

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:15:05 PM

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GM Lucas

Understood, thanks coach, I'll let you head out.


Ms Harley, get me coach Evans


Coach, with the addition of Crenshaw which I made before the last game, I figured he was more your type of back. With his ability to just outrun the field and make plays with his legs, I would like to try and get him the ball more in open space. More or so with some screens, put him as another set of hands on pass plays, make him Hudgins's safety net and make him another weapon in both the pass and run game. I would like us to adjust our offense to showcase more screens for him and get him more involved in other ways.


We can definitely lean into that style of play. It should fit Hudgins well.

GM Lucas

Excellent, ok, so about the O-line, it feels like Briggs has been out all season. The report said 2-4 weeks and we are headed to week 8. Is he ready yet and if so, is he even our best option or is Hendon and Wolf the tandem you prefer to go with?


He's missed 5 game and it sucks, but its an ankle, hard to know when it will be better.  I doubt he plays, I'd say it was doubtful.   With Hendon and Wolf, Briggs is in the same boat as Lewis, a guy who can start if we need him to, but now he's just good depth.

GM Lucas

Makes sense, Thanks coach, I'll handle all the situational stuff on my part, let's add the screen plays to Crenshaw and spread formations. I'll let you head out.


Ms. Harley, can you get me coach Hall


Coach, didn't think I would be speaking with you so soon after last week. I left two questions off the list which I remembered now. Ok, so first...in our 4-3 package, who is playing the Nose tackle, is that Swope or Mundy and is the player in that spot the player you like there.? I want to make sure you got the guy you prefer there.



GM Lucas

I guess having them move around keeps the offense off guard. Ok coach, last question, you have given me a world of knowledge on our defense. But last one, who do you think should be the earpiece on the field, the defender with the headset?



Without Question, Morris Jackson.   High IQ linebacker with great leadership.  He's a QB on the defense.

GM Lucas

Then the right choice was made from the start, great. I'll let you head out coach. Time to wrap this baby up.


Spread Offense
QB: Hudgins
RB: Crenshaw
TE: Phoenix
WR1: Novak
WR2: Hollywood Experience
WR3: Smitty Smoke

Offense Strategy
Increase Screen passes.
RB Focus: Mixed
RB Strategy. PRIMARY RB: Crenshaw

Defensive Line Focus: (Pass Rush)
Linebackers: (Attacking the Run)



GM Lucas

Good afternoon everyone, things are always easier to digest with a win. Hell of a win it was. That' a comeback. team showed fortitude and stuck with it. they never let up and that is what we will need going forward if we are going to compete in a very tough division. This was a game where we had to find out who we were and I think we got some answers, not all but some and that is good enough to build off of. We've been making some adjustments, and the team has been responding which is good because now we go to Pearl Harbor, a place where t's always difficult to play simply because how competitive they are. A solid team in all areas so another week another challenge. If this year has shown me anything is that every week the name that shows up on the schedule is ready to play. So we just have to come more prepared. This was a good win this week but we have to make sure we don't make a habit of going down 17 to our opponents because not every team is going to squander that type of lead. So we'll go back, clean things up and be ready.

As far as things around the league goes, I can see players starting to call for trades and we are getting closer to the deadline so it will be interesting to see how some teams shape up when the smoke clears. Other than that, I'm open for questions, if not...I'll head to the back and get started on some business



You just had me retool our whole offense and playbook to work screens and quick passes to a guy we just traded away right after we got him?? 

What the hell, man?

GM Lucas

I love my coaches because of that fire and intensity that's why i am always looking to give you the best players that I can deliver. I saw Crenshaw have 6 catches for 36 yards and 17 handoffs for 21 yards. He touched the ball 23 times for a total of 57 yards. Now imagine Pegasus touching the ball 23 times both in runs and open space from screen passes. See coach, there's always a method to my madness coach. Coach, you put your trust that as GM I can surround you with talented players. I trust you to take those players and use them to the best of their potential to make us better. That's what I think is called "I GM, You Coach" You told me, in your own words coach, "you had the pleasure of coaching John Spurgeon and Courtney Crawford, two guys who can make anyone miss and take it for 40 at any time" So I wanted to get you a studd RB, Well, I think Pegasus can be that player for us. Everything you've done to this point, stays the same. We are in prime position to really blow the doors off of some teams offensively. Let's go out there and kick some ass.



