

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:05:29 PM

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GM Rinaldi

*GM Rinaldi enters the press conference room, his suit and hair now completely wet, having just likely celebrated with champagne with his team over the fact that they just clinched a playoff berth for the first time under him. He walks over to the table and excitedly slaps the table before he takes a seat and runs his hands through his wet hair.*

"It was looking a little touch-and-go there but goddamn it feels good to be us right now! For the first time since I became GM of this franchise, first time in this franchise's history, we are heading to the playoffs! I want to thank our fans for their support all season and I look forward to seeing them travel to see us for our first playoff game.

Let's get to your questions."

"What stood out to you about your team this week?"

"Those two pick-sixes stood out the most to me. Walston's gave us the lead and Moya's put the game on ice. Our offense can win us games but I believe when our defense is on point it can win us championships. We've got as good of a chance as everyone this season. Why not us?"

"Who has to step up this weekend in your eyes?"

"We might sit some starters due to already clinching playoffs and being unable to clinch the division anymore. We'll see. If we do that I'd like to see the guys who don't get that much playing time step up."

"What does the final season mean for you and your team?"

"Means we get to watch other teams scramble for a playoff spot while we have ours. Means we have the luxury of resting guys should we choose to do so."


We can celebrate in a minute. Let's talk right now. What would you like for us to do this week? Rest some starters to avoid injuries or try to split the season vs Sydney and ruin their chances at the 1 seed?"



Its the age old question; I've seen one-seeds struggle in the playoffs but we've also seen them run the table..  I'm not sure how the seeding will play out, but if we beat Sydney and they dont win the 1-seed, do we want to play them again next week possibly?  ...up to you boss man.

GM Rinaldi

"We would get Vancouver if we win and I'll be honest with you, I think a 10 is much nicer to look at in the win column than a 9. Let's just do what got us here and deal with any possible consequences later."

No changes.


GM Rinaldi

"Talk about the final week of the regular season and this week's match up."

"It was beautiful sending those Stingray fans home sad. I think it was a game that woke everyone up and let them know that at our best, which wasn't even this, we can beat anyone in this league. The Stingrays are good and are deserving winners of the division, but I believe that if we see them for a third time, in these playoffs, we will send them home packing.

That being said, our focus is now on the Vancouver Wolfpack and we are out for revenge. If you can remember earlier in the season, Vancouver absolutely obliterated us. But that was early in the season, before we had made our moves. It was before our starting QB had gotten his feet wet and gotten a feel of the pro game. I don't expect a similar result this week. I expect us to give Vancouver all it can handle, and I expect us to win.

If we do send Vancouver home, I am kindly asking that I be allowed to view the meeting between GM Lucas and his owner so I can see how he explains going so far over the cap and delivering NOTHING."

"What will it take for this team to win the Impact Bowl?"

"It'll take what it'll take every single team, playing our best on both sides of the ball. Our defense has to give us the performances we saw against St. Paul, Long Beach, and even Sydney down this stretch. Our offense has to prove that it's a top half of the league offense and get the ball rolling, whether that's in the air or on the ground.

We need to play our very best if we want to be considered the very best."

"Great win vs the Stingrays to close out the season, coach. Unfortunately, Dobson is not going to be able to play this week. I'm not sure if I am 100% confident in Joe Spear or Rusty Leung starting for us. Would throwing in someone like Scarborough at that position, despite it not being their go-to position be a better option or should we give one of these guys a shot and hope for the best?"



I think we'd need to throw Scarborough in there in this situation, we need the best talent on the field especially when it comes to blocking.

GM Rinaldi

"Scarborough it is. Everything else can be kept the same. I'd give the team a speech before their first playoff game, but I think I'd rather save it in case we make a run. Good luck out there. Let's send those Vancouver fans home unhappy."

Move Wilson Scarborough to LT1 for this week. No other changes to the depth chart.


GM Rinaldi

"Talk about the game this week.  What went right and what ultimately went wrong?"

"What went right is our run game was able to expose their lack of linebacker depth with some very good runs. I believe both our running backs finished with over 80 yards each and we averaged over 5 yards per carry. That was very crucial in putting us in a position to win.

What went wrong is that we lost to a team that was on our level. Sometimes things don't go your way and things didn't go our way. Vancouver is a good team, we're a good team. Sometimes you're gonna lose to a good team when you're a good team as well. Were there mistakes? Sure, but both teams made those. They gave us short field with a fumble early on that allowed us to score. We gave them opportunities to take the lead while holding a 10 point lead at some point.

