

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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GM Josh

Than that is what we shall do. Hope to see you back out there this week. Chester and I are gonna head out now. Thanks again for finding him.

I grab Chester the mini hog and head back to speak to Coach Wade.

Alright Coach, it's looking promising for Rainey to start this week, but we'll play it by ear and leave him as the starter for now.

Next question, I want to address is with Brown now coming in, think it would be good to look at any changes that may be needed to where the lines are.

MLB1-Elvis Edward
MLB2- George Swan

ROLB1-John Fredrickson
ROLB2-James Fusco

LOLB1-James Brown
LOLB2-Benito Yang

Would you say our starters are in the best location for them or should we rotate them around at all?



Yeah, I think that's the best way to utilize them right now.

GM Josh

Thanks for your input. That's the only change I'm looking to make this week. Hopefully Brown provides us that extra oomph to get these pieces falling in to place.

Let's lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your week 6 results.
A tough loos in a very close game. Honestly thought we had this one as we were definitely showing what we can do. We're still trying to get all our pieces in to place so that we're firing on all cylinders.

2.Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I got to watch a bit of Spains game and have to say I was really impressed with Pablo's performance.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Heading in to the bye is our time to let the team get back to 100% as well as back to basics. We're going to focus on team building and getting everyone all on the same page and getting us clicking. Looking to come back a whole new team after our week off.


Coach a close game and I will say a pretty impressive show for us, just wishing we would have been able to pull off that win. Hopefully that changes when we have Rainey back in the fold.

So what I'm thinking for this week is we do really need to run some drills and get out line up syncing up better with each other. We also can really benefit from some non drill related team building and trust exercises. Any suggestions?



I think the team will definitely benefit from the week off and doing our training routines.  Rainy should be 100% by next week and Welker did himself some favors with a big game for us, so I think all in all it's looking good.

GM Josh

Sounds like a solid plan Coach. If you don't mind, I would like to have a word with the whole team. Is there anything you feel we should discuss before heading down to the locker room?



No, I'm good when you are boss, let's do it.

GM Josh

Thanks coach.

—————— a few moments later.

Alright team, I appreciate you taking the time out of practice for this little meeting. Now first I want to say thank you to everyone here for welcoming me to this team and for bearing with me as I find my footing. I know these first weeks I haven't been as hands on as some other GMs's but I wanted to be able to see how you all worked together first. That being said, I truly believe we have a great team here and we're just one step away from showing the rest of the league that fact. That step we're missing, trust and openness, so since we're all here, I present to you an open forum. Any questions or concerns you have, now is the time to speak up.



I'd like to start it off boss, I'm George Swan, and even though I'm a rookie from the 5th round I feel like i should be getting some playing time. I'm missing the chance to learn on the job and get real reps and I don't like that.

I know I've only been here for a minute, but I am down to battle for every snap I can get. I don't want to come off the field unless I have to.

Shut up kid, this job is on lock, I earned my spot and you have to earn yours too.  Pay your dues like the rest of us.

Like the rest of you?  Like you didn't get popped for PED's bruh?  C'mon now, don't try to get all holy on me, I got enough of that at Utah, fam.

GUYS!    JB, Freddy, both of you stand down and chill...

Hey rook, I get it, you want to get on the field, but look at who we have at backer.. Me,  Fredrickson, and Brown are a solid group and the other guys on the chart like Fusco and Yang have a lot to offer too, we are deep in the linebacker room and we all make each other better, even if you aren't on the field for game day, so just keep grinding and making plays.  ...As the leader of this defense I have to keep us all on the same page, and if we are going to be taking pot shots at each other that isn't gonna work.   

You guys cool?


GM Josh

George, first I want to say thank you for speaking your peace and I love the heart you got in wanting to be on the field. You will get your chance to show us what you can do soon enough.

That being said, Elvis, that is the leadership I like to see. We are all one team and we need to work as a team no matter where you are in the chart. This week, we need to focus on our drills, but we need to also focus on working together. Every one of you has a part to play in improving and learning from each other.

Now George, you want to play? You want real reps, then first thing I need to see from you is the willingness to learn from the vets of the game. I've had you placed as a backup under Elvis, but I'll give you a choice now. Do you want to stay under Elvis and have him as a mentor or would you like to move under JB or John and have them as a mentor?


I love what I've learned from Double E, but I'm coming for the jobs of the other dudes, so put me behind Fredrickson, I'll put that heat on.

GM Josh

Now this ain't about putting heat, this is about learning and the hope that this helps everyone we'll make the move to start having you work under John with practice this week.

Anyone else have anything you want to discuss?



GM Josh

Thank you for your time gentlemen. Go on and head back to practice.

Coach we'll make the following changes starting with this weeks practice.

