

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:22:43 PM

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GM Eli

I don't think you owe anyone an apology. You're doing what you're supposed to do which is finding a solution to a problem you've identified. Besides, you weren't on the record when those comments were made and you were really just expressing what everyone else was thinking.

You've got my trust in handling the coaching side of things, so if you feel like we're better served for the time being spreading the ball around a little more then lets do it and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, we'll search for another solution. You've got this though, Coach. No question in my mind.

GM Lucas

"Thank you boss. We are going to look a bit different but it will be a good different"

GM Eli

I trust you. Do what you need to do and let's go. It's a long season we're not gonna let a little frustration derail us.

Lock In

GM Eli

1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think to much is being made about it?

"I think a little too much is being made out of it to be honest. For something to be tampering I would argue that she would have to mention a specific player, and not simply broadly speak regarding players who are unhappy with their playing time in our league.

Besides, I could argue that eventually there will be players in the IBA who are unhappy with their playing time there and I'm certain that GM's in the WBS will be interested in their services as well. It's part of the business. There are only so many minutes to go around and these guys all want to play."

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?

"I'm happy with it. In all honesty when you look at other sports with long schedules, many fans don't pay attention nightly and some don't even pay close attention until the playoffs. But in sports with shorter seasons, like football, fans get more invested quickly because each game possesses more individual value."

3-How do you view your team to this point?

"I love what we've built here in Vancouver. We've got to find a way to help Derion shoulder the load a little bit more that way he isn't having to go out and put up 41 and 31. But he is a superstar for a reason and the guy the team is built around. That said, I think we are a playoff caliber team with the potential to win a championship if we can come together a bit more and also have the chips fall our way."

4-Address another piece of news

"Maybe I misunderstood the news story regarding Jovanovic and his impressive performance this week as I understood the writer to say that Seattle was victorious over us when, in actuality, we secured an important victory over them even with Maryjan playing at such an impressive level. Congrats to him on the weekly award, though."

GM Lucas

"Did you see the news recently, WBS just fired their entire news staff for the mistake made. I heard Mr. Van Poffo made some calls, those folks over int he U.S are something else. Seems like they feed off of fake news"

GM Eli

I saw that. Wasn't my intention to cost anyone their job. People make mistakes in their typing all the time. Honestly I feel a little bit bad. But alas, can't get hung up on that.

Solid week of play and I was glad to see Derion not on the injury report long term after landing hard in the Bar Harbor game. Obviously winning all of our games this week would have been the best result but i'm still happy with our overall performance.

GM Lucas

"He got the air knocked out of him but health wise he is fine. We are all healthy and boy will we need to be. We have four games this week which i think will set the tempo moving forward. But boss, I think maybe a quick check in with Derion would be helpful, besides myself, no one has really spoken to the young man since his dad passed. He's been a bit distant in the locker room. Maybe it's time  "

GM Eli

Absolutely. You wanna have him come up now? I've got time to talk to him.

GM Lucas

"hey boss, coach says you wanted to see me"

GM Eli

Derion. Good to see you. I just wanted to reach out and express the fact that everyone here in the organization has your back and we want to help pick you up when things are rough like I know they have been. I'd ask that you forgive me for not reaching out sooner as I thought it best to let you have the space to grieve the loss of your father.

My door is always open to you, though. Always. If you need space to get away just for a few minutes and scream, break something, punch the air, or just sit in silence. Whatever. I got you. You've been carrying the weight of this franchise, and the weight of grief, on your shoulders and you don't have to do that on your own. We're here.

GM Lucas

"It was real tough man. Basketball was the only thing that could keep my mind off of the loss but then when I was here all I could think was that my pops couldn't watch me play anymore and it would take me down a spiral. Through it all, the guys have been great, coach has been great, and I just need to get back to winning so my dad can keep cheering from the highest rafters. Thanks boss, that felt good to say. I try not to break down in practice, I know we have a goal and I don't want to do anything to hinder our process because we need to win this chip for pops"

GM Eli

My man just the fact that you are concerned about our process is enough for me to know you're not gonna do anything to jeopardize or hinder it. Our ultimate goal is to win that championship, but even if it doesn't pan out you know your dad was, and is, proud of you right? This city and this organization is too.

GM Lucas

[Derion leans in with an emotional hug]

"Thanks boss, "

GM Eli


No problem at all. Lets have a good week of practice and keep grinding toward that championship.

