

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:05:29 PM

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It did, but I think this week we can dial it back up and let Dom put up numbers on these baby bears.

GM Rinaldi

"Agreed. I know we're gonna be missing Clyde Scott this week, but with them having to play their backup QB, I don't think we should have to worry too much. I'll also be looking to make another move after this week to beef up our depth on the O-line but I think we can roll with what we have this week. Is there anything else we need to go over?"


GM Rinaldi

"Okay, good. Let's do this."

Pass/run ratio changed to 70/30.

Everything else is up to the coaches.


GM Rinaldi

"Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?)"

"A big win to move us to 4 wins in a season, which is the most this team has had under my tenure and we are only in Week 9. To say I'm a happy camper at the moment would be an understatement. We came into this season with the goal of making some noise and so far, we've done our job. However, we've got still got nine games to play and my hope is that we do enough to secure ourselves a spot in the playoffs and possibly take home the division crown for the first time this season.

Who deserves the team ball? Tough to say. Probably GM Dario for missing that last second field goal?

Haha, just kidding. I'd say Shawn Simon had some big catches for us when we needed them so I'd give him the ball, but to be honest, I'm more interested in giving him a contract extension than a game ball."

"Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?"

"Good on Jamie Ortega and his charity foundation. It's always good to see people giving back, especially when they have the means to. 800 scholarships is nothing to scoff at.

A little surprised to see Amon-Ra is tied for the league lead in drops but I'm not too worried about it. He's a good player who can cause a lot of damage."

"Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?"

"We visit Seattle this week and this is a true test to see where we are at. I believe their starting QB may be back this week so we should have a hotly contest game between our teams. A big road win for us would take us a long way towards what we want to achieve this season. I think our biggest advantage at the moment is momentum. We've won two games in a row and they've lost two games in a row. Of course, that might just mean nothing once both teams hit the field, but it's something that we should use to motivate ourselves to get to three wins in a row and give them their third straight loss.

That'll be all for today, unfortunately. Thank you for all of your questions."

"Diana, is Mr. Masrani in his office? If so, could you please let him know I'd like to go to his office for a meeting?"


GM Rinaldi, you're not here to talk to me about Louisville or Rapid City, are you?

GM Rinaldi

"I have not received a call from either team and even if I did, I wouldn't entertain it. My contract says I have until the end of the season and I intend to honor that, even if I'm on the hot seat.

I came to speak to you about two different things. First, to gauge how you are feeling about the team after the first 8 weeks of the season. Second, to ask how much leniency I have with our S16 picks consider I may not be here to use them. I wish to make moves to increase our depth and give us a better chance at making the playoffs but I do not want to step on toes without asking you if I have the go-ahead to use our S16 picks."



If you promise to give me first rights to negotiate an extension when the season ends, so I do not have to worry about another team poaching my GM away, I will give you permission to use our picks in trade, as it stands, the only way I see us not making a push to bring you back for another contract is if this season explodes and you were to do something insane like give away Simon or other major pieces for magic beans.

GM Rinaldi

"You have my word that you will have the first chance at negotiations. Thank you, sir."



Perfect.  Good luck the rest of the way!

GM Rinaldi

"Thank you very much."

"Diana, could you get me Steve Rosenhaus on the phone?"

"Mr. Rosenhaus, it's GM Dante Rinaldi of the Pearl Harbor Predators. I am calling about your client, Shawn Simon. I would like to work out an extension and avoid having your client go into free agency. What are the numbers we're looking at to make him a Pearl Harbor player long term?"


It's tough to say what the value of an elite receiver like Shawn Simon truly is, GM Rinaldi.

I believe he is the single most dominant force in the league.  I see him as a near max-money player..

Where do you see him?

GM Rinaldi

"I think you and I see him in the same light. Right now, I believe Darren Pierce makes the most at $22.5MM per year total, so I'd like for Simon to top that.

