

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:11:12 PM

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GM Adam Wrong

Here to support and just make sure you use the tools I'm giving you to improve.


Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

1. Talk about your teams performance this week and through out this first quarter of the season.
It's been terrible to be Frank. I know this week was against one of the better teams in the league but the performance especially in the first half of that game was just not good enough.
Offensively we are not clicking and it's incredibly frustrating

2. How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?

I'm trying to avoid looking at them as the first page is the Quarterback stats and that's a horror show for us.

Andre is proving my investment in a new contract for him is paying off though and he's at least putting the effort in.

Defensively I'm looking at Amos Archie in his first season dropping 33 tackles and that is tremendous work

3. Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

I head to Atlanta with the boys and it holds fond memories for me. It will be good to get our season now on track hopefully.



The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Adam Wrong

I won't change anything this week most likely but we need to talk Hyland as his performance was shocking... again



Yeah, he's really looked out of sorts in Lemke's system.

GM Adam Wrong

I take it the training hasn't changed much...



Not overnight.  Improvements take time to show.

GM Adam Wrong



I don't know what else we really can do outside of firing Roy and promoting someone else and HOPE that they can fix the issues without a training camp. 

GM Adam Wrong

Honest opinion on our current specialists... do you believe any of them could step up to be OC?



I don't know that either of our higher end prospects are ready for the job.   Britt, Martin, and Estrada all have a future in an OC or HC roll, but right now they are all still learning the ropes.

GM Adam Wrong

I'd rather keep George with our O-Line given how elite he is.

I'd rather see if Estrada can get a tune out of Charles in a greater capacity.

Are you aware of any QB Coaches available if I make these moves?



No, if we promote someone then they will pick their successor at their previous position, it will be someone you've never heard of, most likely.

GM Adam Wrong


Wish me luck.


Mario Estrada please.

Mario, I am thinking of making some moves with the staff in RC and I was wondering how you would feel in having an enhanced role?

Would you like the OC role for the remainder of the season at 4.5mm?

I of course request the utmost discretion until all staff are spoken to


Its about time we got to this point.  Roy is in way over his tattooed head.

GM Adam Wrong

OK I'll book it in.


Roy, I'm afraid I feel the trip to Atlanta may be a bridge too far for your well being

I'm going to have to let you go for your own wellbeing.

I hope you understand why we are coming to this decision but the offense is isn't firing and I worry for you

I wish you the best of luck going forwards



...man this cuts deep.  If you dont believe in me, how can I believe in myself?

GM Adam Wrong

I believe in you... I just feel that with the pressure of this job and a trip to a place that holds so many bad memories, I want to look out for you and your best interests.

I will always have my door open for you.

GM Adam Wrong

Vic LeBlanc please.

Well it's done. Hopefully Mario can hit the ground running. Is there anything else to do before we head off?

(If nothing Lock In. Only reply if there's something to address)

GM Adam Wrong

I'd like to start by saying that BD was a tremendous man. A GM who I started my career working alongside before furrowing my own path as a GM in this industry and I'd like to pay my respects to his memory and his loved ones. We were all very fortunate to know him.


Onto this week and I am delighted with the win. My respect for the effort Roy Lemke put into the team but a change was needed and this wasn't the right job at the right time for him. I have every faith we will continue to see an upswing in our fortunes.

I do think we will see a few more tactical changes as we rebuild an identity and the Offensive team make the necessary adjustments. I Do believe though that this will continue this week against Myrtle Beach and we really start to push for some momentum

Any questions?



Alright, so now that I'm wearing the OC hat, let me give you a little bit of my philosophy, in case you're on the hunt for players to fit the scheme and so on and so forth.

So right out of the gate, I like a pass heavy offense.  If we have a fullback, I use him in the pass game as a surprise weapon at times but eso no es ni aquí ni allá  I like going over the top of the defense for deep shots down the middle. I love receivers with sure hands, drops piss me off. I love to talk about my game so ask away.   I see myself as a QB whisperer that does great getting the most out of veteran QBs, I'm not completely against developing a rookie QB, but its just not where I see myself thriving.  I like a RB who can catch the ball if needed, I like a pocket passer, and a TE who is a good receiver.  I still like to use traditional formations in a pro-style offense, and I think the run game works best when you mix it in to all situations, not just running out of power looks or from a spread.  My weakest area as a player developer is probably on the o-line, but luckily I have George on the staff and he's lights out.

GM Adam Wrong

This sounds excellent.

