

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:21:26 PM

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GM Lucas

"Thorton punches in, does all we ask him to do and punches out. He has a small circle but is a pro. Guys gravitate towards him, especially the vets. In the start I could see he wasn't buying into Lucas and was only focusing on Hollis but I think the chemistry is forming and I see him advising Fonseca at times. Overall, hasn't been any issues. We've never seen eye to eye but again, he's a pro"

GM Gooch

That is great to hear. I had my concerns, but I think winning really helps.

Let's talk about Hollis as a player. What are his strengths? Where is he weak? I'm going to want to invest in him and want to make sure that any extra training I do is going to be of benefit.

GM Lucas

" At 6'9 he's making his presence show with his ability to score inside and has the athleticism to shoot from the outside also. He's really impressed me. Coming out of college and his game during summer did not showcase any of his previous skills that he is displaying now which is good because team still aren't taking him seriously. My biggest concern is that he will get caught up in hero ball and commit dumb turnovers which is what I saw in summer league, but then  to add to it he quickly fades because his endurance is that of a 89 year old man. The kid comes in like a rocket and quickly turns to a rock"

GM Gooch

Thanks for that info, Coach. Let's go get more W's.
Lock in

GM Gooch

We had another great week this past week. Picked up some big wins and lost a heartbreaker. I think if we play that game again, we win it 4 out of 7 times, which is what we will do when we meet in the playoffs.

Lucas has been playing lights out basketball. He was a great draft pick and he's been key in our franchise having the best start in our history.

We've got some big games this week coming up and we will play our brand of basketball in each of them. We have to continue to gel as a team and get better. That's key. We've had a great start, but how we finish is what is most important.

GM Lucas

"Seems like teams out here are gearing up for us, that's a sentence I never thought I would hear myself say. Looks like Minnesota is also trying to move Chadwick. Feels good being in the drivers seat and not in the passengers seat for once"

GM Gooch

Absolutely. No one is wanting to be trade partners with us right now, which I take to mean they know we are on fire.

GM Lucas

"I like where we are, I don't see any changes needed to be made so unless you want to talk to the guys, I'm gonna go head out and start practice"

GM Gooch

I don't want to slow things down. Let's have another great week!

Lock in

GM Lucas

"We did it playa, ride or die, you came in and pulled it off. I won't lie, I had my reservations about you. Wasn't sure if you was the right fit. Had a lot of people in my ear about bringing you in. Something told me we needed something different and no lie, All Eyes Were on ME!, so that meant, all eyes were on YOU! You allowed everyone to shine my boy. We didn't have to fire our coach, Bruh, I thought for sure he would be the first to go but you made it work, and Lucas, boooyyyy! that kid can ball. Hats off to you man. you put Compton on the map as a positive. Like, kids are putting down the guns and picking up the rock ya feel me. Dudes out here not worrying about who is wearing red or who is wearing blue because everyone wearing Grey and teal. Throw your hands up playa. Whatever you need big man I got your back, ya feel me! HAILMARYYYYY!

GM Gooch

I'm glad to hear that you feel like I'm a good fit, I feel like the trophy in the trophy case is a good fit too. I'm a different GM and I'm sorry you had reservations about me. But I'm glad we were able to persevere regardless of my shortcomings and do something special for the city, for you, and for J.J. This trophy means a lot to me, and I want to run it back and do this again. 

GM Lucas

"I hear ya!, Check it, this year gonna be tricky. Word around the league is that every team now has a GM, that's good for the league but now that means much smarter guys will be calling shots as opposed to some of these egomaniacs that own the teams. But we have to be ready to get while the gettin's good ya feel me. A lot of guys are still hurting over losing so much money they thought they would recoup when they tore up their deals. The league screwed them with that salary cap so expect a lot of talent to bounce from the league. Good thing for us, we have our core in place, just be smart with how we spend the money this year. Do what you need to do even if it means cutting some guys, you've earned my trust. OH! one other thing playah, Figure out how you want to honor J.J when the season starts, that will be huge, that boy a ride or die and we need to make sure the city sHows that man the proper respect for all he did here in Oakland!"

