

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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Let me think on it over the weekend and I'll give you a more definitive answer when we get into next week.

GM Josh

Of course. Take your time. I know it's a big ask. I'll let you go now.


Audrey can you please send down the new info to the coaches.

We're gonna adjust our game 65/45 split run to pass.

lock in

GM Josh

First and foremost I want to address the questions surround Estates time here. We appreciate all his hard work here and want nothing but the best for our players and the team. That being said we are not looking to move on from Estates without a mutually beneficial offer. I need to look out for the best interest of this team.

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

Definitely not where we need to be and honestly I'm shocked at where we are in the standings after last season. We'll be looking for a mid season turn around again.

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

With the work they have all been putting in I could say there is a strong case for Hightower and Hodge.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

I don't like to give out grades that doesn't show what someone is worth. I will say coach and I are on the same page with changes needing to be made and he has my full support. That said Coach has an A in my books.



  Well I don't have much to discuss about Smarter Football, unless you do.   If not, I'll let you get to work on the phones.

GM Josh

Nothing to discuss right now Coach. Let's see if we get any bites for Estates that are worth anything.



  With as many teams in this league who have terrible running backs, there should be teams lining up, but not every GM knows whats best for their team.

Just off of the top of my head: Tucson, Music City, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Cleveland, Charlotte, Cancun, Atlanta, Amsterdam, and Alabama should all be lining up to talk; but not everyone plays Smarter Football.


GM Josh

Well Coach looks like we're not going to be getting anywhere with trades and that's fine by me. We'll work with Estates after the season and if he still wants out we can find something that works for us.

Let's go ahead and lock in with a 55/45 run to pass split.

GM Josh

Whooo-eyyyy that was a bit of a close one but we managed to win that little shootout. We're showing we're still not out of the running yet and I have no doubt this team can complete a turn around to take us to the playoffs again.



  No easy games left on the schedule.  If Smarter Football is going to be playing in the playoffs, we've got to win at least 5-6 of these last seven games.

It's not going to be easy, but I believe in Smarter Football.

GM Josh

I believe in us too coach. We have all the tools we need to make things work and now it's just time for things to cook. We had a turnaround after the bye last season, let's make magic again. 

Anything else you feel we need to discuss this week?



  I just need to know if Estates is in the rotation or if he's being traded.

GM Josh

He's still in the rotation. Not looking at any trades for him as nothing that has come across my desk has been beneficial to us.

Let's go ahead and run with the same game plan as last week and lock in

GM Josh

Well that's a tough loss to swallow. Taking that game right to the final seconds only to come up short. We got a lot of things to work on if we want to be contenders this year but I still believe in this team and smarter football. Now that being said I know there's a lot of talk about the deadline approaching and that's all well and good. I'm willing to listen to offers that are coming our way but not looking to make any massive changes.  It's time to start looking to the future though and working on some of our expiring contracts, Richard included.

Thank you all for your time this week.

Coach that was a close game this week wish it would have swung our way. We need to work with Rainey on his ball protection. For someone with his talent I'm personally seeing too many interceptions.



  I hear you boss.  He's a gunslinger, so sometimes he just tries too hard to make the big play and it costs us. At the same time, that edge is why he converts some throws into touchdowns that others might not.  Double edged sword, really.

GM Josh

Aye that it is Coach. That said anything you'd like to discuss this week?



  Not really.  Just need Smarter Football to be executed properly.

GM Josh

That it shall. That starts with the distraction being gone. Estates has been traded as I'm sure you've seen. Now to look to the future. I'll be back in touch once I make some calls.

Audrey can we get Scott Forest on the line.

Mr. Forest I saw what you did for Slinger and I'm here to talk numbers for Rainey. I'd like to see him continue his career here in Portland as I feel he can learn a lot from the coaching staff here. What kind of deal are we looking at to get him here for the next 4 years?



To sign without testing the market, it would be $33MM per year, 6 years with a player option after year 4.



...Decisions, decisions... hmm?

GM Josh

I can't justify that amount at this time. Rainey still has room to grow in to that amount but right now I just can't pony up that much. What I can do is make you this offer.

4 years 18 million salary 5 million bonus and I'll raise his salary this year to 8 mil for the remainder of the season.



Well the next time you decide to waste my time, at least provide some finger foods.

We'll head to free agency and talk on the open market.

GM Josh

See you in free agency Mr Forest.


Audrey please let coach know we're ready to rock for this week. I leave all roster changes up to him.

lock in

GM Josh

Another heartbreaking close loss.   Smarter football isn't having g its greatest season, but there is still time for a comeback and a winning record. Now I know everyone wants to know what happened with Rainey. Fact of it is it all comes down to money like it always does. Scott Forest wants what's next for his clients and sometimes that doesn't align with what we can do, but we will keep trying in free agency to bring Rainey back.

