

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:16:04 PM

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The press is a bad joke.  You can't take them seriously. 

We have a balanced ratio, but sometimes the game jsut doesn't unfold that way.  I plan on giving Tui plenty of touches as long as the game flow allows it. Im not going to force feed him when we're in passing situations and needing to throw.

GM Oldfield

I agree coach, and I have the upmost faith in you this week to turn this around. New Jersey are gonna come out with a stick up their arse after we ended their season last year. Let's put them back in the place.

Lock in

GM Oldfield

talk to us about this weeks game

Thank all for coming.

Having lost 4 games in a row and to be 24-14 down with two minutes to go the boys have showed tremendous courage and mental strength to come back and win that game and that really highlights the positive attitude in camp. I couldn't be more proud getting a big win against a really strong rival.

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

We sit 4-4 in one of the toughest division around, and giving our injury crisis I am glad we are still above Amsterdam and in the mix with the other 2. I feel we should be 6-2 which would see us joint first so I do feel we are not where we should be. Luckily you don't win titles at half time.

who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

That's a really tough question but I'm gonna have to say George Manning. With the injuries Kellog has had he's really stepped us as both a leader and on his defence against both the run and pass.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year



"With Doss suffering another injury, what do you make of people calling him too injury prone to be a franchise QB?"

GM Oldfield

I think they have bad memories. Before this season I think he's only missed one game.  What me and the staff need to do is sit down and devise a way of stopping him behind smashed by big beefy men 10 times a game.



I see a heavier investment in the offensive line in our future.

GM Oldfield

Honestly on paper I thought they looked ok. I'm not sure faber was the exciting talent I hoped for and the guards have been disappointing. How far is Norris from the other two?



His strength and pass blocking is on par with Johnson, but his run blocking is behind both and his IQ is the lowest of all our guards, plus his conditioning needs work, so while he "could" replace Cantrell if needed he isn't an upgrade right now.

GM Oldfield

Good to know coach thanks for the update.

Obviously I want to get rid of the designed QB runs this week, or at least lower then with star. Is there a way we can do that?



We can definitely try to remove them from the play sheet, obviously I can't promise he won't run, but we'll try to tailor the offense to a pocket passer.

GM Oldfield

Great coach.

I guess the only other tweak is if we change our deep passing to mixed? I don't wanna see a guy like Doss continuing to get hurt do you feel maybe a more mixed approach will stop constantly holding on to the ball waiting for those deep runs?



I like the deep ball and the threat it brings, but we can't sustain it right now.  I'm fine changing to balanced or medium preference.

GM Oldfield

I think we try balanced and see how it goes. Alabama probably won't be the best yardstick but let's give it a few games. If the deep ball completely disappears we will reassess. Thanks for your time coach.

Lincoln Doss please,

Lincoln, I'm so sorry to hear about your latest injury. I will hold my hands up, I feel I'm failing to protect you and that's something I'm trying to address.



Definitely don't like having my bones broken, but Im glad I'm not out for the season at least.

GM Oldfield

Those medics worked miracles and I'm glad we don't have another one of our superstars out for the season. Thanks for your time and hope the recovery goes well.

Change passing preference from long to mixed.

Remove Starr's designated runs as per coach conversation


GM Oldfield

Hi Guys thanks for coming.

Wow what a game. A great advert for HIFL. Credit to Alabama in that second half they showed real grit and determination but in the end we managed to get the win. It's not something I do often but I really want to name drop three players. Firstly, big EE with that pick 6, that's now two massive turnovers in the last two weeks. Secondly, Henry Patten who was just everywhere! Hurries, knock downs, sacks, TFL's just a huge huge game I love seeing that hunger to get to the ball. Lastly, SuperSTARR and that arm of steel once against showing what he can do.

Tricky trip to Charlotte this week but hopefully we can build on the last fortnight and keep the pressure on DC


They should change Alabama's mascot to the Ostriches because that offense makes them a flightless bird.

GM Oldfield

Their GM needs to change a vowel and become GM Poncho because he's outdated, thinly veiled and, just like his o line, barely keeps anything out





GM Oldfield

Only four sacks against a team to at featured the best there's ever been seems a better improvement, but I'm guessing downing was the real weak link. Hows his stats compare with Wilson?



Less refined.  Similar in strength and IQ, terrible in run blocking and only okay in pass blocking.

GM Oldfield

Ok coach let's stick with the slightly less terrible one.

I just wanted to touch base about DT. Injuries have hit us hard here and we're looking thinking then a bulimic supermodel during Ramadan. Can we kick Roberts or Isaac Oldfield inside? I really don't want to have to start a rookie who's name I haven't even bothered to learn and am keen to avoid diving in to the trade market once again 



Isaac is big enough to play inside, Roberts is definitely not.

GM Oldfield

Ok well let's try Oldfield inside. Thanks coach

Henry Patten please,

Mr Patten, just wanted to congratulate you on your performance this week that was epic. Felt like you were a constant thorn in their side and was a joy to watch



Thank you boss, I feel like I'm finally putting it all together this season. 

GM Oldfield

It's really nice to see how you've developed. I'm proud of all your doing keep it up.

Adam Starr please,

Mr Starr, cool as ice. Another extremely mature performance this week thank you for all your hard work


GM Oldfield

Let's go show those boys in


North Carolina? That doesn't sound right?

Anyway, let's go show those boys in Charlotte just what you got.

Isaac Oldfield to DT2


GM Oldfield

Not the most complete or put together offensive performance you will have ever seen but any time you win on the road and allow 0 points it's a good result in my book. Another win to chalk off and on to the next.

I have seen a lot of talk on trade deadline but as an organisation our work was done earlier acquiring Scott, Fitzgerald and Tuilagi; 3 of the best in their respective positions so I couldn't be happier. I am very happy with the squad and now it's time to just put it all together in this home stretch.

