

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:05:29 PM

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GM Anelli

Okay. Let us hope these changes help them find who we thought they would be in our defense.

DT1 - Aron Rosenbaum
DT2 - Clyde Scott

MLB - Donald Walston
LOLB - Patrick Fox

Lock In

GM Anelli

Good afternoon everybody. I have seen the reported rumor that we missed out on a significant trade target. To say that we missed out would mean that we were involved in any way. We were not and I have to wonder if a deeper look into the business practices of some of the other General Managers is needed. I will not say any more but it is interesting when you inquire about the availability of players and are told they are not available, only to find that they were available. I would hate to think that certain General Managers are in collusion with one another but the evidence may indicate that this is true.

A victory over the Mariachis did help to improve my mood but even that win was not the sort that anyone would expect out of a team with the amount of talent that we have on this roster. Dallas is rebuilding and if it were not for late game heroics we, a team with playoff aspirations, would have lost. We are thankful to have the win, but nobody should feel as though we are performing at a satisfactory level currently.

Now, we prepare to face the Cancun Mutineers and it is my hope that we find our form and spoil the home fans day with a sound beating on both sides of the football. We are capable, but we must play like we believe we are capable.



Its tough to see us trade a guy like Hines to the team we're playing this week.

GM Anelli

I understand, and I do not expect that kind of trade to be commonplace going forward. But as you said coming out of training camp in your comments on the roster, if we are not performing to the level we expect then we must think about what changes need to be made. I believe that changes needed to be made in order to achieve long term success at the level which we want. I believe you to be direct, Coach Ito. Looking at the way we have performed this season, prior to these moves did this team feel like a legitimate championship contender? From where I sit the answer is clearly no.



No, I agree.  Its just going to be hard to play against Hines a week after he was in our starting line up.  He's a talented player and he has relationships with a lot of the players. 

We got a great haul for him, so I understand.

GM Anelli

I understand your perspective as well. Especially as a defensive minded coach it is tough to see a quality player leave and we definitely sent players with talent out this week. I acknowledge that. In the short term we may have taken a step back but long term I believe the reset will provide the dividends we are hoping for.

So here is what my thinking is with our base defense but I'm interested in your thoughts as well.

RDE: Sean Pope
DT1: Aron Rosenbaum
DT2: Graham Lynch
LDE: Isaiah Simmons

ROLB: Patrick Fox
MLB: John Judge
LOLB: Anteros Jackson

CB1: Richard Dejesus
CB2: Cory Taylor

FS: Eric Moya
SS: Dave Funk

My thought with Judge in the middle of the defense is that he gives us a strong run stopping presence since we've struggled to stop the run this season. I had also thought about a package that drops Anteros back into coverage as a safety and then could provide for some playing time for Provost. Maybe do that in dime sets and have Provost sub in for Judge?



I think those are good ideas. Jackson might give us more than Funk anyways.

GM Anelli

Okay. Lets go with that as our base defense and then in dime and nickel sets have Anteros drop back to strong safety.

From one beach to another halfway across the globe. Let's have some fun and play a little loose this week.

Lock in for Cancun

GM Anelli

That was a very tough way to lose a football game. I will take responsibility for the mix up with not assigning our new running back Jacob York to see the field. Daniel Collins gave his best effort as he has all season but a young man with the kind of speed that Jacob York has may have made the difference and in the flurry of the trade moves we have made, I overlooked updating our depth charts and strategy on the offensive side of the ball. That is on me. Our defense performed admirably, though, even with all of the changes that were made. I give Mr. Ito all of the credit in the world for gameplanning, and to our guys for going out and playing tough.

We ended up coming up just a few inches short as the clock ran out. It is heartbreaking but we will grow from this and get better.

Doubling the difficult news was the learning that Cory Taylor was injured as he answered Coach Ito's challenge. I am proud of Cory for his willingness to work hard to get better, and disappointed for him that this injury occurred. We still have high hopes for him and will do everything to aid his recovery.



...A tough week.  I'm sorry none of us caught the York slip up. 

GM Anelli

That's my job, not your responsibility. I am the one who owes you the apology. We will get it right this week.

I thought Anteros played very well in his new role, and our defense as a unit performed admirably. But let's move on to this week. How do you think Sydney measures up to Cancun comparatively? Are they a tougher challenge in your eyes?


