

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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GM Oldfield


I am awful at jokes. The only one I could think of is?

'What's the saltiest meat in Europe?'

'GM T-Bone in Amsterdam when he found out I was the Mid- Atlantic rep'

Like I said. A work in progress!





GM Oldfield

Before my services are required at the summit, let's see if I can get Mike Maker on the phone,

Mike, I'd like to discuss Charles baileys contract. He's done a fantastic job this season and I'm keen to keep him here. I think Cory has set the marker for LT's contracts heading into next season and so I wouldn't want to see him earning less. So here's my offer.

24 million a season for 5 years, split as 21 wages and 3 million bonus.

In addition, I'd like to add in a player option after year 3. So if he's unhappy with the direction the organisation is going, he's free to leave.


GM Oldfield

Oldfield gets out a bottle of maple syrup and a full fat Dr Pepper before pouring both into a decanter and pouring himself a glass. He takes a long sip and settled back into his chair with a sigh

Time to get back to work. Steve Rosenhaus Please,

Mr Rosenhaus I'd like to discuss Lawrence Bates new contract. He's a vital part of this organisation, has become a team captain, a true dressing room leader and built up a wonderful understanding with Doss. I'd like to put him on a par with Schwartz over in New Jersey, and so my offer would be 3 years at 10MM wages, 3MM bonus per year.


You've got a deal, Baby.


GM Oldfield

Fantastic have a nice day.

James T. Crain Please,

Mr Crain, I'd like to discuss Oscar Ventura with you. I'd love to keep him here in London, and triple his wages while we're at it. How does 3 years at 4.5M a year sound?


Not at this time, its a very uncertain world out there.

GM Oldfield

Let's circle back once this league war is all sorted. Hope your clients are all ok.


GM Oldfield

There are no winners and losers in war. Just losers.

Lock in

GM Oldfield

What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?

I think one word to sum it up would be 'brutal'. A lot of money flying around, a lot of difficult conversations, and a lot of great players leaving for a rival league. There's a lot of discussion about whether this is fiscally sustainable in the long run but I'm neither an accountant nor privy to any owners bank account, so can't comment and I don't think others should either. What I care about is our league has been significantly weakened, which is clearly affecting the fans if the gate numbers are anything to go by. Right now it doesn't feel like a war, it feels like a slaughter.

  Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?

I am not going to lie, I wasn't prepared to sign the treaty in its current state. The whole thing felt more like a shake down than a negotiation, and there were more questions than answers. Uneven compensation, lack of long term assurances, grey areas left unanswered, and before the dust had settled I am being handed a pen and asked to sign nearly 1% of of all the teams total bonus away. I just couldn't do it.

I'd love to describe how I felt about the whole thing but I don't want to pay a fine for profanity. We were poorly organised, we had no planning, not all eight of us had been privy to Gates plan, discussions were taking place with the outside. I mean Gates was our rep, the whole conversation should have flowed through him, but before he'd even had a chance to sit down and open his mouth others were throwing out suggestions that weren't even. It was like going into a football game and your coach hadn't give you any game plan, you had no playbook, and were just told to make it up during the game. I have to accept a portion of the blame for that, I was caught off guard and I felt we were going into open heart surgery with a plaster and some duct tape.

The whole thing was thoroughly unprofessional.

What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?

Firstly, I think Gates deserves a lot of credit for how he's handled 32 unique personalities and still managed to get things done during his tenure. Prior to the summit he's been an outstanding rep in a position which will never please everyone.

Secondly, I am glad all three were options were not part of the summit. We clearly needed a fresh approach. Pancho felt very much the Goldilocks choice, with Eli perhaps a tad too lenient, and Kirk very much on a path to mutually assured destruction..

What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?

I have long said I feel the rep job is an impossible task which just cannot be done impartially by an active GM. But I have faith in Pancho to get the job done here. The Goldilocks choice as I mentioned before, but his business acumen, experience and respect he has in the business is probably what we need to get the job done right now.

Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.

I needed new underwear after the news dropped that a GM thought he was on his bye week but wasn't. I felt bad for Doug, it can happen. Some times these weeks feel just a couple of hours, and sometimes they feel like a month.