MLB1-Elvis Edward
MLB2- James Fusco

ROLB1-John Fredrickson
ROLB2-George Swan

LOLB1-James Brown
LOLB2-Benito Yang

Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Coaches Decision
Tempo: Coaches Decision
Passing Focus: Coaches Decision
Pass To: Coaches Decision
Primary Receiver: Timothy Hightower
Third Down Back: Coaches Decision
Goal Line Back: Coaches Decision
Running Focus: Coaches Decision
Running Backs: Coaches Decision
Backfield Focus: Coaches Decision
Tight End Focus: Coaches Decision
QB Tuck and Run: Coaches Decision

Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Coaches Decision
Primary Coverage: Coaches Decision
D-Line Focus: Coaches Decision
Linebacker Focus: Coaches Decision
Player Radio: Elvis Edward
Match CBs to WRs?: Coaches Decision
Align Man Coverage?: Coaches Decision

If Winning: Coaches Decision
If Losing: Coaches Decision

lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

I was keeping a close eye on all our division games this week. Having Salt Lake and both losing helps us stay in contention with them as we look to have a strong showing coming back from the bye.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first. 

First and foremost I want to express how happy I am that Rainey is fitting in so well here and how much he's stepping up to help lead this team.

In other news, I guess it would be best to address the biggest story involving Ricky and Long Beach. It's definitely a crap storm to be a little more polite with both sides and I will be following closely to see how this turns out.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We got Seattle ourselves this week and we're both looking to snap out losing streaks. Our biggest advantage is we had the week off to rest a little more and that we have what I consider to be the strongest offense in our division who are ready to fire on all cylinders.


Coach, from the sounds of it out bye week training was a benefit to us teamwork wise, would that be a safe assessment?



It was one of the most beneficial bye weeks I've ever seen, we got some really good gains.

GM Josh

That's what I like to hear. I say let's see how those gains show this week.

Is there anything you'd like to discuss Coach?



Nothing springs to mind, unless you have anything for me?

GM Josh

That will be all for this week coach. Gotta work on our future now with some agents.


Audrey, can you get Eli Harris on the line please?


Mr. Harris, pleasure to speak to you. I wanted to reach out to you about Elvis and Cesar.  We are wanting to exercise our 4th year option and keep them both here next season. We're looking to increase both of them to 10m for their salary and keep them at their current 2m bonus. Does that work for you?



Cesar doesn't have any bonus, so are you wanting to give him a 3MM raise to salary and 2MM in bonus or all 5 to the salary?

GM Josh

Yes that would be correct, thank you Mr. Harris, still getting used to these new contract types.



No worries then, just league office it when you're ready.

GM Josh

Pleasure doing business with you.


Audrey that will be all this week, please let coach Wade know no changes to our lineup.

lock in[\b]

GM Josh

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

A close game but a win nonetheless has got us feeling good. Without a doubt Hightower deserves the game ball. He's been a consistent force for us and proves every game why he is a leader on the field.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?

Number 1 news story for me is also around the stat leader. Proud to say we have the number 1 spot in receiving yards with Hightower. Just goes to show how explosive he is once he's got the ball in his hands.  Non team related, Meeks nearing the 3000 mark already is impressive

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Facing off against Salt Lake will be a tough match up for us as any divisional match is. We're both looking to get a winning streak going and only one of us can walk out with that 2nd straight win. I would normally say momentum would be our biggest advantage but we're about even there. In this case here I'd say our biggest advantage is the fact we have been overlooked this season and we'll continue to surprise everyone.


Coach, that was a great turnaround for us out of the bye week. A little closer than I would have liked, but glad to have that win


Getting this teams second win ever against Seattle after 9 straight losses is HUGE for the fan base and for the morale in the locker room, 30-27, 3-0, 2-5... anyway we can get that win is big.  Now we have to turn it into a two-game win streak.  Rainey looked amazing, if he can give us that kind of game again we have a great shot.

GM Josh

That it is Coach, I fully trust you to get us that next one and many more.  Rainey is definitely stepping up and getting more comfortable and with Hightower leading the league in yards that definitely has to help with our momentum.

If we are short Frazier and Walsh this week, how do you like our chances against Salt Lake, also if Walsh is out that leaves us with just Beatty and Daniels on Guard, anyone you feel would serve as a good backup for them should we need it?



We'll likely slot Quinonez into the backup guard positions since he has some familiarity.  Salt Lake is tough but we are showing our toughness too, I think we can handle them.

GM Josh

Perfect thank you Coach, I trust you and this team to show the rest of the league that we're contenders.

Anything else you want to discuss this week?  If not I'll let you get back to work and I'll have a chat with Hightower.


GM Josh

Thanks for coming up. I just wanted to personally congratulate you on the taking the number one sit for receiving yards.  Your hard work isn't going unnoticed and I know you can pass the 1000 yard mark easily this season and cement yourself as The #1 receiver in the league.



I appreciate the love boss, we've got a QB I trust now, and man it feels good!  I'm excited to see where we can go.

GM Josh

Onward and upward from here. Head on back to practice.


I'll let coach make any game time lineup changes.

lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your weeks results.
A heartbreaking loss against my hometown, but it's a learning experience for the team. Not putting the blame on anyone for this, it's a team game. We win together we lose together. Next time we gotta show that we're better.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league?  First and foremost I don't know where the rumors are that I am shopping anyone around to be traded. While people may be approaching me with offers I have sent no indication that I am putting anyone on a trading block. As my first year here it's shocking to see the amount of rumored and requested trades going on across the league.