Sydney has an efficient QB which is their strength, but they've played hot potato at RB lately, so it looks like they're GM doesn't trust the talent on the roster. 

Defensively their 12th ranked run D is their strength, but their corners are both high on the league INT list so their aggression is a key to the game.  They can wreck the game or they can slip up and give us big plays.  This is Dominic Owens' game to win for us.

GM Anelli

I'm glad to hear that as I have a decision to make regarding his contract soon. I have seen flashes of brilliance from him but also times in big moments where he has seemed to fade away. Do you think he still has room to grow or is he close to his ceiling as a player where what we see is what we're going to get?



I think he has the potential to continue to grow, but I also think his development rate is slower than we had thought.

GM Anelli

Is there a reason for that? Is it an effort issue? A morale issue?



His morale is great, I think if I had to classify it, I think it's just that his motor isn't as high octane as some others. He's not a guy driven by competition.

GM Anelli

That's unfortunate to hear in your Quarterback but, if he can show he can win games when it matters or at least put on performances worthy of a win, then you live with it I guess.

Alright well, lets see how it goes this week with Sydney.

Put Jacob York as RB1, Daniel Collins as RB2, William Holloman as RB3

Lock In

GM Anelli

Little brother has a mouth on him talking about if if if he had done all these things they would have won by 20. I would argue that we would have won by 50 if Dominic had not broken his finger early on in the game. If's do not matter. All that matters is what we do and on the football field, in spite of 7 turnovers, we still made you our son. If you can't win games on the road, in the division or in the conference then I do not want to hear you speak anymore.


At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

I am pleased with our placement in the division especially after making the decision to focus not just on this season, but on the long term future of the team. We traded a number of talented players on the defensive side of the football and even with spotting the Stingrays 7 turnovers they still could not outdo our defense. It is hard to complain about anything at the moment. With seven games left to play we have the opportunity to compete for the division and for the playoffs.

There are two individuals I think I would say are the biggest surprises based off of some things I had been told during the scouting process and that is Joe Wilcox and Richard DeJesus. Both men were critiqued sharply on certain aspects of their game, but both have stepped up for us and without them I do not know where our team would be.

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

It might sound crazy, but after the seven interception performance I'm going to say Dominic. I was proud of the grit and determination he showed. That's leading by example on how to keep grinding when things aren't going your way, and also how to let the previous plays mistake go and keep giving your all. Yes, we can't be throwing 7 interceptions going forward but I think we learned a lot about the character of Dom and you can't place a value on that.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

A solid B+. He has had to deal with a lot of turnover that I'm sure he was not anticipating but he has continued to be a steady, guiding hand. The guys are always prepared, always giving 100% and that starts with his leadership.


Hey boss, I just wanted to apologize for the performance. I just really didn't want to come out of the game and thought I'd be able to adjust to the finger being busted, but I put the team in danger with my turnovers and I just wanted to own it and apologize.

GM Anelli

Water under the bridge. We got the win in part because of the plays you did make. In the future, though, lets trust the other guys in the QB room to carry the load if you get banged up like this.

More important now is for you to heal up. And I mean heal up. I don't want to see you under center again until the doctors give you a clean bill of health.


Loud and clear.  The doc told me post game that by playing with it that badly damaged I could've ended my season or altered my career permanently so yeah, I won't put it out there at risk.

GM Anelli

Good man. We'll hold down the fort while you're recovering.

Diana, I'm going to need to speak with Mike Maker but I am having a bit of trouble deciphering which rookie contract guidelines I should be using for his 4th year option. I have seen some information that says just to add 5 million to his current deal, but then I see other things where we are supposed to use the updated rookie wage scale and I want to make sure I am doing things properly. Will you help me out here?


Sorry for the confusion Mr. Anelli,  but as a S15 draft pick, being the 10th overall pick in that draft the contract would be an additional $4.5MM for next season, not $5MM as in years prior to that draft.

That being said, with his current total wages of $7MM, the contract would be for a total of $11.5MM but you can split some of that off into bonus money as long as it complies with the rules that the bonus does not exceed 50% of the salary.

GM Anelli

Grazie, Diana. Would you please get Mike Maker for me then.

