

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:11:12 PM

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GM Adam Wrong

OK I'll have a chat with them maybe to get an idea.

Tactically, I think we play it as we have set out and then look at tweaks afterwards. Unless you have something that should be adjusted immediately...



I'm a no nonsense kind of guy, I'm good to go.

GM Adam Wrong

I love it. I look forward to toasting a celebration of week 1 against Vegas.


Mel Briggs please,

Mel, it's lovely to properly meet you. I know it's a transition with a new GM and a new coaching set up but I was wondering how you were



I'm fine. Just doing the job.

GM Adam Wrong

OK because if there is anything I can do to support you, just let me know. My door is open.


Charles Hyland please.

Charles, great to meet you. I'm excited to be working with a QB of your calibre here in RC. Are you looking forward to this season?


Man, its great to finally meet you GM Wrong, I've been a fan of yours for a long time.  The way you handled things in Atlanta during all that crisis, the way you always had your QB's backs in Lincoln and in Atlanta... everything but the crazy head-dress, but we all do crazy stuff sometimes! 

I'm really happy to be playing for a staff like this with a front office like yours.

GM Adam Wrong

The headdress has been left in Atlanta man I can guarantee that!

I'm hoping we've built up and ensured you have an amazing offence for you to lead to great things

My door is open if you need anything


Right... let's take the sting out of the Scorpions

Coaches to decide tactics.

Lock in



1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

2. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

3. Did any news catch your eye this week?

4. Discuss your next opponent and game.

GM Adam Wrong


1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

I mean we got completely Wilkinsoned... Our O-Line was one of many to get pummelled this week and it hurt us. We weren't able to get a rhythm and Vegas punished us for that.

Our protection of the Quarterback has to improve and improve quickly because there are no easy games this season and if we can't get the fundamentals right, they will only get harder.

2. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

I still think it's too early. Without formal pre-season games, it's difficult to make the tweaks we would normally make. I will meet with the coaching set up to discuss options this week.

3. Did any news catch your eye this week?

Well to know we aren't alone in the sack fest is one thing but for the baptism of fire for The number 1 pick? That's gotta be rough.

4. Discuss your next opponent and game.

As I said, there's no easy games and winnipeg are looking rampant. It'll be tough but I hope we can turn things on their head



Shit start, and it doesnt get any easier with the Champs coming in.

GM Adam Wrong

Was it just a case of Wilkinson having a great game or was it worse than that?



Hard to know without seeing more games.   Morneau gave up 4 sacks, he gave up 3 all last year, 5 the year before, and 3 in the year prior...

GM Adam Wrong

That's a concern from the outset but the games aren't getting any easier.

Any changes you feel may benefit us?



Not yet, if we were all judged off of an off-season and one game we'd all be fired.

GM Adam Wrong

Hey no doubt about that.

I'll let you get to it.


Freddie Morneau please

Fred, rough day at the office against Vegas, how are you feeling?



Definitely not my finest hour, but I'm getting on just fine, eh?

GM Adam Wrong

Onwards and upwards for next week yeah?



For sure, I don't plan on sucking more than I did last week.

GM Adam Wrong

Love to hear it.

Beast mode activated

No changes

Let's win against WIN

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong


1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?
It was a much better performance against a very good team. We showed green shoots of improvement but just not good enough and we need a lot more going forwards.

2. Discuss any news that interested you.
It's where I made my name against my new home. Its a Divisional rival and its a fellow 0-2 team. It writes itself in all honesty but if you need a soundbite, I heard before I stepped out here that Lincoln are in panic trade mode already. We're not.

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

It's going to be tough but it looks like the key component of their run game is not going to be there. We need to step up and there's no better time to do so

Coach, a much better showing against Winnipeg. A must win game now so what ars your thoughts



This is a game where if we play like we should, Hyland is going to throw for 500 yards, they are giving up 400 per game so far and are last in the league against the pass, and just traded for a guy who gave up 120 catches last year.  The biggest factor for us is going to be creating turnovers.  Ginobili is turning it over at a rapid pace and we're going to have to capitalize on his aggressive style and burn him.    This is not only a chance to get our first win but to reset our season in the right way.

GM Adam Wrong

So do we raise the pass ratio? Especially with Andre a doubt.

What are your immediate thoughts because you don't realise how important This win is for me personally


If you want to bump the ratios, then just tell me how much we want to go up.  They have the #1 run defense so its going to be tough sledding to run on them as is, but we also don't want to fall into a trap of only passing and piling up 70 throws on Charlies shoulder either.

