

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:11:12 PM

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GM Adam Wrong

Fair enough. Best of luck

Vic LeBlanc again please.

Vic, with you asking for decent money,what sort of budget would you be looking for?


As much as possible.  I think it's stupid to go into a situation handicapping yourself with a low budget.

GM Adam Wrong

I'd like to offer you a deal here in Rapid City to make 3-4 great again.

Would a 3 year deal at 15mm deal


GM Adam Wrong

Signed and sealed.

Right, let's talk budgets...



As much as possible.  I think it's stupid to go into a situation handicapping yourself with a low budget.  ...is there an echo in here?  Are you in a tunnel, you sound like you're in a tunnel.. are you on speaker phone on the shitter? 

GM Adam Wrong

That was before the deal was signed!

I'm thinking you were going to offer me options. Would you be happy with a heavy lean towards Offensive team?



I don't know the teams budget; I'm just a coach; but obviously $10MM is considered the top of the line for one side of the ball; if we want to invest that much and can, hell yeah we should; if not I wouldnt go below the "average" mark of $5MM, seems like its a fight for scraps right now at that level; under that we're getting a lot of hopes and dreams. I lean to the defense as my specialty, so more offense is smart, but dont neglect the defense.

GM Adam Wrong

How about I give you 9mill for Offence and 7 for defence? Would that work for you with you experience at defence balance it up?



That should help us get just about anyone worth a damn; I like it.

GM Adam Wrong

Let's get to work.

James T Crain please

James, I feel your client Carl Dubois would benefit from a couple more seasons here in Rapid City to develop under this new coaching line up.

Would he come back for a 2 year, 1mm deal?


We're currently seeking $3MM per season at the minimum GM Wrong.

GM Adam Wrong

Understand that desire and I may revisit that later on thank you.

What about for your other client Franklin Beane?

2 years 1mm to work under the learning tree of one of the best to ever do it in that position?


Franky Beans is looking for a big money deal, I'm talking $6MM a year right now is his ask.. obviously this price will come down if the market doesnt develop but you know how it is this time of year... eyes on the prize.

GM Adam Wrong

I understand but I can't pay that right now. Let him known that he is wanted and I'll be back for him later.


Bobby Shapiro please

Bobby, I'm after bringing Doyle Fowler back for the next couple of seasons to continue his development.

2 years, 1mm



You underestimate this kid; he's work $9MM a year.

GM Adam Wrong



Hello GM Wrong,   I am Thomas Reese, the investigator looking into the recent allegations made against your boss.  Do you have a few minutes to answer a few questions?

GM Adam Wrong

Hello Mr Reese,

I will be happy to help where I can although I've only just arrived here in the off-season and it would need to be authorised prior to any discussions.



if you are not comfortable talking with me I understand, I cannot compel you to answer my questions, but I would love to know if Mr. Burns has ever discussed the team's financial situation with you, outside of the confines of the salary cap.

GM Adam Wrong

That's fine, I'm happy to answer that question as it's very straightforward.

No, not at all. Mr Burns and I have had one interaction where he offered me the job here. We haven't interacted since I started here. As I say, that only occurred during the off-season.



Very well, thank you for your time.  If anything comes up, you now have my number.


Hi there, I have us with $34.95MM and $6MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Adam Wrong

Bobby Shapiro please!

Let's make Urban Hemsworth look great in Inferno colours.

2 years, 1mm



$2MM for 1 pr 2 seasons, would be our price.

GM Adam Wrong

Deal on 2mm for 1 season and have a player option for a 2nd?


GM Adam Wrong


Can I speak to the agent of UDFA LB Steve Lewis please?

1 year, 350k


GM Adam Wrong


Anthony Campanelli re: Jesus Young please

Paisan, I'd like to get Jesus in working with me again even if it is just for 1 season but

1mm deal and he can choose the years


Have you eva' heard an Italian sing a song call "Hell to the Naw?" because I assure you, it is not pretty.

GM Adam Wrong

Have a good day Anthony

Bobby Shapiro again please

Mel Briggs... can we do 1 year, 1mm?


GM Adam Wrong

Eli Harris sir

I'd like to bring G Benjamin Brunner into the Inferno

4 year deal as follows

Year 1 - 1.25mm,
Year 2 - player option 2.5mm
Years 3 & 4 - mutual option of 5mm



GM Adam Wrong

No no Mr Harris no need for that there was no intention to offend.

