

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:14:05 PM

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GM Gooch

I hope so. He has a bright future, I believe.

A few questions and I'll be ready for the week.

Do you think Shane Christie has what it takes to be a bell cow instead of us doing the committee?

Do you think Jeffers is ready to start? If he is, we could just use Manchild on offense. If he's not ready or would be a big downgrade from Manchild, we can keep doing what we are doing.


I don't think Christie has the stamina to be the only back running the rock it's his biggest knock is his stamina.

As for Jeffers, no, he is definitely not ready.

GM Gooch

Then I guess we will keep things the same.

Thank you for your time Coach.
All changes are at the coach's discretion.




Draft Picks
1st Round Draft Pick (SEA)
1st Round Draft Pick (PH)
1st Round Draft Pick (ORL)
2nd Round Draft Pick (LB)
2nd Round Draft Pick  (OAK)
3rd Round Draft Pick (LV)
3rd Round Draft Pick (ORL)
7th Round Draft Pick (LOU)

Notable players under contract:

QB  Elias Ibrahimovic 1 yr 28MM + 2MM
RB  Juan McKinney 2 yr 11MM + 1.25MM
WR  Randall Wilson 3 yr 1.5MM
G Jerry Furman 1 yr 11MM + 2MM
T Anthony Smith 1 yr 19MM + 4MM
C Jason Paulson 1 yr 750K
DT Sherwood Emery 1 yr 11MM + 1MM
DE Frank Cleveland 1 yr 10MM + 1MM
DE Glenn Everson 2 yr 4MM
LB Jeremy Verdin 2 yr 5MM (+ rookie option)
CB Alan Tols 2 yr 12MM
CB Roger Jacobsen 1 yr 4MM + 500K
FS Burton McAllister 2 yr 10MM + 2MM

Seattle is seeking a General Manager with a career winning record or playoff appearances in two of the past three seasons with at least one playoff win.


We here in Seattle are continuing our search for a GM; until then here is our current status...

We currently have $51.25MM in available salary cap and $14.25MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how we handle our coaching staff.

We have 25 open roster positions at this time. 

We have the following s16 draft picks:

1st - SEA
1st - PH
1st - ORL
2nd - LB
2nd - OAK
3rd - LV
3rd - ORL

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 ; and we have all of our own picks for S18.

We do not owe any taxes.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $14.5MM ($5MM S16 off-season money + $9.5MM from our S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!


Welcome GM Stark...

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!




Welcome to Seattle.  I hope you find ya self at home.  Now I hate to be da potty poopa, but I have put us in a bit of da pickles.   

You see, I got a little crazy wit da trading and da signing, and now we are over the cap with a lot of spaces to fill and no draft picks.

That is where you come in.  Get yo ass on da phone and make some deals to fix our roster and still help us compete so we can GET TO DA CHOPPA!

GM Stark


Alright, let's give it a shot. Thanks for the warm welcome Mr. Reigns, I know it's a last-minute thing, but I'll try my best to get everything under control. Can't wait to get started, at least I know I won't have to look over my shoulder here. I'll get the job done for you.


Good luck. I am going to be as hands off as possible; I have learned my lesson. This GEEE EMM job is a tricky tricky game.. I own. You GM.  You do your job and I'll do mine.  Good luck, lets win some football games!


Hi GM Stark, I'm Starr your secretary.  Just introducing myself.  Let me know if you need anything or any information about our team. 

I'll send you our combine information shortly.

GM Stark

Thank you very much, young lady. Let's work hard together.



Hi there, I have us with $42.9MM and $8.25MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Stark

All our books check out, and we're ready to roll.

GM Stark

Hey Starr, can you get Scott Forrest on the phone please?

Hey Scott, it's Stark, listen I wanted to touch base and see if Howard Hill was still chewing over my offer. To reiterate, it was going to be a 4-year deal and the pay was gonna be $10MM with a $1MM signing bonus. Just seeing how he was doing is all.


GM Stark

Glad to have him on board, we'll keep in touch.

