

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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We cranked up the studying and we're all playing smarter football now.  The IQ is high and the football is Smarter.

GM Josh

That's what I like to hear. Smart teams make less mistakes. Can't wait to see our new smarter team in action this week. Anything else you'd like to discuss this week Coach?


No sir, just excited to see us playing smarter football.

GM Josh

Speaking of smarter football.

Where do we stand compared to the rest of the league in production?



We are 10th in total yards, smarter football on offense..   We give up 405.7 yards per game defensively which ranks 25th best.. not as smart football.

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. Our Smart Football also seemed to save us from the poaching by the PFL.

Let's go ahead and make the following changes this week.

CB1-Michael Briggs
CB4-Herschel Leggett

CB2-John Segura
CB5-Renato Marin

CB3- Harris McKeown

lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?
Smarter football looks like it may be working this week. The team seemed to come together more and played this game wonderfully.

2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?
This all could have been avoided if people had just put their own ego aside for one day to do what was best for both leagues. But at the same time with the way some people at, this war was inevitable.

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?
I was for the treaty as it would have prevented exactly what is happening to teams now. Was is the best thing ever absolutely not, but it was the best option we had.

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?
While they are all fine GMs and I'm sure people who Gates thought he could trust, clearly he chose those who are only concerned for themselves and not the league as a whole with some exceptions.

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?
I'm excited to see what he can do and was happy to throw my support his way to me it's always great to see another Latino in a role like that.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.
The biggest news to me is seeing all the injuries cropping up this week. That along with the poaching is sure to leave some teams scrambling.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?
Now that's a bit harder if a question as each week we see a different member of the team stepping up. If I had to call one right now, I'd have to say Miguel Oliver, he's really breathed some fresh life in to the defense since joining us. With our new focus on smarter football I'm hoping that will help Rainey step back up to the talent I know he has in him.

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?
The fans can expect a mostly quiet trade season for us. We're looking to focus on building up the team we have now but as always we're open to hear offers.

9.  Discuss this weeks game (if you have one)
We have an even match up coming with Salt Lake but they're coming in to our house and I know the fans will let them hear it. Both of us are looking to get some momentum going but we're brewing up some smarter strategy and will look to be the ones walking out with the win.



Time to prove Smarter Football is Smarter.  We get two wins back to back and we show our big brains are booming

GM Josh

That we will coach. It's hopefully the dawning of a new era here in Portland. Anything else you want to discuss this week?


There is nothing else, only Smarter Football.

GM Josh

That is exactly right coach. Let's go show them Smarter football.

lock in

GM Josh

Smarter football. I said we would change our focus and play smarter 3 weeks ago and these last two games have shown what that can do. This week however will be our biggest test of smarter football as we take on a powerhouse in Tucson. I trust Coach Wade and love his embrace of the new culture here in Portland.  I expect to see a hard fought game, but we're looking to keep this momentum rolling all the way to the playoffs and then some.


Coach absolutely love the work you have been doing with the team. It takes a great coach to be willing to try something new and an even greater one to see the kind of turnaround we had so quickly. How are you feeling about Tucson?



I feel like Smarter Football will prevail!

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. The only thing as good as smart football is believing in believe and I believe in you and this team. Now let's do the smartest thing and get ourselves lots of time to prepare for Tucson.

lock in

GM Josh

A close game against a powerhouse of a team. I know we didn't walk away with the win we wanted but I'm still happy with the effort that was put in and showing that Smart Football has some legs behind it. We're going to continue to push forward with our new game plan and I know we're going to see even better results this season. Heading in to our game with Myrtle Beach we're going to be getting ourselves back on track and make a play for playoff contention.


Coach a close game last week, but a great showing for Smart Football



Smarter Football doens't guarantee a win, but it guarantees a great effort and our best chance for success. 

We play Smarter and smarter Football, guaranteed.

GM Josh

That it does and we're definitely going to stay the course with our new strategy. What are we looking at with Myrtle Beach this week?  What's our best shot at taking them out?



If we play Smarter football, we'll win; that's for sure.