Could we talk Rene Dempster?

What deal are you looking for for him? I have a small budget and it'd be nice to keep him in RC



Dempster will return for 1 year at $1MM

GM Adam Wrong


London, when that is league officed, I have us at a full roster and under budget!



I have the same, like, oh my god!

GM Adam Wrong


1. Peter Cowart - Agility
2. Hercules Link - Conditioning
3. Alexander Shelly - Arm Strength
4. Enrique Ritchie - Pass Blocking

1. Danny Houser - Conditioning
2. Danny Houser - Tackling
3. Robert Roderick - Speed
4. Willie Jones - Strength


Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Coaches Decision
Tempo: Coaches Decision
Passing Focus: Coaches Decision
Pass To: Coaches Decision
Primary Receiver: Forest Walker
Third Down Back: Andre Dillon
Goal Line Back: Hercules Link
Running Focus: Coaches Decision
Running Backs Role: Coaches Decision
Backfield by Committee?: Coaches Decision 
Tight End Focus: Coaches Decision
QB Tuck and Run: Coaches Decision

Attitude: Coaches Decision
Focus: Coaches Decision
Primary Coverage:Coaches Decision
D-Line Focus: Coaches Decision
Linebacker Focus: Coaches Decision
Player Radio: Hiro Nakamura
Match CBs to WRs?: Coaches Decision
Align Man Coverage?: Coaches Decision

Point Margin for Backup Package Lead by 25. Trail by 30
Sub Package Minimum Energy Coaches Decision
Sub Package Maximum Energy Coaches Decision

If Winning Run More
If Losing Pass More

COUNTER STRATEGY (vs. offense gives your defense a boost to stop the selected type; vs. defense gives your offense a boost vs. selected defensive strategy)
Coaches Decision? Yes
vs. Offense Coaches Decision
vs. Defense Coaches Decision

OFFENSE MASTER DEPTH CHART GM's MUST COMPLETE THIS TASK (You may attach up to 3 additional Copies of this Chart for various "Packages" in your offense, the final package is strictly your back up players for substitutions - this is automatically set by your coaching staff)


QB- Charles Hyland
QB2- Urban Hemsworth
QB3- Alexander Shelly

RB1- Andre Dillon
RB2- Hercules Link
RB3- Peter Cowart

FB- Kevin Gresham

TE1- Gary O'Donnell
TE2- Charles McGhee

WR1- Forest Walker
LWR4- Doyle Fowler
WR7- Jesse Rivera

WR2- Ralph Brown
WR5- Thomas Mulligan

WR3- Stefan Jackson
WR6- Troy Reynolds

LT- Enrique Ritchie
LT2- Mel Briggs

LG- Orlando White
LG2- Marc Poulin

C- Marcus Hudson
C2- Carl Dubois

RG- Freddie Morneau
RG2- Gale Schwab

RT- Lee Cottrell
RT2- Mel Briggs

DEFENSE MASTER DEPTH CHART GM's MUST COMPLETE THIS TASK (You may attach up to 3 additional Copies of this Chart for various "Packages" in your defense. The final package is strictly your back up players for substitutions - this is automatically set by your coaching staff)