Starr, can we get James T. Crain, please?

Heya James this is Stark. I was calling to see if Duke Callahan wanted to sign with us, it'd be 2 years for $2.5MM?


GM Stark

Nice talking with you James.

Starr, Bobby Shapiro, please.

Hey Bobby, it's Stark. I wanted to sign Larry Wilson to a two-year deal for $1MM, would he be interested in that?


GM Stark


Let's get Scott Forrest on the phone, Starr.

Hey Scott, it's Stark again. So listen, I wanted to see how Roger Barrett would like to come to Seattle for a 2-year deal for around $1MM?


GM Stark

Starr, get a hold of John Chamberlain's rep for me.

Hey, this is Stark, I wanted to sign John on for a year and it'd be for $350K.


GM Stark

Great, welcome to the team.

Starr, let's get James back on the line please.

JTC, hey it's Stark, I don't know if Edward Tuttle's been offered anything, but I would love to have him with us. It'd be 2 years for $1MM.


GM Stark

Great to have him on the team.

Alright, let's talk with Arnold Fernandez's rep, please.

Hey, we're looking to sign Arnold to a UDFA deal if that's possible, please. One year, $350K per the standard.


GM Stark

Starr, can get me Theodore Curley's rep, please?

Hey, I was wondering if Theodore was available. We're looking we sign him to a UDFA deal, so a year for $350K.


GM Stark

Hey Starr, I think we've got one more spot left to fill. Get me Amber Molina and we can finally wrap our free agency up.

Amber? Hey, how are you this is Stark. So I have one slot left and I was calling to see if Barry Smith accepted an offer anywhere. If not, I want him on our team. It would be a 2-year deal and the offer would be for $1MM.


GM Stark

Alright young lady, I think that covers our free agency. I just want to verify with you first that our roster is filled and then the next step is to get locked in for mini-camp.



No need to make it Complicated!  You're correct, we have a full roster, are blow the caps, and we can lock in when ready.

GM Stark

To new beginnings Starr, good job and let's go start our season!


1. Timothy Manning - Arm Strength
2. Charles Higgins - Strength
3. Dru Witness - Agility
4. Billy Kennedy - Speed

1. Frederic Wheeler - IQ
2. Carlos Kaufman - Strength
3. Jeremy Verdin - Agility
4. Jeremy Verdin - IQ


Attitude: Balanced
Focus: Balanced
Tempo: Normal
Passing Focus: Balanced
Pass To: Balanced
Primary Receiver: Robert Marshall
Third Down Back: Juan McKinney
Goal Line Back: Kiki Ackerman
Running Focus: 3WR-Sets
Running Backs Role: Balanced
Backfield by Committee?: Yes
Tight End Focus: Mixed
QB Tuck and Run: Normal

Attitude: Balanced
Focus: Balanced
Primary Coverage: Mixed
D-Line Focus: Balanced
Linebacker Focus: Balanced
Player Radio: Howard Hill
Match CBs to WRs?: Yes
Align Man Coverage?: Balanced

Point Margin for Backup Package Point difference trailing
Sub Package Minimum Energy 40
Sub Package Maximum Energy 70

If Winning Run More
If Losing Pass More

Coaches Decision? Yes
vs. Offense Short Pass, Med Pass, Deep Pass, Inside Run, Outside Run, Power Run
vs. Defense Zone, Man, Blitz



QB- Timothy Manning
QB2- James Sanders
QB3- Gerard Flaherty

RB1- Juan McKinney
RB2- Kiki Ackerman
RB3- Billy Kennedy
RB4- Paul Kelly
RB5- Timothy Baker

