

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:15:05 PM

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GM Lucas

Great, will do.


Ms Harley can you get me Agent Crain please


Good evening Mr. Crain, I wanted to talk extension starting next season. I acquired your client Jack Lewis and I want him here long term. I was thinking 3 years for 3 mil. Keep in in Sydney, develop him, put some time and get him to a place where he could be a clear-cut starter. We have a great staff here who has done wonders with our O-line and I think he's another good addition that can make us better in the future.



We're looking for $6MM

GM Lucas

I can do that. Thank you JTC


Ms Harley can you get me Mandla Mkhwanazi


Mr Mandla, how are you feeling. team doctors tell me you had a pinched nerve during the game. Are you feeling any better or still sore?


GM Lucas

Well hopefully this bye week helps you recover. We got a road ahead are going to need all guns locked, loaded and firing in one direction, the top.


Ms Harley, can you call coach Dos Santos, Hall and and Evans up here please


Gentlemen, I was gonna have the guys practicing during the bye, I'm having second thoughts. It's been a long up and down season. I want guys healthy for the stretch I just worry we'll be lack luster coming off the bye. You are with the players more than anyone, can you share your opinions or preference on what you all think can benefit the guys. Do we practice through the bye or give them some rest?



GM Lucas

Sounds good. I think that is perfect and it's time to put it into place. Enjoy your bye week. When we come back, all gas no brake.



GM Lucas

Thank you all for being here. Exciting times as we start our mission down the stretch. We have a big game with London this week. Well, every game is a big game from this point on and we put ourselves in that position to fight for our playoff lives by not taking care of business when we needed too. Now we spend the last quarter of the season sharpening our swords and getting ready emerge as the division leader by season end. Our guys are healthy and ready.

As far as the trade deadline nipping at our heels...I would say I am done.........(Smiles) Ahh Who am I kidding guys, as I live and breathe I'm never done trying to get better. We'll see what shakes out. I'm always trying to put us in the best position possible. I am also always looking to give other guys opportunity to succeed, either on our roster or in someone else's. With that said, I'm just glad we are at the deadline. The deadline week usually feels the longest as some teams make final adjustments while others look to the future. I tell my coaches the last 5 days of the deadline feel like 3 weeks. Regardless, Once the deadline passes things tend to feel like we are racing to the playoffs so I'm not complaining, Well I won't be as long as we are in that race.

Any questions. 


GM Lucas

You know me coach, I'm never done. I'm going to let you head to practice as I try and dot the I's and cross the t"s. When I'm officially done I'll call you in so we wrap it up going forward.


Ms. Harley, we just traded for Thomas Maggard, can you get me his agent Amber Molina on the line please.


Ms. Molina I just brought your client into Sydney, and I would Like to keep him here long term. Having a center of his talent is something I look forward to and want to focus on when it comes to positioning as the future center of Sydney so I would like to offer you a deal for 3 years 5 million starting next season.


GM Lucas

Already sent in, Glad to do business with you like always.


Ms Harley can you get me Seth Rosenhaus


Mr. Rosenhaus, Now that your client RB Daniel Collins cleared waivers, I was wondering would he sign with us for the remaining 7 games and team up with Pegasus Willaims in the back field. I would love to bring in the player I drafted back in Atlanta and give him a shot to sign with Sydney, Pearl harbor's rival and make Pearl Harbor look stupid for cutting him and help us take the division and make the playoffs. I got to move some things around but when I do I'll have 4 million to hand out to your client for the last seven games. Is that something he would be interested in doing.


...Only reason I am still on the line is to tell you, to tell that bimbo secretary to get my name right next time.



GM Lucas

Ms.Harley can you get Steve Rosenhaus back on the line


Steve, apologies, a brain fuck, that's all. Now, can we move on and talk business, I'm not going to assume your client doesn't want a chance to shove it down pearl Harbors throat because your name was messed up, I'm sure that's not how business is conducted. Losing out on possible millions over a name snafu. Can we talk business or is he looking for a massive 7 game payday or hopes Winnipeg comes calling. Can't say either will or won't happen but I can say I have an offer for him now. 



Whether we sign for the league minimum or a full $12MM, he's already getting paid from Cleveland, any money we make elsewhere just means that Cleveland pays us less out of their budget, baby.