Alright, but lets give the kid some time to get comfortable before we give up on him?  Crenshaw was the fastest player on our team, so losing that speed hurts my soul.

GM Lucas

I'm not giving up on Pegasus, he's here for the long run. Coach, unless something spectacular comes down the pipe where we can add another WR, O linemen or Free Safety, I'm done trading. This team right here is the team we got, that's unless we shit the bed in the next four weeks then we, me, I'm gonna have to rethink our the makeup of our team going forward. I'll let you head out, I think he's arriving sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.


Ms Harley can you get me Steve Hudgins agent, Francisco Bien


Mr. Bien, I am contacting you because I would like to get Hudgins signed long term if that's possible. I want to keep him here in Sydney as long as I'm here. So I was thinking two years with a third-year option. This way, If I come back to Sydney I can pick up his option and if I don't, he can decide to restructure his deal with the next GM. He's currently making 11.5, I'm thinking the next two seasons we increase it to 18 mil starting next season, and if he comes back with his option, we give him a raise and make his last season 25 mil when he's 31, sound good?


We'd do 2 years for $21MM per season with a 3rd year $30MM player option.

GM Lucas

I'll send that in before the ink dries. Hope that fires him up even more. Thank you. That's how I like doing business.


Ms Harley can you get me Daren Ames, he seems to be representing himself.


Mr. Ames, you bet on yourself and won brotha, I see you as an anchor and starter here for many years. I'd like to get your signed up long term. You currently making 1.5, how about 3 years for 5mil starting next season. Keep you in Sydney blocking for Pegasus Williams for the next few years.



  I'd sign for $7.5MM per year but at $5MM I'd rather just test the market. Show me the money!

GM Lucas

Spoken like a true Ames, so I'll show you the money. 3 years at 7.5 it is starting next season. Peg got a good man blocking for him.



  That's what I'm talkin' about! SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! LETS GO!!!

GM Lucas

Awesome, I'll let you head back down to practice.


Ms Harley, can you call up CB Alcantar and Finnegan, thank you


Gentlemen, I called you here because I am starting to think long term. I want to get to know what is important to you. I want to keep you guys together as a tandem and as we all know, this is the final year of your contracts. So, I'm not here to talk money, I don't want any issues. I'm just here to hear from you, what is most important to you as I think about your future on this team and the team's future in general. What drives you? What makes you tick? Is location important and if it is, do you like it here in Sydney?, is winning it all the sticking point for you or Is it about loyalty and consistency within the organization and coaching staff that drives you to wanting to be on a team. OR, or is all about the Money?, Nothing wrong with that if it is, I've never shied away from guys who only wanted to get paid. So tell me, what's important to you guys when you think about long term commitments on a team?



For me, it is simple, Jefe.

Money. Success. Bonus Money.  That's what I play for.



Money is number one for me man, then long term security/guaranteed money, and Success.

GM Lucas

Duly noted.so with that said, Unfortunately Mr Finnegan, your agent doesn't talk business until the end of the season so on day one when we can talk, your agent and I will be discussing terms on a new deal for for you. Now regarding you Mr Alcantar, I'm putting something together and I'm hoping to sit with Ms Molina sooner than later, much sooner, trust me. So thank you gentlemen for coming to see me. I'll let you head back and get ready for Pearl Harbor.



GM Lucas

Thank you, gentlemen, I'll let you head back, we have a big game against Pearl Harbor this week.


Ms Harley can you get me coach Dos Santos


Dos Santos, I took care of some long term needs and signed Hudgins for the next few years and our guard Ames. I'm thinking I want to lock down another integral part of this team, I would like your opinion on who you think it should be. Someone vital to our future success, a leader and someone the players get behind?