Mr. Maker, I would like to extend Dominic Owens contract and my secretary has informed me of the finances for his rookie option, but I am curious if you have a figure in mind for a longer contract. A 4 year contract worth 13.5 million per season was what I was thinking as an initial offer.



Well here's the thing.  I'm looking at comps to my man Dominic.

#1 overall pick Derek Rogers got 7 years at $26MM per season.
#6 overall pick Micah Larkin got 10 years at $22MM per season.
hell, even #41 overall pick James Barger got 5 years at $40MM per season.

If we want to comp with the a similar situation go back to the S13 draft.

#1 overall pick AJ Campanelli signed for 5 years at $24MM fully guaranteed
#6 overall pick Thomas Maldonado signed for 5 years at 20MM with incentives and escalators with a potential for 30MM in the final year.
and #8 overall pick JD Corrales signed for 3 years at $19MM per season.

With all that said, as the 3rd QB taken in the S15 draft, I'd like to start our figures at 5 years and $20MM per season.

GM Anelli

Those figures are fine but I'd like to add a mutual option after year 3 that way if Dominic fails to meet expectations it allows the organization the ability to get out from under a contract of this size, and if he exceeds expectations it enables him to get a deserved raise. Is this acceptable for you?



So 3 years, $20MM with a mutual option for an additional 2 years at $20MM?  I'll give you that.

GM Anelli

Fantastico, Mr. Maker. Pleasure doing business.

Diana, I need to speak with Coach Ito please.

Coach, with Dominic being out likely for a couple of weeks I was wondering if you feel content with the Quarterbacks currently on the roster. I had made an offer to try and bring in a vet but was told that he did not want to come for a short stint as our starter.

If we are to stick with what we have, is Thomas Alexander the better of the two options? I know he can be a bit reckless with the football.


There are three back up QBs I would be interested in if you managed to acquire them, Shaun Day in Myrtle Beach.  Timothy Manning in Seattle, and Will Trevino in Amsterdam.  All three would be solid options for us for a short stint with insurance in case Dominic goes down again.

When it comes to the free agents available, I think we're better off staying in house with Thomas Alexander. While he is a little reckless with his accuracy, his arm strength, IQ, and position skill are all far superior to Miller.  Meanwhile, Miller is highly accurate but he's very unrefined so while he could develop into a future contributor, right now I think barring injury its too soon to throw him in when we're trying to compete.

GM Anelli

I will see what I can do. We have a very difficult schedule ahead of us so it would be important for us to have a Quarterback who takes care of the football under center.

Is there anything that I can do to help the team during the bye week?



Nothing is required on my end. We should have a productive week and get guys some much needed rest.

GM Anelli

We have added a few new pieces now, Coach. I hope getting this done over the bye week will help the guys get acclimated.



Absolutely.  We have already gotten them playbooks and are working to integrate them into the system.

GM Anelli

Excellent. Enjoy your break then. I will keep the phone lines open regarding trades and such. We will speak again soon.

Diana, please call Mike Maker again for me.

Mr. Maker, I am interested in extending the contract of Luis Gustafson. Would a 5 year contract extension worth 5.5 million meet yours and your clients expectations?



You have a deal.  Much obliged.

GM Anelli

Thank you.

Diana, please have Shaun Day visit my office when he arrives.

Mr. Day, I wished to welcome you to Pearl Harbor. GM Gooch spoke highly of you as did Coach Ito when I asked who he thought would be capable of filling in for Dominic while he is recovering from his injury. Your name was the first he mentioned.


It's good to know I was the guy Coach Ito wanted and not a consolation prize.   Appreciate the opportunity to start and help this team.  You'll get my A game.

GM Anelli

Excellent. I will let you get to know the staff and your teammates here. Good to meet you.

That will be all for the week, Diana. Please notify Coach Ito of these updates to our base depth chart.

QB2: Shaun Day

FB1: Randall Kozlowski

LT1: Dwayne Anderson
LT2: Leo Baird
LT3: Bobby Rosser

RT1: Leo Baird
RT2: Agustin Moody
RT3: Bobby Rosser

SS1: Dave Funk
SS2: Anteros Jackson

Lock In

GM Anelli

It was a good bye week for the Preds. Both Dominic and Cory were able to get some good rehab in and we were able to negotiate a couple of contract extensions. Good business all around. Meanwhile, our divisional foes mostly did us a favor with both Oakland and Long Beach suffering defeat. But now we must turn to our own responsibilities and take care of our own business.

