

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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We're looking for $1.5MM, care to match that?

GM Oldfield

For you old friend, I think I can match that. 3 years, 1.5MM per year, you have a deal



Hello GM Oldfield,   I am Thomas Reese, the investigator looking into the recent allegations made against your boss.  Do you have a few minutes to answer a few questions?

GM Oldfield


Interesting web browser you have there, but what I am here for is to see if you have ever had any conversations with Mr. Springheels about the team's finances, other than the salary cap.  Has he ever mentioned how or what he does with the team's revenue?

GM Oldfield

Ooops sorry about that. And FYI 'Busty Bits' is actually a charity website about helping British company's who have hit redundancy issues.

No I haven't. My interactions with him have been limited and finance doesn't seem to be top of his agenda. For example, I retained over 30 million in wages this year which may annoy the financially driven but didn't seem to anger him, but also completed all 5 objectives given to me this year and received no bonus or offseason bonus aid.

My personal feelings is much more concerned about being the kings of Europe and exposing Amsterdam for the one year wonder they are then how much moneys in the bank



..I appreciate your candor. If you hear anything strange, please don't hesitate to call me.


Oh, before I go...

...have you ever heard a rumor about vampires?  I know it's silly, but I keep hearing the same thing and I just have a curiosity about it now.

GM Oldfield

Vampires, werewolves, ghouls, ghosts monsters, Welcome to Britain!

When your as old as we are there are always rumours of the supernatural. You should visit Stonehenge, or the London dungeons.

Honestly I think he's just a bit of a nightowl who enjoys a glass of full bodied red every now and then. Nothing concerning



I should have figured, but the source was pretty convinced, haha..  Thank you for your time Mr. Oldfield.

GM Oldfield

No problem good luck with the investigation.


"Recently I've been pondering over my own personal legacy; what's it all been about?

I was vicious, sadistic, spiteful player, a unique entertainer... but I never achieved the one thing I coveted the most, and that was to become a World Cup Champion...

...but that's my fault, because I've always had a wonderful knack for getting myself into a lot of trouble; but to the people who really know, I've always been a world class, second to none athlete.

Now a return to the pitch isn't coming to a weathered old villain like myself, but the opportunity to taste that sweet success has presented itself.

It's said the eyes are the window to the soul, but as a professional footballer it's really the scars that show a man's soul.  Whether it be because of torture, punishment, or conflict; scars are the things that separate us from people who will never step onto the field and fight for their livelihood. 

it's one thing to observe a tiger in a cage but it's another thing to step forward and poke that tiger with a stick; but would you poke that tiger if the cage wasn't there?  Would you even have the bollocks to approach that tiger?

It takes far more than the average person to even contemplate that, let alone to do it.   To face your worst nightmare, to face your worst fears that you may not actually be good enough to succeed.   I want a different breed of player in my locker room. I want men who want to leave scars on their opponents, I want men who will always go for the throat, who will make you suffer if you step onto the field against us.   I want men who value punishment over pomp and circumstance.
That is my vision for the future of this franchise."

GM Oldfield

Mr Churchill, delighted to meet you.

What a fantastic situation to be in; a former player, not just a player but one of the best at his craft, being the owner. I believe this is a unique position to be in HIFL.

Thank you for painting such a vivid picture of your dream for this team, it's something I can certainly strive to. But for myself, the one aspect I value of anything is focus and discipline. Understanding your role in the team, your assignment, and making sure that you give it your all on every snap. I think with Crawford, Murdoch and the two Hunter's on the coaching set up, we will be a hard nose, no nonsense team that will be an absolute pain in the bottle and glass to every team that we meet.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, and I believe a perfect blend of discipline and ruthless aggression will bring success to this organisation.


Tarquin, bloody good to meet you sunshine.  I'm happy to have a fellow countryman here to bring prestige to this organization and to show the world what we are all about.



Hi there, I have us with $14.4MM and $2.75MM in bonus heading into UFA.

GM Oldfield

Hmmm I have us with 24.4, not 14.4. I'll send over what I have

GM Oldfield

Scott Forrest please.

Mr Forrest I'd like to bring in your client FS Eddie Thomas.

Would 8MM a year get me a 2 year deal?


GM Oldfield

Fantastic. Have a good, and I imagine busy, day.

James T. Crain  Please,

Mr Crain, I'd like to offer C Earl Ortiz a 2 year deal at 1MM per year. Do we have a deal?


