

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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Sounds good to me.

GM Oldfield

Excellent. Let's keep up the hard work.

Change defensive focus to Pass

Change linebacker focus to Coverage

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Discuss this past week

Sometime I was football was 3 quarters. Although now I'm hearing that out loud I'm guessing they'd be call thirds. We played really well for 75% of that game but that final quarter was an absolute nightmare. I am sure their Gm, if he turns up to his press conference this week, will applaud meek as the new messiah for turning things around but the fact is we need to learn to manage possession better.

I'd like to add that Box and Kellog were incredible. 22 tackles, 4 TFL's, 1 sack, 1 FF, 2FR 2 interceptions. Incredible performance from them.

Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move

It's great to see athletic QB's finding alternative career pathways in other positions. Gives them a second chance at shining through.

I assume Ortega's injury isn't a hamstring, but some internal hardware virus. Probably just needs a new patch.

Glad Garrett Conger has found a team who want him enough to actually fill in the paperwork in time.

[B  What is more interesting to you the PFL or the IFAF, do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?[/B]

I think they both bring different things to the table. IFAF is a chance for players outside of the USA to really showcase their skillset and that sort of front window advert just wouldn't be possible without it. I think it's great. 

PFL is a poor man's HIFL and I wish GM's weren't able to ship great talent over there because they couldn't use a calculator. In my eyes those contracts should be void.

And my favourite player? Gotta stick with family and support the Oldfield boys in the UK team.

The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season

This year has been an evaluation of what we have, what we need and where we want to go. I have a great idea for where and how I need to supplement this team in the offseason, and the direction we are going. We haven't won nearly as many as I would have liked, but we've been competitive in 10 matches this year. I feel confident it will be an exciting season next year.

Coach, what happened in that 4th quarter? Teething issues or something worse?



Growing pains.  Doss throws two picks to Bostic in the quarter, they both cost us points; and we just couldn't overcome that.

GM Oldfield

That was my feeling, good to know.

Only real thing to check in about is the corner situation in EE's absence. My thought was Cheatham, Berry, Goode, Newell 1-4. How do you feel?


GM Oldfield

Thanks coach.

Lincoln Doss please.

Mr Doss, I believe this is one of the games you had pencilled in ever since your trade here. A chance to exorcise some demons from your childhood, and a chance to shit on a rival teams playoff hopes. Are you up for this?


This is what I live for man.. legs fuggin Go!

GM Oldfield

Let's go be the worse thing to happen to New Jersey since Snooki.

Change defensive focus and linebacker focus back to Balanced

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Discuss this past week.

Delighted to get a hard fought victory against a conference side which should hopefully be a big confidence boost for the whole squad. Plenty of positives to take; limited a very rounded offense to just 17 points, staging a 4th quarter comeback which has recently been a problem lately, Lincoln spreading the passing and finding 8 different receivers, and big defensive plays form Milliken when we needed them. The team should be very proud.

Discuss any news that interested you

I think Reigns may have been hit in the head too many times in his action movies to think someone's going to come in and immediately turn Seattle into a winner after their team was dismantled this season. If a two time winner like old man John couldn't do it over nearly half a dozen seasons, what makes you think someone else can do it quicker?

Alesana Tuilagi Is a beast, a joy to watch. I know cancuns team is below par, but that sort of ruthless aggression is great to see. Bravo.

Robbie Burns going after a 'big fish' is interesting. He's already sacked one 'big fish' in GM Gates, so I imagine the big boys are cautious.

It's great to see guys like Ortega and McReynolds close to breaking records. That kind of HOF level record breaking should be applauded. I feel bad that Smoak has a GM who didn't even realise it happened.

Cobbs, Wilkinson, Ortega, McReynolds, Smoak, all close to breaking all time records or have broken all time records, while guys like Cotter, Meek, Bobbitt and Tuilagi within a chance of breaking single season records, it's mind-blowing to think about the talent we are witnessing right now, and as a football fan it's great to be a part of.   

If you could will your team into fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?

