which was the difference in the game. Other than that it was even stats wise if you look which makes the score even more ridiculous. The rushing yards allowed was completely unacceptable. This game was like quicksand. The players were playing and it was going fine. Then came the second quarter where it went from ten nothing to thirty eight nothing by halftime. Then one thing goes wrong, then another, and then another. You try to fight back and close the score but the harder you fight the deeper you sink. By then you can't move or breathe like being in quicksand. That sums up this game. But rest assured, we will move on from this game and use it as motivation to make the playoffs. This will not be a weekly occurrence. I still believe in this team and the players on it. Congratulations to Justin Fields on winning player of the week. You earned it. That said, we'll see you again later this season and my advice is to not expect a repeat performance because we will lock you down in the playoffs when we meet again. Now with the trade deadline coming up I'm going to be looking at all options. I might make moves, I might not make any moves. I can either stand pat or take a chance and risk it all. You just don't know what I'm going to do which makes me very unpredictable. Being unpredictable is how I'm treating this. I don't know what will happen but we'll see what happens. Don't underestimate my ability to cause massive destruction and chaos if I need to. However, in all scenarios, rest assured that this team is going out with fire the rest of this season."




That was embarrassing, after riding the high of beating Myrtle Beach, we lose to those clowns in Cleveland.. disgusting.

GM Franchise

Agreed about all of that. I had to keep restraint on during the press conference but that performance pissed me off. I know the players are better than that but it didn't happen. We go to Alabama this week and unless we open up the biggest can of whoop ass ever on them we'll likely have to win out to make the playoffs.




Orale, we have to win more than Myrtle Beach does or we're left holding the bag.  This conference is so tight this year, hell man, we're 1 game out of last place and 1 game out of first place in the division.  We're two games out of the wild card and only 2 games ahead of being the last ranked team in the conference all at the same time... its Crazy.

We can only control what we can control though, so lets beat these pendejos!

GM Franchise

Very true. Every team is in control of its own destiny at this point with how close the conferences and divisions are. We might need a spark via trade. I might be looking at doing a trade or two if possible to add some additional firepower that could possibly take us to the next level.




Sounds good Jefe, make it happen.




Alright, with the deadline passed we just focus on what we have in front of us.   Lets do it.

GM Franchise

Yep, that's accurate. I got us an upgrade in the o-line so hopefully we don't have any more QB injuries this season. Plus that plays into next season. How Barger does will determine a lot about our direction long term.




Lets hope for the best.  I will keep working to make him into what he was last year.

GM Franchise

Sounds good. Let's go silence the doubters. Go Kings!

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.


GM Franchise

This was another tough week for us. The game with Alabama was close but they took over in the fourth quarter which was the difference in the ball game. Larry Ho having his first one hundred yard game was a highlight for us. Carrier, Anderson, and Caldwell played great as well. We also had 400 yards of offense which makes the result even more shocking. Right now we need wins and this week we play DC who are at the top of the conference with a 9-2 record. I heard what GM Justin had to say and he needs to worry more about his team keeping that top spot instead of making jokes that'll get his egocentric self fined. Go back to circus, clown. Anyway back to the topic at hand. I'm ready to get this team rolling like a freight train headed straight to the top of the rankings. The fire will rise and we will be at the top once again. We just need momentum to get it done.




We have to right the ship before Myrtle Beach pulls away with the division title. I got nothing to change, we just need to beat DC.

GM Franchise

Agreed, we need this win otherwise it's not looking good. Keep doing your thing, let's lock in and open up a can of whoop ass.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

Yet again another tough loss for us against a good team. After it was tied at the half they took over and that last interception cost us in the end. I'm proud of how the team played. Again we got over 400 yards of offense, had more First Downs, less penalties, and led the time of possession but we didn't win on the scoreboard and again had more turnovers than the opposing team. We're doing almost everything right except for winning. In the good news Barger had a 400 yard game with an above 100 passer rating, Adams & Ryan had outstanding games receiving the ball, and Anderson had a big game on defense. However we need wins the rest of the way in order to make the playoffs. That starts this week against Lincoln. They're 8-3-1 and currently in the playoff hunt so this again is not going to be an easy game for us but I'm confident we can win this game. I still believe in this team. We just need the wins to get some momentum going.




Sons of Bitches! Well, we can not lose anymore or we are out.  Time to get our crap together, Orale??

GM Franchise

Orale, amigo. We've got to get it together. We're doing everything but winning. Definitely time to get aggressive and take no prisoners on the field from here on out.




Orale, that's what I like to here.  Lets fucking go!  Time to take whats ours!

GM Franchise

Hell yeah! Let's dominate and destroy!