What's the nearly 30 wide receivers receiving offers from the PFL? Which is a 16 team league right? Not sure how the receivers in the league currently feel about that...........

The Disney partnership in the PFL is a stroke of genius, you have to hand it to the owners. Taking a comment that would anger most, and just owning it like that. Shrewd move.

The decline in fan tickets hurts to see. We are failing our fans and this needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?

There's two guys who I feel should be in the picture but never get discussed. One is Fabian Vardy, who's been outstanding in Charlotte, and the other is my teams MVP, Lincoln Doss. I know we're 3-4 as a team, but 15 TD's, 1 interception, 67.4% completion and 14.8 yards per completion is phenomenal. In the next three weeks he goes toe to toe with Owen's, Ortega and Patton. Let's see if he's being ignored then.

Defensively it's hard to look past Wilkinson in what is bound to be a record breaking season

The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?

To be honest I've done a lot of business and right now I am really happy with what I have. There's a few draft picks burning a hole in my pocket, and If I can improve things I will. But if nothing materialises, I'm happy. Fans shouldn't expect a lot of business, we know who we are now and it's translating that onto the field.

  Discuss this weeks game

Travelling to the back to back champions is probably the hardest fixture anyone can have, but it's a chance to really stand up and get noticed in this league. Sure, we'll be the underdog, but who doesn't love a good underdog story?



Well, its been no joke since we last spoke, huh?

GM Oldfield

It's been crazy coach. We've been lucky so far but the PFL are no punchline that's for sure.

How's mood in camp now the boys are back?


Eh, it's up and down.  I'd think Cuellar is as good as gone, you'd have to be a magician to pull that rabbit out of your hat.

GM Oldfield

Yeah I mean he's quite far down the depth chart and is on an expiring deal so if the PFL offer him a good deal who am I to stop him. How many snaps has he been averaging? Can Martinez pick up the slack?



He's had six snaps all year. I dont think there will be much slack.

GM Oldfield

Yeah if he can get a decent raise from the PFL good on him.

So what's your thoughts on this week? With Winnipeg's defence being much better against the pass then run do we lean on Robles a bit more? Or back Doss to do what he's been doing?


The hardest part about committing to a run-first attack on Winnipeg is that if they score a few TDs early and get a lead, we have to throw and it changes the gameplan, as long as you understand we might have to change plans if we fall behind, then I'm fine with trying it, give Robles a chance to prove he can make big plays in a big game?   

GM Oldfield

I think that's sensible. If we can take an early lead we may be able to keep possession with a solid run game but if we go down we can let Doss air it out and see how we do. Thanks coach.

Morris Cuellar Please,

Mr Cueller, good to see you. Word on the grapevine is you've been courted by the PFL with an attractive offer. How are you feeling?



Feeling better now that someone is recognizing my worth.  Coach Chuckles just don't believe in me.

GM Oldfield

Im sorry it's not worked out here. I am glad you've found a team and I hope you can thrive in. I appreciate everything you've done, the consummate professional you've been, and will always cherish that overtime touchdown against Amsterdam in our first win last year.

Good luck sir

Oldfield extends a hand




GM Oldfield

Thank you sir

Ms Bloodsworth, I am a bit concerned about the story of fans unhappiness with HIFL and wondered if there was something I could do to to give back to the fans and really showcase both what they mean to us and what this league still has to give. Would 1MM bonus be enough to give our fans and local community free access to a game and create a real celebration of the sport? I was thinking perhaps our home game against DC in week 12. Perhaps we could even do some shirts/merchandise give sways too. What do you think?


We can spend $1MM on it, just depends on if thats enough fans for you; obviously if we wanted to buy out the entire stadium we'd be looking at something like $12MM just for the tickets, not including the food and merchandise sales we'd have to compensate for.

GM Oldfield

Oh well, not even touching the sides am I?

Let's look at it from a different angle. There's this wonderful local beer brewer in north London called beavertown. If we reached out and struck a deal with them, would we be able to do free refreshments for a game? Nothing crazy and cap the alcohol of course. I don't want fans losing their coats and jumpers and getting lost on the way home.


