

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:15:05 PM

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GM Lucas

Fair enough, I think we share the same sentiment across the board. thanks coach. Let me call him in. It's about time to sit down with the man face to face and just speak.


Ms Harley, Can you get me our newest addition. WR Hollywood E. please

Hollywood, have a seat please. thank you for taking some time out your day. I know it's packed with endless training and film watching, hell I might have just done you a favor, Anyway, I wanted to sit with the man himself and put aside speculation. I would love to say everything in your past is, well, in your past but truth is, nothing ever goes away, the internet is forever and honestly as a man, anytime any news grossly related to any type of inappropriateness rather true or false, just as men, we never get the benefit of the doubt.

You know, as men, we can be given benefit of doubt with murder, arson, grand theft larceny, assault, but, if you make an inappropriate comment or gesture to a female or do anything that may be perceived in an unfavorable light towards females of any age, then benefit of doubt goes out the window and they want us, as men buried under the prison. And when you add fame, money and celebrity to all that, well, that's not something people come back from. It's an ugly stain that even if the person who made the false claims takes their accusation back, people will still believe you are guilty. So here we are Hollywood. Back in HIFL. One thing about me Hollywood is that I am a man of opportunity. I believe in second chances, and I believe in redemption stories.

You know, Coach says as long as you come in, play hard, keep your nose clean and win us some games, you are good in his book. I echo that sentiment with one addition, you were good in my book once you were cleared of all wrongdoing, that is why you are here. Ready for the sequel. So tell me, I want to know, what will you do with this the next chapter of your story. Will this story be "The Fall of Hollywood" Or will this be "The Redemption Experience"?


  The Experience (experience) has no recollection of the accusations you have insinuated.. (insinuated).
The Experience took his talents to thee PFL (PFL) in order to spread the gift that is Hollywood Experience and to bring the sport of Grid Iron Football to new heights (new heights).

If a player or coach has a problem with The Experience's sexual orientation and preferences, then clearly those are reflections of their own insecurities and bigotry.  The Experience will never be bound by the constraints of an objectively biased social normality contrived by a biased cabal of men who sit at a table of so called moral high ground.  The Experience is free to love any one of any age or orientation whether it is a 100 year old man or a 6 week old seal pup. 

Who is to say that the Tyrannosaurus could not breed with the Diplodocus?   Can the sheep not mount the Wolf?
Should the snail not penetrate the mantis?

Open your eyes and feel THE EXPERIENCE.


GM Lucas

As long as the gift spreading is on the football field and the love translates into the love for catching bombs and scoring touchdowns, I'm ready for the experience. ...(experience) Let's make headlines in the sports pages not in the front cover. I'm going to let you go and keep, keeping on with all that experience you have to share. Thank you for coming in, it was an experience, (experience)


Ms Harley, get me our captain, QB, Hudgins please.


How's it going Mr. Hudgins, the coaches and I love what you bring to the table and how much we have seen you develop, especially during camp. How are you feeling after camp and about the potential you have with the new squad?



I've enjoyed building chemistry with Marko Novak during training camp.  If the line can give me the time I  need, I think we could have a big season. 

I've been here for three seasons now, and in each season I have improved my game in yardage, completion percentage, and touchdowns.  Last season I had more protection than ever, so if that trend continues this year, I see myself having another career-year.

GM Lucas

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. At any point in this season, you feel somethings should be tweeked, especially in the O-line, my door is open. I want to put you in the best position to be successful. Thank you Steve" 


Ms Harley can you get me coach Santos


Coach, wanted to pick your brain on our LB's. I read the reports about each LB we have and them being athletic so maybe this is the easy part.

I'm thinking Morris our MLB with Eros our LOLB and Tui our ROLB unless you think they should be flipped. I'm also thinking Donahue when we switch to 4-3 in our hybrid formations. For the fourth we can alternate Donahue and Collier but out the box thinking got me looking at Okada the same way I used Philly Crowell as that 8th man in the hole as well as playmaker in coverage unless I have him pegged wrong, thoughts ?, would like your take on what I'm thinking so far.



Okada can do it all, he'll be in the box blitzing, he'll drop into coverage in zone, he'll man up on other blitzes.  He's going to do it all

GM Lucas

I know we don't have much rookie depth, but as far as who we have, is there anyone you would like to see more of during preseason. I know I recently sent Williamis McWilliams to work on his pass blocking, if we choose to start him during these preseason games then we don't start one of our other new tackles which may need the time to form chemistry. Do you think our starting tackles could afford to sit preseason to give Williams McWilliams his chance or would prefer to build chemistry and bring Williams McWiliiams along slowly. We could just go in with a high substitution percentage to get everyone in and out. Your thoughts?