GM Lucas

"GM Gooch, no Sorry, World Champion GM Gooch, what's going on baby!. look, it's time to get back to work unfortunately, can't party forever. So back to business, we got good news and we got bad news. Good news is we got five guys coming back, the bad news is we only got about 19 million dollars to play with so we better hope the cap goes up to 90 like rumors are saying because we also have to hire four new coaches. All our coaches' contracts expired including coach Wallace. you got some decision to make because remember, you can cut three guys without penalty this year. Anyway, We trust in you big man, get it done. here's the team sheet"

GM Gooch

Thank you for this information. I'll be calling coach Wallace soon.

For the upcoming expansion, I'll be able to protect one free agent correct?

GM Lucas

(Shakur Crooks walks in and takes a seat in front of GM Gooches desk)

"Let me hollar at you playah, Check it. I think we are in a good position to move Lucas Fonseca and get a haul back. Truth is, some of the players have been voicing their opinion and they think you and coach favored that kid heavily. It's bad enough you traded Pabcevic who was a hero here without even talking to me about it. That really rubbed a lot of guys the wrong way. Then you named that kid captain over JJ, honestly that didn't sit well with the players, and it didn't sit well with me. I don't like what I am seeing that's why I'm not going to OK any contract that brings coach Wallace back, I never liked that dude and I'm glad he's gone. We can't have a coach openly favoring any one player. You feel me. He openly favored Pabcevic, and when we had Norvelle here one year he favored him, yet he never shows any of the brothas any love, you get what I'm saying. I know for a fact he didn't want you to draft Hollis and you did anyway and we clearly saw him ignore that kid. If it wasn't for Sherman taking him under his wing that kid would probably be out the league already. So check it, we just won a title, so you bought yourself a hand full of lead way in this organization, but I think we can really set ourselves up long term if you get a ton of draft picks and some real good players if we move Lucas. We have some real good guys here and I'm not about to see that implode over anybody."

GM Gooch

Are you serious? Lucas just put this team on his back and won a championship, something that your franchise has never even sniffed before. Coach Wallace's game plans are the ones that lead us to where we were...I'm actually completely at a loss.

If I want to sign Coach Wallace back, I will. You own, I GM.

But if you are demanding that I trade Lucas, you can do it yourself and you might as well trade me while you're at it.

You've got to be the most ungrateful owner in the league. I bring you a championship and you make demands like these. You're a buffoon.

GM Lucas

(Shukur Crooks takes off his shirts and bandana and places it on the sofa in the office)

"Yo my man, I came in here as a professional and you speaking all that rah rah, you better tone that shit down. Second, I'm your motherfuking boss so who the hell you think you talking to like that, Buffoon! you serious dog. Like, you on some disrespect shit so right now I dare you say some shit like that again......"

"Wait up, whats going on here, fellas, let's calm this down. We are professionals. Shukur, come on, let's not do this. We are riding high right now, we don't need this type of press. We trying to get away from this"

"Nah, big man wilding, I you heard me, I was on some suit and tie shit and he started popping mad shit. Sorry, Like Ic an be professional, but under all that shit I'm still a G. So what's up big man, you know what. I'm going to trade Lucas, fuck out of here. this is my team. I brought you in. You want to go with him, I'll trade y'all both, I don't need yall no more. We got our championship."

"What are you talking about Shukur, GM Gooch has been a consummate pro. His trade of Pabcevic got us the pick that landed Lucas. He brought JJ back for a story book ending, what's with you, you had to much Hennessy?"

"Yo Check it, Hennessy, you just answer phones so mind yo motherfuckin business."

"Excuse me, are you serious right now. This win has gotten to your head. GM Gooch is right, we were nobody until he got here. You buggin, you know what. Go to hell. Find someone else to answer your phones now. I'm done. GM Gooch, it's been a pleasure and I hope we get a chance to work with each other again."

"Aight, Peace, take this big John Goodman looking cracker with you. He corny as hell, and Gooch, you done here homey, you and your bitch Fonseca is gone"

GM Lucas

Establishing Data connection. ..................