I don't want to be the one deciding who gets and doesn't get their money.  Leave me out of that talk.

GM Lucas

Well, I can't leave you out of it coach because the person on this team I was actually thinking about was you. There is no one I can see leading this team other than you. I would like to sign you to an extension for the next three years. Eliminate any doubts you may have about your place on this team and how I feel about your ability to coach this team. I'm thinking starting next year, 3 years for 11 million.



Ha!  I love it.   Lets get that deal signed and win a damn championship.

GM Lucas

Everything has been signed, sealed and delivered. All gas no brake


KR WR Jame Simpson/RB Kevin Coffey
PR WR Jame Simpson/TE Xavier Phoenix

Keep everything else the same as last week.


GM Lucas

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?
Our division is knocking on our door screaming for us to take it and we aren't answering it so if you are asking me are we where I want to be, NO! Now I'll take blame for this week. The excitement of getting ready and landing a player like Pegasus made me overlook small roster details that kept him out the game and for that I'll take 100% of the blame. We shouldn't even have been in the situation to miss those kicks because if I had done my due diligence, we would have won by 20. but that's over and I will never live that down if we don't make the playoffs over one game.

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?
I think my defense. In the last 3 games we have had 26 sacks and 9 int and walked away 1-2. The defense gets full praise.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

An A, he had one team last year won 13 games, came in, watch a complete roster overhaul, then saw me make even more changes and every week he has this team ready. we came close to having a 7-2 record if a ball bounces one way or another or if a kick is made here and there. So I give him an A for being able to adjust week in and week out.



Obviously Pegasus was a little hot about not getting to start, but I told him we wanted to give him a week to learn the playbook, saved us a big headache of trying to trade for another RB 3 weeks in a row or whatever, but we better get him in the lineup this week.  Orlando is on the ropes, our defense better get after whoever they put under center, that's the key.

GM Lucas

Yeah, thanks coach for having my back with Pegasus. No more fucks ups on my part. We are within the grasp of the division. I'll definitely get everyone in who needs to be in. 


GM Lucas

I'll let you get to practice. Thanks coach.


Ms Harley, can you get me agent Molina please


Ms. Molina. I want to talk long-term regarding Mr Alcantar starting next season, I'm thinking three-year deal, he's making 13 mill right now. Let's get him in here 3 years. 15 mill and we make that 3rd year player option for 20.


At this time we're going to see what his stats look like at the end of the season before we decide what we are looking for.

GM Lucas

Fair enough, Thank you, I'll be waiting with my check book but just curious, with your clients best interest at hand, what would get him signed today just so I have a number I know we are floating around?



Its not just the money, we want to be sure being in Australia is where we want to be.

GM Lucas

Understood, very fair. Well I hope we go far enough that he see's a future here with us because I honestly think the team of Alcantar and Finnegan is 5 star. Either way, Make a list, let me know what interest him as far as promotions, securities etc and when the time comes, let me see if I can give him what he wants. Thank you Ms Molina.



Thank you for understanding. We'll give you a more informed look at the end of the season for sure.

GM Lucas

For sure.


Ms Harley can you get me coach Santos


Coach, with the turnover we have had on the o-line, who are we starting at tackle with Wolf now that we have added Lewis and Hendon?



I feel like we shouldn't trade for people if we don't know if they're the starter or not once they get here, but Hendon is our left tackle, Wolf should start on the right, Lewis back them both up, and Briggs after that.

GM Lucas

Well I knew Hendon was gonna be the starter but I wasn't sure if Briggs was up and running yet and if he was ready and if he was, was he a better option and was just waiting for me to get him in. I didn't want more guys sitting out because of any roster flubs I might have been making. Either way it's good to see we are set there moving forward. Are there any guys we have buried on the bench you feel could benefit from playing time or contribute big time if given the opportunity.


GM Lucas

Ok, that's a good sign, means we ain't missing anyone. Let's get ready to get this goddam win


Keep schemes exactly the same as last week except with Pegasus Williams as our Primary RB 1.