Lock In

GM Eli


"Before we even get started I need to speak my mind. Whoever went to the extent of formulating this schedule deserves to be fired and publicly shamed. Four games in four successive days hopping back and forth across the entire continent? Who thought this was a good idea. This team had to fly to North Carolina, back to Vancouver, out to Washington D.C. and then back to freaking Vancouver. The fact that this team was functioning at all on the second half of this weeks schedule is a testament to their grit and determination NOT to let the powers that be screw them over.

I mean last week I thought that I'd let things slide when it was reported that we had lost to our direct rival when in actuality we had won. I hadn't wanted for anyone to lose their job over that, but this... this is egregious. And just so you don't think it's me complaining because it's my own squad, let me speak up for the Panama City guys too. Those guys just played five freaking games in seven days. It's insanity and quite frankly it's completely unacceptable. We've played 22 games, I think Panama City has played 23, and we've got teams out here like the D.C. Patriots who happen to be the one team that we lost to this week, that have only played 12???

It's not just unacceptable. It's inexplicable and we deserve better. The fans of this team and others who have been put in the same position as we have deserve better.

Now ask your questions if you've got any."

"So... on another note... have you made a decision on who will be representing Vancouver in the World All Star Game?"

"Yeah. I have. But quite honestly I'm not sure I want to send anyone. My guys need rest after this ridiculous schedule not to be sent somewhere else to play an exhibition game."

"What did you think of Derion's performance against the Smokey Mountain Mist?"

"I thought it was amazing. 55 points 12 rebounds 3 assists, a steal and a block is otherworldly. But then so is 21 points 6 rebounds 3 assists and a steal in 16 minutes against Manhattan. So is 20 points 4 rebounds 1 assist and 2 steals against the Patriots after having to fly from Vancouver to North Carolina to Vancouver to DC in successive days. And so is 33 points 11 rebounds 6 assists a steal and a block... but honestly that's probably unfair to mention as Panama was probably fighting for oxygen as much as we were after the ridiculous scheduling this week.

I don't want to hear about any other team or their players performances. I don't want to hear about players of the week until the world starts giving this team collectively the respect it deserves after everything we've been forced to endure this season.

Someone tell the Commissioner I'll be waiting for the leagues public apology, made by him. Don't bother calling my office. We won't be responding until we feel we have been adequately compensated for this bulls--"


GM Lucas

"These games have been brutal. Just look at the standings. Very lopsided indeed"

GM Eli

It's ridiculous. There's no reason for it other than whoever put it together lacks any brain at all.

But it's fine. We've got one game this week against the Mist on our own court. Hopefully the guys can rest their legs and get ready for the game of the week.

GM Lucas


"Sir, we got the league office on line 1"


"Good afternoon GM Eli, my name is Desmond Page and I am calling from the scheduling department over at WBS headquarters. It has come to all of our attention that there is a measure of dissatisfaction towards how we put together our schedules, specifically the schedule for your Vancouver Freeze. In light of recent developments and speculation as to the inconsistency of our schedule making prior to the season let me go on record in saying that not one team is favored more than the other. In fact, I would say our scheduling, though may not to play out in your favor currently, it is indeed very consistent. In order to make this meeting productive I went along and went back to see if it is in fact true that Vancouver was given, might we say the short end of the stick when it comes to preparing our schedules. This is what we have. You have completed your 22nd game, your teams games are right in the same area of Bar Harbor, Smokey Mountain, Panama City and at the tail end of teams who have played 20 games or more, we have Mexico City. If your complain is not about how many games played but how they are packaged in the weeks, well I pulled some more numbers. In week 4, Vancouver played 2 games while Mexico City played 5. In week 5, Vancouver played 2 games while Panama played 5 games. In week 6, Vancouver played 3 games while both Panama and Bar Harbor played 4 games. In week seven, which was the week in question, Vancouver played 4 games while once again, Panama played 5. So I just wanted to share some weekly packages other teams also share. Now, due to the small number of teams and how spread apart they are, there are no real adjustments that can be made. Now, another issues that was brought to our attention is the fact that some teams have played 20 games or more while others have played 12 and that is a very fair point and one we are working on but let me assure you, as head of the scheduling team we do not sit with paper and pencil and draw out the schedule like some may think. Teams with under 15 games will have their lot of games coming in the same wave that many team with over 20 have had. It's not perfect but it's what we have and let me add if we stay on a short schedule, then it will be slightly more difficult to be equitable in weekly games played moving forward. Now, if I may, to help with transparency on our end, let me pull back the curtain a little for you. The schedule creation is comprised of three main factors, last year's standings, attendance at arenas and ratings. Yes, the program that creates the schedule has to take into account all three. We also had to take into account that we added two new teams in Motor City and one in Mexico. That is another factor that has created the disparity in travel. Now, the program we use is AI generated using all factors and unfortunately distance and how many times a team goes back and forth is not a factor. So there you have it GM Eli. I hope this clears some of your concerns and helps you feel a little bit better that your Vancouver Freeze or any team for that matter is not targeted or favored more than any other team in the league, any further questions"

GM Eli

You just said a lot of words to explain the inexplicable. I don't want to hear how the schedule will "balance out" later on. We are put at a distinct disadvantage when we have to travel back and forth across the country 4 times in 4 days. No amount of explaining will make that make sense.