Las Vegas comes to Hawaii this week and I expect them to be the most difficult test of our season. Their offense is, without question, elite. We all bore witness to Micah Larkin's performance against Dallas this past week. Nearly 500 yards and 6 touchdowns without an interception? Impressive is not a strong enough descriptor. We know that they have two excellent wide receivers in Darren Pierce and Steven Jackson, along with a young man who continues to develop nicely in Vincent Brice.

Defensively they may not be the strongest secondary we've faced but with the combination of Talon Wilkinson II, Timothy Cobbs and Michael O'Donnell you don't have to keep receivers covered for long before the pressure that trio brings will be immense.

To say that this week will be a challenge is not an understatement at all. Luckily in Coach Ito we have one of the best defensive minds in football who is quite familiar with the Scorpions and what they do. I know he will have us ready to play on both sides of the ball. Admittedly this is no easy task for any quarterback. It's definitely not an easy task for a QB taking his first snaps under center for us all season but we believe that Shaun Day is both highly talented and highly professional. He will be prepared and we expect him to fill in for Dominic seamlessly.



I know Vegas well.  They are a great offensive team, they have the pass rush as you mentioned, but with their high risk/high reward offense comes the opportunity for us to get pressure on the quarterback.  They look for deep shots to their elite WRs but that means Larkin has to wait for the routes to develop. 

We will need Pope and Simmons to get to the QB and try to force those throws to come out before they are ready.

GM Anelli

Judging by their performance this season it would seem that is easier said than done but I have every confidence in you to gameplan in such a way that we can accomplish this.

Do you think it would serve us well, with a backup quarterback under center, to slow our tempo down and try to keep the ball out of the hands of the Vegas offense? And maybe reduce our pass percentage slightly?


I think that is a great idea.  Obviously  if we fall behind we will up the passing, but if we can limit their possession and control the clock it will throw them off of their game. 

It will just come down to getting York room to run.

GM Anelli

We've made another trade though it isn't yet confirmed and sent to the league office I would imagine that once it is John Bear will plug in as our top guard and Poseidon Antetokounmpo as our top defensive tackle?



Absolutely.  Both are now our best options at their positions.

GM Anelli

Very well. That is all I have this week, Coach. I know the task ahead this week is a significant one but I know with your leadership it is one we are capable of accomplishing.

Diana, will you please call Meadow Campanelli. I believe she is still the one taking care of the families clientele.

Buongiorno, Meadow, come sta?

Having just acquired John Bear in a trade with Charlotte, I was hoping for the opportunity to negotiate a long term extension for him here. I was thinking a contract length of five years but wanted to give you the opportunity to suggest the financial terms.



Mr. Anelli, my client would sign an extension with Pearl Harbor for one of two options:

Option 1:  $15MM per year, split into whatever configuration of salary and bonus you like; effective right now and then the same for the next 5 seasons after.

Option 2: $18MM per season starting next season, 5 years fully guaranteed.

GM Anelli

My answer is yes to one of the two options. Can you give me until the end of this week to see if I can free up the necessary cap space for the first? If I can't make that happen we'll take the 2nd option and I'll send the details in before I lock in for the week.



That is perfectly fine. Pleasure doing business with you; my Father sends his regards to you and your family.

GM Anelli

My best to you and yours as well.

Diana, please confirm for me that if I release RB Daniel Collins right now we will owe him 50% of his salary.


You are correct sir.  Here is the breakdown.

QuoteCutting players comes with a buyout.  Any player released by their parent club (unless otherwise specified) are to be paid a minimum portion of their salary for the current season, PLUS an additional 50% of their salary in each remaining season of the contract.

Week 1-6: Cut w/o waiver claim = 25% salary owed + 50% for life of deal
Week 7-12: Cut w/o waiver claim = 50% salary owed + 50% for life of deal
Week 13-17: Cut w/o waiver claim = 75% salary owed + 50% for life of deal

Of course if he is claimed off of waivers, we will not owe anything.