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Coaches......Your assignments have been generated.

GM Lucas

It's good to be back. Welcome GM Justin. Let's get to it. I'm no nonsense and I'm hear for support. here is how Oakland is currently set up The coach Oakland started with, Offensive minded guru Bowser Black quit, he hated being micromanaged by A.I.M.E in his place your Former Panama City head coach and now OC Jarvis Isenhour was promoted to head coach which leaves you with only three coaches at the moment. You have 12 players on the roster which is league minimum. You can have up to 15, you have 26.5Mil in cap remaining. You also have your own along with Vancouver's, Bar Harbor's and Seattle's first round picks along with Motor City's 2nd round pick for next seasons draft. One more note, Your coach, Jarvis traded for his son Rob and made him the captain. Here is your roster...

GM Justin

Good morning, Hennessy.  It is a pleasure to meet you and it's great to be back in Oakland.  As you said, let's go to it...is there a list of free agents for both players and coaches?

GM Lucas

Absolutely, here you go. The owner has paid the league to give us access to 3 scouting reports for FA players. Now before A.I.M.E was shut down she encrypted all the rookie scouting information, Mr.Tusk is working on cracking the code so you will have your rookie scouting at some point, hopefully sooner than later. Your current coaches won't have any say so you'll just get basic analysis on what you are getting, some of our free agent coaches have been vetted for the most part because they already played in the league at some point. In the FA coaches list, only the coaches in white are available.  You can interview them or just hire them off their skill, that's on you. Now here is the breakdown of who you already have on your staff..

-Your HC Jarvis Isenhour who was released by your former team in Panama, came here as an offensive coach. When Bowser Black walked out, A.I.M.E, promoted him to H.C. We have been ok with him at the helm, but again, your ship now.
-Emeka Robinson is a game strategist with no prior experience accept as a college assistant.
-Kevin Baloney is in charge of player development and is also your scout....

GM Justin

Thanks Hennessy.  Will you go ahead and send in Coach Isenhour.

Coach, good to see you.  As you know we have three roster spots we can fill.  Do you have a certain position or style player you want to try and add?

GM Lucas

"Well first, let's get acknowledge the hippopotamus in the room GM Justin. I took over when the almighty great brain of the universe Bowser Black left us all stranding. Seems to be a theme of my life with bosses just bailing. (STARES AT YOU INTENTLY)
I turned this thing around and I hope you finish your coffee this time, now that I got that off my chest. Hey GM Justin, how you are doing, great to see you buddy, let's talk Okland Hustle basketball. I think we have a good squad. Young talent, veteran leadership and guys who want opportunity, We got sneaky good while trying to rebuild and that's because I wouldn't let us tank so if winning is what you want to try and do right now, then take a talented young piece and or one of our dozen first round pics and ship them out for forward, a good one. I hated losing Thorton so replacing him would be great. If there are no teams willing to trade you one then I would focus on forwards in free agency, but I tell you now, there aren't many on the market who would significantly upgrade us "

GM Justin

Coach...never change.  Thank you for forgiving me.

Quick question...when you say forward....small or power or hybrid?

Also, we have a coaching spot to fill, if needed.  Do you have any type of preference on filling that role or we just ride it out the rest of the season?

GM Lucas

"Let's just finish what we were supposed to do at last season. now, moving forward, A hybrid is always the standard, but those types don't grow on grapevines. I would like to get someone big who lay down the D. (PAUSES) scratch that, let me rephrase, we aren't long where we need to be, um...(STOPS AND LOOKS AROUND THE ROOM) Sorry, let me try this again. We need a big man who can clog up the hole and pound it in hard...(TAKES DEEP BREATH LOOKING AT YOU) Oh goddang it, you know what I mean right!? Look, get a big man.  As far as coaches go, I buddy of mine was never scooped up. He's a real good defensive mind. his name is Cliffton Allen.

GM Justin

Hey coach -- we had an up and down week.  Let's go ahead and lock in for now and I will reassess things next week.

lock in