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?
I can say from my end things will be relatively quiet as I am confident with our team and want to see what this team can do. That being said, I am always willing to listen to anyone about any offers as I will do what is best for this team.

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?
As it's just my rookie year here so to speak, I do feel somewhat safe as we are in a rebuilding phase. But there is no such thing as 100% safe in anything, which leads back to your previous question about the other GM moves. The owners are going to do what they feel is best for their team, while some of the moves may be shocking and I feel for my fellow GMs who have been uprooted, but that is the nature of the beast.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?
We got Tucson coming up and I'm going to be honest with the injuries piling up on us, it will be a difficult match up. We're going to have to up our game even more. I think our biggest advantage will still be the hunger to keep ourselves in contention.


Coach, tough loss but with injuries plaguing us last week, that couldn't have helped us at all. How are you feeling about Tucson?  Also I would definitely like your feelings on the locker room with the trade deadline approaching.


Morale is actually not bad right now.  Sure guys don't like losing, but with Rainey at quarterback and us having a feeling of purpose moving into next season, everyone has bought in to our system.

Tucson is a great team and they are hurting to get back in the win column so its going to be a tough match up for us, but if we can manage an upset, whoa man that would be huge for our fan base.

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. Morale still being good is what I want to hear. Sounds like the team understands it's a rebuilding year here.

That being said, want to pick your brain on the future. We have a lot of expiring contracts this season. Of those contracts pick 2 you would want to keep and 2 you feel we can do without.



On the keep side, Scott Beatty is definitely a good player, so is Sami Ozil... I'd let Fredrickson walk and really all the rest for that matter.

GM Josh

Thanks coach, those were my top 2 as well.

Just wanted to make sure you and I were on the same page before heading in to negotiations.

Is there anything you feel needs to be addressed this week?


GM Josh

Thanks for the chat coach. I'll let you get back to work, can you send Sami up to see me.


Sami, thanks for taking the time to meet. I'm gonna cut to the chase I like you here and like what you can do so I want to keep you here as a fixture of the team. I'd like to offer you a contract extension of 4 years at 4 mil starting next season. Does that work for you?



You have a deal, sir!

GM Josh

Thank you Sami, go on back to practice.


Audrey can we get Scott Forrest on the line.


Mr. Forrest I'm calling in regards to Scott Beatty, I want to see him continue to thrive here and be a fixture for the team. I'd like to offer him a new contact starting next season of 11 mil for 4 years. Can we make that a deal?


So, GM Underpants, my policy with clients is to take them all the way to free agency; that being said you're offer isn't far off from what we will be starting off looking for on the open market.  $13MM is definitely appealing, so keep that in mind when the time comes.

GM Josh

Thanks for your time and letting me know where we'd be looking funds wise Mr. Forrest, it's much appreciated.


Audrey can we get Ben Shapiro on the line please?

Mr. Shapiro, thank you for taking my call. I wanted to speak to you in regards to Segura. I like what John's been doing here and want to see him stick around. As you represent Briggs as well, I wanted to see if we could extend John's contract another 2 years to match with the length of Briggs, would we be able to do that?


Hello GM Underpants, calling me with a scoop on your latest contract offer?  I love it!  Thanks!

GM Josh

Figured better to hear it straight from the GM first. Now just need to speak to Bobby to get this finished. Have a great day Ben.


Audrey can we get Bobby Shapiro on the line please.


Mr. Shapiro, thank you for taking my call. I wanted to speak to you in regards to Segura. I like what John's been doing here and want to see him stick around. As you represent Briggs as well, I wanted to see if we could extend John's contract another 2 years to match with the length of Briggs, would we be able to do that?



We'd do a deal that matched in years and money, but not just a flat 2 year extension for the peanuts he's making now.

GM Josh

Definitely wouldn't think of keeping the amount the same, but wanted to gauge where we were at and unfortunately it does look like you and I are on 2 different sides here. I like Segura, I think he's a great guy but I can't justify that much of a pay increase for someone with half the numbers of Briggs. Speaking as such I can offer him an increase to 6 mil to add those extra two years starting next season, but that would be as high as I would be able to go.


GM Josh

Pleasure doing business Mr. Shapiro.

lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your weeks results.
That was an embarrassing loss plain and simple. We all need to step our game. We let them run all over us on both sides of the ball and dammit all that's just beyond frustrating.  Now I know we racked up some injuries during the game that put a hurting on us, but that's when we need people to step up the most.

2. Discuss any news that interested you.
Speaking of injuries, I guess it could be worse and I could have to be stepping on to the field like GM Dario so I'll count my blessings there.

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most? It was surprising and saddening to see James Pack bouncing around.

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.
I'm looking to see Rainey and Segura step up their game even more as I believe they have tons of potential to be greater than they already are.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?
Next week we have a must win game for many reasons against the woodpeckers. Right now our advantages are sitting in the doctors office so we're gonna be looking at making some surprise adjustments and hope that pays off.


Coach rough week last week in a lot of ways. I think we're gonna have to rely on Sami for my run game we want this coming week