

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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GM Josh

Sounds good Coach. I'll whip something up. During pre season what formation was she in during pre season?



During pre-season she would sub in - in bulk - as the primary RB, so she played in all of them.  I think having her in the shotgun is the best place.

GM Josh

Sounds good Coach. Does something like this work?

Heaven Sent package

WR1 Hightower
WR2 Hodge
WR3 Booth
TE Bonner
QB Rainey
RB Lee
LG Beatty
RG Walsh
LT Odom
RT Forbes
C Harris



Looks like Smarter Football, to me.   Just make sure in the lock in you include which formation(s) and if for run or pass (or both) you want it deployed.

GM Josh

Got it.

Update new package to scheme Heaven Sent package

WR1 Hightower
WR2 Hodge
WR3 Booth
TE Bonner
QB Rainey
RB Lee
LG Beatty
RG Walsh
LT Odom
RT Forbes
C Harris

Shotgun formation for runs

lock in

GM Josh

1.Talk about your teams performance this week.

A disappointing loss this early in the season but our team played smarter this week in terms of turnovers. Vancouver had a great defense that was ready for us this week but we'll get them next time around.

2. How do you feel about your team after two weeks?

I feel the team is progressing nicely and showing me what I want to see. We're going to keep pressing onward with our strategy and make our way to the playoffs again.


Orion putting up a monster game was impressive to watch. That Atlanta team is definitely one to watch out for this year.

4. Talk about your opponent for week 3 and what you will need to see from your team.

We have a tough week ahead taking on the 2-0 Stingrays. GM Lucas has put together an impressive team and I look forward to facing my old rival again. We're going to set out to remind him what smarter football is all about.



Did you see!?  Did you See!!?? I told you!  I told you I could shine for this franchise!!

GM Josh

I did, loved seeing it too. You are a true asset to this team and I'm glad to have you here. I look forward to seeing your name pop up with those TD's more this season.



Just Watch Me.  I'm coming for all of it. 

GM Josh

I believe it. I look forward to your future here.


Tough loss, but it was a quality opponent.  Sydney wont be any easier, so we have to play Smarter Football.

GM Josh

Yes we do and I trust you to pull that off. I do want to say kudos to you with getting Lee out there more. She really gave us a show last week and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that from her too.



She has that same game changing ability that Maria Crews has in Miami, she could be a future star for us if we feature her and she stays healthy.

GM Josh

She's a special talent for sure and we'll do well to keep that Heaven Sent package ready to go.

Is there anything else that needs to be discussed this week?



Nope, I think we're good.

GM Josh

Then let's lock and load.

Coaches decision
lock in

GM Josh

1. Talk about your teams performance this week.

A solid performance and a great game. Closer than I would have liked but we walked out with that W over GM Lucas. It was a shame to lose Heaven during that game, she's become a big part of this team lately and to go down with that kind of injury is hard to watch. I know she'll bounce back once she's clear and ready to fight again. I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention the injury to McKeown, we seem to be getting that small injury bug and I'm glad to know he'll be back in the line up soon as well.

2. Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?

This has been a team game as I've said in the past and that goes for the coaching staff as well. We win when all our coaches are on the same page and that's what we have going on right now.

3. Talk about your opponent for week 4, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

We have a tough Lincoln team ahead GM Evans has done a great job leading his team and shoring up any real weaknesses. They're good with pressure so our O-line will have their work cut out for them but in the end I believe in Smarter Football and I believe in this team.



Horrible visual seeing Heaven taken off the field and into the ambulance... shook some of the guys for sure.

GM Josh

It shook me as well Coach. She's a spirited player and I say we owe it to her to keep this team moving forward and show that same spirit.



Agreed. We will play smarter football, in her honor.

GM Josh

That we shall coach. I leave all decisions and changes up to you again.

lock in

GM Josh

1. Talk about your teams performance this week and through out this first quarter of the season.

The teams been off to a strong start this season and even with the close games we've had we still keep our focus on smarter football and that's gonna carry us all the way.

2. How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?

I wish we were ranked higher across the board, but I'll take the wins over the positions any day. As far as unsung hero's that would have to go to our receiving and running core. They split the load evenly amongst each other and really show what it means to work as a team.

3. Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

Amsterdam is another team that can come out of nowhere to surprise you like they did last week. I know they'll be looking to get themselves on track with another win but it won't be at our expense. They've seem to have struggled with the pass defense but have been decent against the run game. We're going to look to exploit that and overwhelm them in both areas.

Finally I want to express my great joy in seeing Richard get Offense player of the week. He's played his heart out this season and it was a much deserved recognition. I look forward to more on our team getting the nod.



The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Josh

If it's alright with you Coach I'm gonna take my time to grieve the loss of my friend. I trust you as always to do what is best for the team.

lock in


GM Josh

Well that was a disappointing loss but it hasn't knocked us out. We still have a lot of gas in the tank and I know this team can make a playoff run. We're facing a bit of an injury bug right now, but from the looks of the league we're not alone.



We're going to get back to basics this week.  Smarter Football.

GM Josh

That's definitely what we need to do coach. The team seems to have lost their way a bit.



I don't think we've lost our way as much as we're in a position where teams are no longer over looking us, so we're having to play even smarter football.

GM Josh

That makes sense too coach. The injuries we've racked up aren't helping either. We can make this work though. I trust you and the system.



You trust me and I trust Smarter Football.   We will get back on track.

GM Josh

Than I say I stop wasting your time and let you get back to it Coach.

all changes up to Coach. Lock in

GM Josh

That was a close game this week, wish it would have swung our way but those are the breaks sometimes. I know we're looking a little of track right now, but smarter football will prevail and we're going to right those wrongs.  Super excited we'll have Heaven back in the line up as I know the team is happy to see her return as well. This week we face a very strong DC team but we look to add to their slip up and add another loss to them.



Three straight in the loss column, but other than Winnipeg, we were right there in the games.   DC is a tough challenge, but a win here going into the bye week could turn our fortunes around, as long as we play much smarter football.

GM Josh

It is going to be a tough challenge but I know this team can do it and we have the explosiveness from Heaven back. Anything we should be worried about this week?



Our only concern is not playing smart enough football.  We will work hard to be smarter and smarter.

GM Josh

That's what I want to hear. Let's work Heaven back in to the lineup this week.

lock in

GM Josh

So I'm here wondering again what's wrong with Smarter Football this season.  We're definitely not seeing the same results we were last season and now I see players around the league demanding trades including our own Mr. Estates. I'll try my best to accommodate his request, but rest assured in the end I will do what is best for this team.


Clearly our defense is not as smart without Elvis in the middle of the defense.  Our defensive rankings are all in the bottom 1/4 of the league.

GM Josh

We need work all around. Our Defense is letting them run over us but our offense is now looking like it's a 50/50 chance on any drive that it's a touchdown or an interception.



part of that offensive strain is because of the poor defense.  It's forcing us to take risks and play less smart football.

GM Josh

Taking risks is definitely the opposite of smarter football. What would you say is our run focus va pass focus right now?



Right now It's a balanced approach. Unless we're losing, then obviously we have to throw more.

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. Next question, losing Estates to another team doesn't sound like the smartest of football but he's unhappy that he's not getting as many touches. What do you think about leaning a bit more on our run game?



If that is what you'd like to do, I am fine with it.  You turned me on to Smarter Football, so I trust your football decisions.

GM Josh

I think we need to go with a 60/40 approach with our run game taking the lead. We have so many talented backs we should be using them more. That will also take some of the pressure off Rainey and hopefully that will lead to less turnovers.



I can do that, just make sure to note it in the official lock in.

GM Josh

Will do coach. Now I think it's time I make things right with Estates. I'll send you the new lock in for practice and future weeks soon. 

Can you please have Estates come see me.


GM Josh

Thank you for coming to see me. I wanted to talk to you about your recent request. I know you're unhappy about the amount of play time you've been getting. I'm here to tell you that I agree we need to look more at our run game and that involves getting you more touches. I did look in to a possible trade as you requested but there were no times looking to bite at this time.

What I'm asking for now is your help to get the run game back on track. I talked to Coach and we're going to be switching gears here to focus more on the run.  All I ask is that you give us the time to realign everything.

If at the end of the season you're still looking for a trade I'm sure there will be more teams interested and we can look in to that as an option then.