FB- Larry Wilson
FB2 Eugene Morse

TE1- Barry Smith
TE2- Trevor Flowers
TE3- John Shumate

WR1- Robert Marshall
LWR4-  Robert Martin

WR2- Dru Witness
WR5- Randall Wilson

WR3- Edward Tuttle
WR5 Jason O'Reily

LT- Anthony Smith
LT2- Michael Alvarez

LG- Jerry Furman
LG2- Adam Potter

C- Ronnie Vance
C2- Jason Paulson

RG- Charles Higgins
RG2-  Adam Potter

RT- Michael Damico
RT2- Michael Alvarez



DT1- Ricky Tarr Jr.
DT3- James Young

DT2- Steven Thompson
DT4- Theodore Curley

RE1- Erich Brownlee
RE2- Duke Callahan

LE1- Glenn Everson
LE2- Carlos Kaufman

MLB1- Jeremy Verdin
MLB2- Dennis Maynard
MLB3- Roger Barrett

ROLB1- Howard Hill
ROLB2- Frederic Wheeler

LOLB1- Dennis Maynard
LOLB2- William Abbott

CB1- Kevin Sherman
CB4- Nathanael Frost

CB2- Allan Tols
CB5- Andrew Schuster

CB3- Roger Jacobsen
CB6- Jonathan Albertson

FS1- Jonathan Albertson
FS2- Arnold Fernandez
FS3- Leo Candelaria

SS1- Craig Watkins
SS2- James Townsend


K- Clyde Xiong
P- Darrel Goodman

KR1- Kiki Ackerman
KR2- Paul Kelly
KR3- Robert Martin
KR4- Timothy Baker

PR1- Kiki Ackerman
PR2- Paul Kelly



Play Caller: Head Coach
First and 10 - Coach's Decision
First and Short - Coach's Decision
First and Medium - Coach's Decision
First and Long - Coach's Decision

Second and Short - Coach's Decision
Second and Medium - Coach's Decision
Second and Long - Coach's Decision

Third and Short - Coach's Decision
Third and Medium - Coach's Decision
Third and Long - Coach's Decision

Fourth and Short - Coach's Decision
Fourth and Medium - Coach's Decision
Fourth and Long - Coach's Decision

Goal Line - Coach's Decision

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - Coach's Decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - Coach's Decision


Play Caller: Defensive Coordinator
First and 10 - Coach's Decision
First and Short - Coach's Decision
First and Medium - Coach's Decision
First and Long - Coach's Decision

Second and Short - Coach's Decision
Second and Medium - Coach's Decision
Second and Long - Coach's Decision

Third and Short - Coach's Decision
Third and Medium - Coach's Decision
Third and Long - Coach's Decision

Fourth and Short - Coach's Decision
Fourth and Medium - Coach's Decision
Fourth and Long - Coach's Decision

Goal Line - Coach's Decision

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - Coach's Decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - Coach's Decision


1. "The Pretender" by Foo Fighters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OnAwaDVTE)

Seattle's pre-game run-out song.

2. "Barracuda" by Heart (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OnAwaDVTE)

The opening riff blasts through the arena on big defensive stops or offensive drives with the game on the line.


Heads or Tails
Receive or Defer




  Hope you're ready to chop. that. wood!

GM Stark

Hey Starr, if Coach Bly is available we can start talking shop. Can you bring him up here?


How you doin' Coach? We didn't get a lot of time to talk during the Combine and I'm glad we can take this time to speak about the team. First, it's a pleasure to meet you and I can't wait for us to get started. Secondly, I read your initial training camp report. I agree that we should keep Robert as our utility guy in case Timothy can't play under center. I honestly thought James Sanders would be a solid #2, but camp suggests he might've regressed a bit.

So that's one thing we can take care of, the second is about Furman, did he gives you any info about his uneasiness or is that a conversation we're just gonna have to iron out down the road? Just wanna get your assessment if you had one.


  Its good to meet you too boss, as far as Jerry goes It seems more like uneasiness with transition.  He was a top 5 pick then got shipped here last year and now has a new GM so its just a lot of change for a guy who is looking for stability and success.  I think he'll be fine as he sees how you run the organization.

