

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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alright, I'll hold you to it.   If it all goes down without a hitch, we cool.

GM Oldfield

Thank you for your understanding sir, I won't take up any more of your time.

Arthur Churchill please,

Mr Churchill, hope you are well. I'm sure you've seen the devastating news about Lawrence Bates. With these being such a big season for the harriers, I wanted to request use of the leagues 'injury salary waiver rule'. It's a rule I've not seen used before, so I will read out what the league rules say:

- Injury Salary Waiver
The Injury Salary Waiver is designed to allow a team to replace a player who is put on injured reserve and recoup some of their salary if needed.   If a player is injured and placed on injured-reserve (ending their season) then the general manager may seek approval for an Injury Salary Waiver meaning that if their owner signs off of the waiver, the league will grant a salary rebate on the injured players salary, allowing the team to gain funds to sign/replace the injured player.  In character, this does not effect the salary being paid to the player, it simply gives a discount to the salary cap.
The following applies to this rule:
The team owner must approve this waiver (smaller market owners may not want to spend additional money)
Teams may only submit ONE waiver per season.
The rebated funds will count as obtained salary similar to when a team retains salary in a trade, meaning it can increase your luxury tax figure.
The rebate will equal the same percentage of salary as if the player was released (depending on time of the season)

So in summary, I believe we can use Mr Bates salary to add another TE, and perhaps deal with any issues during the season, and it would not affect mr Bates being paid or his return this year. The only caveat is it requires your sign off, as it's a financial investment yourself. If I didn't believe in this teams chances this year I wouldn't ask, but I want to do everything in my power to help these lads succeed.


It is rather unfortunate that such a bright star on our offense be diminished so quickly.  Thankfully we have this injury waiver available to help maintain our roster.

I will sign off on this, to help us achieve our goals.   Thank you for your presentation.

GM Oldfield

You absolute gent, I'll raise a glass of bollinger in your name. Thanks for your time sir.

Miss Seaborn, I'd like to make a waivers claim for Alexander massie. Do I submit the claim through the league office?



You send a private message to the league so that no other teams know, and when the deadline expires, the highest priority claim wins the contract.

GM Oldfield

Thank you!

Lawrence Bates Please,

Mr Bates I am so sorry to hear about your injury. I know it's gonna feel terrible now, but I also know you will come back stronger.


Yeah dude, I'm hoping to be back walking before the docs predict, but its going to be a long road bro.  I'll get there though and be back better than before.

GM Oldfield

Just to let you know I'm going to put you on the injury reserve list and use the injury waiver. That way you can just focus on rehab although it'll be great to still have you around the facilities as your such a leader in the locker room



All good bro, once they said I wasn't I would be out for a year, I figured I'd be on IR.

GM Oldfield

Well Good luck with the rehab sir and thanks for your time,

Lincoln Doss please.

Doss the boss! Great performance this week, nice way to settling in to what's gonna be a great year. How's the offence feeling?



Yeaaah it felt good, kinda felt like it was missing a piece last week tho.

GM Oldfield

Yeah my bad, I dropped the ball so badly it should have been a Justin meme. But it's all righted and you'll have Ashby there this week to throw to


GM Oldfield

Thanks for your time Sir, I'll let you get back to practice.

Cecil Kellog and George Manning please,

Lads I am so happy to see you two reunited. The most dynamic duo of linebackers in the league! How are things?



It's good to have the band back together, that's for sure.

Yeah, good to be back in the UK.



We have been awarded our waiver claim, we have 24 hours to send the contract to the league office to make it official.

GM Oldfield

So glad your back Mr Manning.

Glad to hear about it Ms Seaborn. I have league officed it.

Depth changes:

TE1:Logan Espinoza
TE2: Alexander Massie

WR1: Jaylen Waddle
WR1b/WR4: (backup for WR1): Ned Frederick

WR2:Grady Ashby WR2b/WR5:Rory Dover

WR3:Andrew Littlejohn

WR3b/WR6: Richard Andrews


GM Oldfield

Talk about your teams performance this week.

