

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:17:10 PM

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from a scoring standpoint its neck and neck.   Both of us are giving up 30PPG.  They're averaging 34 points per game and we're scoring 33.   Their strength has been their run game, our has been the pass.   Defensively we're nearly mirror images.   Its going to be a battle, but I believe in our coaches, and I'm looking forward to handing Coach Mackey a loss.

GM Dougie

In your opinion, is there a metric you're seeing that is contributing to our defense allowing more points this season? Is it the new scheme? Is there something I'm missing?



We are playing an aggressive style of ball which will mean we give up plays at times while trying to make bigger plays, which could be a factor.   

And just like where some guys like Bailey are thriving in the new system, guys like Layton are slower to adjust to it and are not producing like we want, and obviously not having the talent of a guy like Jody outside is a factor as well.

GM Dougie

You're definitely right about that.

Is there something we can do to help Layton get better adjusted? Move him around, etc. Or is it really just getting used to the new system?



Nothing we can really do, We'll try moving him a little to see if it triggers something, but I think its just an adjustment we need to click on his end.

GM Dougie

Sounds good.

Let's get this win!

Lock In

GM Dougie

That was some very good football this week. Juan Kirk put the clamps on Little and was a big spark on the defensive side of the ball and I think the defense really played hard this week. Long Beach scores like we do and to see an empty box score over the first 3 quarters really shows our shine. I love the 5 sacks and especially seeing Layton finish off a couple this week. We needed that and so did he. Maldy had a solid game and he didn't have to do much this week because of how well the defense played. We got some production from the running game again but I know we can do better there. There's continuous room for improvement everywhere and we have to balance getting better with the high expectations that exist with this team.

And with that, we have another tough battle with another tough team in another tough division race in St. Paul.

St. Paul can do it all...run, throw, play good defense. We're in for a big fight this week and we'll be sure our guys are ready for just that.



Hey, look at Scott having a breakout kind of day when we needed him. 

You love to see it.

GM Dougie


So I'm on the phones with a couple GMs about a deal or two just so you know. Nothing has settled yet and nothing may come of it. I just wanted to make you aware.

In the meantime, tell me what to make of St. Paul



They aren't the team they were last year offensively, 27th in points scored, but they are still well coached and they've got the #11 defense so they're always a threat.  That pass rush they can generate with Worthington inside is something we have to always account for, and their pass defense is top 10 to go with the #3 run defense, so moving the ball is a challenge.

GM Dougie

Well I'm working on something for the run game but again, I can't promise anything is going to come of it. But I'm active on the lines.

Team morale? We're winning obviously. But is anyone currently unhappy?



Only Jesse Burgess.  Everyone else is doing fine.

GM Dougie

Excellent. While I'm waiting on the phones, I wish to conduct some other business. I'll get back to you.


Ms. Morningstar, Anthony Campanelli please!


Good morning! Lets talk about Will Rousseau, a great guard we drafted a few years back that's really found his own in the league. We would like to keep him in Tucson for years to come. We have a few options I can look at but one was on the years side of things. I'd like to see him on a four or five year deal. Is your client looking in that direction?



Mr. Fresh, How are you doing?

My father is still away on some other business, so I am here to talk about Mr. Rousseau's contract.

Now against my advice, Mr. Rousseau is insistent on the following contract because he likes the winning culture you have built here.  He wants a 5 year deal worth $5MM per season.   

If you're as smart as they say you are, you'll have this deal in the league office before I can say "forget about it."

GM Dougie

Thank you first and foremost. I'm happy to work with anyone in the Campanelli family and you've done some great business.

Speaking of great business, you're right about that. 5 years at $5MM...we're locking that in.

GM Dougie

The next time I need to speak on one of our players I'll make sure to ask for you specifically. Thank you for your time!


Ms. Morningstar, Mike Moneymaker please.


Mr. Moneymaker, its time we talk about Scott Layton. I know he's on the option this year and I think a part of this season is about the new system. He had a really good game this past week. I think we should talk about a 3 year deal for Scott going forward...perhaps in the same range that he's at currently...10-12MM. What do you think?



Dougie, Scott loves being a Star.  He is optimistic about his future in your scheme, and you're offering exactly what he is looking for.   I'd love to negotiate and play the game, but we're good to go with a 3 year deal at $12MM.

GM Dougie

Excellent! I appreciate working with you. The total will be 12 per year for 3 years with mostly salary and some bonus. Thank you!!