A tough loss to swallow, but hopefully one we can grow from and use as a chip on our shoulder for next season."

"When you look back on this season, what are some of the words you would use to describe the season?"

"Incredible. I think we expected to be in the thick of the playoff race but to win 10 games and be the top wildcard team felt like we exceeded expectations. We came so very close to our first playoff win and making the divisional round. We did incredible. We could have done better but for our first winning season, I can't complain."

"Who was your best player this season?"

"Plenty of our guys deserve to be shouted out but Shawn Simon was extremely clutch for us. He busted his ass and while he had a bad game or two, he'd pick himself right back up afterwards.

He showed a lot of toughness as we watched him come back out there with a fractured arm just to try and get us past the wildcard round. I think he deserves his flowers, but I think guys like Havlock, Owens, and Fox all did a great job and are just as deserving."

"Grade the job you did this season as well as that of your coaching staff."

"I give my coaching staff an A. I think they did a great job with the talent I acquired for them this season after leaving them with a half empty cupboard the past two seasons. Some people likely thought it was the coaching fault that we kept losing this game, but with a team that needed more talent they still managed to scrape a few wins. Hell, they even had around a dozen games they lost by one score or less. If they had the talent we had this season the last two seasons, this coaching staff would be on its 3rd straight playoff appearance. They have been superb and if I am brought back as GM I will be bringing them back.

As for me I give myself a B+. I believe I did a very good job in the draft by grabbing who I think should be the Offensive Rookie of the Year in Dominic Owens to play QB for us. I managed to secure the services of Jackson Havlock in free agency and I managed to trade for the best WR in the league and a first ballot hall of famer in Shawn Simon. I made some in-season acquisitions like Isaiah Simmons and Marquise Hines that helped us down the stretch.

However, there was some league office mishap earlier in the season and I did have to go over budget to make up this team and it brought me no playoff wins. So I think I did a good job but not a great job and I feel a B+ is fair."

"What is next for you and this club?"

"What's next for this club is hopefully many, many successful seasons ahead. What's next for me? I don't know.

I spoke with Mr. Masrani earlier in the season and he mentioned something about working out a new deal so I'm sure those talks will continue. Are other teams in the mix? I haven't gotten a call yet so I'm not sure. I'm a free agent soon so I'm gonna listen to all offers because I always like to do my due diligence. I think if the Pearl Harbor offer is good enough though, I will likely be back. I really like this city and this team and even if this is it for me here, I'm proud of what's been accomplished. It's not been much, but we've laid down the foundation for years to come.

Thank you for your questions. See you guys next season, hopefully."


Well, we fell short, but holy shit.  That was Predators football offensively.  We showed what we are capable of and I think we proved to the world that Dom is the real deal.

GM Rinaldi

"Our guys fought their asses off and Dominic was a grand slam pick. Couldn't be more proud, coach. Hopefully I can get a new contract here and bring you and your staff back. If not, then we'll see."


Looking forward to the chance to continue this journey boss, we're not that far off.

GM Rinaldi

"We've got a great window. Let's hope ownership thinks the same. I'll speak to you again soon, coach. Enjoy some time off. You deserve it."

"Diana, is Mr. Masrani available to speak?"


Dante, I challenged you this season. I asked to see your vision come through, to prove that the struggles we endured were not in vain; and you did just that. 

I am proud of the job you have done building our franchise, and I am extending a new contract offer to you today.  Three years, $3MM per season and each playoff appearance we make will increase your contract by $500K

GM Rinaldi

"This is a very good offer, sir. It shows to me that you do have faith in my abilities to build this team up into a title contender. However, I would not be me if I didn't hear out every possible offer there could be on the table. If there is an offer out there that beats this I will give you a chance to match it, if you wish.

But as of right now I would like to respectfully explore the market."



I cannot force you to sign.. lets hope you see the light and return.

GM Rinaldi

"I appreciate you respecting my decision, sir."



Yes.  Of course.  We will speak again soon I hope.  Enjoy your birthday.


Oh hey, welcome back to Jurassic World!

I currently have us with $33.95MM in available salary cap and $29MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff which is currently completely empty.

