

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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Appreciate it man, lets make it happen.

GM Oldfield

Let's go get our first win, one to remember!

HC Crawford please,

Mr Crawford, what happened there? Was it a case of not being able to control possession? Or poor defence? Or is it a case of the credit goes to Vardy and Boatwright?


We were overrun.  They picked on Goode at corner, avoided throwing at Evans, and with our DE's being banged up we really just couldn't put up a fight.

GM Oldfield

I think that may be the risk if the defence is on the pitch for that length of time. This guys' bodies need to adjust to pro football, and I feel that will only come with time.

Ready to go toe to toe with a championship winning coach in Shaun Saint? Judging by the fact they have no fullback or tight end on the roster, I'm guessing they are a 4 WR spread team?



Coach Saint is one of the innovators of the modern spread offense, I've played for him and I've seen him do great things, he's a brilliant coach but that team is beatable.

GM Oldfield

With the problems Goode had on the outside and the fact we will almost permanently be in a dime formation is it worth sticking Goode in the nickel? Or does that send a negative message?

It so, who would you be most comfortable on the outside at CB2?



Sam is naturally a better nickel defender as is, we just lacked a true CB2 to play so he was the better option. 

GM Oldfield

So would you be more comfortable with Goode at CB2?



I'd be more comfortable with a solid CB2, but with what we have?   I don't know.. We just got crushed by an average receiver.  I shutter to think what would happen if it was Darren Pierce or someone against Goode.  We might have to throw someone else in the fire and see how they stack up.

GM Oldfield

There's one viable candidate doing the rounds on the underground trade block.

GM Oldfield writes down a name and slides it over to Crawford

Would this be an upgrade?



No way to tell without scouting him, boss... c'mon.

GM Oldfield

A long shot I know. Well Coach It's something, I'll keep in mind, but for now all I can think of is putting two packages together, one with Berry at CB2, one with Spencer at CB2, and giving them both the chance to sink or swim. Thanks for your time coach.

Steven Pickens please.

Mr Pickens great performance this week, you really showed what a blitzing safety can do. I loved it. How are you finding lining up alongside Turpin? Is good chemistry at the two safety positions something you value?



  It's all good, I don't really care much for who I play with in the secondary, I just mind my own business.

GM Oldfield

That's fair enough I just wanted to let you know your efforts this week were greatly appreciated. I hope next time they will be for a winning cause. Thanks for stopping by.

Henry Patten please,

Mr Patten, it was wonderful to see your first sack this week. How are you finding the physical demands of HIFL?



  Its been tougher than I expected.. but I'm not letting it slow me down, I'm coming for everything that's owed to me.

GM Oldfield

I think the change of pace from college to the pros is something I've neglected, but I'm hoping to make sure I avoid that from now on. You have shown just what you can do, but I feel it's part of my job to make sure you are an outstanding pass rusher for 8-10 years, not 3-4. I could talk sports science, physiotherapy, some outside the box thinking like yoga, but no one knows your body like you do, so if there's anything you can think of (within the confines the law) that can help, just let me know.



  I'm good boss, but I appreciate you checking in on me.  This body is going to last a long long time.  Like D4L said, girls call me jollyranch, cuz I stay so hard!

GM Oldfield

Haha love it. We'll it's nice checking in, I appreciate your time and the effort your putting in.

Javier Diego please,

Mr Diego, how are you finding the HIFL so far?



  I did not realize I was looking for it, jefe..

GM Oldfield

Pardon my strange english expressions. How have you adapted and enjoyed the league so far?



  It has been okay, I guess?  London is a long ways from Mexico, Jefe.

GM Oldfield

There's a restaurant in Soho called Corozon. You should try it. A small taste of home.

I wanted to pick your brain if that's ok? Sorry, another British term. What I mean to say is I'd like to call upon your expertise with regards to line up.

Against DC this week we are going to be in dime  formation a lot. Which nickel formation gives us the best personnel on the field at any time? The  4-1-6 dime or the 3-2-5 dime? My technically knowledge of this is, how you would say, mierda, but I imagine there's advantages and disadvantages to both.