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. We'll continue to play smart and for now that means letting you back to run practice.


Audrey, can you get Mr. Rosenhaus on the line to discuss Uptons contract.  Mr. Rosenhaus, I'm looking to keep Upton here as he is becoming a great member of the team and someone who truly lives in to our new vision of smarter football.

I'd like to see him bumped up to a total of 12m starting next season for the next 5 years fully guaranteed. Does that work?



We were hoping for $17MM per season, but with the years on there, its at least got us thinking about it. just check back in a week or two.

GM Josh

Thank you. We'll definitely catch back up with you.


Thank you for your help Audrey. Let's go ahead and leave any changes up to Coach and lock in

GM Josh

Smarter football has prevailed yet again. We had a minor hiccup the week before, but we're back on track and have our eye on that number 1 spot in our division. I know this team and trust that we can make a playoff run with the talent we have here. We're looking to finish strong and the best way I know to do that is to let the coaches and this team work their magic.

At this time I have no future comments, but I would like to welcome any of you fine folks in the media a chance to ask any questions you may have.


Smarter Football is said a lot around this team's facility, especially during media time.  Some say you've fostered a cult-like atmosphere, any concern about that, or any other comments?

GM Josh

I wouldn't say it's a cult in any way. You wouldn't say a team who says their focus is on being aggressive is a cult, it's just another way to look at the game. We have some of the most talented players here and now they are getting their chance to show that by focusing on the fundamentals of the game. That's all smarter football is is just thinking not only about the play being ran but how to plan the rest of the game. Comes back to the old analogy we're playing chess while others are playing checkers. Proactive Bs reactive. Nothing more nothing less.



Smarter. Football.

GM Josh

That it is Coach. You're doing wonders with the team and I can't thank you enough.

Anything you want to discuss this week?



Unless you have anything for me, I'm ready for some Smarter. FN. Football.

GM Josh

Let's do it coach. Smart football all the way.

lock in

GM Josh

Another win for Smarter Football. We've unlocked the potential that was in this team all along and we're going to see this through to the end of the season. Unfortunately Vancouver won last week so we're going to still need some help to jump ahead of them for that number 1 spot, but I know this team can do it.



its a beautiful when a plan comes together!  SMARTER. FOOTBALL!

GM Josh

Damn straight Coach. And we're gonna ride this plan onward.

I'll leave any changes that need to be done up to you.

lock in



GM Josh

Well got damn, that was a thrilling end to the season but smarter football has prevailed. I never get tired of saying that. I'm not gonna lie to y'all, it was definitely an unexpected call to make in the middle of the season but it paid off. Now it's time to ride this mantra and style towards the impact bowl. First up we have a Tucson team that just managed to beat us out earlier this year. I'm looking forward to the chance to right that wrong and move one step closer.

Coach it has been one hell of a season and look at us here in the playoffs finally. I can't thank you and this team enough for all the hard work that has been put in to make this team what it is. And I saw the great news of us having a fully healthy team going in to Tucson. Now they managed to beat us last time so I gotta ask, what do you think was our weakness against them last match up?



It was a tough game.  We couldn't get Maldy off of his spot, he completed 74% of his passes and we couldn't overcome that.

We need to disrupt the pass game to win, and we do that with Smarter Football.

GM Josh

That sounds like a good game plan. What have we been running these last few weeks?  Let's see what we can move around and come up with our smarter strategy.



Sending it to your team iPad now.

GM Josh

Thank you coach. Much appreciated, I'll look this over see if I see anything but I'm sure you already have it the smartest way. Now on to other business.

Gotta start looking at promises I made this year. Can you tell me where McCloskey finished percentage wise compared to the rest of the league?



He was tied for 11th in FG% at 86.2%  and for XP's he was tied for 15th at 98.4%  Tied with Muller as the top two players after the 14 kickers who were 100% on the year.

GM Josh

Thank you very much Coach. I think we are also good on the game plan.

If there is nothing else you would like to discuss, can we assemble the team down in the locker room please.


