

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:21:02 PM

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Team Information
City: Houston, Texas
Conference:  West
Team Owner:  Morgan Dean
Team Secretary: Morgan Dean

Team History:
S1: Houston Snipers 40-41 (4th)
S2: Houston Snipers 49-32 (4th)
S3: Houston Snipers 50-31 (3rd)
S4: Houston Snipers 44-37 (3rd)
S5: Houston Snipers 50-31 (2nd)
S6: Houston Snipers 41-40 (3rd)
S7: Houston Snipers 42-39 (3rd)
S8: Houston Snipers 52-29 (1st)*
S9: Houston Snipers 57-24 (2nd)
S10: Houston Snipers 56-25 (2nd)
S11 Texas Saviors 52-29 (2nd)*

Playoff Appearances:
2016 Championship
2019 Champions
2020 1st Round
2021 1st Round


"This is PP Pants city here now. What was once is no more because that just wasn't cool, not cool at all. There's a new order to things and for now on, I'm in charge. No Secretaries, no middle persons, just me. You will be dealing with me and only me, the way it should be. You want this job, then you NEED to know! I am your leader and you are the leader to this team, see how that works. Now.....who wants Spaghetti?" - Morgan Dean

GM Lucas

"So, tell me why the hell you think you can run this team better than I can....it's rhetorical son, you can't. Truth is the only reason you are here is because this league...DOES. NOT.LIKE.A.BAD.ASS. thus why I brought you in. I hope you are wearing your shitting pants because I want none of it. You gonna have to keep that tucked away. So look, I'm gonna just give you the run down. Welcome to A! brand new Beginning. I spend money, so make sure you use it wisely to build around our boy, the goddamn best player in the league, Ol' Babayaga himself. And one thing and I'll tell you now, later and 10 more times in-between. you make sure you build this team to win and beat the living piss out of Smokey Mountain"

GM Wayne

Don't worry about those bucktooth, braindead, inbred cunts over at Smokey Mountain, sir. I'll handle them.

And I don't see it as running it better than you. I see it as building on the foundation you laid.

GM Lucas

"Hot diggety dog, you are magnificent!, coming in here, lips already puckered out. Listen up buttercup. I like what you are saying, I like how you are saying it but as much as Smokey Mountain chaps my ass cheeks, I don't need it kissed, remember that. Now, Where were we? Oh, YES! We're here to take out shithead and the dickless brigade over them hillbilly mountains and show them boys that EVERYTHING!, and I mean ev-very-thing is truley bigger in Texas. So let's get our moonshine stepping shoes ready because it's time to let this league know that we are ready to make some inbred cornbred."

GM Wayne

I'm not sure what all of that means but it sounds great so lets fucking go!

GM Lucas

"You'll find out, soon, enough, So, here ya go. A gift from yours Truley, your team sheet. Now, how about some gratitude. hear me out, you can cut people from this team including staff without penalty, but I advise you, hell damn near reject the idea of getting rid of our star and one of the league's best players, the BOOGEYMAN himself!....Kasey Babayaga. He has a sweet deal, and we need to build around him. Ausler was the defensive player of the year and Ohanlon is one hell of a player, as hard nose as they come. Also, listen up. I took the liberty of hiring all of our coaches. Each one specializes in a certain as of the game, you want to know what they are, you talk to them personally. this is an extremely balanced as a staff IF. I.SAY.SO.MYSELF!. I wouldn't advise releasing them, but I leave that up to you. "

GM Wayne

No reason to release quality coaches. We'll stick with what we've got there.

Since you put this team together, are any of our impending free agents worth protecting or nah?

GM Lucas

"Im glad you asked, so, I'm going to play nice this one time, everyone deserves a little push in the right direction, SO!, here it is, a goddamn shove, DO NOT!! and I.MEAN.DO.NOT! Let Johnny Walls walk away. Do you comprende JACK!"

GM Wayne

Yeah I hear you but I had to be put on a certain watch list after the fucking St. Paul Lynx lucked their stupid asses into an Impact Bowl berth. No excuses, though, we'll get him back in free agency.

