

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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An additional Tackle would be nice, more help at wide receiver which is granted probably fine its just that Littlejohn and Burley are still learning and growing, but if we want to improve in the immediate, a rental at WR would help.

The same could be said at CB 2.

Linebacker would use upgrades and investments other than Kellog,

GM Oldfield

Interesting. That's good to know coach. I'm looking at the trade market but my god it's a shit show right now. Feels like I'm disappearing into a barrel full of breasts and coming out sucking my thumb.

With Lewis being injured what's our best bet this week? My initial thoughts are either bringing in Parker Grace or switching Ennis to RT and bringing in Bradley at guard.........



Bradley and William Wilson are very similar players but Will has the position skill that the guards wouldn't have.  Grace isn't ready, he has no business on the field right now.

GM Oldfield

Let's go with the rookie and see what he can do then.

So under center, is Pond our guy? He looked decent until the fumbles. Do we need to adjust at all? Maybe drop our passing length?



I don't think we have to change anything on Santos' account.  He and Adam Starr both have the same arm strength that Lincoln does, so depth of passing isn't an issue.  I think with a full week to prep he will be a little more comfortable, obviously protection is key.

GM Oldfield

Funny you should mention protection coach. I've managed to bring in Stefan Elkins from San Antonio. Former first round pick who's been at Kansas city recently too to my knowledge. Hoping he's an upgrade at RT.



We'll see.  Hopefully he helps out.

GM Oldfield

Only one way to find out.

move Stefan Elkins to RT1 and LT2

Move Martinez to WR5 and Burley to WR4

Move Shaw to CB5


GM Oldfield

Talk about the results of your game this week

Another closely fought loss, and another week of disappointment. We were brilliant in fighting back from a position we should have never been in and then taking the game to overtime, and then it was a game of inches as the game slipped from us.

It's a difficult time, but then again the darkest hour is just before dawn.

  Talk about any news that involves your team.

I am all for people chipping in and helping so thanks for the extra Motivation Mr McGhee. Hopefully we will show our thanks this week.

Talk about any other news if you would like

Big week of trades and shocking to see a GM moved on so earlier. Just shows how quickly things can spiral in the hot seat.

Talk about this week

Like I said earlier the comments from their quarterback suggest it's an easy week for them this week, and after listening to GM Tweety McTweetface's presser that over confidence is clearly there with the staff too. I would love to drag them off their high horse and back to reality this week, and if that shits him up on Twitter for a week I'm sure the rest of the league will thank me.

We need everything to come together to achieve that. Run well, protect Doss, make our catches, get to the quarterback and put him off his game, turn that ball over, score more points than they do.

I believe in my lads, even if others don't.


What the hell do we have to do?

GM Oldfield

I think number 1,  we remain calm. A lot of Gm's would be tearing the team apart after this start but we're playing well, we're highly competitive, and we just need it all to come together for a game. And it starts with upstaging a team who have shown us no respect in the media.



  I agree, we stay competitive and show the world that we have what it takes..


GM Oldfield

................everything ok coach?


  huh? ...oh, you wouldn't get it.   All good.

GM Oldfield

............................. ok sir well I'll let you get back to the team.

Gary Hunter please,

Gary, welcome to London. It's great to have you on the coaching staff. Just wanted to pick your brains about linebackers if I may. Obviously Kellog is a stud, but what's your opinion on box and Ventura? Where do they excel and is there room to get better?



   Hey boss, obviously Cecil is an elite MLB and we're lucky to have him.  After that Box showed what he could do last year.  I think if he flipped sides with Ventura he'd be doing even more, basically the  LOLB is the one who stays on the field in the nickel so Ventura is getting more reps, but Ventura is more of a base-set run stopping, pass rushing type where Box is a little more equipped to play in space.

Box is a keeper.  Good speed, great tackling, if he could get a little stronger it would help his overall run defense.  Ventura is more of a LB3 like I said earlier with his skill set, but he's served his purpose.  If we could find a faster, better version we could upgrade but right now he's doing enough to be an average piece.

GM Oldfield

Wow that's really helpful thanks sir. So switch Box to LOLB and ROLB and box will be on the field more?


GM Oldfield

Fantasy thank for your help.