How about a 4-year deal at $21MM in salary and $2MM in bonus money? I believe that would make Shawn Simon the highest paid receiver in the league...again?"


I think Long Beach is paying Okafor $28MM next year, which is huge considering he hasn't done fuckall.

GM Rinaldi

"I don't exactly consider him a wide receiver as he primarily plays cornerback. Is $28MM total the minimum or can we work with something else?"



$28MM in total money would definitely get a deal done right now.. we might settle for less, but with unrestricted free agency on the horizon and knowing the franchise tag would be around $26.5MM we definitely see the value.


Sir, I am sorry for the punishment I have brought the organization.  I hereby tender my resignation. I shall return home to become a pastry maker like my father and his father before him. 


Hello GM Rinaldi,

Kate with the league office here.  As a result of the investigation into your office deleting a document submitted to the league office, you have been fined $2MM from your bonus pool.

Typically this would trigger an immediate $5MM additional fine for going over cap, but the new Commissioner has elected to offer this one time exception due to the circumstances... consider yourself fortunate, as many in the league office lobbied that no exception should be made at any time.

Your next roster move MUST bring your team into compliance or you will trigger the "over the cap" penalty and we will enforce the $5MM over the cap penalty for this season and next. 

you may use next off-seasons Amnesty clause to bring your finances into compliance if you need to as well, but please work swiftly to remedy this issue.

Please not that you may not trade for bonus money during the regular season, that is only allowed during the off-season.

GM Rinaldi

"I'm sorry to do this to you, Mr. Rosenhaus, but could you give me a second? I'm gonna put you on hold but I'll be right back."

"Kate, hopefully the latest trade has covered the penalty. Please extend my thanks to the commissioner for the leniency he's shown me. Have a nice day."


"Thankfully we were able to fix things rather easily. Enjoy making pastries in whatever country you're from. Judging by the six golden chains around your neck, probably Albania. Now please leave my office. I have an important call I have to continue."

"Mr. Rosenhaus? Sorry about that. I'd get into what happened but you don't care. You're here to get Shawn Simon paid.

I've looked at the numbers and the total contract that Izzy got from Long Beach comes out to about 5yrs/$122MM total. Now I don't know if I can make $28MM total work but what if I gave your client a 5 year contract that's bigger than $122MM total? How about we do something like 5 years, $130MM total, fully guaranteed? That comes out to $26MM ($23MM in salary + $3MM in bonus) for each and every year of that contract and he won't spend a season making WR2 money like Izzy is doing. He'll make top WR money and he won't have to take a paycut to start the contract off. What do you think about that?"



Fully Guaranteed, We're in.

GM Rinaldi

"Perfect. I will send the deal into the league office and make sure that we don't have an incident like my team just did earlier. Glad we were able to work out a deal. You have a good one."

"Diana, when you have a second, could you let Coach McCarthy know that I'd like to speak to him really quick when he gets a second?"

"Well, it's been a busy week for us. Quite a few new faces, but hopefully ones that can help us push to the playoffs. What do you think?"


Other than that little hiccup with the league office, it's been a great week for the franchise.  I love it.  Giving us a chance to make THAT push.

GM Rinaldi

"Here's hoping. So I'm thinking Gallegos takes over on the left side for Scarborough at guard, Simmons is our new DE1, and Shuler takes over at CB3. Wilder is our backup FS for the rest of the season just in case something happens to Moya. How do you feel about that?"


GM Rinaldi

"Good luck in Seattle."


QB2: Richard Felix
QB3: Jackson Davis
LG1: Harold Gallegos
LG2: Wilson Scarborough
RG1: Gilbert Westmoreland
RG2: Barry Pulley
DE1: Isaiah Simmons
DE2: Marlon Handley
DE3: Marcus LaRoche
DE4: Raymond Allen
DE5: Shaun Ferguson
CB3: Anthony Shuler
CB4: Roger Jacobsen
CB5: Dale Mattison
FS1: Eric Moya
FS2: Bobby Wilder
FS3: Travis Stearns

If Gilbert Westmoreland can't go, move Wilson Scarborough to RG1. Everything else is up to the coaches.


