

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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GM Oldfield

I don't know why do they smell so badly?



So that blind people can hate them too!

GM Oldfield

Mwahahahahaha keep up the great work coach.

Lincoln Doss please,

Mr Doss, some great performances these last few weeks, mutilated Miami, annihilated Alabama, destroyed DC and now we host your favourite team in the world to beat down. What's next?   



We're bout to put on a damn show!

GM Oldfield

That's what it's all about sir

lock in

GM Oldfield

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Another huge win, probably our biggest of the season given the rivalry and context of the division. Doss vs Wright was fun to watch, some amazing plays and I can see that being a mainstay of the division for seasons yet. Only damper is losing some players to injury, including EE who has been so important for our defence. I am praying for a swift recovery.

I'm glass Mr Doss is finally in the MVP discussion. I've sat here every week running out of superlatives to describe how good he has been, so now you guys can do it!

We move on to Michigan, a solid squad who we will have to remain focused to get our win. Right now the only thing that matters is getting that result and continuing our fantastic run.


Coach, why are the roads in New Jersey to full of cracks and potholes?



ooooh, I don't know!?    Why are they so full of cracks and potholes?

GM Oldfield

They can't handle a Lincoln!


Needs work, but I respect the effort!

GM Oldfield

Ill keep trying coach.

Great win but the Evans injury is a real head scratcher. Who is currently our next best corner? Do we ask Goode to work the outside and stick Creed in the slot?



I think we're better off playing Creed and Newell outside and keeping Sam in the slot where he is best.

GM Oldfield

Thanks coach.

While Evans is injured:

Newell CB1
Creed CB2
Goode CB3/Nickel

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Talk about this weeks game and result.

Two steps forward, three giant leaps backwards. After a run that got everyone excited we came back down to Earth with a huge shock. Couldn't get anything going offensively, and was run into the ground by a great young running back. A reality check this week, and one we will be looking hard to bounce back from

With three games to play, what are you expecting to see from your club?

There is no reason why we can't finish this season 10-6, and that is the challenge I may to my players. Let's show the world of HIFL that we are no............joke.


Coach, what went wrong?



They're run game was no joke.  Azul kept running for first downs and it wore down the defense.   When we had the ball we struggled to find consistency.  They forced Doss into tough throws with the pressure and the turnovers weren't funny at all.

GM Oldfield

I think it's situations like this, we just got to get back on the horse, and trample all over the next team up. Anything we need to address?



No, we'll get on that horse and ride... I'd throw you a joke, but I don't feel much like comedy right now.

GM Oldfield

No, I only feel like laughing when we're winning.

If Evans is passed fit,  move him to CB1.

lock in

GM Oldfield

Coach, great win, playoffs are in our hand. Two more wins, and I don't think we'll ever be able to stop laughing.

Evans CB1 if fit


GM Oldfield


Gentlemen, it has been an absolute joy and pleasure to watch you guys fight tooth and nail each week. I am immensely proud of everyone here, and you should all take great pride in what you have achieved.

BUT have you got one more fight in you?

Because we stand on the precipice of something a lot of us have never been part of, myself included. The playoffs. I look around and I see players worthy of the being in the playoffs, a coach and team worthy of competing in the playoffs, and although the media, the other teams, the so called 'experts' didn't back us, I knew it is competing with the very best where you all belong.

So now I urge you all, to go out there, and do what you have done all season. Do not leave the field with any regrets, show the world of HIFL where you belong. Believe in yourselves

Win, and we're in!



GM Oldfield

Let's do this

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Good morning everyone. I apologise for being late but I struggled getting through the door past my coach and his giant balls. Did you see some of the calls he made?

Anyway, it goes without saying that I am immensely proud of the lads for getting over the line. Everyone was fantastic and the boys should all be so proud of themselves too for going 7-1 at the back end of the season and clinching a playoff birth. Guys like Lincoln Doss and Eric Evans are the very best at their crowd, and I'm so glad they get to do it in the playoffs for the first time.

But any reflections and pats on the back can wait. Right now our story hasn't ended, and we have a chance to keep this dream run going. We haven't beaten DC before, we can beat them again. We should fear no one.

Thanks for your time


Coach, you should be immensely proud of what you have turned this team into. Well done. 



  When we were 1-4 everyone thought we were a joke; but who's laughing now?

GM Oldfield

To go from 3-5 at mid season to 10-6 is incredible. Anyone who thinks Doss shouldn't be in the run for MVP is the real joker.

So offensively I see this game a bit like Miami. If they hold back, cover the wide receivers then Doss can use his legs, if they came at us then Doss can find whoever is open. Anything to add?


Only thing I have to ask is this:

What is a winners favorite type of boat?