PACKAGE NAME: Standard Package

DT1- Ryan Thomas
DT3- Oswaldo Stackhouse

DT2- Willie Jones

RE1- Timothy Cobbs
RE2- Franklin Beane

LE1- Thomas Loftis
LE2- John Jernigan

MLB1- Hiro Nakamura
MLB2- Michael Autry
MLB3- Steve Lewis

ROLB1- Carlos Randall
ROLB2- Danny Houser

LOLB1- Rene Dempster
LOLB2- Derrick Mundy

CB1- Theodore Glass
CB4- Robert Roderick

CB2- Rosendo Hughes
CB5- Taylor Bautista

CB3- Sylvester Bieber

FS1- Steven Bender
FS2- Peter Thiel
FS3- Michael Major
FS4- Michael Begay

SS1- Michael Bolin
SS2- Oscar Flores

PACKAGE NAME: Hardcore 3-4

NT1- Ryan Thomas
NT2- Willie Jones

RE1- Timothy Cobbs
RE2- Franklin Beane

LE1- Thomas Loftis
LE2- John Jernigan

LB1- Hiro Nakamura
LB2- Carlos Randall
LB3- Rene Dempster
LB4- Danny Houser

CB1- Theodore Glass
CB4- Robert Roderick

CB2- Rosendo Hughes
CB5- Taylor Bautista

CB3- Sylvester Bieber

FS1- Steven Bender
FS2- Peter Thiel
FS3- Michael Major
FS4- Michael Begay

SS1- Michael Bolin
SS2- Oscar Flores

PACKAGE NAME: 5-2 Bugaboo

NT- Willie Jones
DT1- Ryan Thomas
DT2- Oswaldo Stackhouse

RE1- Timothy Cobbs
RE2- Franklin Beane

LE1- Thomas Loftis
LE2- John Jernigan

LB1- Hiro Nakamura
LB2- Carlos Randall

CB1- Theodore Glass
CB2- Rosendo Hughes

FS1- Steven Bender
FS2- Peter Thiel
FS3- Michael Major
FS4- Michael Begay

SS1- Michael Bolin
SS2- Oscar Flores


K- Andrew Hernandez
P1- James Payton
P2- William Peterson

KR1- Stefan Jackson
KR2- Sylvester Bieber
KR3- Forest Walker
KR4- Taylor Bautista

PR1- Forest Walker
PR2- Stefan Jackson

PLAY CALLING GM Chooses who calls plays, and assigns desired percentages if not left up to play calling coach


Play Caller: Offensive Coordinator
First and 10 - Coaches Decision
First and Short - Coaches Decision
First and Medium - Coaches Decision
First and Long - Coaches Decision

Second and Short - Coaches Decision
Second and Medium - Coaches Decision
Second and Long - Coaches Decision

Third and Short - Coaches Decision
Third and Medium - Coaches Decision
Third and Long - Coaches Decision

Fourth and Short - Coaches Decision
Fourth and Medium - Coaches Decision
Fourth and Long - Coaches Decision

Goal Line - Coaches Decision

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - Coaches Decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - Coaches Decision


Play Caller: Head Coach
First and 10 - Coaches Decision
First and Short - Coaches Decision
First and Medium - Coaches Decision
First and Long - Coaches Decision

Second and Short - Coaches Decision
Second and Medium - Coaches Decision
Second and Long - Coaches Decision

Third and Short - Coaches Decision
Third and Medium - Coaches Decision
Third and Long - Coaches Decision

Fourth and Short - Coaches Decision
Fourth and Medium - Coaches Decision
Fourth and Long - Coaches Decision

Goal Line - Coaches Decision

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - Coaches Decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - Coaches Decision


(PLAYER NAME) (Campaign Theme/Tag Line)


1. Palladio by Escala https://youtu.be/wApulZTsCNQ
For when the players are introduced and for their walk out onto the field

2. I Walk Alone - Saliva https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaD6QtQA4tw 
To be played during a positive result




  This team sheet is SO hot.

GM Adam Wrong

Right, let's get down to business!

Coach, I appreciate the report and I see concerns at LB and RB and I'll address that in a bit, but I wanted to touch base on the O-Line. I've noticed that they don't appear to have jumped up in skill, are they solid enough to protect Charles?


  Hyland has taken a lot of hits over the last two years, While our tackles are a little raw compared to other title contenders around the league, they are both young high draft picks and should keep progressing as they get more playing time.  I think their youth and potential outweigh some of their shortcomings compared to having veterans with the same "grade" who arent going to get any better.  We'll get a read early on if they can hold up enough, but hopefully we see improvements week over week.

GM Adam Wrong

Thank you.

I signed Hudson to a long term deal in the off season. He seemed to have great stats last season. Are you happy with his development as well?



  Absolutely.  He's a great worker, he's bonded well with our coaching staff already, and he's out to earn the respect of his peers.  He's going to have to work on his run blocking and conditioning over the years but he's a great center and one I see us developing nicely.

GM Adam Wrong

Excellent work!

And as for the coaching team you have assembled, are there any holes in the skill set of your coaching team that I should keep an eye on?


GM Adam Wrong

Fair enough thank you.

Now in your report to me, you spoke of some morale issues with a couple of guys. I was planning on speaking to them bit before I do, do you know anything about the issues? Is there an underlying cause?



The common thread I see with them is they are all on expiring contracts, but I don't know for certain.