GM Rinaldi

"Another win for you this week. Could you discuss why you think the result came out the way it did and who deserves the game ball?"

"I'd say the result happened because we did well on both sides of the ball. Our offense took an early lead and our defense made sure that the offense wouldn't have too much pressure on them. The whole team did their job, but I think the game ball has to go to Dominic Owens. He made the crucial throws when needed and we walked away with a good win over Seattle.

Unfortunately that led to the trading of GM Gooch to Louisville but at least he's still employed elsewhere."

"The news for Pearl Harbor this week asked if you would possibly do something about being the 27th ranked pass defense. But I think you could even agree that the biggest news of this week was GM Gooch being traded to Louisville and GM Cure being fired from Cancun. Could you please tell us if you believe there needs to be an upgrade in your secondary and how you feel about the current GM moves?"

"I don't believe there needs to be an upgrade but I'm always willing to make a deal if I think it could make our team better not only this season, but in the long run. I'd like to see if the addition of Anthony Shuler will help us out a bit in that area but we'll see.

As for the GM moves? Unfortunate, but it's business. I don't like seeing anyone lose their job but I doubt either GM Gooch or GM Cure will be losing sleep after making millions over the past few seasons. GM Gooch already has a new job and even if GM Cure never becomes a GM again, he made good money while in Cancun and he's got that whole wrestling thing that I heard he's really good at.

However, I do want to clear up one thing that these other GMs seem to be talking about in their press conferences.

GM Cure and I? Not friends. I don't know his relationship with GM Bennett or GM Eli, but when it comes to me? I am not friends with that man. I am not friends with any GM, to be quite honest. I tolerate him a lot more than I tolerate most of these assholes currently with a front office job. Trying to paint me as some sort of bad guy who was steering his friend the wrong way?

That's cute. Real cute.

I never told GM Cure what he should or shouldn't do. He's a grown man. He made grown man decisions and it cost him. He tried to be a lot nicer than most of these guys and it cost him and I hope it taught him a lesson that I learned just recently.

That it takes an absolute asshole to do this job.

You think most of these guys that have had their front office gigs for a good amount of time are good people? Nice guys? They're not. You think they keep employing GM Kirk because he's Mr. Rogers? No, they employ him because he knows how to win games...in the regular season.

In the postseason...well, the only ring he's probably got is a wedding ring, to say the least.

Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't even have that. Could you imagine trying to deal with that for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? Nightmare.

You think GM Digger is some sort of saint after leaving San Antonio and taking their franchise QB with him to Oakland? Why don't you ask the people of San Antonio if he's a great guy? I bet you they'd tell you he's an asshole.

Most of these guys are assholes and some of them are proud of being that. They know that being that is gonna put more money in their pocket and more rings on their fingers.

The fact of the matter is, you need to be an asshole to do this job because being a nice guy will only get you fired or traded to a team with zero wins. And I'm not saying this to disrespect GM Gooch or ex-GM Cure. I'm saying this because I actually respect them a lot more than I respect most of these other guys.

Now let's move on to the next question. I've wasted enough time ranting."

"Rate your team's activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?"

"I can only promise that I will try to make deals. I think we made most of our deals last week because we wanted to not wait around for a deadline and fortify our team ahead of time. We still have a few picks we can throw out there, but if the deal isn't worth it, I'm not giving them up.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the busiest? I expect us to be in the 4-5 range."

"How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?"

"I believe I'll be allowed to finish the season and run out my contract, but I'm not 100% sure I'll be brought back. If we make the playoffs, I expect to receive a new deal and be here next season. If we don't, I wouldn't blame Mr. Masrani for going another direction. I can only control what's in front of me."

"Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?"

"Milwaukee seems to be in sell mode so I expect us to handle business. I think our biggest advantage, besides being better at most positions, is that we have really good momentum going. We've won three straight and I think we'll feel even better once we win four straight.

Hopefully, GM Franchise doesn't get fired or traded after this game, otherwise people might start saying the Predators are like a Grim Reaper for general managers, ending everyone's GM stint after they face them.

I think that'll be all for today. You guys have a good one."

"Coach McCarthy, it's trade deadline week. I made some moves last week and we're currently on pace to make the playoffs. Do you believe we need to go out there and get another CB? Do you think we need to make any other moves? If you think we do, I'll go out there and do what I can."


I don't know if there is a magic move to put us into the next tier of talent, but that being said if we find a deal to upgrade over Shuler or even do something that could push DeJesus down to CB3 for the rest of the year, why not give it a shot;  a veteran like Dennis Nelson coming back might be a short term thing, but if we want to make a push this year, it might be worth kicking the tires.

GM Rinaldi

"I'll see what I can do to add more depth there and maybe in a few other areas. Until then, how are we feeling heading into this matchup with Milwaukee?"



They are in a tail spin, no pun intended.  We should beat them handedly.

GM Rinaldi

"Okay, I just made a move for Marquise Hines and Richard Taylor out of Seattle. Had to give up our first round pick but a guy like Hines on the deal that he's on could be a game changer. What do you think? Should we slot Hines at CB1 or CB2? What about Taylor? Above Hill IV and Amon-Ra on the depth chart or just leave him as our WR5?"



For now, Taylor would slot behind ARSTB and C4, but he could push for more time later.

Hines and Havlock are very similarly rated so I think since he's the new guy Hines slots as the 2 out of respect to Jackson, but a great get!  I love it!

GM Rinaldi

"Just trying to make the coaching staff's jobs easier by getting you as much talent as possible. I think it will have been worth that first when it's all said and done. I have nothing else to add this week. Let's get the job done against Milwaukee and keep rolling, yeah?"


WR5: Richard Taylor
CB2: Marquise Hines
CB3: Richard DeJesus
CB4: Anthony Shuler
CB5: Dale Mattison

Everything else is up to the coaches.


GM Rinaldi

"Another win in the books for Pearl Harbor and you are now two wins away from your first winning season as an HIFL GM. With only 7 weeks to go, could you tell us how important this win was and who deserves a game ball for their efforts vs Milwaukee?"

"It's a big win for us against an opponent that we expected to beat. That's no disrespect to the Barons but when they started having a firesale, it became painfully obvious that we needed to make sure we defended our home ground and got the win against them. Right now we sit in 2nd place in our division and in 6th in our conference. If the season ended today, we would be in the playoffs for the first time ever. We still have 7 weeks to go so we won't be overlooking anyone, but it's nice to know that we are right in the hunt.

Who deserves a game ball? Our offensive line I think was very underrated this week. While Milwaukee was able to snag a few tackles for losses, our QB was mostly kept clean. Zero sacks allowed is not only something our QB1 likes to see, but it's something that anyone who has a vested interest in this team likes to see. So a little pat on the back for our offensive line this week."

"What did you make of your news this week? Did any other news catch your eye?"

"I feel like our news was like a backhanded compliment this week. Like people are surprised we're winning games despite having a bottom 3 rush attack and a bottom 10 ranked defense. First and foremost, when we've wanted to run the ball, we've done pretty well in getting it going. I won't say that we've got a top tier rushing attack that just hasn't gotten the carries but I don't think we're as bad at that part of our offense as people would like to make it out to be. Secondly, this is the second straight week our defense has been talked about. You said our pass defense was bad so I added Hines. Now you're saying all of our defense is below average after one week with some of our new pieces. This 25th ranked defense kept Milwaukee to under 300 total yards. I think our defense is just fine and has had its numbers weighed down by garbage time and that one game we got blown out in. Look, I get the skepticism so I guess we'll have to prove ourselves this week.