GM Oldfield

Wonderful. While you're here sir, I'd love to make DT Lucio Clayton a harrier. Could we stretch the deal to 3 years at 1MM per year?

GM Oldfield

Scratch that. I've seen the news that he's back in DC my bad.

If I can turn my attention to Robert Peters. Would a 1MM 1 year deal keep him in the HIFL?


If you come up to $1.5MM, it would.

GM Oldfield


Anthony Campanelli please,

Mr Campanelli I'd like to have your client Francis Ludwig here in London. Would he do a year at 1MM?


GM Oldfield

Right, I have us with 4.625M wages and 3.175MM bonus. Anything left before we lock in?


I have us with 4.28MM and 3.13MM in bonus.

GM Oldfield

Ahhh I forgot to add mr sheets contract to the list and read a 7 as a 2.

I'm getting old. If only there was a way to be young forever?

GM Oldfield

Eli Harris Please,

Mr Harris, i am a bit shocked to see Mark Hunt hasn't been picked up yet. I can't offer much but would 3MM for the season keep him in HIFL and remind teams what they're missing?


No, we've turned down more.  Mark is playing for nothing less than $10MM this season.

GM Oldfield

Fair enough. I hope he finds a team. Just not one we play this season. Thanks for your time. 

GM Oldfield


1.Milton Vaughan- IQ
2.Lincoln Doss - IQ
3.Jaylen Waddle- Strength
4.Andrew Littlejohn- Hands

1  Thomas Berry- IQ
2. Henry Patten- Agility
3. Dave Funk- IQ
4. Joe Martino- Tackling


Attitude: Aggressive
Focus: Pass
Tempo: Fast
Passing Focus: Long
Pass To:Balanced

Primary Receiver:
Grady Ashby
Third Down Back:
Goal Line Back: None
Running Focus:  Balanced
Running Backs Role: Balanced
Backfield by Committee?: Yes
Tight End Focus:  Catching
QB Tuck and Run: Normal,

Attitude:  Balanced
Focus: Balanced

Primary Coverage:
Coaches decision
D-Line Focus: Balanced
Linebacker Focus:  Balanced
Player Radio: Cecil Kellog
Match CBs to WRs?: Coaches decision
Align Man Coverage?: Coaches decision

Point Margin for Backup Package Coaches decision
Sub Package Minimum Energy Coaches decision
Sub Package Maximum Energy Coaches decision

If Winning Coaches decision
If Losing Coaches decision

COUNTER STRATEGY (vs. offense gives your defense a boost to stop the selected type; vs. defense gives your offense a boost vs. selected defensive strategy)
Coaches decision Yes


QB- Lincoln Doss
QB2- Santos Pond
QB3- Adam Starr

RB1-Julius Robles
RB2-Milton Vaughan
RB3-Harry Breaux

FB-Claude Dubose

TE1-Lawrence Bates
TE2- Wayne Burden
TE3- Martin Rodriguez
WR1-Grady Ashby
LWR4-Andrew Littlejohn

WR2-Jaylen Waddle
WR5-Morris Cuellar

WR3-Todd Pike
WR6- Dan Burley

LT-Charles Bailey
LT2-Parker Grace

LG-Gary Ennis
LG2-Arthur Bradley

C-Patrick Faber
C2-Earl Ortiz

RG-Warner Kaminski
RG2-Kevin Sheets

RT-Sean Lewis
RT2-William Wilson

PACKAGE NAME: Soho standard spread package

QB- Lincoln Doss
RB1-Julius Robles
TE1-Lawrence Bates WR1-Grady Ashby

WR2- Todd Pike

WR3/Slot receiver-Jaylen Waddle

LT-Charles Bailey

LG-Gary Ennis

C-Patrick Faber

RG-Warner Kaminski

RT-Sean Lewis

PACKAGE NAME: Camden   spread package for 3rd and long/scenarios where we want to stretch the field 

QB- Lincoln Doss
RB1-Julius Robles
WR1-Grady Ashby

WR2- Andrew Littlejohn

WR3/Slot receiver-Jaylen Waddle

LT-Charles Bailey

LG-Gary Ennis

C-Patrick Faber

RG-Warner Kaminski

RT-Sean Lewis

PACKAGE NAME: Hackney    normal 4WR Set 

QB- Lincoln Doss
RB1-Julius Robles
WR1-Grady Ashby

WR2- Andrew Littlejohn

WR3/Slot receiver-Jaylen Waddle
WR4/Slot receiver- Todd Pike

LT-Charles Bailey

LG-Gary Ennis

C-Patrick Faber

RG-Warner Kaminski

RT-Sean Lewis


PACKAGE NAME: standard depth chart

DT1- Noah Oldfield
DT3-Graham Lynch

DT2-Joe Martino
DT4-Francis Ludwig

RE1-Henry Patten
RE2-Richard Gary

LE1-Gerald Roberts
LE2-Johnnie Richardson

MLB1-Cecil Kellog
MLB2-James Box

ROLB1-James Box
ROLB2-Kevin Ashcraft
ROLB3- Roberto Churchill

LOLB1-Oscar Ventura
LOLB2-Kevin Ashcraft
LOLB3- Roberto Churchill
LOLB4- Tyrone Aranda