This week we talk on a very strong St Paul side. Their success last season was no fluke and we will have to remain focused to get another big win. It'll be nice going up against an old adversary in GM Jon. If he turns up that is.


A bit gritty coach but a win none the less. Epic defensive performance well done to all the lads. The only thing f I wanted to ask about was at TE. After acquiring him in the waiver I was keen to have Massie at TE2 to learn the system. But I feel it may be time to promote him. How does he and Logan Espinoza compare when blocking and receiving?


Massie is pretty similar in blocking to Logan, Espinoza is a little better in the run blocking but not enough to make me not want to push Massie to TE1.

Speaking of...   What do Crows drink in the morning?

GM Oldfield

What do crows drink in the morning?


GM Oldfield


What does GM Lane and a circle have in common this week?



Hmmm, I don't know?

GM Oldfield

They both have NO POINTS!




GM Oldfield

Thanks for feedback on Massie. I will leave things how they are.


GM Oldfield

Hey folks thanks for coming,

Disappointing defeat in the end. Really proud of the defence for stopping any offensive touchdowns  but the offense just couldn't click unfortunately. Sometimes you just have to take one on the chin, dust yourselves off and come again. I don't want to make any excuses with injuries, as every team gets them, but I am really proud of the guys for being 6-5 at this point and with 3 divisional rivals still to come destiny is in our own hands. I believe we can still see success this season, time to show the league what we got!

So this week we travel to Portland, a game I don't expect a positive welcome and a game I really have mixed feelings about. They gave me my first opportunity as a general manager, and although I left in difficult circumstances I felt it was both in myself and the organisations interests. I feel justified in the fact they hired a great new exciting GM and within a season they did something I never managed in making in the playoffs.

Brushing all emotion aside this is a huge match and would be a vital road win. They have a really strong line up with Rainey to proove his GM wrong that he deserved that contract. We will have to be our very best on both sides of the ball to win, but I believe we can do.


Our offensive performance was a sick joke this week.

GM Oldfield

Was it anything in particular that went badly? Sometimes the stats doesn't paint the picture so it's hard to work out. We ran ok, passing wasn't awful, only four sacks....... Just wondered if there was something I wasn't seeing or if we chalk it down to elite defence



Just a tough defense.  Look at what they did with Vegas in the Impact Bowl.  They're a tough unit.

GM Oldfield

That's what I thought thanks coach,

Keenan Niumatalolo please,

Keenan pleased to see you. Just wanted to ask you a quick question about Wilbert Billings if that's ok.

When I drafted him I was blown away by his athletic prowess but right now he's blocked from a lot of game time. Going forward into next season and beyond I wondered if his skill set was more suited to the free safety role? How has he been developing under you and is this a possibility?



I think he's in the right spot as it is, I don't see him as a coverage free safety.   If anything, the move to linebacker makes more sense.

GM Oldfield

Interesting. Whats his work ethic like does he have the drive to make such a transition?



  Its good, not elite, but its really good.  His motor is high too, he's just in need of a lot of work.  Conditioning, position skill, IQ, strength, all of it needs work.

GM Oldfield

Ok that's great thanks for your help, and also your excellent work on defence this year. They really coming together nicely last few weeks despite injury concerns.

Play time: mostly starters
Running back committee

QB1 Lincoln Doss
QB2 Adam Starr

RB1 Alesana Tuilagi
RB2 Milton Vaughan

DT1 Clyde Scott
DT2 Noah Oldfield
DT3 Isaac Oldfield
DT4 George Hardin

DE1 Henry Patten
DE2 Gerald Roberts
DE3 Isaac Oldfield
DE4 Armando Kim

LB1 Cecil Kellog
LB2 George Manning
LB3 James Box
LB4 Angel Smith

CB1 Eric Evans
CB2 James Newell
CB3 Samuel Goode
CB4 Gregory Creed


GM Oldfield

Good morning esteemed members of the press, thank you for coming.

Really good really important win this week. Was nice returning to a ground with a lot of memories but I wasn't in a charitable mood and the players did great. Tuilagi has been a fantastic addition to the squad and turned us into a force on the ground as well in the air and I feel that dual threat is vital going forward. Fantastic performance by our o-line protecting the boss and giving up no sacks.

Saw the news in Amsterdam, thought Bone had finally been sacked for a moment but he's still there torturing fans and players alike.

This week we play the best team in the east, DC. Like what Doss said I challenge my players to really show what they have and that they belong being talked about when we discuss the best teams in this conference and in this league. A win here would be a huge marker going into the back end of the season, one we can really ride into a successful campaign. 



Smarter Football thought they could beat us.   Now that's funny.

Now its time to shut GM Justin up and win this one, its our biggest game of the year, lets keep the division chaise alive.

GM Oldfield

Exactly coach. We are fit (ish) as we have been all season, Doss the boss is back, Tuilagi is ready to trample over some chumps
And our defence is ready to make their cocky sophomore QB Justin's new King Carmazzi. Maybe he can get a 12.5% completion rate as I know 1 in 8 is a favourite of GM Justin.

Make sure the lads know our destiny is in our own hands. 3 division games and salt lake. Let's make it four wins in four starting with the beasts of the east.

Lock in

GM Oldfield

Thanks everyone for coming, I appreciate your time.

This week I challenged my players to lay down a marker with DC. Not only did they beat the best team in the east, they thrashed them. Fantastic team performance but hats off to Doss and EE on both sides of the ball, EE getting more touchdowns than a lot of wide receivers!

This week we play an old friend, but they'll be no taking it easy against GM Fosters and his excellent Salt Lake team. Its a game we both must win, I am sure it'll be a fantastic spectacle and help us take another step towards the playoffs