GM Adam Wrong

Can we up the pass by 10% for all plays? Just a small tweak as we are at just under half at 1st and 10.

Does that sound reasonable without putting too much on Charlie?



That's perfectly fine, much better than jacking things up by 50-60%

GM Adam Wrong

Oh I wouldn't dream of it. Defensively does much need changing?



Nothing from a strategy perspective, team just needs to play better and execute.

GM Adam Wrong

I noticed Herc was getting a few passing plays. How is he performing?



It's a big adjustment from a lower level college program to the elite pro league, so he's getting eased in, but we see him as a worth-while project.

GM Adam Wrong

OK, let's get this dub and start our season properly

Let's up the pass by 10% for all plays

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

What we had there was a big, big win. An important win and the true start to our season.

I was delighted that the boys showed after the absolute shocking shower that was the first half but the guts and determination especially of the defence who created more turnovers from Lincoln than a bakery.

The fans are justified in their frustration with the points that we are scoring. I will be working with the Offensive team as well as Vic to work on plans going forward as we look towards another tricky opponent against the currently undefeated Cobras.

If we boost our pass protection and keep going with the attitude shown in the second half against Lincon, we should be back on track this season.



Hyland is taking a real beating out there.

GM Adam Wrong

This oline is embarrassing right now. Is there any particular weak link or someone not pulling their weight?



It's been a group effort.  Nobody has been terrible every week, but they've all had their struggles.

GM Adam Wrong

I'm thinking of making our Tight End Focus to switch to blocking would that potentially help while I browse the market?



  Might be like trying to piss into the grand canyon, but at least its another 240 or so pounds of human flesh between them and our QB

GM Adam Wrong

I'm going to try and work some business before we face DC. Do we change anything else for the Cobras?



What did you have in mind?

GM Adam Wrong

Aside from changing the TE focus I have noticed their QB is getting sacked a fair bit, do we need to look at anything that way to try and increase the pressure on their QB?


I love attacking the QB, but I dont think we need to dial it up any extra.  if they're giving up sacks, we should generate them organically with our current scheme.

GM Adam Wrong

That's good. Now about the fan response to our scoring. Is there anything we can work on to increase our output?


That's tough, obviously everyone wants to score. Its just not been getting done.

GM Adam Wrong

Any additional drills we could work on them with or could I invest in an extra camp or something?



I think they just need to get settled into the system.

GM Adam Wrong

Let's hope as the market is drier than a nun's chuff right now.

Set tight end focus to Blocking.

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

  SEASON 16 - WEEK 4

1. Talk about the results of your game this week.
Absolutely phenomenal performance from the lads. To take the game to a team who was unbeaten like that and to come back in the 4th quarter to then deliver a win in overtime is just what we needed to continue our momentum. We now need to keep that going.

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?
It's always difficult to say as we have had an opening 4 of 2 halves. 2 defeats to highly fancied teams and 2 wins back to back against 2 other fancied teams. We are still a work in progress but we are on the right side of things

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?
I'd say I am a buyer. I told the management I would be able to bring good times back to the Inferno franchise and while I don't have a first round pick, I'd be very much in the market to ensure that we get to the playoffs and beyond. I'll be getting involved as soon as others look to sell

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?

It would certainly break the divide a little and I'd welcome the opportunity to discuss matters with certain franchises there.

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?

I've been focusing primarily on Rapid City to start this season but I will be exploring a partnership with interested parties in the near future so yes, I would say I'm very interested.

6. Talk about this week
We take on a currently winless San Antonio who are coming off of the back of a bye week. They will have used the bye week to rebuild and kick-start their season. We need to be ready for a big game and aim to get into the winning record column now.

7. Talk about any other news if you would like
I find it troubling how the immediate reaction to a player doing well is to test them for performance enhancing drugs.
The issue with Aaron Kitchen isn't surprising to be honest. I worked with him briefly and... well... I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall when it all kicked off


Back to back wins, and the team is starting to show some of what we can do.   Knights, Brewers, Mariachis before the bye.  If we aren't 5-2 at the bye week I'm going to be pissed.

GM Adam Wrong

Absolutely delighted with that win. Congratulations on that.

Was the Tight End Focus shift the difference maker do you believe?


Maybe?  I'd think it was more likely that we made plays down the field with our receivers and their starting QB threw one pass, but it couldn't have hurt.

GM Adam Wrong

We need to keep doing that against San Antonio. They are 0-3 but we can't underestimate them. I'm still looking towards improvements roster wise but should we switch anything up for San Antonio?