I have us with 21 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our draft picks as follows for S16:

3rd - PH
7th - PH
7th - MICH

We have all of our own draft picks for S17; and all of our own picks for S18.

We currently owe $356K in taxes payable from our off-season bonus fund or deferable until S16's bonus fund.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $4MM ($4MM from your GM Contract + $0 from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!

GM Rinaldi

"Thanks for the information, Diana. Let's get Coach Patrick McCarthy back in here so we can sign him to a new contract."

"Well, Coach McCarthy, I told you I'd bring you back here if I got my extension and I did so here we are. Now last three seasons you were being paid $13MM per season so I'd like to bump it to $14MM per season for the next 3 seasons. How do you feel about that?"


GM Rinaldi

"Perfect. I have put it into the league office.

Now let's talk about the coaching staff. I'd like for us to spend more on defense and less on offense. I feel that with you as the head coach, we don't need a deep offensive coaching staff as you can take over playcalling on that side. What do you think about that?"



I agree.  We can fun as low as $3-4MM on offense and focus whatever you'd like on defense to maximize our capabilities.

GM Rinaldi

"How about $4MM on offense and $9MM on defense? Can you work with that?"



Absolutely. I'm happy with that.

GM Rinaldi

"Diana, could you get me Anthony Campanelli on the line?"

"Mr. Campanelli, hope all is well with you and the family. I am calling you about Ricky Highwater. We really liked what he did as our RB2 last season and would like to give him a new contract and bring him back. I'm offering a 2 year deal at $2MM per year. We anywhere close to the number you're looking for?"


Ricky has starter hopes going forward, but I also understand that might not be in the cards right away.. he's wanting 8-9MM a year and a starting job, but lets circle back once the market settles more.

GM Rinaldi

"Fair enough. We'll keep in touch during free agency."




Hi there, I have us with $17.3MM and $1.5MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Rinaldi

"I have the same. Thanks for checking the numbers, Diana."

GM Rinaldi

"Diana, could you get me Miss Molina on the line?"

"Miss Molina, it's GM Rinaldi. I am still interested in bringing Neil Wray to the Pearl Harbor Predators. Will a 2 year deal at $2MM per year do the trick to get him to sign?"


GM Rinaldi

"Perfect. While I still have you on the line, has Kyle Foster found a new home yet? If not I'd like to offer a 1 year deal at $1.5MM again."


GM Rinaldi

"Pleasure doing business with you."

"Diana, could you please get me punter Brian McCoy's agent on the line? I don't see an actual agent listed so is he self-represented?"


GM Rinaldi

"Aloha to you as well, Mr. Crain. We'd like to bring in your client Brian McCoy to be our punter for the season. I'm offering a 1 year deal at $750K. Can we make that work?"



Brian THE BRAIN McCoy is lookin for $1.25MM

GM Rinaldi

"We can make that work for 1 year. That good with you?"


GM Rinaldi

"Looking forward to seeing what your client can do in a Pearl Harbor uniform. Appreciate doing business with you."

"Diana, could you get me Mr. Rosenhaus on the line?"

"Mr. Rosenhaus, I'd like to talk about your client FS Joseph Hunt. Has he found a home yet and if not, would a 1 year deal at $1.5MM be enough to bring him to Pearl Harbor?"



We'll take that deal, baby!

GM Rinaldi

"Perfect. We're also still interested in LB Willie Gass. How's about a 1 year deal at $1.5MM for him as well?"


GM Rinaldi

"Pleasure doing business with you."

"Diana, could you get me Mr. Campanelli on the line?"

"Ciao, Mr. Campanelli. I'm interested in bringing in G Anthony MacLean to the Pearl Harbor Predators. I'm offering a 2 year deal at $2MM per year. What do you say?"


GM Rinaldi

"Appreciate doing business with you."

"Diana, please get me Mr. Eli Harris on the phone."

"Mr. Harris, we're interested in bringing in wide receiver Kennith Whitaker to our team. How does a 1 year deal at $1.5MM sound?"


GM Rinaldi

"Appreciate it. Have a good one."

"Diana, one more call. Get me Mr. Maker on the line?"

"Mr. Maker, we're in the market for a backup QB and are interested in Kenny Kemp for that role. How does a 2 year deal at $2MM per year sound to you?"



We'll sign that for a year, but there is definitely more money on the table next off-season.

GM Rinaldi

"Works for us. Pleasure doing business with you."