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in.

GM Franchise

This was one of the worst games that I've ever seen and that's putting it mildly. Going down 52-0 in the game where our season is legitimately on the line is a disgrace. It's a disgrace to our fans, to our owner, to the city, and all the staff that work for this team. McWhorter, Adams, Carrier, Draper, Smith, Marvin, Maggard, and Dillon did stand out but there wasn't much else. This was a disaster so bad that it was on the level of us calling in FEMA to clean it up. There's going to be a lot of decisions to make this off-season but I've already got a very good idea about a game plan. That said we still have games to play this season and I want to win those games. I'm sick of losing and I hope that I'm not alone with that mindset. Let's end this season on a good note after this abomination of a game. I want a win this week, bottom line.




I'm glad you said it how it was, the locker room needed to hear that response to such an embarrassing performance.

GM Franchise

I'm glad they hear it loud and clear because it seems like we need to clean house if some of them continue to not take the games seriously. We should be in the hunt for the playoffs not bottom feeding with the other cellar dwellers. Definitely not happy about the lack of fire the team showed on the field in a must win game.




Me either jefe, Me either.

GM Franchise

At this point we play the spoiler for Orlando this week. After that we play Atlanta and Charlotte to see who's last in the division. I want to win two out of those three games minimum. Fuck those teams, let's get some damn wins and then go from there as far as the players are concerned. Jefe gonna go nuclear if we lose out after this. Go Kings, kick ass and raise some hell on the field to end this season!

Player rotations: Mostly starters
Playcalling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Lock in for rest of season.



1. From 10-6 a year ago as division champions to 5-11 and nowhere near the playoffs; what happened?

2. What was one thing you feel like you would change about your off-season if you could?

3. You just gave James Barger a massive contract, how do you move forward? Is he the QB of the future for this team?


GM Franchise

1. From 10-6 a year ago as division champions to 5-11 and nowhere near the playoffs; what happened?

"We lost a lot of close games that we won last season. That definitely was a big factor in this. The fourth quarter was not good to us this season. Also have a tough schedule had a lot to do with it too. If I'm not mistaken most of our opponents this season were playoff teams. To me this season was a big missed opportunity for us. I'm pissed off about how things went this season. I know we're better than this and I'm already planning on going for the jugular this off-season to get us back to being a division winning contender."

2. What was one thing you feel like you would change about your off-season if you could?

"Probably re-signing Dale Bright. That definitely would be the one thing I'd change. Focusing on what else to change isn't a good way to go into the off-season."

3. You just gave James Barger a massive contract, how do you move forward? Is he the QB of the future for this team?

"Right now everything is on the table as far as quarterback and everything else goes. Expect me to be the most aggressive I've ever been to move forward to answer your question. I'm sick of losing and I damn sure want people here who want to get this franchise a championship. We're win now going forward. This losing crap ends now, bottom line. That sums up everything team related including Barger's contract and future. I want this season to be an anomaly compared to every other season I'm here."




I like the sound of us being aggressive and not settling on this mediocre season, jefe.  Lets start that plan of attack after the Impact Bowl.  Orale!

GM Franchise

Hell yeah we're going to be aggressive. I want to win the Impact Bowl and I'm sick of losing. It's time to open up a can of whoop ass and get it done.




Orale, well this is the time.  I think you're going into the final year of your contract right?  Lets show the boss why you should get that Bag this off-season.

GM Franchise

Agreed. I will do whatever is needed to right this ship and if I need to cut, trade, or amnesty players I will do it with no hesitation. This is the year to get the bag and what happened this season won't happen again.




Orale Guey!  Lets fucking go.   

Alright hermano, you do what you got to do, I'll see you later in the off-season.

GM Franchise

Hell yeah! I'll see you next season and again great job this season. Have fun on vacation!


Princess, before I talk to the owner there's a player or two I'd like to get re-signed before we go on vacation. Can you get me in touch with Anthony or Meadow Campanelli, whichever one is taking the calls, about their client G Anthony MacLean.


Hello, nice to speak with you again. I traded for your client G Anthony MacLean earlier this season and I'd like to sign him to a long term contract to play here. Would 3 years for $5MM work to keep him here in Music City?




GM Franchise, you're right where we want to be to keep Anthony here in Music City.   Forget about it.

GM Franchise

Pleasure doing business with you as always.


Princess, one last call before I meet with the owner. Can you get me in touch with Steve Rosenhaus about his client K Bryan Weber please, thank you.


Steve, nice to speak with you again. I'd like to keep your client K Bryan Weber here in Music City. My initial offer is 2 years for $2MM. Does that work to keep him here?