If week 1 showcased our skill, I think week 2 showcased our heart and determination. Heading into the last three minutes on the road 10 points down and with your QB1 and LB1 both injured, most would have been written up. But the boys stepped up and showed what they're made of. Starr was magnificent, Waddle came up clutch, Angel smith stepped up in his first pro action, Massie was a true pro given he had barely enough time to read the playbook. I'm really proud of them.

How do you feel about your team after two weeks?

We've showed two different ways we can win, and the team have met all expectations so far. But I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, it's a good start and nothing more. We have a long way to go if we want to achieve our goals this year but we're on the right track.

Alexander Massie: Stroke of genius from the GM or dumb luck

Haha! Likely somewhere between the two. I knew Massie was a great player. Firstly, Kirk liked him and usually Kirk likes no one. Secondly, if I take you back to week 2 last year it was that same player scoring a 40 yard touchdown in the dying seconds to complete their comeback against us. So I've experienced first hand what he can do. As soon as I saw he was cut I was keen to strength TE and Lanes loss is my gain.

Talk about your opponent for week 3 and what you will need to see from your team

Vancouver. A team in a bit of reset but with a great GM at the helm with a history of taking teams in a bit of trouble and turning them into playoff stalwarts. Big names on the ground, big names in the air, big names on defence. We have to continue to perform as we have done to ensure we continue our strong start.



Jokes on Charlotte, hahahahaa

GM Oldfield

A............. Massie mistake on Lane's part. But saved our Bacon.

Talk to me about Starr. Freak occurrence him doing so well or has the lad got it in him?



He has amazing arm strength but he's streaky everywhere else because he's a raw prospect.  He'd be a fun project for a team needing to tinker at QB, for us he could be a fun back up build, I like his skillset to be a comp for Doss much more than Sanders who is much more of a game manager.

GM Oldfield

Yeah I remember him having a big arm but little else. I assume it's hard to get better arm strength outside of 20 hours of pornhub a day, so that's always a plus in my eyes. Keep doing what he's doing and I could soo. Have all those terrible QB teams ringing me up.  I will probably look to bring in a 4th from FA this week as I don't want to risk going into the game with just one.

Only other thing I wanted to ask was Angel Smith. Not how I wanted his first playtime to come about but he handled himself well. Do you feel he's a coach able kid? Is he someone who could be competing for playing time with Box by the end of the season?


I'm not sure he has the ceiling to really get to the level of being a true starter.  He looks like more of a career quality backup.  His work ethic just isn't high enough.

GM Oldfield

Good to know thanks coach. Thanks for your time.

Mike Maker please,

Mike, as far as I'm aware Kenny Kemp isn't with a club right now. If I'm wrong, apologies, but if I'm right, would he fancy coming to London for the year for 1MM?



Kenny has no interest in signing for less than $7.5MM per season.

GM Oldfield

Fair enough thanks for your time.

Scott Forrest please,

Mr Forrest, would Lucius Gatlin come and join us in London for a year for 1MM ?


GM Oldfield

Thanks sir.

Move QB Lucius Gaitlin to QB4

No other changes


GM Oldfield

Talk about your teams performance this week.

Another game where we showed true fight, true grit, and Starr showed he can  deliver in the 4th quarter when down. Vancouver are really clicking offensively, and have an elite pass rusher in Obaje, so delighted to get the win.

Do you feel a particular coach has stood out on your staff, and why?

I mean I don't have enough superlatives for Coach Crawford and how he's stamped this team in his image, but I also feel Felix Duran deserves a lot of praise really working hard to develop this secondary into something special.

  How do you feel about having such an early bye week?

Is there ever a good time really? I mean I'd have liked to continue our form but also have a chance to rest and get an injury free squad can't be dismissed. It's swings and roundabouts, but we won't be letting a schedule define our season.


Ayo!!!!  I flew my Grans out again this week and LOOK CLAP AT CLAP THAT! CLAP  I might have had a quiet day.... UNTIL I DIDNT!  BOOM!   Dropped it on they head!