GM Stark

Alright. So I had a question about some defensive fits. Clearly, we wanna build our defense, one thing I always wanted when I was in New Jersey was to have a linebacker corp that could play sideline to sideline and make those stops on 3rd down. Jeremy looks like the guy who can help anchor us. I got Howard Hill to help him, we just need to decide who's gonna be the third guy. I'm leaning toward Dennis since he's been here before, but I wanted to get your interpretation of Frederic. What does Dennis have in terms of intangibles that Frederic doesn't quite yet have right now?


  If we want that athletic sideline to sideline corps. you mentioned then we definitely want to go with Wheeler over Maynard.  Dennis is a better tackler overall and stronger but Wheeler is our second fastest backer and he has good range.  He's not fully developed obviously, but he fits the mold better.

GM Stark

We'll give Wheeler the nod and see how that works out. Overall I just wanted to touch base on a few key things, but I'm not gonna overwhelm you with a ton of questions. Let's get this week out of the way first, then we'll talk some more about any adjustments you and I can make down the road. Anyway, I think we're ready to roll, don't you?



  I do!  I'm excited for our first game.

GM Stark

Let's go out there and compete! Good luck.




1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

2. What was it like leaving New Jersey and coming to Seattle this off-season?

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

GM Stark

1. Discuss your performance and result for week 1. What were some sustains, and what were some improvements going into week 2?

Well, all around the board I can say we're gonna need some work, we already knew that. Both sides need to improve and that's all I can say about that. It's the first week and we're going to assess what we can do in order to make sure we don't lay an egg like we did this week.

2. What was it like leaving New Jersey and coming to Seattle this off-season?

Sad, like I had work left undone. But between you and me, Mr. Tong's approach to running that organization--like that two QB system--just didn't sit right with me. Jersey's a great team, I'm glad to have formed relationships with those Coach Swope, the coaching staff, and the players. They treated me with respect and in return, I did the same. But, I have a new chapter here with a brand new team, and I wanna make more relationships with this staff and roster. I think Seattle has great players, we just need to come together to make that happen.

3. Coming out of training camp and now seeing the team in week 1, what should fans expect to see this year from your club?

Get ready to see some lumps. Games might not be pretty, but football sometimes isn't. So, I expect the fans to hold on tight for a wild ride.

4. Did any news catch your eye this week?

10 sacks in a game seem wild to me. I guess Wilkinson really wants that MVP trophy this year, huh?

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.

Timothy had a rough outing, but this is his first starting job. I feel like he'll improve while the season moves along. Music City has a pretty stout front, so we're gonna rely on Juan and Kiki to try and get as many yards as we need to help set up Manning for success. Defensively, we've got too good of a squad of guys on that side of the ball. We've got to make sure we play smart, make sure they don't beat us through the air, and I wanna see that front four get to the QB. I think in Week 2 we're gonna turn around our early woes.


  Well, we have clearly got some work to do, but it can only go up from here right?

GM Stark

Yep. Hey listen, I wanted to change our running focus from that 3 WR set to a more balanced approach. I'd also like for our attitude on defense to be aggressive and the tempo on our offense to be fast so Timothy doesn't get killed out there. And that's that. Any questions Coach?



  Reiterate it in the lock in so I don't forget to adjust the gameplan, but that's all fine with me boss.

GM Stark

So it's gonna go:

Offensive Tempo: Fast
Running Focus: Balanced
Defensive Attitude: Aggressive

See you out there Coach Bly, good luck.


GM Stark

1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

Our defense played up to the standard I hoped to see once I came to Seattle. I loved the aggression, we got to the QB, and we played sideline to sideline. Now we just need to make sure we cut the field off so our offense can thrive. It's a step-by-step process that we're working with here.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

What a wild ending to that Pearl Harbor/Vancouver game. I feel for GM Dante Rinaldi, that project out on the Pacific has so much promise you know? They have a solid group of players and a top-notch coaching staff. I hope they put that loss behind them and refocus on trying to get better each day. That's all you can really hope for.

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

Defense and offense need to be on the same page, it's that simple. If both sides of the ball are efficient we got a good chance of beating Charlotte.



  Tough game, the bright spot on offense was McKinney, he's starting to find a groove, hopefully he carries that into next week.