Appreciate the fans who did the re-draft and picked Owens over Rogers. Dominic was our first choice here in Pearl Harbor and we were worried he wouldn't be there for us at number 10 so we're very glad he was and we were able to pick him. So far, I'd say he's worked out very well f0r us.

I see the Cleveland Mustangs' best CB believes his defense is a championship caliber unit and that's very good. I want to see what my team can do against a defense like that.

Franchise to Cancun? Would be an interesting move, I suppose. He'd have a plethora of picks barring most of them being involved in the trade that would send him there. It would likely give him a big opportunity to prove that he can build a team from scratch, basically.

I saw that Meek threw for 67 pass attempts? And I was worried Dominic was throwing a little too much for us.

No idea why San Antonio gave Wharton that deal, but it is what it is.

Also, congrats to GM Cory on the extension. I know there were a couple of rumors flying around about him possibly leaving Winnipeg, but he deserves the contract that he's gotten."

"With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?"

"Probably Kansas City giving Jerry Jeudy that extension, if I'm being honest. I'm not against anyone getting what they can, but I didn't expect an extension with that much money being involved.

Also Orlando making a move for Bismack Embiid. It's not that Orlando shouldn't have been buyers at the deadline, it's that I didn't expect them to be in the running for him. I think it was a good move by GM Rebel and I think Orlando is a threat to make the playoffs at the very least."

"Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season."

"I'd like to see a little more from Christopher Hill IV on offense. Through the first 8 weeks of the season, he only caught about 47% of the balls thrown at him and I think if we expect to contend with the big boys, we need to see him do a little better there. Not saying that every ball was the most catchable thing ever, but we want Christopher to be a key piece in our offense moving forward.

On defense, I'd like to see a little more from Richard DeJesus. He's our CB3 now so I'm hopeful he can bring his catches allowed rate down as it was around the 70% mark. He's a good player who's had some tough weeks, especially when he was asked to fill in at CB1 for the few weeks Havlock was out. I expect him to do better in the 2nd half of the season."

"Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?"

"We are traveling to Cleveland this week and if I have to be honest, I've never been fond of the state of Ohio. Don't look forward to traveling there but I think the trip will be a success if we leave with the win and make their fans cry. Have you ever met Ohio State fans? Garbage humans.

While I'm not fond of the state of Ohio, I'm even less fond of GM Wayne. He runs his mouth like he's got all this success, like he's got the pedigree of a GM Pancho, but last I checked, he's got about as many playoff appearances as I've had. And I had 7 total wins in 2 seasons before this season.

I don't like him and honestly, I don't care if he likes me either. On a personal level, I'd love to beat his team just to watch his press conference afterwards and see what he'd have to say about it.

However, I cannot deny that this asshole has put together a very good team. A team that is very capable of not only beating us, but obliterating us. So we need to be careful against the Mustangs, especially with their own Baby Ortega at QB.

What's our biggest advantage?  I suppose the fact that we haven't put all the pressure on ourselves. You don't see Havlock in the news saying that our defense is gonna go out there and completely shut down their offense. You don't see Shawn Simon saying he's gonna absolutely torch Woodrow Britt. You don't see Dominic Owens saying he's gonna throw for his career high this week. And you don't see me saying that we are going to obliterate the Mustangs.

You do see Woodrow Britt saying that he's part of a championship caliber defense, so now he's put the pressure on not only himself but his teammates to minimize any mistakes they could possibly make this week. You do see their GM saying that their advantage is they're the damn Cleveland Mustangs! That they have a future Hall of Fame head coach and an amazing duo of coordinators that, if I'm correct, led them to two losing seasons before this one. That they have the best defense in the league despite Sydney having allowed the same points and Music City and Winnipeg having allowed even less points. That they have the most electrifying QB in the league who has led his offense to....hold up, let's do the math here....20th in the league to points for!