That being said, right now the D-Train is considering pulling back into the station since you guys worked together before, but we're going to sit this week out and think on it.

GM Lucas

Fair enough, Thank you and I'll be giving you a call next week.


Ms Harley, I'm flipping through everything over here, Is FB Christopher Sanchez still available? If he is, can you get him on the line.

GM Lucas

Nevermind, I have the paperwork right here, he signed with Pheonix in the PFL. You know what, I'll avoid a shit storm and start locking in.


Depth Chart changes

QB 1 Steven Hudgins
QB 2 Harriet Patton
QB 3 Gary Peter

WR 1 - Smitty Smoke, Marko Novak
WR 2 - Hollywood Experience, Marko Novak, Smitty Smoke
WR 3/Slot - Marko Novak, Smitty Smoke, Pegasus Williams
WR 4 Jame Simpson, Pegasus Williams, Kenneth Boone
WR 5 Kenneth Boone, Dean Gilliard
WR 6 Dean Gilliard

RB 1 Pegasus Williams, David Wharton
RB 2 David Wharton, Kevin Coffey

G 1 David Ames, Earnest Wolfe
G 2 Jack Lewis, Earnest Wolfe

C 1 Willie Castle
C 2 Thomas Maggard
C 3 Kyle Salley

CB 1 Charles Finnegan, Jorge Alcantar
CB 2 Jorge Alcantar, TJ Edwards
CB 3/Nickle TJ Edwards, Jorge Alcantar, Loren Dodge

FS 1 William Bostic
FS 2 Floyd Yancey

Third Down RB Pegasus Williams
Goal Line RB Pegasus Williams

KR 1 Jorge Alcantar
KR 2 Smitty Smoke

PR 1 Xavier Phoenix
PR 2 Jame Simpson


GM Lucas

Good evening folks, how's everyone doing today. let me just get to it. Glad we walked away with a win. It was a defensive struggle out there and once again our team came out on top. Our defense has really carried us during this stretch. Our offense is doing enough to keep us in the game without hurting us but we know strictly relying on the defense to win us games is not sustainable for a long playoff run, do I believe our defense can do it, absolutely, but we have an offense and really talented offense, so they are going to have to step up down the stretch. With that said, hats off the defense once again, offensively we are going to have to figure it out, there is no sooner or later there is only now.

Now some great things are happening around the league. I see some guys having some great statistical years and it's always good to see players elevating the game. Guys are competitive so when guys having 13 sacks in a game or six hundred yards passing in one game, that only drives other players to be great so kudos to Winston and Tarr. Now if there isn't any questions, I'll head to the back to be with the team and start getting ready for next week.


Gritty win.  Keeps us on top of the division.

GM Lucas

The defense has been great. But we are gonna need the offense to step it up. I'm going to check in with coach Evans make sure everything is good or if he thinks we need to make some adjustments.


Ms Harley can you get me coach Evans


Hey coach, just checking in. Wanted to get with you and ask some questions, I'm not sure if what I am seeing is an offense struggling to get into the endzone or what we look like when we play really tough defenses. Is this a result of tweaking the offense to increase the screens or is it something else?



It very well could be the changes to the gameplan, but I can't say for sure.

GM Lucas

Ok, I want us to get back to throwing the ball and spreading it around the field more. Lately we've been handing it off nearly as much as we have been passing it.  Coach, as of right now what does our pass/run ratio look like?



First and 10 - 70%
First and Short - 50%
First and Medium - 63%
First and Long - 68%

Second and Short - 56%
Second and Medium - 57%
Second and Long - 36%

Third and Short - 53%
Third and Medium - 70%
Third and Long - 100%

Fourth and Short - 54%
Fourth and Medium -100%
Fourth and Long - 100%

Goal Line - 50%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 40%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 85%

GM Lucas

Thank you coach, looks like we are running at 60/40 split. thank you coach.


Ms Harley can you get me QB Hudgins.