In terms of our current crop, are there any players or positions you are actively seeking me to upgrade on?



I immediately moved Link to RB2 in our rotation and it paid off.  After Brown and Buckley our WR's COMBINED for another 3 catches this year so a 3rd WR would be a good idea.  Mulligan and Heyward haven't shown much yet even though they have tools.  I'm going to try to motivate them to battle for WR3 reps and make some plays, but if they don't getting a better WR2 and moving Buck to WR3 is a good idea. We lack a speed WR as Brown has slowed down due to injury and wear.

GM Adam Wrong

That's fair enough. And Hyland? Can you work with him? Did he respond well?


Oh yes, Charlie and I have a great working relationship. He was excited to see me get the promotion. As a former QB I understand what he needs.

GM Adam Wrong

So in an ideal world... what would you like brought in. Not as in a specific player but a TYPE of player should I be able to make magic happen



A fast and sure handed WR2.  ...I feel like I said that already.

GM Adam Wrong

My apologies. You did.

I'm glad to have you on board. If you need anything just let me know.


Mr LeBlanc... week 1 proper went OK! How has Mario been in his new role?



He has come in and gotten right to work.  I like it.

GM Adam Wrong

That's positive and he seems to know what he wants. I'm going to see what I can do. Anything to discuss from your perspective this week?



Nothing here. Myrtle Beach is coming into our ice box and we're going to make them feel it.

GM Adam Wrong

Damn right. I'll let you get to it.

Coaches and coordinators to decide.

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

Well what a game. To come from 17-0 down to win is certainly something and I'm delighted to have had a bit of luck too. I feel we are starting to click as a unit and to be 3-3 with 2 tough games coming next against divisional rivals is important for us to keep up in the West.

It's never nice to gets dogs abuse online so I really hope Bryant is OK. I drafted him in the first place so I know the kid well. He just will need some support.

Looks like the Skybear is being generous to GM Dario. I just hope he has the best intentions in granting Dario the rebuild.



Back to back Gritty wins, but the GM Wrong reunion tour rolls on this week.  Trips to Atlanta and Lincoln in the same season, huh?

GM Adam Wrong

It's always weird going against an old team but we've got one result and we need to make this one count to really start to get momentum.

3-0 would be a lovely way to enter the return match against Winnipeg don't you think?

Now ahead of this week I'm looking at ways of improving the Receiver Corps. Is there anything from an overall perspective you'd be keen to explore?



I think our passing offense is all that is holding us back right now.  We fix that, we can get on a roll.

GM Adam Wrong

I have made the trade. Brought in the best I could get at WR.

It's dented the O Line a little... I believe we are still OK. Thoughts?


GM Adam Wrong

So I'm thinking Faamoana slots in to replace Oher or do we go with Roth?


GM Adam Wrong

And obviously Jeudy in at WR1. Any further changes to be made?


GM Adam Wrong

Let's do this!

Jerry Jeudy to WR1
Faamoana to Start at OT

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong

Well that was garbage wasn't it?

I'd like to personally apologise to the fans who made the effort to endure that game. That was abysmal from start to finish.

What I won't apologise for is Charlie's contract. Last season and every season previous, he has operated at a top 5 QB level. Therefore the contract he has been given is reflective of that.

Charles wanted an elite Offensive line and he has received just that. He has even now received an elite level receiver corps. All of whom are now fit and healthy.

There are honestly no excuses as to why he isn't performing to the standard that I expect, that the fans expect and certain not for what a contract like he has received would expect. I am sure he will be working incredibly hard to ensure that we at least make our upcoming game against Winnipeg remotely competitive.

Any questions?



That was fucking embarrassing.  We looked like amateurs! 

GM Adam Wrong

It's indefensible.

The fans are right though, Hyland is playing like shit. How much more can I give him for him not to deliver.

What's he been like Attitude wise?



He's generous with his time, he stays late and works, he shows up early and works.  We're just all desperate for things to get on track.  He's trying his hardest, always A+ effort.

GM Adam Wrong

So what should we do? I'm gonna have a chat with him but what can we do?


I don't have a freaking magic wand to make it all better.  I don't know what we do.  We fired the OC and replaced him, but we don't know if we've got the right man for the job yet. 

We have to see where it goes and we have to make sure we get an OC who helps elevate Hyland next year and not make him look like an XFL reject.

GM Adam Wrong

We can do that of course next season but this season is about damage limitation. So for this season, what do we do to support him?