Shocking release if Dario this week, but that's the danger of maths. Also I'd be remiss if I didn't make mention of Estates asking for his release after just getting there.



Well, back to back losses by 3 points is tough, Smarter Football is still working, we're just missing something.  I honestly think we need to pursue a sack artist in the off-season to take our team to the next level.

GM Josh

We definitely need some help on defense like we had with Miggy and Elvis. We'll go looking hard there as well as hoping we have a good QB should anything fall through with Rainey.



Glad we're on the same page. I'd love to have Rainey for the long haul, but I understand you have to think of all the financials to make Smarter Football run, so I'm with you whatever decision you make.

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. I hope we can get him in Free agency but we may have to try our luck with moving on. Gotta busy few weeks ahead of us with a strong London team and a division matchup against Seattle. We need to get in as much practice as possible to come out on top. We're looking for a winning record at least now but if we can somehow make the playoffs even better.

I leave any changes up to you.

lock in the next 2 weeks

GM Josh

Well damn back to back losses is not what we needed this deep in the season. Just goes to show sometime even the smartest of plans can go south. That's not saying we're abandoning our belief here or anything. Just gotta retune ourselves during the offseason. We got a few games left this season and we're still going to be looking to make a stand for a decent record at the end of the line here.


...unfortunately that is the end of our season.

We play games where we can hope to play spoiler and build momentum, but we can't make the playoffs at this point.

GM Josh

No we can't, but dammit we're gonna go down swinging or do you think it would be better to let these last 3 games go and get us a good draft position?



Even if we tanked, I dont think we can get into the top 5, so I don't think its worth it.  The wins would mean more.

GM Josh

Agreed, but wanted to get that second opinion. Thank you Coach.

Is there anything else you wanted to discuss this week?

If not can you send Benny in?


GM Josh

Benny, how's it going primo?  Listen wanted to talk to you about the work you've been putting in with everyone. It hasn't gone unnoticed and I'm happy to have you here.

That being said I was wondering if you could put in some more time on strength training with our linemen.



Not a problem Cuz, we'll get to it right away.






1. This was not the season fans anticipated, what went wrong and who is to blame?

2. Is Smarter Football dead, or do you still believe in this approach?

3. Where do you go from here, Richard Rainey is set to test free agency and Doug Wade is rumored to be a favorite for a high paying college football job, do you see yourself retaining both, one of, or neither of these two going into next season?


GM Josh

1. This was not the season fans anticipated, what went wrong and who is to blame?

We lost a lot of what made us good last season and didn't have any replacement. The blame lies with me as it's my job to put together a competitive team and I let this city down.

2. Is Smarter Football dead, or do you still believe in this approach?

I still fully believe in smarter football and I take responsibility for it not working this season as I wasn't the smartest GM in the off season.

3. Where do you go from here, Richard Rainey is set to test free agency and Doug Wade is rumored to be a favorite for a high paying college football job, do you see yourself retaining both, one of, or neither of these two going into next season?

Both men are huge assets to this team and I think it's the smartest move to retain both of them if possible.



I believe in Smarter Football, so lets talk about the future after the Impact Bowl.    Enjoy your vacation until then.


GM Josh, Smarter Football didn't have the success it did a year ago, but I still believe in what it stands for and how you can implement it.   I want to offer you a 2 year contract extension at $3MM per season.. if you'll accept.  Can we drink to that?

GM Josh

We can definitely drink to that. I still believe in smarter football too and need to do my part to be smarter this coming season.

GM Josh

Once Ian has left


Audrey can you send in coach Wade.

Coach I just got my contract extended here and that means it's time to talk numbers for you I wanted to wait until I knew where I was landing as I like your style and what you with me. I'm here for 2 more years and I want you here for at least that as well.

What would you say to 2 more years at 15 m per season starting next year to keep showing why we believe in smarter football?



I am committed to Smarter Football.  Consider me signed.  Just make sure when you league office the deal, you remember we haven't started S18 yet, so all deals must still specify they start in S18.

GM Josh

Of course, glad to have you back coach.

Time to start working on who we're gonna retain. I'll handle all of that. You go enjoy your well earned vacation.



Thanks, I'm looking forward to taking Smarter Football to the next level and winning the Impact Bowl for Portland.

GM Josh

As am I coach.


Audrey can you get Mr Crain on the line?


Mr. Crain, I'm officially back here in Portland and with that I wanted to talk to you about some of your clients as I'd like to see them stay here with me.

The first is Mr. Newell, I'd like to see him remain here as our backup QB could we extend his contract for another 3 years at 1M per season staring season 18?



3 at the minimum is a big long for the minimum, we'll do one more year at that price.

GM Josh

I can do 1 more year and we'll reconvene later.

I'm gonna save us both some time here cause I know you're a busy man.

I want to bring Booth and Walsh back here. How do 3 year contracts sound?

Booth for 7m and Walsh for 9m?