GM Oldfield



GM Oldfield

Hahaha! Let's go dump out DC


Eric Evans please,

EE I promised you that I would see you in the playoffs in a London shirt. Welcome to the playoffs sir fully deserved



What a run!  ...but we ain't done yet!

GM Oldfield

Big game players make big plays in big games. You've had a fantastic season but I feel you're gonna do something special this week. Can feel it in my balls


If its there, I'm going to make the play, but I've learned not to force the issue.

GM Oldfield

I have ever faith in you Eric.

No changes this week


GM Oldfield

Talk about this weeks game, what went wrong?

I cannot be more proud of my players for the way they conducted themselves on the field. A true wildcard classic where the difference between the teams was inches not feet. A couple of plays that if they went our way we would be sitting here heading into the divisional's. Credit to DC, their players and their coaching staff, they just got the edge, but be careful what's behind you, we will be coming back stronger next year.

What was the best moment for you this season, and what was the worst?

Best moment was the Miami win, things clicked and we turned a corner. After that we went on a huge run and achieved something no one else thought possible.

The worse moment was probably the cancun defeat. No disrespect to them but it was a game I really felt we had to win and I knew I would have to make some difficult decisions after that.

Who was your teams MVP this season?

Lincoln Doss. You all know why. You're smart people. Incredible player.

How would you evaluate your coaches performance this season?

A+. While Crawford may sometimes be eccentric he is a hugely impressive coach who can get the best out of those around him, and I loved having Lynwood, Frosty and Gary on board, and really hope we are lucky enough to have them stay next year.

How would you evaluate your own performance this season?

A solid B. Nothing spectacular but I improved on last year, I broke that playoff hoodoo, and took some risks in the trade market when I needed to.

What is your biggest take away from this season?

To trust my judgement, and go with my instinct.

What was this team missing?

Perhaps that moment of something special, that spark that can turn a game when it's needed.


  Losing to DC will never not hurt, especially seeing GM Justin laughing from the press box like I'm some sort of clown.

GM Oldfield

Don't let him bother you coach. I stood next to him in a urinal once. Man's hung like a hamster




When I was a kid I had a hamster.

...he hung himself in the spinning wheel... scarred me for life.

but who's laughing now!?  HAHAHAHAA

GM Oldfield

................exactly coach.

So what's your assessment of the season? Where would you like to see us improve?


GM Oldfield

Any particular aspect?


We ranked 23rd vs the pass, 17th vs the run, and 19th in scoring against, 28th in INTs,  20th in sacks, so every aspect could see improvement I think.  We have solid players like Patten, Kellog, Evans, and Turpin; Ventura and Oldfield did well in their roles, as did Eddie Thomas, but we are far from a complete unit.

GM Oldfield

Thanks coach. What about Funk and Newell? Is there room for growth there? Something to work with?



Sure, but I think they are both better in rotational or reserve roles until they establish themselves as starters.  Dave needs a lot of work, but he he has great intangibles.  Newell is okay, but I never see him being more than a solid CB3 or maybe a low end CB2. 

With Doss showing MVP levels of talent, we have to think our window is coming into focus, its time to find guys ready to win and not guys who are 4-5 years away or we'll waste Lincoln Doss' best years or run him out of town by not being good enough.

GM Oldfield

Very good point boss. I think a CB2 and a guy to partner Thomas at safetywill be my priorities.

Anyone you'd like to really resign if I can? I've tied down Bates and Bailey but anyone else you'd rather not lose?



I don't follow guys contracts very closely during the season, I don't have a clue who is on the chopping block.    You line em up, I'll coach em and tell them some funny jokes.

GM Oldfield

Haha beautiful.

Lastly, your coaching team. I am a big fan of Gary and Frosty. Can we keep them? How do you feel about Lynwood?


Lynnwood is my right hand, I couldn't be happier with him

GM Oldfield

Excellent. Hopefully keeping that chemistry for another year will be a big positive.

Thanks for your time coach, we will catch up soon, enjoy some time off.

Ms Bloodsworth, could you let Mr Churchill know I'm ready if he would like to speak to me.


Come on in Sunshine,

GM Oldfield, I must take a moment to applaud your cunning.  It would appear now that your trade of two first round picks for Lincoln Doss was a very clever move on your part.   

You've developed a staff and offense that is now a notoriously deadly side. 

Improve our record.  Done.   Finish in the top twenty in points. Done.  Finish in the top 15 in points against, not so much, beat Amsterdam at home, unfortunately not, and of course finish at .500 or better at home. Done.

We failed two season goals, but we drastically exceeded expectations in the three that we achieved so take a bow and enjoy what I feel is a successful season, and the start of a many many more. 

Cheers my boy.

GM Oldfield

Thanks Boss, I hope to build on this, be aggressive and see us take advantage of having such a superb talent on the roster as Lincoln.