Now that's an idea we can use and make that money stretch! ...God, I could go for a pint or two right now. It's been a bloody week.

GM Oldfield

I know how you feel! Thanks for your help, I'll be sure to league office something prior to that game. For now let's get going to Canada. Better pack a coat.

Increase rushing as per coach conversation


GM Oldfield

Disappointed to have lost, always disappointed to lose, but we went into the champions house and made life difficult. In fact it took an incredible performance by their QB, some luck with turnovers in the red zone, and a career day from a future Hall of famer in Ronald Rich for them to get over the line. The players should be proud and when we look at our improvements compared with this time last year, our trajectory is looking good. We have some tough games coming up, but I believe in this group and one of these upcoming teams is gonna be left surprised.

Coach Crawfords comments ring true; you can't dwell on individual situations or single out plays; fumbles happen from time to time, people make mistakes, we learn from them, reflect on them, and strive to improve and prevent them from happening again. Every game is a chance to learn, to improve.

This week another tough one as we host Miami. They run well, they have a living legend under centre, and their defence is stingier than GM Fosters when it's his turn to buy a round. It'll be tough, but it's another opportunity to showcase what we can do, and who we can be.

Coach, I am a bit concerned about our interior and we may need to make a few alterations. If you could assign a number to it, How much better is Bradley at pass protection compared with Kaminski?



First a joke.  Why did the Coach go to the bank?

GM Oldfield

I don't know, Why did the coach go to the bank?


To get his quarter-back! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Wait, here is another one...   Why did Cinderella get cut from the football team?

GM Oldfield



Because all she did was Run Away from the Ball!!!!


GM Oldfield

Haha! You seem different coach. Perhaps after the Miami game we can go to this comedy club called Pogo's. Maybe try your hand at stand up?



I'm not sure I'm ready for a full act, maybe an appearance on a light night show for a few jokes though.

GM Oldfield

I look forward to seeing it!

So back to business, Bradley vs Kaminski as pass protection............



...and I thought my jokes were bad.

Kaminski is a clown in the pass game, he's a solid enough run blocker compared to what we have a the position right now, but Bradley is our best pass blocking guard, period.

GM Oldfield

Ok great.

Arthur................ Hmmm............ strong name too.

So if we were to go for the strongest line up in terms of pass protection would it be Ennis at right guard and Bradley at left?



I think Ennis is still better suited at the left side thanks to his strength, but really its tomato potato on how they are flipped.

GM Oldfield

Ok well maybe a straight swap between bradley and Kaminski will be easier for now.

Defensively, I noticed Ventura still racking up those tackles? Do I have him and box the right way round?



I don't know what you mean, they are both starting at the outside linebacker positions?

Oscar is getting 60 or so snaps per game James is getting 60-70 from his spot..

GM Oldfield

Yes I just meant when we switched to the Nickel packages  I wanted to make sure the usual ones remaining on the field were James and Cecil. Thanks coach.

Lawrence Bates, please.

Mr Bates how are things?



Yes, its James.  Oscar is just outplaying him.

Still pissed about that fumble, it keeps replaying in slow mo, man.. just not cool.

GM Oldfield

Although my sporting prowess is pretty much net zero I can see where you're coming from and understand why it hurts man. But I just wanted to check in with you and remind you how magnificent you've been this year. Over 400 yards receiving and 35 pancakes this season, one of only two TE's to do that I believe. And that on the bank of a magnificent season last year despite our problems.

A leader, a vital cog in our offence, and I've managed to negotiate a long term contract here in London. It may not be what you want to hear right now, but it may be what you need. Don't let one fumble mask how great you are to this team.


I appreciate it boss, I guess it's like Coach says, sometimes you have to make a bad situation better with a good laugh.

GM Oldfield

Well let's hope we can end the week laughing at Miami. Thanks for your time sir.

Scott Forrest please,

Scott, hope all is well for you in Cleveland. I was wondering if Trey Aleman would be interested in coming to London for the rest of the season for 1 million?



GM Oldfield

Excellent thanks.

Henry Patten please,

Mr Patten, great to see you back on the field and back with a sack as well. How are you feeling after your injury?