Hell, if that's electrifying, then what's Dominic Owens since we've scored even more points than they have?

The Cleveland Mustangs are basically a balloon filled with hot air. They've got a good defense, good coaching, and a pretty good QB, but they're making themselves out to be better than they actually are. Eventually that balloon will burst and they'll come back to reality.

Whether we're the ones that burst that balloon or not...I guess we'll see. I make no promises. I just let you know that I'm putting the best team possible out there with a coaching staff that I trust to get me the win.

Every game from here on out is a big game for us, but a win over the Mustangs would move us one step closer to trying to capture our division and make the playoffs for the first time. I would say it's a must-win game for both teams, but we're the ones playing in the most competitive division in HIFL, while they've handled their toughest competition in the division and the other two teams are all but mathematically eliminated from the playoffs already.

It's a must-win for us and we have to go out there and give them our best shot if we want to be taken seriously as a playoff threat.

I think that'll be all for today. Thanks for coming."

"Coach, good job on handling the Mustangs, but now the real work starts. Our schedule is about to be much harder from here on out. I know we've got a 7 game undefeated streak but how are we feeling heading into this one?"



The Mustangs are tough.  They've got a shut down defense and when Fields is running like Ortega its a nightmare, but I believe in our system and our players; this is a game where I could see a guy like Fox coming up huge for us.

GM Rinaldi

"Good. Now is there any changes you want to make to the game plan or the depth chart before we get going for Cleveland?"



Nope, I think we're good.

GM Rinaldi

"Then we're good to go. Good luck out there."

No changes.


GM Rinaldi

"Discuss your game this past week."

"I'd prefer not to.

Honestly, I don't know what there is to discuss that anyone with even one working eye didn't see. We got worked from the first minute to the last. Cleveland is a good squad. Never said they weren't. I even said they were not only capable of beating us, but obliterating us. Needless to say, I think that's about as close to obliteration as you can expect.

We didn't put our best foot forward on the road and they did. They put their foot firmly in our ass and now we have to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off because we still have a playoff spot up for grabs and still are in the race for the division, even though we did ourselves no favors by losing this past week.

GM Wayne said I downplayed his team? I did no such thing. I gave them their props. I even gave that tool his props. But I will be praying on his downfall because at the end of the day, I am a hater. Hoping one day I can become an elite hater."

"Discuss any news that interested you."

"Dom basically told our fans what I would tell them too. We've lost three games all season and this was a bad loss but we're still way over .500 with a great chance of finishing over .500 and a still solid chance of making the playoffs. I don't think it's time for us to panic but I think our fans would like to see us secure both an over .500 record and a playoff spot sooner rather than later. I believe in this team and I do think we'll be there at the end of the regular season.

Shame about Fields' injury. I had a few of those ugly looking Cleveland fans accusing me of trying to put a hit out on their QB but I don't play that way. I had to play with a 3rd string QB at one point due to injuries so I wouldn't want to put anyone in the same position, not even GM Wayne. However, I don't expect much from a fanbase that can't read past the 4th grade level, and that might be generous on my behalf.

7 fumbles by Charlotte is nasty business.

Daley wants to keep playing then by all means he should continue to play. However, if he gets hurt again, he should get in touch with anyone but Justin Fields' physical trainer."

"Talk about your plans for this week."

"Well, our plan is to not be the team that helps end San Antonio's 3 game losing streak. Our plan is to not lose two in a row and make it more difficult for us to capture that playoff spot. Our plan is to win and hopefully win handily.

Any other questions? No? Okay, you guys have a good one."

"Coach, that was...complete and utter dog shit. I mean, I don't think there's a better way to explain it. We just got worked all fucking game, but I'm not going to stress out over it. We still have plenty of games to go before it gets to panic mode. I don't want to take up too much of your time but is there anything you'd like for us to change up this week or do you think we are good to beat San Antonio as is? I think we're good enough cause they're in a skid, but you're the one coaching out there. You would know best."