If you start him he might only play a few snaps per game; pre-season gives more playing time to the depth.

GM Lucas

Good to know coach, Sounds good. Let's see what we got out there, here's the final sheet for preseason.

QB 1 Steven Hudgins
QB 2 Gary Peter
QB 3 Harriet Patton

RB 1 Craig Ramsey
RB 2 Tank mixon
RB 3 Kevin Coffey

FB1 James Grant
FB 2 Robert Mathias

TE 1 Xavier Phoenix
TE 2 Tomas Jeter

WR 1 Marko Novak
Wr 1B/WR 4 James SImpson

WR 2 Hollywood Experience
WR 2B/WR 4 James SImpson/WR  5 Kenneth Boone

WR 3/slot Smitty Smoke
WR 3B/WR 4 James SImpson/WR 6 Dean Gilliland

LG Peter Cruz
LG 2 Charles Fonseca
RG 1 Daren Ames
RG 2 Earnest Wolfe

LT Thomas Wolf
LT 2 Williams McWiliiams

RT 1 Mell Briggs
RT 2 Sean Lewis
RT/LT 3 Menton Tidwell

C 1 Willie Castle
C 2 Kyle Salley
C 3 Ryan Ruiz


DT 1 Charlie Swope
DT 2 Rex Mundy
DT 3 James Kessler
DT 4 Carter Divine

DE 1 Dale Bright
DE 2 David Coffey
DE 3 Nate Clark
DE 4 Seif Sharqawi

ROLB 1 Tui Lotulelei
ROLB 2 Paul Donahue

MLB 1 Morris Jackson
MLB 2 Eric Collier

LOLB 1 Eros Jackson
LOLB 2 Brian Charles

CB 1 Charles Finnegan
CB 2 Jamison Camp
CB 3 TJ Edwards
CB 4 Loren Dodge
CB 5 Randy Ford

SS 1 Hideki Okada
SS 2 William Pereira

FS 1 Mandla Mkhwanazi
FS 2 Floyd Yancey

K Stanton Welsh

P Lonny Robinson

KR 1 Smitty Smoke
KR 2 Xavier Phoenix

PR 1 Smitty Smoke
PR 2 Xavier Phoenix


GM Lucas

What did you take away from this slate of pre-season games?
A lot of guys stepped up, showed they could play and even though I know a lot of number 2's,3's and 4's were facing each other, a lot of guys here showed they could step up and do the job if called upon. I am also impressed with some guys that showed out well against both starters and back ups.

Which player stood out the most to you from your team?
A lot of guys really showed up, guys like SS William Pereira and MLB Eric Collier but if I am going to drop honors and give someone a shout out it would have to be DE Seif Sharqawi. I mean, that guys was a wrecking ball on the line. It's good to see his game traanslate from overseas to the HIFL which can be a challenge for some guys but Seif balled out, so hats off to him.

Did anyone surprise you and earn a starting job?
I can't say personally that any one player worked himself into a starting role, I would have to talk to the coaches. but we have a handfull of guys who can start if needed and may play themselves into a starting role by mid-season. I wasn't sure of our depth but now i am extremely confident of it.

Does the pre-season change your feeling about your teams potential this season?
Pre-season doesn't gauge the potential of a great season, it just allows us to shed a spotlight on the potential hidden on the team. If anyone is resting their hope and dreams for their season on games that had the starters sitting by the second quarter, call me, there's some beautiful beaches here in Sydney and I would love to sell you some sand.

Talk about your opponent for week 1, and what it will take to win.
Well, 1 game doesn't make or break a season, especially this early but we start off with a bang against Miami and I am grateful it's at home. Week 1 against a team many are saying can win the impact Bowl is a great way to start the season. We are going to have to stop the run and keep Hudgins upright against a very tough front seven in Miami. But the difference will be in our defense. I know we have the fire power to score, so our defense is going to have to be the difference makers if we are going to walk away with a win.


I am happy to keep this week short and sweet, unless you've got something to change.

GM Lucas

Coach I'm going to leave all depth charts up to you and the staff.  Let's go and kick Miami's ass.


