

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:11:12 PM

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Absolutely. I'm going to carve them like a Thanksgiving turkey. GOBBLE GOBBLE!

GM Adam Wrong

Let's make sure they are properly roasted. Gobble gobble indeed.


Hercules Link please (this can be via Video call to save his ankle)

Herc! Dude! How are you feeling?



Man... feeling shitty.  Work my ass off, score, then get hurt coming off the railing?  That's a bitch move.

GM Adam Wrong

You did really well so far this season and it's a crap thing to happen. But the team are here to support your rehab and recovery. Anything I can do just let me know



Appreciate it boss. I'll get back as soon as I can.

GM Adam Wrong

Good work. Keep in touch


Coach, I've built up our LB corps and got a 1st in with Barden and Jarrett.

How should we change the WR lineup and the LB corps?



At receiver I think its best now to go Brown at WR1, Jackson 2?  And Fowler 3?  Harry 4th, Mulligan 5th, and Reynolds, then Rivera.

At Linebacker the new guys slot in behind Nak, Randle, and Dempster.

GM Adam Wrong

OK let's do this!

Brown to WR1
Jackson to WR2
Fowler to WR3
Harry to WR4

Barden to LB4

Coaches to decide

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

Thank god for the bye week... when you produce an abysmal performance against a back up Quarterback and a General Manager who is on leave, you look forward to a week with no game and just drill the importance of game management. From winning 17-7, we gave up 44 points without response and that is nothing short of pathetic. I apologise to the Rapid City fans who had to endure that turgid performance and I can assure you, I will be doing everything I can to make sure this team functions even if that means investing in next season right now.

As for the Orlando situation? It is fortunate that GM Rebel is working off of the back of a solid season last season because I wouldn't expect many Owners to be that forgiving for that number of transgressions in a short space of time.

The PFL Is a group we should be working WITH for mutual benefit. With more good football, the biggest winners are the fans who can immerse themselves in more high level games. We need dialogue with the PFL to smooth things over but we need to make sure that we as the HIFL GMs are able to compete with the limitless budget that they appear to have there.

I hope that our GM Rep is able to work a deal with the PFL and the HIFL to ensure a harmonious relationship. I hope GM Rebel comes out and apologises for putting us all in a potential imposition.


Coaches, I want answers to that performance, I want names of weak links and I want names of players who you'd prefer me to keep as there's a fire sale coming to the Inferno if shit like that continues



  They lit us up in the pass game. We got embarrassed. Glass, Hughes, and Bieber couldnt stop anyone, and we got showed up.

GM Adam Wrong

What's up with them? Glass has a price tag attached to his ability but he didn't turn up. Hughes and Bieber are supposed to be good but we were passed through like they weren't there. What the hell are they playing at?


If I had the answers to fix it, we wouldn't be talking about it, because it would be fixed.

GM Adam Wrong

So do I cut our losses and look at trading some of the contract year players out? I'm looking at the line up after the bye week and it ain't getting any easier.

There will be no bye week for the players for the record.


GM Adam Wrong

As things stand is there anything we can potentially change with our secondary lineup to give them a chance



We are currently running aggressive defense, mixed coverage preference, and not matching CBs to WRs for formations, so we could alter those plans in our strategy?

GM Adam Wrong

Let's match our CBs to WRs and see how we move going forward.

Anything else defensively that you feel could be tweaked?



Like, hey...  So the PFL has made offers to two of our players.  Guard Freddie Morneau and Strong Safety Michael Bolin, yeah.

GM Adam Wrong

Sorry coach, need to action something quickly.

London, can I get an idea of where these offers have come from?

While you do that, let's get Scott Forrest on the phone.

Scott, I was already lining up a call to you regarding Mr Bolin but let's expedite a offer in place for next season and Beyond for Michael Bolin.



GM Adam Wrong

Bugger, of course.

London, can I speak to Michael Bolin please


GM Adam Wrong

I just wanted to gauge how you are feeling with the hubbub around the offer?

I appreciate what's being put out there would be tempting but we would really love to keep you here long term at the Inferno.


Philadelphia is offering me $17MM per season.  You match that for the future and I'm good to stick around, but if not then Imma head out.

GM Adam Wrong

Mr B, financially I can't match that. Morally, I can't and won't be held to a ransom to ensure that you stay with us here.

What I can give you here is a family. A family that will nurture and support you. One that will see you flourish and cement yourself as an elite safety in HIFL... one that you know you are and one that you know can only be decided by stats and not financials

I implore you to stay here in Rapid City, I will negotiate a deal with you AND your agent and while it won't be 17million, it will give you the success and job satisfaction that you can only get playing with this team, in this league. And it will be a big leap from what you are earning this season.



Imma head out!


GM Adam Wrong

Fair enough.

Mr Morneau please. What have you been offered then sir?



They offered me $15MM per season, but honestly, I am a loyal guy more than a money guy, so I don't know if I'm going to be swayed.

GM Adam Wrong

I appreciate the loyalty, what I will say is I won't match the deal and I won't be able to guarantee you more playing time as things stand given our current lineup becoming stable.

I will support your decision either way



I've thought on it.  I've consulted my family.. and 3 years fully guaranteed would be stupid to walk away from when I'm happy here.   It's all good boss, you can count on me.

GM Adam Wrong

Oh... Goody gumdrops. Well I would have understood had you taken a 50% pay increase, that's a lot of money to work with. That's brave of you to turn down such a HUGE pay increase. Thats a deal that i would struggle to turn down. Appreciate that.

See you later then


London, can you get me the agent for PFL SS Ronald Phipps.