I don't think San Antonio is a team where we have to adjust any thing, we obviously have to take them seriously, but I believe we are in a position to win this one and get back on track.

GM Rinaldi

"Perfect. Let's get back on track then."

No changes.


GM Rinaldi

"Discuss this past week."

"Don't think there's much to discuss. Dominic told you guys to relax and he delivered. It was a very good win against San Antonio to get us back on track before we play arguably the biggest game of our season so far.

Usually you guys ask who I would give a game ball too but I'm glad I didn't get that question this week because I had a plethora of choices to choose from.

San Antonio is a decent team, but they're not better than us and we proved it.

That win also propelled us to the top wildcard spot in our conference and that's great news for us and our playoff hopes."

"Discuss any news that interested you."

"Not much on our end news-wise this week. I'm not 100% sure what happened with Christopher Prado but I intend to find out once we end this press conference. My hope is that he wasn't responsible for whatever did occur.

Damn shame about that Smoke appeal. Damn shame."

"What is more interesting to you, the PFL or the IFAF, and do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?"

"I am more interested in the IFAF than the PFL. IFAF seems to have some untapped potential while the PFL seems to have most of the HIFL's scraps, with all due disrespect. Seems like a league where a bunch of rich people who couldn't get a HIFL team settled for a team from there.

In the IFAF I find myself to be a fan of Russia's running back. I believe his name is pronounced Daniil Ivanov? Please correct me if I'm wrong. But yes, I'm a fan of his. I think he's a very good talent."

"The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season. If you still have a shot at the playoffs, what does your team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note?"

"I believe that we have been a playoff team that has suffered three ugly losses. I believe this season so far is a success but if we do not reach the playoffs, I will not consider the season a success. I will consider it an improvement, but when you go out and make the moves that we did, you hope that you can at least take a wildcard spot.

What does our team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note? Well, I would like for us to win the rest of our games, but I think that would be the best case scenario. If we're thinking ideally, I'd like for us to at least capture 3 out 5 games. I would definitely like to beat our divisional rivals, especially this week since we're at home against the team in front of us in the standings.

I don't have much to say about the Stingrays. They are a roadblock on our way to the playoffs and we are a roadblock on their way to a division title. It's two teams that are going to be treating this game like there is a lot on the line because there is. After this game we have to visit Oakland, host St. Paul and Long Beach, then wrap the season up with a visit to Sydney. Needless to say, it's a very tough 5 game stretch to end the season.

Thank you for your time, that will be all."

"Coach, great win against San Antonio. We did what we had to do. Now begins arguably the toughest stretch of our season. Sydney is hot right now, but they're not unbeatable.

That being said, let's talk about the Prado situation. I have not heard a word about what actually happened, have you?"


Sounds like he got rear ended leaving the stadium after practice, nothing major but he's banged up a little bit.

GM Rinaldi

"Well, I'm glad to hear it wasn't anything too major, even though I'm sure he's disappointed he won't be able to suit up this week and possibly next week.

Anyway, looks like the rest of the team is healthy and we're coming off a solid win so I'd like to just let you do whatever you need to do out there to secure the win. It's a big game and we need to deliver with a big result. Good luck out there. Let's get that 8th win."

No changes.


GM Rinaldi

"Discuss this past week. How do you feel about your result?"

"I'd feel a lot better if we had kicked the game-winning field goal. It's a loss that stings, I cannot deny this. We started off slow, but managed to keep up with a team that some people are calling a threat to come out of our conference in the playoffs and make the Impact Bowl. It's one of those games where we're gonna replay certain moments in our head and wonder what could have gone differently but we have to move past it. We have four games left to play and we need to do our best to secure four wins out of them."

"Discuss any news that interested you."

