

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:15:05 PM

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GM Lucas

Harley, can you get me coach please.


Coach, I'm GM Lucas. We have a grand opportunity to add the pieces you think can put us over the top. Can you tell me a little about the team we have and how you like to run things scheme wise.


I'm an aggressive coach.  I love to get into it and get my hands dirty. I'm a hands on guy who fought to get where I am and I'll be damned if some little hot shot punk is going to out coach me on any given sunday.

We've had a lot of success with the team we have, so I dont think it should be tinkered with too much.   A run first offense that lets our QB make his throws in the intermediate range. I like my receivers to have sure hands, and I like to run my aggressive 4-3 defense that revolves around strong linebacker play and uses a lot of zone coverages to dare the defense to throw and makes tough choices.

GM Lucas

Sounds a lot like how Vancouver was run two seasons ago with Buyers, Rogers and Frankum so I like everything I'm hearing. I always paid attention to successful teams when I was in Van to see trends and to see how successful teams were built as why you can see, last season we had a run first offense, strong linebacker play with solid DB's and strong wideouts. So Sydney was one of the teams who I felt had so much consistent success that I tried to model Vancouver after. Where I failed was thinking a run first offense could be run with an average passer. So I like that we have here because I learn from my own mistakes.Prior to this season I've always had coaches who wanted to throw down field with explosive wideouts. Pass first was always my mindset but maybe I need to alter my thinking on this matter. Can you tell me a little about our Qb's strengths and weaknesses? Is that as position you think we need to be better at?



Steven has been in the league now for six seasons.  3 in Oakland and 3 here in Sydney.  Since getting here he has averaged 3400 yards per year, 30 TDs and 7 INTs. He's coming off of his best season from career high 65.5% completion rate this year and he's thrown 31 TDs in back to back seasons with under 10 INTs a year.  He's a smart player, doenst make too many bad throws, and he's earned the teams trust.  He can make all the throws, he's just not some Rambo cannon'd Deep baller who just chucks it 90 every play.

GM Lucas

Well, like I said. I learn from my mistakes, so Hudgins is our qb his year. Thanks for that coach, very telling and 30 td's is more than any QB that ever played for me. There's some guys who I believe are important to bring back, but, again, I'm looking at a stat sheet. You lived every day in this facility with them so I'm hoping to can tell me where you lean. I know a lot of GM's go on a team and instantly want to put their fingerprint on the team by making changes for the sake of seeing themselves on the ticker on ESPN. I want to avoid that. GM Dazz brought you in and together you guys build something really great here. So let's keep it going and building towards an impact bowl. I saw that our O-line needs an upgrade, but where else can we get better?



So obviously we need a guard and tackle to pair with the guys we have in house, we should look for another WR to add in case Charles Bennett doesnt make a leap.  We need a 3rd and 4th corner.  We are empty at linebacker besides Pope who came back from the PFL mid-season during the war.

Our DT play hasnt been great despite having some talent there, those guys might benefit from a change of scenery.

and we dont have a FS.

GM Lucas

good, good. I want to build this in your image so let's start at Offense, Hudgins not being a down the field bomber, would you prefer more of a talented slot guy at WR, or should we still look for an absolute down field threat and do you think Dennis Gorham fit that. Also Being a run first coach, I going to just look for run first O-line or would prefer the traditional Pass blocking tackles, run blocking guards?



You've got to be able to stop the pass rush even if you're running to set up the pass.   Hudg can throw it anywhere, he's just not a guy who is throwing it deep on every play.  I think having a mix of receivers makes the most sense. Smoke and Perry are both good balanced receivers with a mix of speed and hands.  Gorham is a free agent, so not looking at him we're needing a 3rd receiver and I'd go for high agility and great hands for the slot option.

GM Lucas

Great, now let's talk defense. It's clear we need an overhaul in our front seven. I think Ali is a mainstay. I also like Gosset but I'm thinking we may have to move lily, give him a fresh new start, maybe use those funds to get someone more dynamic at the position. I want to focus on LB's considering it seems like we run our defense through them. As far as Pope, I think I got a plan for pope, it may be a win win across the board. Am I wrong on any of this, do you reject or have a different idea in how I should approach this. Any information is good on how you want me to focus building this defense.