So thank you for your long winded and needless "explanation" but what I want isn't an explanation. I want an apology. From the Commissioner. Publicly. To our fans. To our players. And to the fans of this league as a whole. Unless you can make that happen, we have nothing more to talk about.

Good day.

GM Lucas

"I wouldn't rock the boat that much. You got Moxy Eli but we've been under fire for a few years, let's not give the Commish any reason to put eyes on us. He would love for Mr.Poffo to have to deal with litigation. They've been trying to get us to sell the team for about 6 years."


"I'm going to tell the press we have officially announced Derion to rep the world all-star. Let's get the focus back on basketball"

GM Eli

Yeah, you're right of course. It's one game and an important one. I can't help but feel frustrated with what the league has put our guys through, especially this past week though. Other GMs are being handed ownership of teams and our guys are out here testing the limits of jet lag because of some dork in an office who probably has never run a lap in his life.

Sorry coach. I'm annoyed at the idea that the league would even think about acting with such lack of an ethical backbone that they might seek retribution for the truth being spoken.

Help me get my mind re-centered on basketball and tell me what you think we can do to exploit our match-ups on the court this week against the Mist.

GM Lucas

"The Mist are young and inexperienced, I say we let all 7 foot plus of Tart, handle the ball which he can,  andreally create a match up nightmare down the court. We unleash Derion and Mccain and let Fuller handle the inside. We'll have Tart going in and out from guard to center while using Evans and Best to run the floor"

GM Eli

Sounds good to me. Let's just focus on that and I'm gonna take a minute to go scream into the void. Good luck this week.

Lock In

GM Eli

1. We 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing.

"Yeah, very happy. We're at the top of the standings in our conference and have really gelled together as a team. I think we're playing our best basketball right now and we're just gonna keep building on this."

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer

"Barring something catastrophic I don't see a situation in which we're doing anything but staying put. I'm very happy with our roster as currently constructed."

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.

"I think it's a free country and if Franchise can afford to own a team, and wants to own a team, then he can own a team. I don't want that responsibility but more power to him."

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.

"Look I'm not gonna go through every single team and name off a player that I think deserves to represent each team. But I think guys like Maryjan in Seattle and Lucas Fonseca in Motor City are deserving."

5. Any other news

"I think Derion said it best, his name hasn't been mentioned nearly enough in the MVP and player of the week conversations. It's fine. You'll all be saying his name by the time the season is over, whether you want to or not.

Sad to hear about some of my friends and peers resigning from their positions, but also happy to see some new blood brought into the league with the kid in Asheville taking over the Smokey Mountain squad. Wish him the best of luck against everyone but us."

GM Lucas

"Derion is so motivated right now I think we are in a good spot. I would like your permission to get Larry Tart more involved"

GM Eli

Yeah, of course Coach. You don't need to ask my permission for stuff like that. I trust your coaching decisions.

GM Lucas

"Thank you for your vote of confidence. We have two big games, We start with Seattle which will help us gauge where this team truley is and we finish with the new look Bar Harbor Storm. I don't want to say must wins, but these are must wins"

GM Eli

Lets go ahead and get those wins then.

Adjustments to be made as Coach sees fit.

Lock In

GM Eli

Was a fun, competitive game with the Grunge and I'm glad we were able assert ourselves and walk away with a win especially after all the nonsense they were talking earlier in the year. Unfortunately it was another week where we weren't able to remain unblemished. But, we'll reset and go forward from here.

I really appreciated Derion taking ownership of the loss and not blaming it on fatigue. No player of his caliber is ever going to make excuses but I'll continue to point to the number of games we've had to play in comparison to half the league. It feels like a pretty uneven playing field in an area that we as an organization have zero control. Just unfortunate, really.

Our eyes are looking forward to the next game and I know we'll be well prepared for this week.

Any other questions?

GM Lucas

"It was good to get that win against Seattle with both teams in mid-season form. I'm not for pointing to one win, but this one win was one I wanted and the guys came through. Very proud of them."