  JAJAJAJAJA!   *he mutters "Pinche Cabron" under his breath as he coughs..*

I don't dabble much in three man fronts, the quarters defense (3-2-5) isn't something I've really used much at all.

GM Oldfield

Thanks sir that really helps. Have a great day.

Additional Defensive packages (disregard previous packages)

Package one: Bakerloo (4-1-6 dime, to be used in 50% of dime line ups)

DT1-Harry Steele
DT2-Carlos Cotton
DT3-Tyrell Longoria
DT4-Steven Thompson

RE1-Sigmund Burrell
RE2-Richard Gary

LE1-Henry Patten
LE2-Richard Gary

LB1-Cecil Kellog
LB2 -James Box

CB1-Eric Evans
CB2-Thomas Berry
Nickelback- Samual Goode
Dimeback- Harry Spencer
(James Newell to back up all positions)

FS1-Michael Turpin
FS2-Chad Ahrens

SS1-Steven Pickens
SS2-Lawrence Cantrell

Package two: Jubilee (4-1-6 dime, to be used in 50% of dime line ups)

DT1-Harry Steele
DT2-Carlos Cotton
DT3-Tyrell Longoria
DT4-Steven Thompson

RE1-Sigmund Burrell
RE2-Richard Gary

LE1-Henry Patten
LE2-Richard Gary

LB1-Cecil Kellog
LB2 -James Box

CB1-Eric Evans
CB2- James Newell 
Nickelback- Samual Goode
Dimeback- Harry Spencer
(Thomas Berry to back up all positions)

FS1-Michael Turpin
FS2-Chad Ahrens

SS1-Steven Pickens
SS2-Lawrence Cantrell


GM Oldfield

Discuss your week 3 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

An ugly game that left a bitter taste. Defensively we are difficult and compact, but we just couldn't seem to get anything going offensively.

We are a team very much trying to rebuild confidence after last season. It's easy to forget we averaged 14.4 points per game last year, and lost half a dozen good players when the GM left. So far are points per average is up from there, and although we are 0-3 we have only been down by a combined 10 points. We are in transition, we are getting there, and I truly believe we are on the cusp of turning a corner.

Have you and your coach made any major adjustments so far this season, if not do you feel you need to after this week?

I don't think we've changed anything drastically. I think they'll be a few tweaks here and there as the team establishes its identity. Coach Crawford is 3 weeks into his first tenure as a head coach, and Rome wasn't built in a day.

The league has discussed a potential league-sponsored event to give free agent offensive linemen the chance to showcase themselves to HIFL teams, what do you think of this idea?

I think it's a great idea! I'm sure a lot of QB's out there will agree to. I don't feel the combine really helps with linesmen skillset so a specialised showcase is a great move.

Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I'll miss Gators on the GM Scene. He was one of the nicest guys around and I'll pour myself a maple syrup and Dr Pepper to toast him this evening.

Elsewhere, did you see that Portland and Michigan trade? Portland fans have been waiting for a long time for a decent Qb named Richard so good luck to them.

Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate

When your 0-3 and confidence is low, the last thing you want to do is host the reigning conference champions. They have a great young Qb, a strong running game, a coaching team who know what success tastes like, and a nasty pass rush. Some could say they are the blueprint.

That being said, this is the kind of game that can really ignite a spark and turn things around, create belief, and be a game we look back on as a turning point. We will go out there and give it all against our European neighbours, and with the fans behind us and a bit of a luck, I'll be talking about our first win next week.



Well, its time for our formal introduction to this rivalry..

GM Oldfield

I love a good rivalry, although my record leaves a lot to be desired.

What happened offensively this week? A lot of credit to DC or is this something we need to address?



We're lacking in weapons. I'm hoping Cole starts showing me something to believe he's our quarterback, but so far with that question and our run game.. I'm not sure we can do much by talking about it.