To be honest if there was one aspect it would be the running game. I've always had a solid running base and I think it will really open us up offensively if we could add a solid running game. I'd like to be able to get situations where Lincoln can use his legs too. I know he's got that in him to really keep defense's guessing.

You going to win this week?

I certainly hope so! It's always nice to get one over a friend, and there's a lot of players on each team who will be playing against their former side and hoping to shine. It won't be easy, they are aggressive and tenacious both with and without the ball, and the physio's will be busy as hell this week hoping to get guys out there, but I'm hoping guys like Simpson, Milliken and Myers will be ready to show their former GM that his acquisitions were not in fact 'upgrades'.

GM Oldfield

Coach, the Ashby injury is a real kick to the balls given the lack of confidence I have in our receivers. I guess Waddle and Ambrose would be the 1-2 for now, with Myers in the slot?

Given their below average run defence, is there any way we can get Lincoln rushing. My understanding was he's a dual threat QB but so far he hasn't rushed at all? Could we add some play options?



We don't really have a coaching staff designed to use running QB plays; well at least not to design them ourselves.   Something to consider in the off-season for sure.

GM Oldfield

Interesting to note.

Ok let's not change anything. Try and keep the momentum going.


GM Oldfield

What stood out to you about your team this week?

We gave it everything and got it closer then we probably had any right too. No Ashby, No Faber, No evans. it was hard work for three key positions and it showed. Mr D spread the ball out hitting 9 different receivers, but In the end we just came up short. My only disappointment? Well it wasn't disappointing but infuriating, was the penalties. Anyone who taunts after doing sod all needs to take a long look at themselves or can find alternative employment because there is no space for that at this organisation.

Discuss any news that interested you.

Oakland should play Collado instead of Wright. Dude had a massive  menstrual movement last time I even mentioned his name so he can sod off. Dude can't deal with the pressure or limelight.

Noah Williford shouldn't worry too much. He's out the PFL, and HIFL teams will be drooling like Fosters when he's sees his secretary in a short skirt. He'll be on a new team In no time.

Meeks arm must be tired, surely?

3 Weeks to go, do you make changes or are you ready to roll with what brought you to the dance?

3 more games, 3 more chances to show you deserve to be at this level in my eyes.


...Rapid City has an explosive offense, we're in for a wild ride.

GM Oldfield

I mean we're in for a high scoring one that's for sure. Do we let Lincoln go wild? Change anything? Give anyone a chance?



I don't know what you mean by letting him go wild?

GM Oldfield

Perhaps we can switch the passes from mixed to long? But then again I'm not sure our receivers could handle it.


We can give it a shot; not like its going to ruin our playoff chances, right?

GM Oldfield

Why the hell not. Let's see what his arm can do.

Changing passing focus to Long


GM Oldfield

What stood out to you about your team this week?

Just what Lincoln can do when his team are down. What an arm! Credit to the receives too they have still got to find separation and catch the thing, and big props to Ambrose who has really stepped up following Ashby's injury. Offensively our best quarter of football this season. Makes me excited for the future. 

Discuss any news that interested you.

What's cannon doing playing in the reserves? Show some patience lad and stick with the big boys!

Alabama's woes and oaklands resurgence highlight the importance of investing in a QB2.

Elsewhere, a lot of the divisions are really hotting up including my own. Would love to see Doss and the Bats go wild and spoil things for New Jersey week 17.

would you rather lose the final two games to improve your draft position or do you want to finish on a winning streak?

I know it'll harm out pick position but it's all about those wins for me. Two more wins will see us improve last years record, and really give us a lot to be excited about next year.

Coach, looks like the bats went wild in that 4th quarter?



We let him chuck it and it paid off; obviously we're likely to see higher INTs and lower completion totals.

GM Oldfield

Yeah I'd take 5 touchdowns and 1 interception over 1 and 0 every week.

Let's keep it the same and evaluate it properly at the end of the season. I don't think we've quite got the players to optimise it now but that can be an offseason task.