GM Eli

Been proud of this team all season long. Proud of you and your staff too. Obviously theres still a lot of basketball to be played but I think we can start fine tuning for our playoff run.

GM Lucas

"Ageed, we are who we are and I don't feel making any resounding changes will make us that much better, our Moral is at sky high and I think we have everything we need"

GM Eli

Then lets keep it rolling. Good luck this week, Coach.

Lock In

GM Eli

We've played well this season for the most part and outside of the scheduling issues that I've been pretty vocal about, things have been pretty smooth. We find ourselves in this position for a number of reason. First, credit has to be given to the previous GM for the work that was done constructing a good portion of this roster. Second, credit has to go to the players and coaches themselves for going out and executing at the level they are capable of. And third, I'll take a little bit of credit for not screwing up a good thing.

We've got championship aspirations so the remainder of the season for us is all about fine tuning and making sure we stay healthy.

GM Lucas

"Losing that first game to Motor City on our court didn't help in the standings but the way the guys bounced back to beat Motor City at their home was fantastic. Showed real character and it was good to split that week series and send a message."

GM Eli

We've done that all season. We don't string losses together. When we drop a game we turn around and win the next two or three and that's exactly the sort of strength of character and will we're going to need come playoff time.

GM Lucas

"This team is very close. Every player considers their teammates friends and brothers and that is a special thing I have never been part of here"

GM Eli

"How do you think your team has performed and how do you expect them to perform going forward?"

We're doing fine. I expect us to continue to play at a high level and to finish the regular season as the top seed in the West.

"What do you think about Australia Cease Fire saying WBS should potentially either expand for an IBA division close its door once IBA beats them."

Why would I care what an idiot has to say about our league?

"Who would you like to see win the Dunk Contest and the 3 point contest?"

I mean a guy named Dunkatron seems like the guy everyone should be cheering for to win the Dunk contest. And in the three point contest, since we don't have any Vancouver representation in either of these competitions which is a whole other issue in and of itself, I suppose I'll be personally rooting for Storm McCastle as he pissed GM Wayne off earlier this year and anyone who does that is good in my book.

"A few teams don't have games this week, any opinion on the WBS scheduling system?"

I prefer not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble.

GM Lucas

"Let the league continue to pamper DC and Motor City, They will only make winning it all that much sweeter. The guys in the back see it, they are feeling the disrespect of their brother Derion being left off MVP talks or that we are one of the best teams and they are playing with a chip on their shoulder"

GM Eli

People can doubt us and disrespect us all they want. We'll handle our business and shut them up when the time comes. Lets take care of business this week with both our games on the road and keep our focus where it needs to be.

GM Lucas

"Let's get this week under wraps, get our break and come back refreshed, strong and ready to win a title"

GM Eli

What do you have to say about the WBS stunning loss to the IBA in the world all-star game?

"I don't put a lot of stock in it. It was an exciting game but you're not going to get the kind of performance from a team thrown together with a coach most of them aren't familiar with. I do think we have to admit that the IBA is competition for us but I've never been one to focus too much on what everyone else is doing, rather choosing to focus on the guys we have in our building.

Congratulations to the IBA, though. They earned a victory in an exhibition match."

What do you think about Coach long from Bar Harbor electing to start Chadwick over Either Babayaga or Walls and Coach Wallace choosing to start fender over Jared Anderson or Walls?

"I'm not going to second guess the coaching decisions over an exhibition match that is essentially meaningless. In the end it doesn't really matter."

What do you think this means for WBS moving forward, what ripple effects do you think it may have moving forward if any?

"I think maybe it gives a small recruiting advantage to the IBA, and maybe could effect which draft a player wants to go into. But otherwise I think the effect outcome is minimal."

What would you like to see change now that we have experienced this type of all star game?

"I would prefer it to just be the skills competitions and not mess with the game at all. Too much risk of injury to guys who mean a lot to their teams."

With two weeks left are you making any tweaks?

"No. We are who we are."

GM Lucas

"The team is ready to go. We are focused and moral is high. Let's lock these playoffs up"

GM Lucas


Who do you credit for this dominant run your team put together all season?

You had a chance to knock Seattle out the playoff int he last game and they managed to get a win and now lead the series 1-0. Are you now worried about back to back losses to a team you owned all season?

How do you feel about your chances against Seattle going forward?

GM Lucas

"We are on the verge of another title. The unbalanced schedules, the media jabs, the constant disrespect, Derion's loss mis season and how this team rallied behind him. All of it comes down this. ONE MORE DANCE! Time to prove that we once again are the best there is, the best there was and the best there will ever be!"