GM Oldfield

Time will tell. He's absorbed everything in the training now he's just got to do it on the pitch.

Only thing I wanted to ask you about was about Lawrence Bates. I felt he may be our best receiving option at the moment but he had no catches against DC? Lots of blocking assignments? Should he feature as our primary receiver?



We might need to look into re-writing our playbook and putting a heavy focus on the TE passes, just naming him primary doesn't help much if he's not running routes, good call.

GM Oldfield

Is that something I can leave with you at lock in?



Absolutely. Im working on it right now.

GM Oldfield

Fantastic. In the meantime I've made an enquiry about a trade that should improve what we have at running back. Not perfection, but something more to work with.

We also scouted a free agent recently and thank you for the report. I know he's not something to base the running game around, but do you think he would have at least gives us a receiving/ 3rd and long type option if we brought him in?



He's a good depth fit due to his ties to the region, but I wouldn't expect a huge impact either, but I could be wrong.

GM Oldfield

Let's see what we can do. With his hands it may at least give us a passing option. Thanks coach.

James T. Crain please

Ah, Mr Crain, the Con-tract Negotiator. Looking to bring RB Harry Breaux back to HIFL and back to the UK on a 1MM deal. I'd love two years, depending how he feels about settling back in London, but I would be happy with one.


You, my friend, hae a deal.

GM Oldfield

Great to have him on board, cheers boss!


Move Gary Ennis to LG1 and have Warner Kaminski as RG1

Move Harry Breaux to RB2 and as passing back option/ 3rd and long RB option.

Heavy focus on TE in playbook and Bates as primary receiver as per coach conversation.


GM Oldfield

Discuss your week 4 results

Over the moon to get that first win under our belt, and I couldn't be more proud of the lads for winning the battle of Europe and showing that we can go toe to toe with the conference champions. I said in last weeks conference that a win like this can really ignite a season and that's what we need to see through in the coming weeks. We can't rest on our laurels and we must continue to improve as we have done during this first quarter of the season.

It's exceptionally hard to praise just one player in a performance like this. Darby was an absolute beast in the running game, showing how difficult it is to stop that Juggernaut, while Gunner showed he can drive us up the field and lead in such a tight game. The defence forced three turnovers including a wonderful interception by Goode, but the guy who truly deserves that match ball is Coach Crawford. He made a number of changes to the playbook, getting the best out of what we have here and it really paid dividends. He's done wonders in such a short space of time, and I hope he cherishes this first win as a head coach, I can promise it will be the first of many. 

One quarter of the way through the season, has your team played up to expectations?

We were a team under new management, with a large number of personnel changes both off an on the field, so I think a 'team in transition' is putting it lightly. We are by no means the finished article, but we have been incredibly competitive each week and I feel we are on the right trajectory to where I believe we can go and what I believe we can achieve. 

Do you see yourself attending the HIFL's Offensive Lineman Open House?

I think it's a great idea, and i endorse it, but it's not for me this year. With a tight budget, I would have to make squad changes just to be able to go and that's something I'm just not willing to do to the guys on this team that haven't done anything wrong. I am happy with the o line I've got, the talent, the depth, and I will be giving this one a miss. But I wish it every success, and hope plenty more specialist showcases emerge like this in the future.

Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I guess Darby's fantastic game is only a surprise if you don't see the hard work and dedication to his craft that he puts in every training session. The man is a joy to work with, a wonderful role model, and is showing that the role of a power back in HIFL is not dead.

Sad and disturbing news to read about Hollywood experience. I hope it's not true, or he could find he may have to change his name to the prison experience, and that's a lot less comfortable. 

Also my best wishes go out to Mr Dorman. Concussions are serious business, and I wish him a full recovery.

Grade your coaching staff so far through the first quarter of the season, have they lived up to your expectations?

Crawford gets an A in my books. Football is in his genetic makeup, the guy is a joy to work with.

I like what Hunter and Diego both bring to the table, and believe they are slowly stamping their identify onto this team, so they get a B.

Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate?