Coaches decide Depth Charts


GM Lucas

Talk us through opening week, what went as expected?  Where did you exceed expectations, and where did you fall short?
Opening week was a definite challenge. Miami is one of those teams you measure your own teams ability against. There aren't many in the league I can say that about because GM Gates always has that team ready to go. You always expect to win every game, Miami I knew would be a challenge that could really help us gauge where we are at the start of the season. We had a ton of turn over so to see this Stingrays team go out there and just shut Miami down was extremely impressive. Everyone played to their strengths. There were some players who I had my eye on who absolutely bawled out. Also hats off to our Qb Hudgins for one hell of a day and hats off to a guy who made his job easy, Marko Novak who was perfect for the day. In every win or loss you can always find things you did great and find things you can improve on. I would like to see us be more efficient in 3rd down territory. We are going to face teams that will put us in those positions, and we need to be ready to respond. Overall, a wonderful game plan from our coaches, hats off to the defense. Now, that was game 1, on to game 2.

Which player stood out the most to you from your opponent's team?
I would have to Kitchen, He unusually takes these opportunities to plant his flag, the guy is a stat machine. I thought he would challenge us a bit more, I thought if there was one part of our defense that would be challenged the most would be our DB's but maybe I just need to tip my hat to our defense that was all over the field. We made sure stood in his face, we didn't give their receivers much room to breathe and as a result, we shut Kitchen down.

You know, looking at week 1 around the league, I find it funny that a team like the Nighthawks who have never had an issue with embarrassing their opponents are suddenly in their feelings because Cancun has a new home in Alabama. (SMIRKS) in more appealing and exciting news, hats off to the ladies who were able to make history this past week. Tila and Diamond are now part of HIFL history books and future trivia questions. I would also like to send congratulations to GM Gooch and GM Eli who got week 1 wins when I'm sure people in the media wrote them off for opening week, so hats off to them. I for one know what it's like to constantly be doubted. Listen, I love where football is right now in all areas. College news is always great, we see teams like NC lose players like Peppers and still are kicking ass everywhere. They seem to just produce future HIFL stars so N.C is def a team I am paying attention too. I am also very invested in the international scene, as myself have brough in some tremendous talent from the IFAF so again, they prove time and time again to produce so really good players as I am delighted to have a hand full already making an impact for us.

Do you feel like you put your team in the best position for success coming into this week 1 game?
Yes, but that's because I let the coaches do their job and didn't micromanage them.

Talk about your opponent for week 2 and what you will need to see from your team
We got Tuscon coming in. We locked down Kitchen, We have another gun slinger in Maldanado coming in our house. We are playing a playoff schedule in the first two weeks so, bring it on. Games like these make us so much better. I have history with Tuscon dating back to my playoff appearances in Vancouver. Going to a new team doesn't wash away the sour taste still in my mouth from that lost two seasons ago so I will always find motivation in every situation. They are always a contending team so we have to be as ready if not more ready to welcome them into our house.



BOOM! Now that is how you start a Flippin' Season, right there son!

GM Lucas

Great job coach. You took a team that's never played together and made them look like a seasoned team ready to make some noise. So, now, from where I was sitting, the defense looked great, Novak and Hudgins looked great and if they can become a tandem, watch out. Our O-line, man..that O-line, they did right by me in all the ways they needed too but, that's from the suite, from your field perspective of the X's and O's, what surprised you the most, and even though we dominated an extremely good team in Miami, what's one thing we should just be grounded about and work on?



3rd down is always the money down.  We let them convert a higher percentage than we di and that's not what I want.  I want to force them to punt and I want to extend our drives.  The run game helps that.  We will want to get more out of the run game going forward, but not at the expense of what we look like we have with Steve and Novak.

GM Lucas

Perfect coach, I'll take all that into account as the season progresses and we flesh out a little more. Thank you. I'm gonna call in Novak, congratulate on his big game. I'll let you head out, we have another big game coming up


Ms. Harley can you get me out WR Novak please


A hell of a way to introduce yourself to the league Marco. You made it look easy against a very good secondary in Miami. We have another "Tough" secondary coming in and I am excited to see what you and Hudg put together out there


  I uh Thank you. Football is simple game, really.  Catch football, score points. I uh like simplicity of that.

GM Lucas

That's good to hear, there are some guys out there who are just, well, just a tad bit extra. They make things hard for themselves. So hearing you talk about the ease of the game is a breath of fresh air. I'm excited to see how badass our offense can be with you leading that receiving core.