Wassup Steven my man, how has it been going. Look, we are off the bye week and in for the long haul. I am just checking in before you guys suit up for the final leg of our journey into the post season. I know there's been some changes but I just wanted to see if you were good with some of the changes we made with bringing in Peg and increasing to more screens. Coach and myself felt having the ability to have a guy like Peg with more screens would def help you out more but the production hasn't been there with that scheme. Are you comfortable with the increase in screens and having Peg in that role or do you want to get back to just dropping back and firing on pass plays and handing it off on run plays?                                                                                         



I think we had more success with a traditional offense, but we're in first place in the division so maybe we dont rock the boat? IDK... not my job to decide thankfully.

GM Lucas

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe we are just doing to much. Trying to be cute when we already looked good. I'm glad you said that because I was thinking it. With Peg we shouldn't have to try and be super creative. if our talent can't look good for itself then dressing it up with ribbons and bow ties ain't gonna make it prettier. I'm putting things back and letting you and the guys cook. Thanks Steven.


Ms Harley, can you get me Kicker Tyler Dario.


Mr Dario. I'm interested in bringing you in. I think your type of energy is one that can really get our locker room rocking and rolling. Think it's time to have some fun and win some fucking games. Are you in?

GM Dario

I think my Passport's up to date, GM Lucas.

So I gotta list of Locker Room Things that we gotta get covered before I sign on the dotted-

Blue M&Ms- only Blue
Lemon Sugar Wafers. Vanilla can be acceptable too.
Swivel Chair, plush, not leather.
Tanktops. Black. Only Black.
Tim Tams. Always 1 fresh box
Life size poster of Kylie Minogue - Can't get her outta my head for some reason

And 1M Salary for the rest of this season. No chance of re-signing for next year. But the salary will be donated to a local charity in Sydney.

With all of that, I'll say G'Day to my new mates.

GM Lucas

Most definitely, I found a local super store here in Sydney and I just put in the order. Just have your guys pick it up when you get here. good thing I'm paying you a million, I heard the blue only M&M bags are hard to find down here so I'm sure some of that local donation money can find us some old bags sitting around some Supermart around here since Halloween.


Ms Harley, We will be expecting Tyler Dario real soon. He's a big....has a big personality, my type of guy.



  Mista Lucas, just make sure you sign the right guy.  Don't want one of those situations where you sign some pro wrestler off of the street or somethin'




Tyler Dario, at your service. Oh my, you sure do need a wardrobe update.  Someone call THE FASHION POLICE.

GM Lucas

(With a smile on his face and a look of "WTF did I just do". Lucas looks back at the paperwork that he just signed and noticed the spelling snafu on Tylen. With a face palm to himself that could knock out Mike Tyson he addresses the current chicanery that he has created for himself)

You are 100% correct, My wardrobe has been a bit drag lately. But Mr Tyler Dario, there seems to have been a bit if a spelling snafu as I was trying to sign free agent kicker Tylen Dario. Seems like when I posted his name I reverse spell checked myself. I pretty much second guest my own spelling and corrected it to Tyler in what seemed like an eternity of confusion but was really a 2 second fuck up. I would like to apologize for wasting your time, I will take your advice on my wardrobe to heart this off season but right now I would like to offer you 130k from my current bonus so you can officially retire as a member of the Sydney Stingray. Can we come to that agreement?


...$130K to go away?

Sure, but we have to make it look good for the masses.



GM Lucas



Ms Harley, thanks for that heads up, I almost derailed us because of second guessing myself. I get on a roll and start rolling everywhere. Your input is always appreciated in the matter. Thank you. Now that we dodged that bullet, can you get me Pegasus Williams.


Mr Williams, how are we doing. I wanted to finally touch base with you before he head into the stretch and ask you how a have you liked the scheme we put in place. I know lack of touches is what ultimately made you want to explore opportunities away from Alabama so I'm trying to get you the most but I want to ask you now that you've had two games with us, how are you feeling?



I'm still getting used to the team and the plays, but I'm appreciating getting 20+ carries.

GM Lucas

Awesome, I spoke with Hudgins and he things we should maybe go back to more traditional schemes. When I increased the screens I did it because I wanted to get Crenshaw in open space and wasn't confident in his ability to take a beating in your typical hand it off schemes. But with you, I'm confident in your ability to get the rock and rack up the yards so I'm going to go back to doing what we do best and let the talent do talented things. Thank you Mr. Williams, can't wait to see you in action this week.


Decrease screens to original percentages.

