

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:21:02 PM

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GM Wayne

1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

Had a lot going on in my life lately and had been having trouble getting to sleep. Thanks to the IBA for a natural remedy for insomnia. I appreciate it.

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

Morgan is allowed to express himself as he owns the team, but my faith continues to be staunchly in the corner of Coach Grimes. Tim's a great player. But so is Forrest and you've just got to trust the coach has a reason to his madness.

GM Lucas

"Thanks for the support, Mr Morgan and Myself already had a conference. I'll be better. We shouldn't have lost those games but in those loses we found some truths. When things work, you are a genius, when they don't, you don't know what you are doing"

GM Wayne

That's all I ask. If we fall short or we fuck up we learn from the mistake and get better. You're doing exactly what I expect out of you.

So going forward how are we going to course correct?

GM Lucas

"I'm gonna lock in the best five we have and give them bulk minutes. Put the ball in the best players hands and let them be the best players"

GM Wayne

That sounds good to me. Just keep working with the guys, building that chemistry in practice. We'll get where we want to be. I have faith.

GM Lucas

"Thanks boss, I know we will right the ship, we are just to good. I tell my son Carl all the time, coaching wins games but talent wins championships"

GM Wayne

1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think to much is being made about it?

Yeah it probably is and that's just kind of the nature of things. Little brother is always gonna be hanging off big bros coattails, picking up the scraps. It's just how it is.

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?

It'll have a ripple effect more than people are thinking. Less games will mean increased prices. It will mean it's harder to get a ticket because there's just 50% less tickets available. I think it just makes things more difficult for the fans in general but those are problems for the marketing and ticket sales people, not for my side of the operation.

3-How do you view your team to this point?

We're figuring out our best rotation. We had a good week this week after Coach Grimes made an adjustment to our lineup. I have no doubt regarding the talent on our squad, it's just a matter of figuring out how the puzzle pieces all fit together.

4-Address another piece of news

Welcome back to Justin. I hope his return to Oakland results in as many league championships as it did in the HIFL.

GM Wayne

Good talk everyone. We'll see you next week.

Lock In

GM Wayne

1.So who are you looking to choose for World All Star game

I'll talk to Coach Grimes but I think the clear choice is Kasey Babayaga.

2.Any other news

I saw the news about this supposed interaction between Mr. Dean and Coach Gri

GM Wayne

Excuse me, feed seemed to cut off their for a second. As I was saying I saw the news about the interaction between Coach Grimes and Mr. Dean but as I wasn't present for it, I don't feel comfortable commenting on any details. That said, Mr. Dean has his approach to business and Coach Grimes is a grown ass man. If they had a "heated" discussion then it is what it is. They both want to win. They're both passionate about the game. It doesn't need to be made out to be anything more than that.

GM Lucas

"Well, Well' Well. Daddy. Is. Home. Mr. Grimes needed a break to reflect. So. Here I am. Ready to do the job. You the boss now. I'm going to go right ahead and assume,...SINCE!. YOU. GAVE. GRIMES. carte blanche to run the team that you will allow me, THE SAME PRIVELAGE. So, enjoy this part right here, I don't make it a habit to call anyone boss, but, you have shown me some huspa...some, COJONES!!!. So, TELL ME BOSSMAN, Are WE READY TO KICK SOME ASS! because i'm ready to go out there and coach"

GM Wayne

Appreciate your passion but, respectfully, what the fuck do you know about coaching? Christ sake, I gave Coach Grimes carte blanche because he knows what the hell he's doing, he has the locker rooms trust and respect, and a willingness to be flexible to run a style of play that the guys were more comfortable with.

Take it from someone who lets his passion get the best of him sometimes. You gotta let the guys who know what the fuck they're doing have the freedom to do their jobs and work through the challenges in front of them.

GM Lucas

"I hear what you are saying. I. DO!, from the bottom of my heart, with SUGAR. ON. TOP!. BUT!. iF.I.MAY... let me straighten this you for you. First of ALL!. I was a D3 athlete IN.MY.DAY. I'm talking about, I was the Shooting guard for the McMurry Texas War Hawks, So I do know about basketball. YES SIR, Secondly, COACH GRIMES. NEEDED THE TIME. That's right. Understand something WAYNE!. Coach Grimes, well I picked him from a high school team because he knows how to coach, BUT! He's adjusting. SO! WE. WILL. GIVE. HIM the time he needs, which in my estimation should be no more than two weeks. In all honesty, I hope he comes back sooner because I bought this team so I wouldn't have to work. So, I SAY! We be more productive and look at the immediate future. AS GM, you get to do one job, GM the hell out of the team and this league. AS OWNER, well I get to do any job I deem necessary for the success of my team. Now, I want to win, I wouldn't do this if I didn't we couldn't. SO I got an itch I need to scratch so what do you say, CAN WE WIN SOME GAMES!"