GM Josh

Alright team, this is it. We did it were here in the playoffs and it's a deserved spot. I want to say how proud I am of each and every one of you in this room. Your hard work and willingness to adapt to our new strategy in the middle of the season have been nothing short of amazing. Now we bring focus to Tucson. Now they had our number earlier this season, but that was a close game. We've adapted to our philosophy more and now it's time to show Tucson why Smarter football is the better way and why Portland is the better team.

Now let's get out there and kick these playoffs in to high gear.


Leave all to coaches decision

lock in

GM Josh

Say it with me folks Smarter Football. Portland has once again proven the magic of those words and brought us one step closer to the impact bowl. It's been a season of ups and downs but right now we're riding that high all the way through these playoffs. I want to let all of you know I am damn proud of my team here and I look forward to taking on Vegas. They're a great strong team and I know this is going to be a ferocious game.

GM underpants marches out of the press conference chanting Smar-ter foot-ball.


Coach an amazing well deserved win and that kick from McCloskey that boy has earned his bonus this season I can tell you that.

So what can you tell me about Vegas that we need to expect to deal with?



#1 ranked scoring defense at 18.3 points per game.  2nd vs the run. 15th vs the pass.

10th in scoring at 30.3 PPG.  5th in yards, 2nd in passing, 21st in rushing.

Micah Larkin has gone off lately 14TDs and 1 INT in his last 3 games and finished the season 3rd in passing yards.   He only really throws to Pierce and Jackson, they both went over 1700 yards and are 2nd and 3rd in the league in receiving yards.

They are a dangerous team, we have to play our Smartest Football Yet.

GM Josh

That we do Coach. Well the smartest way to do that is to keep on doing what we've been doing. I leave any changes that need to be made to you.

lock in

GM Josh

1. Talk about this weeks game, what went wrong?
Not gonna lie this week did not go the way we planned. We let Vegas run all over us and to put it simply didn't play our smartest football. We let the spiral hit us hard and we just can't have that.

2. What was the best moment for you this season?
Hands down seeing our new game plan get us to our first playoffs was the highlight of the season.

3. Who was your teams MVP this season?
Now that's a tough question right there. We have a lot of standouts this season. While Rainey and Hightower both put up impressive numbers and a great showing I think I'd have to look at the other side of the ball and go with Miggy Oliver. He was a tackling machine this year.

4. How would you evaluate your coaches performance this season?
I would give them 5 stars. We changed tactics in the middle of the season and not only did they roll with it no questions asked but excelled at the new process. We just need more time to fine tune it.

5. How would you evaluate your own performance this season?
Well it goes without saying it's my best season to date, but I do feel I could have done more to help us reach that next level. That's what next season will be about.

7. What is your biggest take away from this season?
Smarter football is a sound strategy and one that this team will continue to focus on as long as I am here.

8. What was this team missing?
That's the biggest question of all. We're missing that final little piece to put everything together. We have a great team here. We just need to unlock that little part of ourselves that makes us champions.



Not even Smarter Football can win every game.  It was Vegas' night... we struggled but this is valuable experience for our team, they will learn a lot from this playoff trip.

GM Josh

Yes they will coach. Everyone's gonna have an off day we just had ours during the playoffs. We'll come back stronger next season. Now time to start getting down to the nitty gritty. I know we spoke earlier this season and said keeping Miggy and Cesar are definitely smart options. Is there anyone else you feel may be worth keeping. I do have my eye on a few others myself that I want to keep around, but wanted to get your thoughts.



Smart Coaching says to let you GM, and me Coach.

GM Josh

Fair enough coach. I'll let you get to your business and I'll handle the roster now.

Audrey can we get Scott Forrest on the line.

Mr. Forrest, GM Josh here. Looking to talk to you about Miguel Oliver. He played a hell of a season and he's really lived in to our Smarter Football mentality. I'd like to have him back for the next 3 years. How does 19 mil for the next 3 years sound?


I've said this to you about Miggy before, and this is the last time I say it without punishing you.  For me to have a client sign before testing free agency, it will cost the max. So $40MM for 5 seasons.