Cecil Kellog please,

Mr Kellog thanks for coming. I know the results haven't been what we've wanted but the performances have certainly improved this year. As a team captain and my defensive mic I thought I'd gauge from you how things are getting on, how the players are doing and if you have any concerns or worries.



It's not fun to lose, and even though there are moral victories in how well we've played going 4 straight losses all by a combined 15 points it's like something's gotta give man.  We keep playing our asses off and then late in the game something breaks or we can't get that stop and its just a roller coaster, but we are doing good I think, having a 1 point per game point differential is a solid effort.

GM Oldfield

I'm glad to hear that the players understand their performances warrant better results and if they continue this way the results will come. Thank you for your leadership and your performances, it's greatly appreciated sir.



All good, boss.

GM Oldfield

Switch Box to LOLB in all formations
Switch Ventura to ROLB in all formations


GM Oldfield

Great win this week. Not just for the fans, not just to show cocky GM's that there's no easy win in this league, but for the psychology of the players. They showed they can stop a final drive, prevent a come back, and pick up a road game against an in form team. This should build confidence going forward. I'm really proud of the boys, and hoping they are starting to see themselves the way that I see them.

I saw the news regarding McGhee. If he and his 90's Eminem haircut want an apology for what happened this week, then he can keep waiting. You can't bad mouth an entire organisation then struggle to keep down the humble pie you've been serviced up. If I was you I'd be more concerned of what's going on internally. You've got a great receiver corps, a superb run game, and an o line keeping you upright. So who's looking like the weak link right now?

Elsewhere big trades happening in Lincoln. Evans isn't one to mess around, and although I wouldn't feel comfortable putting words in peoples mouths, it will be interesting to see how his OC feels about his son being traded.

A lot of incentives these last two weeks. Players getting bonuses for what they are paid to do anyway is always a bit confusing in my eyes. Nice to see Adam having to pay out. Dude has short arms and long pockets so they're lucky to be getting a pint off the man.

And welcome back GM Jon! I'm sure the retirement home will miss your stories about how you won a championship or two a lifetime ago, and I hope your owner has a lot of insurance in case there's a cold snap in Minnesota this winter.

This week we take on Orlando. Things may have not been going perfectly for them so far but they are a very good side and we will need to once against this week. But I am confident in the boys, and it would be great for morale to grab another victory before the bye week.

Coach, great win. Has this helped psychologically with this final minute hoodoo we've been suffering?


It was a big relief for everyone, that's for sure.  I was starting to lose it, man..  Anyways, glad we got that win under our belts. It would do wonders to go into the bye with back to back wins.

GM Oldfield

It would be a huge reward for all the hard work the lads have put in. What's your opinion of this tik tok video? A good team bonding exercise? Or a bit ill-disciplined?


  They talked their talk and we got to walk the walk on their field.  If it was a division rival, maybe it becomes fuel for a bigger blow up next time we play, but I don't see the harm, it was post game, if they don't like it, win the game.

GM Oldfield

Glad we're in agreement. I like the swagger. Especially after their pre game comments.

Turning to Orlando, it seems to be that key to success is forcing Bellerose to throw as much as possible by stifling in the run game. When he's thrown it 25+ times they've lost this season, and when it's under they've won. Get an early lead and try and limit Tuilagi. How do you feel about getting the linebackers to concentrate on run defence? Anything else we can do?



  We can also set our counter strategy to run defense, do those and we're really giving it our all.

GM Oldfield

Will do coach, thanks for your help.

I saw Burden did well stepping into Bates shoes with the injury. How's he coming along? Is his morale good or is he unhappy playing second fiddle?



He's been okay.  His morale is up and down, he'd like to start but the job has to be open to get it, right?

GM Oldfield

Just making sure there's no issues. The door is pretty closed to being a starter which can never be easy so wondered if there was any issues.

Thanks for your time coach, I'm gonna check in with a couple of the lads before locking in.

Lincoln Doss please,

Mr Doss welcome back and what a way to return! It's like you've never left. I wish I could bottle up and sell that talent. I'd call it 'Hugo Doss'.


Haha, a little weird, but I appreciate what you're sayin'    felt good to be back on the field, felt even better coming out of it with that dub!