RB 1 Pegasus Williams
RB 2 David Wharton


GM Lucas

Good evening, First I would like to say, it feels good to get in the win column. I don't believe in good losses or ugly wins, they are just losses and wins. A loss is never good and whatever you call a ugly win just means your team had to figure out another to win that maybe wasn't what was expected. Today we found a way to win. Where we struggled last week in the kicking game, This week the kicking game won us the match up. Our defense has been our engine and once again comes through. Other GM's might say having five losses and being half game out of first is a good thing and is motivating and all that nonsense, but the fact is, we still have five losses. Being five and five doesn't really teach us much about ourselves except for the fact that we have to stop teetering on mediocracy and take this damn division by the horns. Our offense struggled in the red zone so we are fortunate to have our defense playing lights out, roses to them. Orlando has a tight defense, but we've scored more and or beaten much better so that says more about us than them. Chalk this one up to a wins a win and now we go into our bye week. We get to practice and get in tune. We've had a ton of turn over so this break comes at the most perfect time for us.

As far as everything else, Congrats to McCaffrey. Rushing isn't an easy thing to do in this league, well no position is easy but definitely being an RB in this league isn't easy. A guy could go for 10 carries and 100 yards one week and then go.......you know, 10 for 50 the next, something like that. Anyway congrats, always good to see old records falling and new ones being created.

Also Congrats to Kicker/GM Tyler Dario on his career long kick to win the game. Not many teams make losing an art form so when you can't even do that right and still make it look good, cheers to you.

Now if there are no questions, I'll head out and start prepping for the bye week.



A week of rest before the stretch run...  two with Long Beach,  couple of tune up games with Dallas and San Antonio, plus Winnipeg and Pearl Harbor.   We've got some tough football coming, but we can also send a loud message and punch our own ticket.

GM Lucas

Coach, having to punch my own ticket isn't new to me but we have to hit our stride, it's now or never coming off this bye, under ten wins isn't going to cut it. I have seen both spectrums of who we are. We can lift each other up or we can shoot ourselves in the foot and honestly, and I'm sure I speak for you and the coaching staff, I'm tired of seeing us shoot ourselves in the foot. Again, I acknowledge the in-season turnovers we have had, but where we have turned over the most has been our greatest strength, the defense. I want us to be the team that keeps losing streaks alive in other teams, not the team they get a much-needed win on. Now I don't see us making anymore changes, baring a fantastic deal falling in my lap. So right now this is the team that will take us to the playoffs. Any areas you think I need to address moral, communication, staff? anything you want to get off your chest so we go down the stretch with a clear mind of understanding and expectations?



No, I think we're in a good place.  Obviously the bye is a good time to extend contracts, but other than that the team is focusing on Long Beach.  If they win this week they could be motivated and try to get back on a roll after a losing streak, but if they lose they could pack it in and bend over to take it when they come into our place next week.

GM Lucas

Thanks coach, glad to hear. Yeah, I'm going ro each out to some guys agents, see what I can do to ease some minds. Try and make the offseason smooth for us where we don't have as many needs to focus on. I would like us to pick up some extra practices in the bye. Thanks coach.


Ms Harley, can you get me Drew Leventhal


Mr Levanthal How are we, feels like ages since we spoke. I'm am calling you about your client Nate Clark. I can't help but see that your client needs to start. That was my hope until he got sick and with Coffey not doing well I had to make sure we were in a good place at the position and brought in Seymore. Now, with that said, Seymore is most likely going to walk this off season and I fully intent to make Nate Clark the starter. Hell, I can guarantee he starts the rest of his career here as much as I can guarantee his contract, which I will if it helps this negotiation. So let's start, I am willing to offer your client 3 years at 9 million. Fully guaranteed, not only will it be an iron clad contract but guaranteed he will start. I can put a contingency that if he's healthy and doesn't start he earns an extra 500K each game he is on the bench, just to ensure you he will start for us here in Sydney for the next three years.