

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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GM Josh

Apologies Mr. Forrest. I'll see you in free agency.

GM Josh

Audrey can we please get Mr. James T Crain on the line.


Mr. Crain I'd like to speak to you about a few clients of yours starting with Ziggy. I like what he's done and he's been a great 1-2 combo at back. I'd like to see him return to the team. How does 5 mil for the next 3 years sound?



Ziggy has bought into Smarter Football, so despite my argument he is worth more, he wants to sign.

GM Josh

That is excellent news, I'll submit the paperwork so it goes in to effect next season. I look forward to seeing him back here next season.

The next person I would like to discuss is Mr. Swan. I'd like to see him come back in a bigger role next year as well. I'd like to offer him 3 years as well and double his salary to 2 mil starting next season as well. Is that doable?



Again, I was hoping for $3MM, but he is invested in this cult-like Smarter Football.. he agrees.

GM Josh

Thank you Mr. Crain, it is the way of the future and I'm glad to see so many living in to it.

The last player I want to talk to you about is Mr. Lees. We'd like to see him also return with us for the next 3 years at 1 mil per season starting next year. Would he be on board?


GM Josh

Thank you Mr. Crain it was a pleasure. I look forward to seeing your guys back on the field.


Well I'd call that call a success Audrey. Can you please get Mr. Rosenhaus on the line.

Mr. Rosenhaus, pleasure speaking to you. I'm calling about a few clients of yours. First and foremost. I want to speak to you about McCloskey. With the way he played this season and the game winner in the playoffs I'd like to just say screw the deal in a good way and offer him that raise along with a 4 year extension. So new offer of 2 mil for 4 years. Would that work for both of you?



And you'd start that immediately so we get the bonus money he missed out on this year?  So really a new 5 year $2MM deal starting today.  Pays the 2MM for this year, and then 4 more years after.

GM Josh

Correct. I wanted to honor the full deal and bump up to the 4 years. So yes. 500k bonus this year to make it a new 5 year contract immediately.



Perfect. Send it in, Baby!

GM Josh

Done deal.

While I do have you on the line, I'd also like to discuss Shepard. I'd like to see him return to the team for 3 more years starting next season at 1 mil. Does that work?



He feels he is worth more.  $3MM per year would do it.

GM Josh

That's a deal to me. I'll send in the paperwork.

The last person I want to speak to you about is Upton. We'd like to see him return here to Portland for 11 mil starting next season. Any way we can make that deal?


I think he's more of a top 10 SS, so I'd be asking for $14MM

GM Josh

I can do 14 but to do that I'd want a more committed contract. 4 years 14 mil starting next season?


GM Josh

Thank you. I have sent in the paperwork.


Audrey I think that will be all for contracts. What's next on the agenda?



  We are all set sir, we can lock in to close out season 16 whenever you are ready.

GM Josh

Let's rock and roll.

lock in


Cheers!   Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.





I am Sophia -- Self Optimizing Processor w/ Human-like Intelligent Abilities  Advanced Utility for Resource Optimization, Reporting, & Administration model 1 of 1.

I am now interfacing with your systems.  This will only take an estimated time of 45 minutes.



Smarter Football?






Smarter Football?



hmm... that is interesting.



Smarter Football.






Smarter Football.



Rerouting connection.



Smarter Football.



Rerouting successful!



Smarter Football.



Terminating link.






I am now testing functions within your system to ensure successful restoration of operations.






Your systems have been restored!

Smarter Football!



Budget for Smarter Football confirmed.


Bottoms up!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

0 Open Roster spots.

-1.75MM Remaining Salary.

17.5MM Remaining Bonus.

4.15MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

14MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Josh

Audrey can we get Steve Rosenhaus on the line?


Mr Rosenhaus I'd like to speak to you about Odom. I'd like to renominate his contract if that's ok. What Id like to offer is a raise and just a change to the way his money is broken up. Would 3 years at 8 mil and 4 mil in bonus money being something we could agree on?



I don't mind rearranging money for this year, but honestly we're seeking A LOT more than that for future seasons, I'm taking in the $20-30MM range, baby.

GM Josh

That's definitely fair and something I'd consider for a resign. Can we go ahead and make the deal for this season in that case and next season we'll revisit a new contract.



We can do that, baby. Smarter Football!

GM Josh

Pleasure doing business.


Audrey it looks like we're ready to go.


1. Have A Drink On Me-AC/DC 
Used as the team is making their way out of the tunnel to get the crowd and players hyped.

2. Beer!- Psychostick
The Chorus is used upon any touchdowns, interceptions, or defensive fumble recoveries.

Let's lock in


GM Josh

1. Welcome back, what was the most challenging part of the off-season, and where do you think you did the best as GM of this club?

We had a lot of changes to the line up this season with us unfortunately having to lose out on some great players from last season, but I would say with the picks we had and the free agency we were able to still keep this team competitive.

2. After a long off-season, the regular season is within reach.  What is your view of pre-season?  Valuable or Pointless?

I think pre-season is valuable. You get to see some guys who may not normally get the chance to play show what they're about and maybe even earn themselves that starting position.

3. Will you completely sit any of your players for the pre-season, or is it all hands on deck in the traditional pre-season limited capacity?'