Cancun have shown that they mean business this year. Every one of this games has been extremely competitive, and we will have to execute our game plan perfectly to gain the victory.

What really impresses me is their balanced offence, capped off with an exceptional talent under centre. Lincoln's had his issues early on, but has shown what hard work can get you in HIFL, and I hope Gunner can take a lot of positives for his story. 


First win is a load off.. now to build on it.

GM Oldfield

Great result and like I said only presser, you deserve a lot of credit. How comfortable was the offense with the changes? Was it a big change to the playbook?


It wasn't a tough change, it should get better as we continue to work on it, but I think it went well overall.

GM Oldfield

We certainly looked more a potent threat.

So just a couple of things. Firstly, I've brought in Albert Cheatham to help improve our depth at corner. Guy has a winning attitude and a great competitive spirit, but where do you feel he slots in best on our depth chart? Can we allow Goode to come inside to nickel more often?



I think going with Evans and Cheatham as our 1-2 is the best call, we then have Goode in the slot and great depth with Spencer, Newell, and even Berry after that, so we may lack a dominant top end CB2, but we have 5 guys behind Evans all who can be a mid-low end CB2 or a solid CB3 and great CB4.. Its a good spot to be in.

GM Oldfield

Yeah i think it's a really nice position to be in and promotes competitiveness.

The only other change I wanted to make was at TE2. Canty has done 'ok' I guess but how do you feel about giving Burden a chance? With his size and hands I feel he could do a job similar to what Berry did for me in Portland.


Burden has such raw potential that just hasn't been reached yet, I think its worth giving him a shot over Canty, who in my opinion is what he is.

GM Oldfield

Excellent. Well at TE2 he will hopefully get enough targets to learn the ropes without too much pressure. Thanks for your time coach.

Albert Cheatham please.

Mr Cheatham welcome to London. You'll find the weather is more like Detroit than Mobile but don't let that deter you. The fans here are incredible and will be delighted to have a born winner on the team. 


Good to be here, Lets get some wins and make this place Great.

GM Oldfield

Glad to hear it. Let's put the cats amongst the pigeons.
I look forward to seeing you in a Bats jersey.

Depth chart changes

TE1 Lawrence Bates
TE2 Wayne Burden
TE3 Marcellus Canty

CB1 Eric Evans
CB2 Albert Cheatham
CB3 Samual Goode
CB4 Harry Spencer
CB5 James Newell
CB6 Thomas Berry


GM Oldfield

Discuss your week 5 results

Another week, another game that's gone to overtime, and a 4th defeat by less than a score this season. There are positives to be taken; we defended resolutely, we were competitive once again and Burden was excellent in his first match after waiting patiently in the sidelines. But we have to learn to manage the clock, the game and the situation better if we are to turn these close defeats into wins. At 14-3, we need to learn how to move the chains, we need to utilise an outlet and frustrate the opposition, and we need to avoid punting it 8 sodding  times.

What does your team need most in terms of improvement?

As I've mentioned, it's about managing possession in offence. Gunner is a great competitor, and I know he won't be happy with a sub 50% completion rate, and equally Daniel isn't going to be happy trundling along with less than 2 yards per carry. We need to find a way of moving the chains, whether that's personel, tactics or just mental belief is down for the coaches and I to discuss.

Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first

I liked that the news this week surrounded play, rather then off field shenanigans. Whether it's epic comebacks, some outstanding rushing QB performances, or Sean Johnson showing age is just a number, it's wonderful to see the real USP of HIFL being the high quality of football. 

Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

This week we go up against Kansas City, and the social media influencer that is GM Dario. They are coming off a bye week after an epic win against Lincoln. They will be fresh, confident, and eager to go. If we can stop their run game, and do what I know we can offensively, I think we can show them we are no pushovers. Our advantage is our attention to detail and our work ethic behind the scenes. We will be more concerned about knowing our routes, executing our assignments and being prepared than we will on Twitter likes, celebrity endorsements and social media hogwash.

GM Oldfield

Coach, how can we get this offense moving?