Ms. Morningstar, Francisco Bien please.


I knew sooner or later we'd be speaking again about Ronwen. He's done well as one of our starting safeties and continues to adapt to whats in front of him. He's been a Star from the beginning and I'd like to offer another extension to keep it that way. I was thinking 3 years at $6MM per season...perhaps with some added incentive in there.



Senor Fresh, Ronwen isn't actively looking to go elsewhere, but I would like to help him with his philanthropic goals to help some of his family and community back in Africa.   That being said, something front loaded where he could make $10MM next season, but then 6MM in the years to follow would be perfect.  That can be with off-season bonus, or whatever creativity you want to use, but that is what I would like to see.

GM Dougie

I can make something like that work but I want to ask you if we could so something like this:

Receive a $2MM bonus payment THIS season, and then for the next 3 years, $8MM in S18 and $6MM in S19 and S20?


GM Dougie

Consider it done! I'll file it with the league office now. Thank you sir! I'm happy Ronwen wants to continue to shine!


Ms. Morningstar, Luis Peacock please!


As you know, the change to a 4-3 defense means having defensive tackle depth is a priority. When we added talent at the position, it was not to replace you but rather to support you. And with your deal coming to an end this season, I want you to have the chance to stay here longer. I was thinking three more years at $6MM per season with full guarantees on the first two years.


I appreciate the offer, and I might come around later but right now that's just not a deal I'm willing to sign.

GM Dougie

I understand that and I respect it entirely. As you consider your options, keep it in mind and focus on playing great because you'll earn it!


One more Ms. Morningstar, James T. Crain please.


James, I hope you are well! I want to talk about Billy Godfrey. When we traded for Billy, the hope was that he'd fit right in here and want to be a Star for years. I want to gauge what your interest is on doing an extension.



If the money is right, Godfrey will sit tight here in Tucson, but if it's not enough dough, my man might have to go.

GM Dougie

Well let me say respectfully that I understand if he values the bag that's what it is. We want him to be here but also we have good players at the position. So I want to make an offer that's fair but also fits within our current constraints. I can probably keep it about the same as it is now...lets say 3 years at $10MM per season.



I can't take a 2MM pay cut without testing the market. 

GM Dougie

Forgive me. I misread my own numbers and saw the $2MM in bonus. I would include that as well.

3 years, $10MM salary and $2MM in bonus.



I said good day sir!

GM Dougie

Well technically you didn't say that the first time. But thank you for coming by!


Coach, are we ready to rock and roll this week?



I'm ready when you are.

GM Dougie

GM Dougie

(GM Doug Fresh comes up and sits down, staring intently into the crowd for the mid-season press conference.)

Do you want to talk about the game this week?

"Do I? Not really. Do I want to talk about it couldn't be a better time for us to be at our bye week? Probably. That wasn't a good game for either of us. Prayers to their guys for what happened to McNasty that's to be sure. But its one thing when you lose your MVP to an injury, its another when you have 3 more injured players who are key to success on both sides of the ball. We went from being one of the healthiest teams in the league to a team that will have its depth tested. Kudos to St. Paul for a gutty win. We certainly have our own ships to right."

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

"I mean...we're in a position we expect to be in and that is competing to be the best in the conference. Not a single GM can say they're 100% happy...not even Cory. Everyone can be better. We're first in the division and we beat Vegas but with the same amount of losses right now, they can overtake us if they get us back. So we're not comfortable by any means. And we shouldn't be because this league is tough. Did you know that 22 of the 32 teams in this league have 4 or more wins? There's your surprise. Its hard to win here. You have to be healthy, well-coached, talented, and patient."

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

"Well you know me. I don't like to give a single answer here and just going with Maldy is the easy answer. Because he's great. Aside from that, allow me to pull out my stats and I'll give you one player from every facet of the game. Jonathan Finch is the most targeted receiver in football and yet he's catching 68% of his passes without a single drop. Touchdowns are up, the man doesn't fumble...in other words, he is the definition of dependable. On defense, what a season Ed Bailey is having! Coach Stark pointed out how he's thriving in the 4-3 and you see it in the numbers as he's 4th in the league tackles. On top of that when he gets a chance to still move outside and cause pressure, he's got 4 sacks. Really just loving seeing him ball out in this system. And you know at these pressers, guys talk about clutch kicking but what about John Daniel who is 2nd in the league in punt average? Field position wins football games. These are guys who are a big part of why we're 7-2 right now."