Yes. I play to be greatness, not to do silly dance. Manuel is not circus clown.

GM Lucas

Excellent, going to let you go and get back practice.


Let's lock this up.

Coaches make all decisions


GM Lucas

Talk about your teams performance this week.
This was a complete team effort. second week in a row we quiet an otherwise explosive offense. Our defense really rose to the challenge, with Maldonado, the MVP coming into town you want to make sure you are playing mistake free ball and that we did. He threw for over 5000 yards last season and he's talented enough to do it again but in this game we made sure he only walked away with 205 yards and added an interception as a parting gift. Our front seven did amazing in limiting Tuscon to 21 yards on the ground. It's a testament to the players in that Lockeroom in holding a team that last season averaged 447 total offensive yards to under 230 total. on the other side, great gutsy effort by our offense. Our line is giving Steven time to find his guys, they are moving guys around to an effort of 187 rushing yards on the ground. Tank really showed he was more than a short yardage back, averaged over 10 yard per carry on his way to 108 yard performance with a TD as the cherry on top. Let me not forget and hats off to the coaching staff and captains in that locker room. I don't think I have ever been part of a team that played a hard nose game the way we did without one single penalty. That's a testament to the coaches on this team and the players buying into what we are putting out on that field. Great job by them.

How do you feel about your team after two weeks?
It's hard not to feel great, week 1, we go out there against a team everyone is predicting to be in the impact bowl and rightfully so, Miami is always a team everyone should circle on the schedule and we did what we had to and walked away with a convincing win. This week we had Tuscon, who always is a sneaky good team and always seems to make some noise. A team that is very well coached with a GM who is always keeping them competitive, and again, we walk away with a solid hard-fought victory. So to answer your question I believe we are in a good spot. Our conference has probably some of the best teams in the league if not, the best teams in the league so every win gets us closer to our goal and when you win games against teams like Miami and Tuscon you only better your chances and become stronger for the battles that lay ahead.

I look around the league, theirs's competition everywhere. Teams making noise early, players reaching their potential. WR Action Carter had himself a hell of a day, the kid has a bright future in this league. You always like to see the youngsters stepping in and making a name for themselves. Congrats to Vancouver for picking up their first win, I still cheer for some of the guys over there, there were some good guys who I had relationships with so it's good to see them put up their first W. As far as Sydney goes, we are going to have to look at our options in the depth chart because this week we lost our tackle Mel Briggs for about two months. I'm hoping that assessment of his injury was off and we can get him back sooner, but this opens the door for guys to step up and step into this opportunity and gain some experience and show us what they have. We all hope Briggs has a speedy recovery; we are pulling for him but right now I think he would agree, guys are going to have to fill that void and keep it warm for him when he returns.

Talk about your opponent for week 3 and what you will need to see from your team.
We travel to Portland, another team that I'm familair with from time at Vancouver but a team that since has taken on the moniker of "Smarter Football" and are playing really well. They are coached very well, GM Josh has them in position to once again win the division. Don't let them getting their doors blown off by Vancouver fool you, this team is one of those that if you ignore will end up with 11 wins, So with "Smarter Football" on the horizon we have to play "Better Football" and I don't mean better than we have been playing because there is still a lot of growing to do to be the best, but, this week, we have to be better than them. If there is anything these past two weeks have shown me is that we are playing better when better is needed. I am happy we get to go on the road and test ourselves away from home. A game like this comes at a good time. We have proven that our house is just that, our HOUSE. We don't let anyone come in and plant any flags on our field. So, as we travel to Portland, they aren't any different than any other team we have to prepare for and I am 100% confident we will be. 



Another one bites the dust.  Lets make Smarter Football look dumb.

GM Lucas

Smart is good, but this isn't a high school mathlete team or the chess club. This is a game of physicality, ability and skill, so I'll take those traits any day because quite honestly, I think we are just plain better. So coach, you and your staff did the heavy lifting in the off season and scouted Sean Lewis, he seems to be in that same mold of Mel Briggs and quite frankly looks like the best option to step in. But, now hear me out, do you think he's the best option or do you see this as an opportunity for Williams McWilliams to step in. I've been going back and forth and think we could wait for a home game to get Williams in, get him in a more comfortable situation but then again, sometimes trial by fire brings out the best. How do you see the two?