GM Oldfield

It would be great to make it two in a row this week and show that big fancy secondary in Orlando that Doss the boss fears no one.



Damn right.  Just another day in the life of a BOSS.

GM Oldfield

I'm hyped. Thanks for your time.

Dave Funk please,

Mr Funk, welcome to HIFL. Just thought I'd check in and see how your first 6 weeks of pro football has gone and how you've settled in?



Well, I don't know. I'm feelin' pretty funky about things.  You could say my morale is terrible because of all the close losses.  I'm from Syracuse, I'm used to losing, but I don't like it.

GM Oldfield

I understand your frustration. I'm British, all we do is lose. Wars, World cups, respect of the rest of Europe etc. Yet, I still hate it.

Yet there's hope on the horizon. A win last week, and a win this week will really help shift things in the right direction .



Yeah, I just need to get my head right.  It's a grind.  Appreciate you trying to lift my spirits though man, definitely beats just sitting in the locker room stewing in it.

GM Oldfield

My doors always open. Always happy to talk things through.

Coach Crawford again,

Coach, sorry to disturb you again, but I turned on ESPN and saw a trade being confirmed. Seems we may have to rethink our run defence strategy...........



  Fascinating.. I guess we don't know what to expect now.

GM Oldfield

Defensively I don't feel we change anything anymore. They may still run more, they may still pass more who knows. Let's just stick to our balanced based and put our faith in the boys.

Offensively, it's gonna be tough. Their already loaded defence just got more bulked up. My only thought is perhaps we can put Bradley in at right guard in situations like 3rd and long where we need the pass protection? Any way to help stop Embid, Sauer, Harter and co from getting to Doss.



  We can try that, but we really have no idea how he will perform in that role so its a gamble.

GM Oldfield

It's something I'll consider if needs be but Kaminski has only given up one sack so I feel he deserves the spot full time for now. Let's go coach, although by the time we get to the ground Orlando may have traded four or five more times so let's keep on our toes.

No changes

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Hello all, thanks for coming.

Couldn't be more pleased with the result this week. Orlando are a team who finished as the best team in the conference last season, and so would be no pushovers. Obviously there was an an absolute circus going on there this week so to maintain our discipline and focus, and come out with such an emphatic win is hugely pleasing. We take our game seriously, something which is I feel is vital to success.

Offensively, Doss is just getting better and better, with quarterback ratings north of 130 being the norm for him these days. I loved how he added one on the ground too. He really deserves to be talked about among the best guys in this league. We also protected him well, only giving up three sacks against a defensive line that features Harter, Embid and Sauer. Good going.

Defensively, we stuck to our game plan with aplomb. Crush the run game and make Bellerose throw often. Was also nice to see a couple of fumbles forced, something we did loads last year but have struggled more this season. I'd also like to single out Eddie Thomas, who's been an outstanding addition to our secondary and is really helping to lift those youngsters in the backfield.

Overall, a serious game, and a serious result.

So let's talk about the big news story; signaggedon. Once again a GM unable to follow simple rules may have placed us all in hot water, something that is both equally frustrating and disappointing. Im surprised that the PFL are so angry with Rebel. After he gifted them a superstar in Sumner over the offseason I thought they'd be erecting a statue of him outside their HQ.

So what should the league do about it? Obviously that's for the authorities and Gates to work through, but if it was me I would treat it in the same vein as if he tampered with a guy on another HIFL team. Tampering is tampering at the end of the day, and both lads were under contract. There seems to have been a lot of obscuring the rules of tampering lately; guys under contract being named by other GM's in press conferences and the like, so maybe it's time to clamp down on it.

Elsewhere, there was talk of PFL retaliating by signing HIFL guys, with the media portraying PFL as some kind of vast, endless money pit, but at the end of the day I have faith in our superior league being the better long term product and if they can't make sufficient money, the PFL simply can't maintain big contracts.

Thanks for your time.


Coach, great performance this week. Just what we needed going into the bye week. As an international team I feel the bye week is important to give our players and staff some time off to see family, but is there anything I need to deal with before that?



  No sir, nothing unless you have contracts to deal with, but hey! how about a joke?

GM Oldfield



What is a referee's favorite drink?

GM Oldfield

I don't know. What's a referee's favourite drink?