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

"Coach Stark put together a great staff. We kept some guys together to keep the comfort of the offensive system and he's managing the growing pains of a new defensive system. You can see some guys like Ed are making an impact and others are working back towards what we expect of them. As we get closer to the stretch run, the guys should have had a lot of reps and really be where they need to be and Coach surely has everyone doing what they need to in order to be the best version of themselves."

(Doug looks around and the moment there aren't any hands up, he gives a signature nod to the crowd and rushes off the stage.)


...last time we lost, the team rallied and played some of our best football for the next six weeks.  Lets hope this one triggers the same response.  With the bye week, there is a chance we get Maldy back healthy for San Antonio, but since it IS San Antonio, we might be best to plan on starting Vega and protecting Thomas again.

GM Dougie

That wouldn't be a bad idea.

Also I've been on the phones. I tried to get us a running back but an anonymous GM wanted more than what the market would suggest so I'm kind of back at square one. Do you think there are any areas of the team I could try to SIGNIFICANTLY improve prior to the deadline? I've looked at the stats obviously but that doesn't tell the entire story.



Its hard to say without knowing your price range, but we could realistically improve over Daniel Brown at tackle. 
Garza has done an admirable job in the slot, but we could definitely get an upgrade at WR to make the 3rd WR more of a threat.
You can never have enough corner depth.   DT if a solid TFL machine was available would be an upgrade. 

But again, that's just going off of what we have and not what we are willing to part with or can afford against the cap.

GM Dougie

Well, I just had a pleasant conversation with Dario over in Kansas City. We just brought in Juan Oher to play tackle and Luis Paulson for depth at corner. How do you see them sliding into our depth chart?



Paulson will be our primary backup at all positions and the official CB4 and will play CB3 if Reed misses time.

Oher slots right in at right tackle.   Its a good addition.

GM Dougie

I'm not sure what else I "may" be able to do before the deadline but it was important for me to get these guys in during our bye week to have extra reps in our systems.

Have a good week of being able to just watch the games coach.

Lock In

GM Dougie

Well we're isn't much to say here. We have to get right this week against San Antonio and we're doing so in an unhealthy fashion. We have some guys we need to protect for the stretch run and we also need to win games. We did make some moves this week to get stronger on the line and for some depth at CB with Reed likely out this week too. It'll be Vega taking the reigns of the offense again this week to lead us to victory. The off week was helpful and we'll turn that into good preparation for what's to come.

Hats off to McCaffery for breaking the rushing record. He's one hell of an athlete and a great runner.

Honestly I think that's it for this week right? Questions?



Hopefully after this week we have Maldy back healthy for the stretch run, but we just need everyone to take care of business this week.

GM Dougie

I trust you to make the necessary adjustments. I assume along with Vega at QB, Paulson will slide in at CB3 this week with Reed doubtful. Anything else?



That about covers it.

GM Dougie

GM Dougie

Well that was an important week to win a football game. Hats off to San Antonio and their guys. Its just been such a season of hardship but I've said time and time again when our two teams meet, anything can happen. We tried to put the game away early but they came back and took the lead. Vega did an amazing job of shutting up the critcs about the last game where he came in mid-game because of Maldy's injury and had another great performance. As a team we had a good offense, the running game and the passing game were clicking. On defense, we did a good job getting to the quarterback. It was excellent to see both Matthews and Layton on the stat sheet. It was a gutsy win.

So I know there's a lot of questions about the trade deadline and what we intend to do. You saw that we made some moves to fortify our depth last week and upgrade our offensive line. I can't tell you whether we are or we aren't done but I'm confident in our guys and in the locker room and I truly feel when healthy that Tucson can compete with and beat anyone in the league.

This week, we are back to full health which is nice to see. Health is a premium in this league, especially with a division leading team like Vancouver coming to town. Its going to be a big game and we'll do what we need to for our home fans to see another win!



Iron sharpens Iron, and Vegas being right there neck and neck with us keeps everyone playing hard, but man, at 8-2 you'd think we'd be able to relax for a minute, yet here we are.



Alright, with the deadline passed we just focus on what we have in front of us.   Lets do it.

GM Dougie

I agree. We just need to go into each and every week sharp. I did what I could to get us into this spot and now its in your hands to lead our men down the stretch.

Anything you want to go over this week?


GM Dougie

We're healthy from the looks of things so lets see how well our updated line helps Maldy do his thing.

Lock In