Pass/Run: 68/32

Depth Chart
K: Tylen Dario, Stanton Welsh
P: Lonny Robison

KR 1 Xavier Fonseca
KR 2 Smitty Smoke

PR 1 Xavier Phoenix
PR 2 Pegasus Williams

4Wr set Pass
WR 1 Hollywood Experience
WR 2 Smitty Smoke
WR 3 (Slot)Marko Novak
WR 4 Pegasus Willaims
RB David Wharton
TE Xavier Phoenix

4Wr set Run
WR 1 Hollywood Experience
WR 2 Smitty Smoke
WR 3 (Slot)Marko Novak
WR 4 Jame Simpson
RB Pegasus Williams
TE Xavier Phoenix

Passing Target Area: Balanced
Passing Preference: Medium

All Other Depth Chart, Coaches decision.




1. (TO GM LUCAS) - Talk about the game this week.

2. (TO GM LUCAS) - What made you go out and sign Tylen Dario after his time in KC came to an abrupt end?

3. (TO DARIO AFTER LUCAS ANSWERS 1 & 2) -  Talk about what it was like last week going from GM of the Bruins to now the kicker of the Sting Rays, and even that was in doubt for a while when your brother Tyler Dario was mistakenly signed first.


GM Lucas

Good evening colleagues of the press, let's get into it. This week saw a Sydney team I am much more familiar with. We got our run game back in full swing. Sydney had a lot of turnover in order to bring in the talent to take us deep into the season. When you have a ton of turnover, especially on the O-line you want to help your Qb out and that's what I thought I was doing by changing up the scheme a bit to give Steven more check downs while the O-line got situated. By doing so The scheme limited one of the best RB's in the game so I take responsibility for those moves. Now we scaled it back to where we were in the first quarter of the season and it showed. We got enough Talent that I can step back and let the talent do talented things so it was nice to see we had a remerging party this week. Overall a solid performance. Alcantar keeps giving us that clutch performance. Dale Bright and Kevin De La Cruz look like 2 men on a mission and overall our defense has really been the anchor of this team. Now with our offense, we can be scary but we just have to ground ourselves and don't get to high or too low. Stick to the game plan, trust the coaches, let the talent shine and we should do alright.

What make you go sign Tylen Dario after his time in KC came to an abrupt end?
Well let me fist start buy saying you can never have too much talent in very important situational spots. Early on after we had lost two games due to missed kicks I still trusted Stanton but I wasn't sure what would be long term affects if any. Sometimes a kicker can get into a rut and sink deep. But he came back and had some strong games after. Overall, he was back but it still stuck with me that those loses came against teams we should have definitely beat and we should have a 2 game and a half lead on this division as opposed to half game. That's how this game is sometimes but you can't win games if your kicking game isn't on par, and you can't be missing chip shots and game winners in the playoffs, ask GM Justin. So, I jokingly sent a text out to Gm Tylen Dario and asked would he trade himself to finally get into the playoffs. We went back and forth with friendly banter but nothing emerged, just some water cooler talk. When that imploded in KC and he was a free agent, how can I not bring in one of the best kickers in the league and last season's top scoring player. I like his energy, he's obviously talented and as well as this team is playing, it never hurts to have some positive energy and a guy who likes to have fun. I've never Shy'd away from big personalities so why would I now. Now we have two very talented kickers. No Brainer, One door closes another one opens so I hope he see's this as another opportunity to continue his successful kicking career. I know he will get another opportunity to be a Gm but for now, he's a Stingray and we are happy to have him on board.

GM Dario

Let me just say that I'm just happy to be here. Hope I can help the team. We've got to play them one day at a time. I just want to give it my best shot, and the good Lord willin', things will work out.  A good friend of mine used to say, 'This is a very simple game. Ya throw the ball, ya catch the ball, ya run the ball, and ... ya kick the ball. Sometimes ya win, sometimes ya lose, sometimes it rains.' Think about that for a while.

As for Tyler, clerical mistakes happen. Sometimes they work out, sometimes not so much. But it was great to see Tyler in the airport. Our circles don't always cross paths cause of our jobs, so catchin' up before his flight left, it was good. He did tell me that if he'd be willin' to take any other HIFL contract offers I get in the future, easy money were his words. 