I'd like to bring him in on a 3 year deal. 6mm for the rest of the season and then S17 and 18 a Mutual option on a 10mm with 2mm BP



Ronald Phipps sends his gratitude for the offer, but he is playing in Indianapolis in order to play with his younger brother Allen, and he is currently making $11MM per season. He's perfectly happy.

GM Adam Wrong

Thanks London

Could you reach out to Dennis Mackenzie and make the same offer?



He is willing to sign. He'll hire an agent once he gets here.

GM Adam Wrong

Excellent. It's all league officed and we're excited to have him.


Sorry coach that all kicked off there. We've lost Bolin. I've brought one in from PFL to replace him. Low risk deal for the season then see how it works out. How is morale amongst the players with this uncertainty? Any others being lured? Anyone else in for Freddie?



Everyones uneasy.  Signing one back from the PFL looks like we're not taking it lying down, but it's also made us a target right there with Charlotte.

GM Adam Wrong

Well if we're being punished for the transgression of someone else and we are innocent, we might as well be punished for something we actually did.

Will Mackenzie be OK in the gap that Bolin has left behind?


...No offense here, but I didn't know the kid from a piece of purple cauliflower until about 45 seconds ago.  we could scout him to get some info, or we can wait until I see him play and practice, ala next week.

GM Adam Wrong

Purple cauliflower is top notch. Just don't overboil it otherwise it loses its colour.

As for this week, we are keeping up the training levels. Any chance of a cheap pick up game in the bye week for low-intensity do you think?



Not many teams out here in the Dakota's to play with, but we might be able to go up to Fargo and do something with North Dakota State or stay in South Dakota and check into South Dakota State, but with SDSU they dont even send players to the pros right now.

GM Adam Wrong

We'll offer SDSU a game as a boost both for them and us.


Put me in touch with a rep for SDSU please London



They're happy to do it, they're just asking for a contribution to the teams athletic program.



Mail them the check later I guess? ...lock in time.

GM Adam Wrong



2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?
It's an absolute joke. I need to be careful to avoid a fine for profanity but its an absolute joke. We as a collective have been punished for one managers error and we run the risk of being punished further for simply defending ourself. I'm glad a decision has been made on a new rep and hopefully he will stem the exodus.

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?
I'd have liked an end to the situation. I care about my team, my staff, our fans and and my players. Whatever keeps us unified is what I agree to

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?
well seeing as it failed, they clearly weren't the right choice...

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?
It's who I voted for. Let's hope he doesn't male chicken it up.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.
A team agreed to a game against a top level team and don't like it that they played hard and fair. Oh well.

As for the fan dismay. They shouldn't be taking it out on the team,take it out on those creating these fractures.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?
The season for us has been underwhelming at best. The fact that Hyland is still standing is a miracle. I'd nominate him or possibly my WR corps.

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?
We are looking to make sure we are strong and stable for this season and beyond.

9.  Discuss this weeks game
a rejuvenated Lincoln take us on having run Winnipeg close. Hopefully Jarvis isn't thinking the ball slipping from his fingers too much and it isn't replaying over and over and over in his mind... hopefully it won't affect his game.



Well, the PR hits keep coming, we're not looking very hot right now.  Bullying college kids didn't sit well with the community, we're looking like a bunch of mean jerks.

GM Adam Wrong

I'll contact the coach in a bit to smooth things over but is that why fans are staying away? Is that the only reason we are not looking good?


I think losing to San Antonio and Dallas hasn't helped. Losing a star player to the PFL didn't help.  Then hearing our team is out bullying a bunch of college kids and our coach is out there taunting them after scoring 100 points wasn't endearing, but that's just speculation.

GM Adam Wrong

Well, these are factors beyond my control so not really sure why they are taking it out on me and the team. Bolin went for money we can't afford and the losses are down to the team hideously underperforming

I'll speak to their coach of SDSU first of all, please put me through

Sir, GM Wrong of Rapid City. Please accept my apologies. Our coach was a little overzealous and got carried away following a couple of poor games and the lads were blowing off steam.

I am putting the money through to you as soon as this call is done with a little extra for the upset caused


GM Wrong, we opened up our home to welcome you guys in with open arms.  In the past I looked at scrimmages as a chance for everyone to do some light work, and in this case I thought it would be a chance for our young kids to learn how the pros prepare, see some new plays, pick players brains and pick up some pointers, plus we invited a ton of recruits to the event thinking it would be great publicity for us in that aspect, and instead your guys come off of the bus with a war chant, intimidating our staffers who were their to welcome them, and then embarrass us by playing like it was a championship contest. A  32 year old grown ass man has no business stiff arming an 18 year old kid into the turf and then tea bagging him!   

When I saw that I looked over to see Coach LeBlanc scold him, and instead he headbutts him in celebration and screams at him to, and I quote, "show these little cunts who daddy is." 

We had recruits leave the event laughing about how badly we were dominated.  I heard our top recruiting target telling another recruit there was zero chance he was coming to our university after that showing, and this morning he tweeted his commitment to North Dakota State.    Brutal loss for us all around. 

I'm beside myself, and now the university athletic director wants my head on a pike because I made our entire university look like shit.

I might be out of a job this time tomorrow for all I know.

GM Adam Wrong

Mr Noem I'm incredibly sorry for this. I will smooth things out with your bosses to ensure that that doesn't happen. Boys will be boys and I feel they were a little over enthusiastic.

Again, please send my sincere apologies to the boys and I hope the young man who was... ahem... tea bagged... isn't too traumatised.

If they keep you on, I'd be interested in making a small contribution to your teams funds in the off season as well as recompense if that would help