"St. Paul picks up a big win and immediately their news is their QB is a diva? That's tough.

No idea what Bob Kirkpatrick did, but it can't be good. Breaking a team rule? Sounds like some serious stuff.

I see some records and accomplishments being achieved or are soon to be achieved. Good stuff, good stuff."

"If you could will your team by fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?"

"This feels like a loaded question to me. There's always room for improvement in every facet of our game. If we were perfect, we wouldn't have four losses and a draw to our name, would we?

I think our run game can be inconsistent at times, but our pass game usually picks them up. But there's also been games where our run game handled business so our pass game didn't feel the pressure. There's been games where our corners didn't have their best game, but our defensive line did a great job. Then there were games where our defensive line couldn't get to the QB, but our corners and linebackers made him rethink throwing the ball.

If I could fix one thing it would be that every single player on this team is consistently good all the time but that's never going to happen. Nobody is perfect. Every player we've got is human and they're going to have a bad game or two. It's up to our coaches to realize that and adjust properly and like I've said before, I believe I've hired the right gentlemen at those coaching positions to do just that."

"How do you feel about your game against Oakland? Do you believe you'll get that 8th win and officially have your first over .500 season as GM of the Predators?"

"It's another divisional game this week and I'd like to think our guys are pissed off after losing a close one vs Sydney.

I don't like GM Digger and I would very much like for our team to push their team's shit in. I'm sure there's a good amount of people in San Antonio who are wishing the same.

I think we are the better team and I believe that this should be a win for us, but I am not going to count my chickens before they hatch. We need to play like a well-oiled machine against the Silverbacks or they'll make us pay. They already took a win from us with that draw a few weeks back, so I'm sure they'd love nothing more than to keep us winless against them this season.

We've gotta be at our best if we want that 8th win.

Thank you for your questions."

"A tough loss, Coach. Would've been a big win for us, but you can't win them all. Our focus is now on Oakland and with how our last 3 games look, it's imperative that we do our best to get a win in this one. Do we feel like we need to make any changes?"



  Oakland is all over the place this year, but I see them as a team we're going to put away this time.  we are better than we were when we tied in Week 5 and I think they are worse than they were then.. we should be able to finish them off.

GM Rinaldi

"Let's make sure we get the win this time. Good luck."

No changes.



GM Rinaldi

"What stood out to you about your team this week?"

"First, I'd like to apologize for missing my last press conference. You see, I suffer from an issue that a lot of HIFL GMs suffer from. It's called Fosters' painintheneckitis. It's a real annoying needling that happens when teams start to get on their flights or on their buses to head to games but your team hasn't yet. It's a terrible thing, truly.

Now let's get to your question. What stood out this week is our defense. Keeping the Lynx to 13 points was very imperative, especially since we were going up against their very good defense.

We'll take the win and our first season over .500 but now our focus is on trying to secure a playoff spot and yes, I will be keeping an eye on some of the other wildcard contenders."

"Discuss any news that interested you."

"We realize we control our destiny, but these will be our two toughest games of the season. A lot on the line, to say the least.

That DC win has kind of proven that they are not only a playoff team, but a threat to make a run."

"What makes your team more deserving of a playoff spot that the other teams competing against you?"

"What's this, a vote for prom king and queen? I'm not going to sit up here and tell you why our team deserves to make the playoffs over other teams like it's going to be up to a popular vote. We play a playoff contender in Long Beach this week, right? We win and we basically have all but clinched a playoff spot.

Let our play on the field do the talking and we'll see how convinced you guys are after this week that we are indeed a playoff team."

"Great win this week, Coach! We are so close to the playoffs, I just wish we hadn't lost to the fucking Silverbacks. Would make your job a lot easier these final 2 weeks."



  Yeah... its a meat grinder final two games against red hot Long Beach and Sydney.

GM Rinaldi

"Let's go out there and do what we can to make the playoffs."

No changes.