I'd like to quickly ask about Larry Ambrose if that's ok? What type of reciever role does he excel in or could excel in and does he have much growth left in your opinion?



Fantastic hands; not great speed or agility.  He's a possession receiver who is pretty much who he is going to be.  He's a solid WR3, but I wouldnt ask more.

GM Oldfield

That's good to know.

Let's Lock in

GM Oldfield

What stood out to you about your team this week?

Kings of Europe! It's a great tag to have and the bats should be proud to have that label after a great performance. Fournette ran will, Doss continued his ballout tour and Ventura was a tackling machine, but what really stood out his how much smoke fans should be angry with their GM. What kind of wobbly must you be throwing to sack your DC, a HIFL legend and great up and coming coach, two weeks before the end of the season and the week before a rivalry game, it's just utter madness. Their owner must be regretting that shiny new contact right now. And if it's to 'tank' or whatever it's referred to, is it a message to the current team that their not good enough? Crazy stuff.

Anyway, a great performance by the guys. They should be very proud of how we're finishing this season, and should be excited to show what we can do next season.

Who has to step up this weekend in your eyes?

This week is a chance you don't get a lot in football. A chance to beat a divisional rival, and in the process, likely eliminate them from the playoffs. That should be motivation enough, I'd love to see that dinosaur watching the playoffs at home, and I'm hoping the players are motivated too. A win will also beat our record next season, and just end the season on a crazy high with three wins on the trot.

In order to achieve this we need to continue what we're doing; tackle well, be stingy in defence, and watch Lincoln continue to show just how good he is.

What does this final week of the season mean for you and your team?  

A chance to piss on New Jersey's bonfire. A chance to Elininate a rival from the playoffs, a chance to better last years record and a chance to go 4-4 in the division. Lots to play for.

Coach, this bats go wild strategy has been exciting to watch, but if it's got to long term future what would we need in the offseason the most? Speed in the skill positions? Improvement at right tackle to keep Lincoln Upright? Something else?



If we keep building around this strategy we are going to see success I believe; Lincoln is thriving and will only get better as the pieces around him are improved.

GM Oldfield

I think it's the first time as a Gm I've been genuinely excited by what we have under Center.

I've got lots of questions about next season, but we'll leave it until next week before you go on vacation coach. For now let's go end on a high.

Lincoln Doss, please

Lincoln. Loving what your doing right now. Doss goes wild is gripping the whole of the UK! Just wanted to stop by, as your in a unique situation that may never come again. A chance to do over New Jersey and knock them out of the playoffs. When will a chance like this come again?


I hope I have the chance to cut they throats EVERY Year; but next time it will be as Division Champs, you dig?

GM Oldfield

Hell yes. This week they can start to get used to seeing you celebrating another touchdown. They gonna be seeing it alot  over next few years


GM Oldfield

When you look back on this season, what are some of the words you would use to describe the season?

Optimism. Hope. Excitement. This season we all new was one of transition. This team ended last season losing 8 on the bounce, we were of the lowest scoring offenders that existed, lose their GM, their head coach, a core of young players, and moral was low. Although we haven't won as many as we would like, we have ended the season surpassing last seasons record, winning 3 on the bounce, won 4 of our last 5 games and had a divisional record of 4-2. We have a lot to be excited for next season, a stellar defence, an amazing quarterback, and a young hungry team desperate to make their mark in HIFL.

Who was your best player this season

There have been some great individuals. Lincoln has been incredible since he came in, Bates is a powerhouse at TE, Box had easily become one of my favourite trades I've made, and Evans has been superb at leading our young defensive backs. But for player of the year it's hard to look past Cecil Kellog. 151 tackles, 2 interceptions, 8 forced fumbles, 11 TFL's. He's lead by example from day 1, a real superstar.

Who was the most disappointing player for you this year, and why?

I would have loved to have seen Ashby make the leap from good to elite WR this season. I feel he has it in him, and he was unfortunate to be injured as Lincoln found his feet here. I think that could be an incredible partnership next year.

Grade your Coaches this season, will they be back next season?