I feel like I'm talking to the wall.  just said that the defensive tackles weren't performing and could use a change of scenery.  Ali Muhammad isn't working. ...then again I said that we needed a tackle to pair with who we had, and now we dont have him anymore, so this is off to a peachy start.

Would you rather me just resign so you can hire whoever you want here, because if this is how things are going to go, I'm not going to be able to take it.

GM Lucas

Resign?, let's slow down coach. I just want to be clear on everything. No one likes repeating themselves, I get that but no need to be ready to jump off the cliff. I get it, you don't bullshit. I like that but I hope every conversation isn't going to be, "should I quit" because if I wanted you to quit that would have been the first thing I took care of. I like what you have going on here. I said that already. And yes, I traded Smith, honestly, Smith had 81 pancakes but he also had 26 missed blocks. I'm sorry, but when you look at teams that play in the impact bowl, they don't have tackles missing a season and a half of blocks. We need to rebuild that entire front properly. Run blocking guards and pass blocking tackles. Now, I said I wasn't going to reinvent the wheel but we also can't stay status quo and hope it works again.So, with your help and vision, hopefully I can get the pieces in place that this team was missing. Let's chill and take a breath. Change is hard, and from your position, feeling like you are starting over must suck, BUT!, I'm here to build this team how you want it, but that means that what you are used to seeing might look a bit different.



Fine, but I don't do stupid.   That's a life motto of mine.   So if things ever get stupid, I'm going to let you know exactly how I feel.

GM Lucas

Understood. So let me dot some i's and cross some t's and get things rolling. I'll get back to you about hiring your staff after I make some calls.


Ms Harley can you call agent Maker


Mr Maker, I am calling about your client LB Eddie Pope, with a deal that I think really benefits everyone at this moment. I know he is on a FG deal and I would like to offer a deal for a buyout. I am willing to give your client 5 million a year for the next 16 years to buy out his contract. This would make him money way into his retirement and allow him to pursue other offers with other teams right now while still getting money from Sydney for the next 16 years. That takes his contract from 66 million to 80 million. Does that sound like something we can do?



Lets dub opening day as Eddie Pope Day, because my man will gladly take that check for the next sixteen years.


GM Lucas

Glad we can work that out.


Ms Harley, I've been mathing over here. Seems like I got us 87.55 mil, 31 in international money along with 41.25 in BP. Am I close, on target or need some glasses.



Mista' Lucas, you sure you want to use your one free financial check in this soon??

GM Lucas

You got a point, I'll do more math. Thank you.


GM Lucas

Ms Harley, get me the HEad coach please.


Coach, I'm giving you 25 million to build this staff the way you want.  Get the coaches you want and we'll circle back to talk about a clear plan to build this team accordingly.




You've still got to delegate how I spend it, pal.


Shoot me our budget breakdown when you get time. We don't want to be left holding our dicks.

GM Lucas

Coach, no more dick holding, lets wash our hands and get ready work. Budget Breakdown sent.



Damn right.  Thanks.



Hello GM Lucas, this is Kate from the league office.

I regret to inform you that your trade with Las Vegas has been voided due to the fact that after your $3MM scouting expenditure we only have you with $2.75MM remaining in off-season bonus.

As a result of this illegal trade you have been fined $1MM from your current off-season bonus pool of $2.75MM, leaving you with $1.75MM remaining and will be fined $5MM from your standard bonus pool for the S17 regular season.

Please be more careful in the future.

GM Lucas

Thank you, I obviously was looking at wrong numbers. I think I will like to see my budget numbers remaining for this year and next please.



I just told you that your remaining off-season bonus was 1.75MM

For your next-season, I'd refer you to your league provided spread sheet and then add the 5MM penalty; if you do that, it would show you that you have 9.75MM remaining in next season's budget.