CB1-Eric Evans
CB4-James Newell

CB2-Thomas Berry
CB5-Gregory Creed

CB3-Samual Goode
CB6-Murray Abbott

FS1-Eddie Thomas
FS2-Robert Peters
FS3-Cleo Santana

SS1-Dave Funk
SS2-Wilbert Billings

PACKAGE NAME: Islington Nickel package for heavy blitzing scenarios

DT1- Noah Oldfield 

DT2-Joe Martino

RE1-Henry Patten

LE1-Gerald Roberts

MLB1-Cecil Kellog
MLB2-James Box

CB1-Eric Evans

CB2-Gregory Creed

CB3- Thomas Berry

FS1-Eddie Thomas

SS1-Dave Funk

PACKAGE NAME: Havering For third and long/guaranteed passing Scenarios

DT1- Noah Oldfield 

DT2-Gerald Roberts

RE1-Henry Patten

LE1-Richard Gary

MLB1-Cecil Kellog
MLB2-James Box

CB1-Eric Evans

CB2- Thomas Berry ed

CB3-Samual Goode

FS1-Eddie Thomas

SS1-Dave Funk

PACKAGE NAME: Enfield Alternative nickel to use roughly 25% of the time

DT1- Noah Oldfield 

DT2-Graham Lynch

RE1-Henry Patten

LE1-Gerald Roberts

MLB1-Cecil Kellog
MLB2-James Box

CB1-Eric Evans

CB2- Thomas Berry ed

CB3-Samual Goode

FS1-Eddie Thomas

SS1-Dave Funk


K-Matthew Johnson
P-Joe Howell

KR1-Andrew Littlejohn
KR2-Milton Vaughan
KR3-Wilbert Billings
KR4-Dan Burley

PR1-Milton Vaughan
PR2-Andrew Littlejohn



Play Caller: Head Coach
First and 10 -Coaches decision
First and Short -Coaches decision
First and Medium -Coaches decision
First and Long -Coaches decision

Second and Short -Coaches decision
Second and Medium -Coaches decision
Second and Long -Coaches decision

Third and Short -Coaches decision
Third and Medium -Coaches decision
Third and Long -Coaches decision

Fourth and Short -Coaches decision
Fourth and Medium -Coaches decision
Fourth and Long -Coaches decision

Goal Line -

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) -Coaches decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) -Coaches decision

DEFENSE BLITZ RATIO Coordinator's decision 

Play Caller:
Defensive Coordinator
First and 10 -Coordinator's decision
First and Short -Coordinator's decision
First and Medium -Coordinator's decision
First and Long -Coordinator's decision

Second and Short -Coordinator's decision
Second and Medium -Coordinator's decision
Second and Long -Coordinator's decision

Third and Short -Coordinator's decision
Third and Medium -Coordinator's decision
Third and Long -Coordinator's decision

Fourth and Short -Coordinator's decision
Fourth and Medium -Coordinator's decision
Fourth and Long -Coordinator's decision

Goal Line -

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) -Coordinator's decision
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) -Coordinator's decision


1.Throne- Bring me the horizon (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ow_qI_F2ZJI)

Song to begin as the offense take the field for the first time.

2.Troubles coming- Royal Blood ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nuYSarZXzrE)

Played as the London defence enters the field for the first time

3.Tear gas- Architects (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X45uvccd5rA)

Played at the 2 minute warning

4.Hype- Dizzie Rascal/Calvin Harris (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1hSUyjNTA)

The hype is real. Played every time Lincoln Doss passes for a touchdown

5. Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip- Thous shall always kill


Played during the game build up, but with altered lyrics by scroobius. At the beginning of 'The Beatles: Were just a band......... part the new version will be

'Alabama. Just a team
Winnipeg. Just a team.
Miami. Just a team.
Las Vegas. Just a team
St Paul. Just a team
Milwaukee. Just a team.
Atlanta. Just a team
Seattle. Just a team
Rapid city. Just a team
Michigan. Just a team.
Cleveland. Just a team.
Music city. Just a team
Dc. Just a team
Portland. Just a team.
New Jersey. Just a team
Amsterdam. Such a Joke.'