GM Wayne

1. We 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing.

I think we're figuring things out in spite of the chaos in the organization right now. I wouldn't say I'm happy with where we're at in the standings but we've got the talent to get where we want to be.

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer.

I don't know really. I'm not actively seeking a trade but if Coach Grimes comes back and tells me there's a guy out there he wants, or if Morgan wants me to go out and make a deal for a guy he likes then it's his team and I'll do as he wishes. But I think we've got a good mix already in the building.

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.

I think handing GM Franchise ownership of anything is a horrible decision that Bar Harbor will regret in the long term when they're slammed with sexual harassment lawsuits from all the women in the building.

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.

I'd be a lot happier if they just kept anyone from the Smoky Mountain Mist off of the roster for the World All Star Game to be honest.

5. Any other news

Look I'm  happy we won two games, but I think the fans chanting for our owner to also be our coach is a little bit disrespectful to Coach Grimes. If we lose this week are they going to turn around and start chanting for Coach Grimes? How about just show a little loyalty and not be so fickle.

GM Lucas


"So, what did you think. not too shabby if I say so myself. And I do say so myself. Now word from the staff is that coach Grimes is on the mend about coming back this week and may need a bit more time. We got two games. One against that pathetic excuse for an organization Oakland and the other against the Seattle Maryjan's. Now, I can stay on board for another week until coach get's his head out his....excuse me. Let me try that again a bit more professional. Until coach gets his head together. SO, Now it's on you WAYNE!. I can stay or we can ask coach to give it the good ole college try and see what happens"

GM Wayne

It's your team, Morgan. I just am not a fan of disloyalty on the fans part. But ultimately that decision is yours, not mine.

GM Lucas

"At the end of the day, it is my team. But I made you the boss man so I can focus on other things. I thought I would have fired you by now if someone had asked me at the start. BUT, GODDAM. DIGGITY DOG. You grew on me WAYNE!. I'll stick around, Hell, I'll even address the fans being a bunch of BITCHES!. At the end of the DAY, You are the guy I TRUST! so I got YOUR BACK. Let's wrap this up. Let's win some games. I'll see where coach Grimes head is next week. Honestly, I'm having fun on the sideline."

GM Wayne

We need to start stringing together some wins if we really want to be a threat to the league. I expect us to do that this week regardless of who is coaching. That decision will be up to Morgan, whether he wants to be hands on or if he wants to let Coach Grimes return. Not my call so we'll see who is waiting for me in my office when I head back there in just a moment.

End of the day, the guys gotta go out and execute no matter who is courtside.

Any questions?

GM Lucas

"Time to make an executive decision WAYNE!. This is why I hired you. Do I stay on the sideline and let My buddy and pal get a reset until the off season or do you want him back to guide and lead. He's ready to come back but he's waiting on the call. I'D SAY. WE. HAVE. A. DECISION.TO.MAKE. "

GM Wayne

Yeah. I want the coach of this basketball team back but not if it means you're going to throw all this into chaos again at the first sign of trouble. So it seems like you have a decision to make before I can make any kind of call because if you're not capable of sitting on the sideline and letting the people you pay to do their jobs do their jobs, then there's no point in bringing him back this season or at any point in the future.

GM Lucas

"You make my balls itch, in a good way. ok, this is what we will do, if you want the coach back who am I to get in the way of that. I'll do my part and take a back seat. He'll be back on the sideline for this week. Send in what ever it is you need to and he'll get it"

GM Wayne

Good. Thank you for understanding.

GM Lucas

"I got some catching up to do, but I'm good to go now. Had some self-reflecting to do, needed to get my head right. Thanks for having my back. Most guys would have taken the wins as a sign to move on but you stuck with me. I'm going to do my best to make sure I don't make you regret it."

GM Wayne

Wins come with patience and loyalty, not changing shit up after hitting a few bumps in the road. So lets go out and prove we can get beyond the bumps in the road.

I trust you, coach.

Lock In