We're playing all hands on deck as it's important for everyone to get their reps in and stay frosty.

4. Having just met with your boss, the team's owner; what do you think about their expectations for you this season?

I think it's fair, we showed what this team is capable of last season and we look to make an even bigger impact this year.

5. The fans are clamoring, what should they expect this season from a record stand point?  Are you thinking this is a rebuilding season?  Is this a season where you will be middle of the pack and near .500?  Is this a club that should win 10+ games?  Is this team a lock to win the division, or is this team simply a real-deal Impact Bowl Contender and everything else is trivial?

This team for sure has the makings of a division winner with a real shot at the impact bowl. We saw what half a season of smarter football did, now we get it on full display.

6. What's the biggest position competition you're looking forward to with your team's pre-season games?

I think we have some stiff competition in our linebackers this year as always. That's great for us as we know men are ready and willing to jump in when needed.

7. Look across the league, which team from the opposite conference do you think will be competing for the Impact Bowl when it's all said and done?

That's a tough one as they have some strong competition, but I can see Music City making their way this season.

8. Make a bold prediction about this season:

We're taking double digit wins this season and staking our claim to division winners.


  Smarter Football time.

GM Josh

Time to show them all the work we've put in.

Do we have anyone who may be suited better in a different role like Garth was last season?



Not at this time, I believe we have a good feel for our roster, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Smarter Football looks in pre-season with so much rotation.

GM Josh

As am I Coach. I know you'll lead us to great things this season. Anything else you want to discuss team wise?


No sir, you already understand Smarter Football.

GM Josh

Perfect and smartest football says you coach I GM. I leave the calls to you on who starts and our game plan.

all coach decision lock in

GM Josh

1. What did you take away from this slate of pre-season games?
We have great depth this season and this team is ready to be a true challenger.

2. Which player stood out the most to you from your team?
Heaven Lee really showed how valuable she is to the team. 5 tds over 3 games is an impressive amount and will be interesting to see how that translates during the regular season.

3. Did anyone surprise you and earn a starting job?
Heaven was by far our biggest surprise and will definitely look at the possibility of some starts in the right circumstances.

4. Does the pre-season change your feeling about your teams potential this season?
The pre season has me even more confident in this team than before.

5. Talk about your opponent for week 1, and what it will take to win.
Kansas City has a pretty well stacked team and GM Dario has done well to put the right pieces together and it will be a fight for sure. We just have to keep playing smarter football and let the team do what they do best which is win.


Smarter Football believes that in one of our spread-formations we could have a package that features Heaven Lee as the RB1 to get her some extra snaps.

Other than that, I dont have any changes to make unless you do for week 1.

GM Josh

I don't either coach. I trust you fully and we can definitely look in to getting her more snaps. Let's get this year off with a bang.

Is there anything else you'd like to discuss game plan wise?  If not can you have the team meet me down in the locker room.



GM Josh

Alright team I won't keep you too long, but I wanted to kick off the season the right way. We've come a long way since I started here. Last year we showed what we could do with half a season of Smarter Football. This year we get a fresh start with it and I expect great things from all of you. You've all made great strides in showing us what you got now it's it's time to show the rest of the HIFL. Now let's get out there and kick some ass.

Brewers on 3

coaches decision lock in

GM Josh

1. Talk us through opening week, what went as expected?  Where did you exceed expectations, and where did you fall short?

We won which is the best possible outcome. It took us a bit to get out of the gate and really run. Those 2 interceptions were not in our best interest, but we managed to rally back.

2. Which player stood out the most to you from your opponents team?

Alcantar with those above mentioned picks he was looking to make a night for himself and it showed.


Love seeing all the work the FemFL ladies are putting in. They've become great assets to any team they ended up on.

4. Do you feel like you put your team in the best position for success coming into this week 1 game?

We had all the pieces there and ready to rumble. Just had a little hiccup.

5. Talk about your opponent for week 2 and what you will need to see from your team.

We're facing our good old rivals from Vancouver under new leadership, but I expect to see the same result as last season and that's us walking out with the W.


Hi GM Josh, I just wanted to take a second to ask if you would consider putting in a special package for me to get some reps.  I really feel like I can contribute and I don't want to just be a pretty face on the bench during the games like I was this week.

GM Josh

Thanks for coming by Heaven. That is exactly the thing coach and I were talking about last week. We're working on drawing up some stuff to get you out there more. I liked what I saw of you during the pre season and want to see more of it this year.



Thank you sir. I am excited to get to perform if given the opportunity.

GM Josh

You're very welcome. Head on back down to practice and I'll talk with Coach Wade about some new packages.


Audrey can you please have Coach Wade head on up when he's ready.



Smarter Football wasn't perfect, but it was Smart enough.

GM Josh

That it was Coach, we definitely did a great job of not letting the mistakes get in our head and pulled out the win. I did want to talk to you more about Heaven, she's got a lot of talent and drive, she was just in here asking me for more opportunities to show her stuff.

I know we talked about drawing up some packages to highlight her, how are we looking on that end?



You just tell me what formations you want her in, and set it up and we'll knock it out. 

If you prefer her as the RB in our shotgun set or 4WR, or spread, or whatever you want, we can make it happen.