I'd give Steven Crawford an A. His first year as a head coach, a raft of personnel changes throughout the season, and adapting to how he'd like to play, I think he's done a fantastic job. In terms of the co-ordinators, I feel that's more a question for Mr Crawford, as I have always felt the head coach should be responsible for his or her backroom staff.

What is next for you, do you see yourself back with this club next year?

I should hope so. I feel I've worked really hard this year to get this organisation in a position to have a real go of it next year. We need a good offseason, we need to draft well, but I feel like we're getting there. Mr Springheels was kind enough to present me with a 4 year deal here and I intend to honour that.



I appreciate the high marks; we're going to build on this late season momentum and build a winner. I am confident in that.

GM Oldfield

Coach I appreciate everything you've done in your first year. I know you've been incredibly flexible, so this season id like to put something together that matches your vision.

So offensively, I feel we're set at QB, the majority of the o line and TE, but I'd like to add a bit of punch to RB and WR. What sort of WR would compliment Waddle and Ashby?



Let me think about it during the post-season break and we can huddle on it later.



  Tarquin.. you made a bold move to acquire a polarizing quarterback from a terrible team, but the move appears to have paid off so far.  A man who slays Dragons is a man we can build around here in Tottenham..

GM Oldfield

Thank you sir. I feel by completing all five of my season goals has shown you we are heading in the right direction, and with regards to Lincoln Doss sometimes the best results are achieved with a bit of................ Bad blood.



  oohh I like you. I like you a lot.

You have a great off-season, I look forward to seeing what you build.

GM Oldfield

Thank you sir. I look forward to showing how bad our bite can be.




Good Evening GM Oldfield,

I currently have us with $55.5MM in available salary cap and $12.75MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff.

I have us with 19 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our draft picks as follows:

S16 1st - TOT
S16 2nd - TOT
S16 2nd - SA
S16 3rd - TOT
S16 3rd - WIN
S16 3rd - VAN
S16 3rd - MIA
S16 4th - TOT
S16 7th - TOT
S16 7th - CHA

We have all of our own draft picks for S17 minus our 1st round pick, and we also have additional second round picks from Vancouver and San Antonio; and all of our own picks for S18.

We do not currently own any tax money, so our off-season bonus money is free to use how we see fit.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $4.5MM ($3.5MM from your GM Contract + $1MM from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!

GM Oldfield

Coach Crawford please,

Hello sir, hope you had a nice short break, let's discuss coaching options.

How do you feel about Lynwood Hunter? Are you happy with offense? And what do we need to spend to really get the best out of our defence?


I am very happy with Coach Hunter offensively;  defensively you just need to explain your vision to me of what you want.  4-3 or 3-4 base; aggressive, conservative... and how much you want to spend on it.

GM Oldfield

4-3, good tackling and conservativeness which is set us in good stead this year. I'd be holy to touch up the aggressiveness a bit but nothing over the top. Good clean hits, emphasis on technique. Would 10MM get us something good?



I think that would be a good price point; good discipline and solid fundamentals.

GM Oldfield

I'll stick that in the league office. If I put 1MM extra do you think we could add something extra for developing rookies? With the amount of picks it could be money well spent



$1MM to each side of the ball or $500K to each side of the ball; either way it would help us hire better guys when it comes to working with those developing rookies.

GM Oldfield

Apologies coach I should have been more specific. 500k on each side. I'll league office it too. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?



Nope, that's great. I'll get right to work.

GM Oldfield

James T. Crain please.

Mr Crain, I'd like to keep QB Adam Starr here and continue his develop under Crawford's tutelage. Guys like him deserve to highlight the importance of the UDFA system and the chance it gives rookies. Would a 2 year, 1MM per year deal get it done? 


We'll accept that deal.  Make it so!

GM Oldfield

Fantastic thanks sir.

Bobby Shapiro please,

Bobby, I like what your client Joe Howell has done this season and would like to offer him some long term security here in Tottenham. How does 1MM a year for 3 years sound?