McWilliams pass/run blocking skillset matches Briggs as far as him eing a better run blocker than pass blocker.   Lewis is the opposite, a better pass blocker than run blocker.   McWilliams has a better football IQ and athleticism,  Lewis is stronger.

It just comes down to what you want to roll with.  I'm fine with either, but clearly McWilliams has a higher ceiling and can develop, and Lewis is who he is.

GM Lucas

Can you handle putting Lewis in on pass plays and McWilliams in on run plays or would you want me to handle that?



You'd need to lock in with a package for pass plays or run plays with the other being the default.

GM Lucas

No problem coach, what 3 sets we mainly run from and what three sets we mainly pass from?


GM Lucas

Ok coach, I just heard myself, so this is where I say ok and let you get to practice. Thank you.


GM Lucas


LT Thomas Wolf
LT 2  Sean Lewis

RT 1 Williams McWiliiams (injury- OUT-Mell Briggs)
RT 2 Sean Lewis
RT/LT 3 Menton Tidwell


LT Thomas Wolf
LT 2 Williams McWiliiams

RT 1 Sean Lewis (injury- OUT-Mell Briggs)
RT 2 Williams McWiliiams
RT/LT 3 Menton Tidwell



GM Lucas

Talk about your teams performance this week.
Well it was another solid performance. Can't be to sore about the outcome. Overtime loss on a kick just means we didn't cash in on some opportunities when they were presented. Missing a big kick ourselves def didn't do us favors but I won't go on to much about that, our kicker has been solid all season, it's just how things play out. We still a hell of a game. Congrats to Portland, GM Josh seems to get his team ready for any team I'm part of so I take that as a compliment. Hudgins is playing extremely well. Our rookie Williams McWilliams and Sean Lewis did a stellar job on the O-line stepping in for an injured Mell Briggs. We gave them to much space on defense. Portland was getting chuck plays by the hand full it seemed. Everytime they needed a big play they got it and most times that's the difference. I'm not worried. I'm glad we got this out the way and now we can watch some tape and see where we can tighten up.

Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?
This may be a cop out but as a staff we aren't pieces that make up a whole we are a whole that works as one piece. Sorry I can't create headlines with that one but we have just been doing really well in all  areas. What I will do is give praise to coach Del Rio, he pretty much got an entirely new roster and he hasn't missed a beat. He got this team playing like he's been with them for years.

Talk about your opponent for week 4, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?
Cancun is doing a great job. They have had some huge upsets that have really set the table to a solid season. They are still rebuilding but things seem to be moving fast and that's good for their fan base. We both just suffered our first lost of the season so both coaches are preparing to get back on the W column. They have a great rookie in Peppers and you can bet that we are preparing for him as I speak. I'm gonna say if there are any holes it may be in the fact that they seem like a pretty young team but then again they have played very well under pressure. 

How do you feel about having such an early bye week?
I see what you are doing there, I'm not biting. Cancun is a very well coach team with a lot of potential and in no way do I consider them a bye week. Almost got me though.

I expect a great game on that field, our defense has been solid but but we have to clean it up a bit and limit big plays and with Hudgins playing lights out we are hoping that's the difference.



Disappointing finish,  when Tui forced the Rainey fumble at the goal line I thought we might recover it and pick up a huge win; but we couldn't capitalize.

GM Lucas

Well hopefully we can get back on track this week. Let's start with the defense. it looked like chunk play after chunk play they were getting what they needed. Was Hodge and Hightower just that overpowering as they each tore us up for over 130 yards or were we just exposed?



Its more of a credit to their skill than an inditement of our ability.  They are boom or bust receivers,  Hodge is one of the best to ever do it and Hightower is one of the best in the game right now period, Hightower and Novak are very similar players and you've seen what Novak has done so far this season as well.

GM Lucas

Talent is talent, hopefully our defense is pissed and takes it out on Cancun. I know it's week four and teams are just starting to find their identity but is there anything Cancun does we should be concerned about?



They are rushing the passer really well and they're just not breaking.  They aren't great offensively, they aren't amazing defensively, but they aren't giving up points.

8th in sacks. 4th in hurries.  1st in QB knockdowns.   They are really getting heat on the QB.

GM Lucas

I'm thinking, are we capable of focusing our runs to the weak side and maybe take a more dink and dunk approach in the passing to get the ball out of Hudgins hands faster or do you want to just say, fuck that!, let's bring it to them?


GM Lucas

I was thinking the same thing. Glad we are on the same page.