GM Oldfield

Outstanding Grady! Glad the grans got to see you doing what you do best!



Damn right.   Too bad she hates it out here so much though.  She can't get passed the accents.

GM Oldfield

I thought all Americans loved our accent? I'm starting to think the film love actually was nothing but lies



We were more of a "Leprechaun in the Hood" family on family movie night.

GM Oldfield

Well hopefully the accent grows on you. Thanks for your time sir.

Coach Crawford please,

Coach, early bye week. I am hoping the team can keep their focus while still getting some time off to see family and recover from their minor scraps. Is that possible?


Definitely doable.   Jokes on them if they don't get the most out of the break.

GM Oldfield

Great coach. I'll let you get to work hoping to tie up some deals during bye week.

James T Crain please,

Mr Crain, I wanted to speak to you about you client James Newell. Big fan of his ever since I drafted him. He's built a great relationship with EE, and I'm hoping the two Oregon products can continue to lead this secondary. My offer is a 3 year deal at 9M wages, 1M bonus, starting next season.



To sign today, I'd probably be looking at $14MM total per season.

GM Oldfield

Would you on your client be willing to meet in the middle and do $12MM?



Only because he is such good friends with Eric.. Make it so.

GM Oldfield

You gent thank you.

While I have you on the blower let's try and get you some more money. Jaylen Waddle Has grown with us and I'd like to see him continuing to thrive with Lincoln and co. I'd like to double his wages and throw in a couple of million bonus to boot. How does a three year deal at 12MM wages, 2MM bonus starting next year sound?



That's perfect.  We're happy to sign today.

GM Oldfield

Always a pleasure Mr Crain thanks for your time,

Lock in for bye week

GM Oldfield

Talk about your teams performance through out this first quarter of the season.

Well we are unbeaten, having had our quarterback injured for 2/3 of those games as well as our leader in defence, so I couldn't be more proud of the lads. By coming behind in the 4th quarter in 2 games we have shown a grit and determination vital for success.

How do you feel about your players placement in the league leaders, a quarter of the way through the season?  Who is an unsung hero on this roster?

I said we would be explosive on offense this season and we have disappointed. Highest average points for, total yards, and third in passing yards. One of the highest average yards per completion, but that stat that really sticks out for me is just 1 drop. And in terms of unsung hero, I'd like to single out Andrew Littlejohn. Averaging 28.6 yards per reception, 10 catches from 16 targets, and 0 drops. He's really taking his chances, and is vital to how we like to open the field.

Talk about your opponent for week 5, do you see any holes in their game that you can exploit?

Detroit are a tough team, with one of the strongest defences giving away the least amount of yards per game. And offensively, they have had success both in the air and on the ground so there's no obvious weaknesses. We will need to be clinical, and take our chances, while trying to limit their offense. Big games on both sides of the ball will be needed, but I trust my players to deliver.



I don't have any jokes this week. The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Oldfield

This week isn't the week for detail, let's get going.

Lock In

GM Oldfield

Thanks for all coming.

This week has been the hardest emotionally in my 6 seasons in this league. BD was a GM from the day I arrived, as wonderful human being a someone I considered a friend. Words cannot describe how heartbroken we as a community have been this week. And all my thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Yes this week we were outperformed. We couldn't  stop their pass rush. We couldn't run the ball to save our life. We couldn't get near Corralles. But this week is about perspective. We will come back stronger.



Well, that wasn't funny at all.

GM Oldfield

Coach what's happening with the run game? I had real high hopes for Robles this year but I could piss further then our yards on the ground in the last two matches and I'm hung like a hamster



He ran for 114 the game before this one, but I get what you're saying.  He has been plagued with inconsistent play his entire career. He had back to back 1000 yards seasons in San Antonio, but it was for a team that couldn't do much else, so he was their only real form of offense.

He's averaging a career high in yards per carry for us at 5.9 but he's only running 8.5 times per game.   You don't expect high run totals when you're passing 70% of the game.