GM Lucas

I did that exact thing before I asked and wanted to confirm so there wouldn't be any surprises. Thank You.



Yeeeeesh, that's a real kick in the budgy smuggler... Sorry, I'm sure your aggro, let me know if you need anything Mista' Lucas!



Mista' Lucas, you've got a call on one.

GM Lucas

Ok, UM... put them through.


Mister Lucas.  ...The name is Elvis.

Also on the line is my associate, Sloe.

Now it's been brought to my attention that you owe a debt to a mutual associate of ours, and it is my responsibility, as a friend, to encourage you to make good to pay that debt.   heaven forbid that friendship dissolves.

GM Lucas

Patience, I've been working on it. We had a deal and we; I ran into a 6-million-dollar pain in the ass. So, I'll be moving within the limits soon. As I make the payment to your boss, I want what was owed to me in return.



Whoa, hey now, I don't know what the business is.  All I know is I get a phone call from my boss and he says Elvis, thats me,  call this cat right here at this number and tell him to do the right thing or else he might get a visit from Mr. Fixit.    Now you see, that's what you don't want to happen, so I'm just sayin' you need to do the right thing, because if not, Mr. Fixit is the next man through the door.

GM Lucas

ok, everything has been settled. Not sure how and why you are in Sydney when a simple call from your boss would have sufficed. Do me a favor, I want to make sure GM Metro knows that I won't take any of this personal, when you get back to Vegas, drop by GM Metro's office and give him a big wet kiss for me, use lots of tongue. Now please see your way out, I'm busy.



Mista' Lucas!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

14 Open Roster spots.

18.6MM Remaining Salary.

1.25MM Remaining Bonus.

3.5MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

13MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Lucas

Let's get this thing started, can you get me agent Rosenhaus


Good evening, looking to bring your client T Sean Lewis on, thinking 3 years, 1.5 per.


GM Lucas

GM Lucas

Ms Kate, get me agent for Nicky Neck please


Good day, can I bring your client WR Nicky Neck on board 2 years, 750k per

GM Lucas

I'm sorry, just looked and saw my notes, let's make the offer 2 years 1 mil per. Apologies.



I don't have a list of players and their agents, so who am I calling??

GM Lucas

Let's get Bobby Shapiro on the line


Bobby, I would like to bring your client WR Nicky Neck on board, 2 years 1 mil per.



We'd do $2MM per year. Nicky doesn't go down under for anything less.

GM Lucas

I understand she wants to get paid. But I already have a crowded receiving room. I'm trying to bring her in to prove herself and possibly have the ability to ink a bigger deal down the line. For now, if 2 mil is the hard asking price I'll have to get back to you at a later time if your client is still available. Thank you Bobby, we'll keep in touch


Ms Kate can you get me Agent Crain.


Good evening, I'm interested in signing Your client, rookie T Kenton Tidwell for 1 year 500k


GM Lucas

Thank you JTC, I'm sure we'll talk again.


Ms Kate, can you get me agent Campanelli please


Mr AC, I am interested in bringing in your client DT Rex Mundy. I would love to reunite with a man I drafted many years ago in Atlanta. Maybe bring him in long term and let this come full circle. How about 3 years 1.5 mil per. We are thin at the position so if he ends up starting, he'll earn a 2 mil bonus for the remainder of his deal.



Ms. Kate? ... like the league office lady?   Mista' Lucas, I'm crushed you don't even know my name.

GM Lucas

Apologies, I don't even know what day it is sometimes. I called you Ms Kate and you responded and I ran with it. Apologies again Ms Harley. Let's try this again, can you get me agent Campanelli please

Mr AC, I am interested in bringing in your client DT Rex Mundy. I would love to reunite with a man I drafted many years ago in Atlanta. Maybe bring him in long term and let this come full circle. How about 3 years 2 mil per. We are thin at the position so if he ends up starting, he'll earn a 2 mil bonus for the remainder of his deal starting next season.




$4MM per season is what we're looking for, no strings attached.