As for goin' from KC to Sydney, I'm lookin' at it as this: sometimes ya think ya got it all, then you lose it all, you crash out and gotta figure out what to do. A lot happened from the day I took over in KC back in Season 12 to now, good and bad, but I'm better for it all. Hopefully someone will wanna change things up with a new GM in Season 18, but for now, kickin' in Sydney is just a chance to reboot ol' TD, figure out what to do and build back up.



Freaking media circus, I swear.

You and Dario are going to bring in crowds I guess.

GM Lucas

A little publicity and Media never hurt. Bring some eyes to us. But coach I'm ready to lock this baby up. Trust the coaches and trust the players is my motto the rest of the way. Keep everything the same as last week going forward.


GM Lucas

Good afternoon everyone, I'm going to try and keep this short. I'm please with our performance. Pegasus getting over 200 yards on the ground bodes well for us down the stretch. Makes more versatile and dynamic. We took care of business against a team we had to take care of business against. They have 11 losses for a reason so I'll leave that there. Now we have to defend out home. We have a Winnipeg team that has 11 wins and currently sporting one of the tougher defenses in the league and have a very consistent offense. So if we want to see what we are made of, we need to take them to the limit. The winner here doesn't win the impact bowl but definitely sets the bar of what's to come. We are in a good place. I believe our defense matches up against any in the league. Our offense seems to be finding their stride. This is going to be a hell of a game. Tune in because we are in the exciting times of the season. We have Movement going on in the PFL, HIFL teams about to go up for sale, Expansion teams coming on in. Then we have the college football looking to crown a new champ well into their playoffs. Football everywhere. Great time to be a football fan.

Goodtimes, So, if there are no follow up questions, We have a monster game in front of us and I'd like to get things rolling to get us ready.



This one is a real measuring stick game

GM Lucas

Coach, Swope seems to be on the shelf. Are our DE's Seif or Nate Clark versatile enough to fill in for Swope at the DT spot while he's nursing an injury?



Seif has the experience playing some DT on the international circuit.

GM Lucas

Sounds good, let's get him there while Swope is nursing his injury? I'm not going to mess with anything else. I think we are where we are going to be and against Winnipeg there isn't a lot anyone can do at this point expect go out and play mistake free football, so let's go and break that measuring stick over there fucking head. ALL GAS. NO BREAK!


Depth Chart

DT 1 Rex Mundy, James Kessler
DT 2 Seif Sharqawi, James Kessler, Carter Divine




GM Lucas

Good evening, let's get right to it, What can I say, in a match up I know a lot of yall thought would be one sided turned out to be what I expected it to be, a hard nose battle that came down to the last second. To use boxing terms, Winnipeg came out throwing some haymakers while we were jabbing our way through. A few hard body blows made us stumble, got our knees weak but we got back to the corner, regrouped and recovered and came back out and threw some body blows of our own and made them start going backwards. Every round, hard fought. Ultimately, We had them on the ropes but time ran out. I'm extremely pleased with how we kept going, we didn't get scared when we were down 17-6 going into the half, we didn't let up. We shut them out the entire third quarter and next thing you know it was 21-21. Got the ball back with under a minute and marched down the field in an impressive display of play calling and clutch catches but man, Steven Hudgins!. That guy has ice in his veins and that is definitely something we are going to need down the stretch. Overall, they made just a few more plays. We did great not being penalized, we matched them very well in the stat sheets but they got the best of us where it counted and that was the score. Overall, we lost the time of possession and we let them go 9-16 on third downs while we only completed 3 of 13. Can't win many games that way and yet still we came one play away from extending the game and possibly winning it. They have a solid front d-line, so much so on a few occasions we couldn't get that 1 or 2 yards needed and they did. Those little numbers here and there add up and they did just that for Winnipeg. They added up just enough to pull out the win. We already knew who they were, now they know who we are and I hope to see them again later on. Now we move on to next week. Every game is a must. Right now we are in our playoffs, we have the slightest of margins in the division and the difference between third and first is a win this week. We need to concentrate on this game and only this next game. All hands on deck. Exciting times in HIFL, a lot of moving parts, a lot of things happening in the PFL, playoffs are coming, College football season just ended, good time to be football fan.



Lets win this bitch.