The crowd will sing a long chanting the 'just a team' element.

6.  Uptown Funk- Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0)

Played each time Dave Funk produces a PD, interception, sack or TFL.

7. Welcome to London- Flowdan (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BT68f9rG0lw)

Just before the game begins and the players enter the field for the first time the lights dim and this song echos out the PA.






Its about time to take flight!

GM Oldfield

Coach, good to see you again, hope your well.

Thank you for your detailed report on the training camp. I think we have most set in place but I wanted to touch base about wide receivers. Firstly, do we reward waddle and promote him to primary receiver? And if so, who's best set to play in the slot? Having the slot guy as primary makes me feel a bit unfunny.


I'd promote Waddle to WR1 but in any set we have 3 WRs I think playing him in the slot is best for him and for our offense. We can utilize his speed and get him the ball in space.

GM Oldfield

That's good to know. I tend to overthink these things so it's good to understand these things.

In terms of our spread set up, we have a battle for the second guy on the outside between Pike and Littlejohn? Is there a case for playing both in different scenarios or do you have a preference for one guy over the other? I know Pike is more a possession guy and Littlejohn a deep ball threat.



I think getting them both involved is best for us in the long term.  Keeps them both engaged, gives each a chance to show their talents, and also helps them to both gain experience in the event one goes down to injury.

GM Oldfield

So pike for short scenarios and Littlejohn for long? Or set up two systems and let you tinker with how you see fit?


I think blending them so it is not too predictable is a better choice, give them both chances to show they can play in any situation.

GM Oldfield

Perfect coach. I'll leave it in your capable hands?

Speaking of hands, have we seen Littlejohn's improve much? I know it was a bit of an issue in his college days.



He was noticeably improved by the end of camp, but still has work to do to become a sure-thing.

GM Oldfield

Good to hear coach. Thanks for the insight.

Frosty Murdoch please,

Mr Murdoch! Welcome back to HIFL. I must say it's wonderful to be on the same side as you now instead of watching your Seattle defence abuse my team. I wondered if you could give me a bit of debrief on the cornerbacks during training camp? I am eager to keep Goode a nickel so it's between Newell and Berry for that CB2 role. How do you feel about what they bring and how are they developing?



Corner is an easy topic.  Obviously #1 is Evans.  Elite speed, elite strength, Elite agility, solid tackler, elite hands.  The total package.

Goode is our next best with solid speed, high IQ, but virtually no strength. Still a decent tackler with average agility.

Next is Newell, average or better strength, average or better agility, average IQ, below average tackling, average speed and hands.

Creed follows him up with nearly the same model but better speed with worse tackling and agility.

Then Berry.  Berry has Creed's speed okay hands, but not much strength or IQ and poor tackling.   Long term I think he develops more than Creed and hopefully both Newell and Berry eventually surpass Goode.   Right now though, I'd play Newell over Berry unless you value speed over all else.

GM Oldfield

Interesting about Creed. Perhaps I'll have him return with Berry. I think Berry right now would be a nice back up to have especially late in the game to stop those wide receivers getting away, but until his tackling improves he's not going to start. I think for now we'll go Evans, Newell, Goode, Creed, Berry and see how it plays out.

In terms of DT, how do you rate Martino and Lynch. Martino was a definite starter for me then went and lost the position battle so just want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything?



Martino, Ludwig, and Lynch are all in need on improved conditioning, as a result they will all likely rotate during game day but the only real deciding factor was that Martino, while a higher upside player, just needs to work on his fundamentals. His position skill and tackling are both behind the other two so it just seems like he needs to earn his starting spot, which should come later in the season if he keeps working hard.

GM Oldfield

Ok so let's work on his positioning skill and keep a rotation going for now. Thanks for your time Sir.

Lincoln Doss please,

Mr Doss! Great to have a full training camp here in London under your belt. How are you feeling for this upcoming season?


Feelin' like that dawg in me is about to show out.. I'm ready to tear into some defenses!

GM Oldfield

Glad to hear it. These defences ain't gonna know what hit them. How's life in London treating you?



It's aight, I'm not used to ordering tea and getting the hot stuff, but I'll survive. My moms sent me a box of tea bags to make the good stuff.