Same as last week


GM Lucas

Talk about your teams performance this week and throughout this first quarter of the season.
I'll start with this season first, for the season I think we came out the box like a bat out of hell, one bad bounce from being 3-1. And each week you know I said you learn something, and each week you can get better, well. If last week wasn't a lesson, this week better be one. Look, let me start by saying there was no performance because to imply performance means performers showed up, we didn't. Plain and simple. It was 28-0 before I could finish my nachos. What I saw out there was not Sydney football, because I know our coaches had a great workout and a great plan in place, the fire and passion on the trip to Cancun was amazing but when we got on that field something was off. After that pick six in the first quarter, we looked deflated. This is not who we are and I promise you this, this is the worst we will look all season.

How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?
Is placement on the leaderboard that important when you just got your doors blown off by a team who, on paper shouldn't have been able to do what they did to us. again, this is not a knock-on Cancun, but I don't think I'm ready to start handing out participation trophies and I don't think any of our players should want me too. These leader boards are individual achievements, and this is a team game. I would rather have all our players at the bottom of the stat charts and be 4-0 because that would show that these men are playing for the W's and not the accolades. What's the point of being at the top of all the boards if your team isn't on top the one that matters. Most of our guys are somewhere in the middle and as a team right now so are we. But I look at the stats, three of the top five QB's in the league play on 2-2 teams or worst. Look at the league leading rusher, Alabama is 2-2, hell the top receiver in the league statistic wise plays for a 1-3 one Oakland team. Ask me this after 8,9 or even 10 games. Let's see where we are and if these individual accolades are indicative of our standing. Oh, and there are no unsung heroes after 4 games when you've lost the last 2.

Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?
Again, if we stop their league leading rusher then we will have a great chance to win the game. Both teams are looking at each other as a launch pad for the season. We are home and if this is going to be that kind of season where home field is important then we have a leg up. Stat wise, we are both pretty close in the number of points we have scored and have allowed, aside from this disaster this past week, we are in the middle, they are too. They have a tough D-line which will probably be our biggest challenge. Sydney better wake up because it doesn't get any easier. I hope each and every player in that locker room is feeling this loss because we are going to need an angry team out on that field if we are to walk away 3-2



The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Lucas

I hear you coach, though I know everyone this week will be going into their games with heavy hearts and wanting to win one for the big guy, I'll just say it. Let's win one for the big guy.


GM Lucas

Well first I would like to say, we accomplished what we set out to do by any means necessary. I won't get to much into the details of what was said in the locker room about the unfortunate and surprise loss this past week. What I will do is send some praise over to our defense that really shut down Jamie Ortega, in both run and pass game. I 'll also make a huge shout out to our O-line that held Wilkinson in check for a good part of the game. Whenever you are missing one of your staples like Briggs and your guys all step up to do the job, that's special right there. I won't blow to much smoke because we still have to clean up some things in our run game and how we get to the opposing QB, right now we are doing just enough to make it matter for us but you won't be successful if you are playing for the "just enough" Still, to end on a positive this game really showed me what we were made of. Good way to bounce back from being embarrassed last week. Stopping Alabama isn't an easy task, a bounce here and bounce there and this could have easily gone the other way, I'm just thankful it went ours because we have been on that side before.

I would like to apologize, y'all know I usually have a lot more to say but for this week I would like to just get back with the team and get ready for next week against Oakland. I mean, unless anyone has any specific thing about the game because those are the only questions I'm willing to answer right now.



Good to get out of that skid.  A win in the column and a chance to build momentum against Oakland. We play them twice in the next three weeks, so this first one we need to come in and get that win to set the pace.

GM Lucas

Coach what do you think about giving Nate Clark the start. He always seems to produce when given the chance. He always finds himself behind their O-line and in their QB's face. I know Coffey dealt with some injuries earlier on but they seem to be two very different type of D-line players. Do you like that idea or are the same guy in your eyes?



Coffey just hasn't found his game yet, he played the majority of snaps the last two weeks and didnt register a single tackle. He has 4 hurries in that time, but nothing compared to Nate.

GM Lucas

We are going to give Nate his shot to start. See if we can generate some pressure. O-line wise, I think they did a great job limiting Wilkinson, When it comes to McWilliams and Lewis, I know we set them up to utilize their strengths, you have are closer than I am so are you seeing any development in that area for either of them?



McWilliams has shown some gains to his conditioning and run blocking lately.  Lewis is who he is, don't expect him to be more or less.