GM Lucas


"I hear you, but none of that IS. MY. BUISSNESS. As far as trying to get Walls back, well you can thank me for smoothing it over. He will wait for you in free agency, you spend what you need to, to get him back. You have one last chance. So, in my kindest of words.....DON'T FUCK.THIS UP!. Or..... my friend, you will certainly, most definitely be in my shit house. Now, get it together my friend, we got some money to spend"

GM Wayne

You just said my favorite words.

GM Lucas

"Wayne, Wayne...Go Away, please come back another day.......WHAT. IN. THE. ALAMO. JUST. HAPPENED. MAN! GOD..DIGGITY DOG....WHAT A SHIT SHOW! Me and Lucille are not happy and when she isn't happy, she gets thirty. You...My friend...had one job. NOW, YOU...WAYNE....You got some making up to do buddy!. I'm talking flowers, dinner, maybe a goddam reach around if I'm feeling Randy. Shit, this sucks.....Get to it and make shit happen the next two days........"

GM Wayne

First of all don't ever talk to me like that again. You want to be passionate that's fine but you're not going to disrespect me for not paying the 2nd best player on this team nearly 40 percent of our total budget.

If you've got a problem with that, find a new GM.

GM Lucas

"Well, Well,Well....I was looking for some guts and you showed me your balls. Good for you. Finally, some spark! It only took my shit storm to crank up that damn furnace of yours. Good! Now we are cooking with gas. So, Mr. Wayne. There's a ton of talent out there. As long as we got the Russian boogeyman himself, Babayaga,  WE.ALWAYS.HAVE.A.CHANCE. So, let's go spend some money and surround him with talent. Can we do that. Please, pretty please."

GM Wayne

I think you know the answer to that question now, eh?

GM Lucas

"I. MUST. SAY, after letting Walls put on a new jersey, I was sitting back, stroking Lucille, thinking. THIS.IS.UGLY. Not like inbred dog ugly but like a 27 car pile up on Christmas eve ugly. Like, pineapple on Pizza Ugly, Like room temperature beer, just nasty. Then you put on your man pants and told me to chill the fuck out and went out and did some sexy moves and goddamit. GOT.ME.EXCITED. I'm not sure many could have pulled off what you just pulled off, and I won't lie. I think my wholesome little pep talks might have did the trick, either way.....I like what I am seeing WAYNE. You not only spent my money, but spent it smart and brought me back..SOME. CHANGE!"

GM Wayne

Alright stop sucking my dick I know I'm good. We've got work to do though so I need to talk to the coaches.

I'm thinking Forrest Greenleaf and Julian Perez Cruz for our summer league guys, but then I'm having trouble selecting a third for pre season focus. Would it do Baba any favors to be that third player?

GM Lucas

"Son, we are friendly, but not that friendly. You want respect, then you give that shit too, dig COMPADRE. Now, let's move on before the wheels falls off this ass patting parade bus. Babayaga, IS already one OF.THE. BEST. PLAYERS. Haven't you been listening tSON!. If you want to piss him off, tell him he needs to be better. Let's focus on someone who can help Baba now, My Third man would be Ohanlon, the kid was awesome last year as a rookie. Giving him extra reps could solidify that man as one of the best defenders who can score in the league"

GM Wayne

Good deal on Ohanlon. That's who we'll send.

So then I was thinking a focus for Cruz and Greenleaf looking like this for summer league.

Forrest Greenleaf - Stamina and Endurance
Julian Perez Cruz - IQ

Those are just my best guesses for addressing their areas of weakness since we know Forrest needs to put on some size and Cruz can lose focus in games at times. If the coaching staff would go a different direction than that, though, I'm good with it.

GM Lucas

"As much as I love our teatime, I think, MAYBE it's time, to you start speaking Coach Grimes and his staff. He'll have more insight"

GM Wayne

Sure, that's kinda who I was hoping to discuss this with but then you hung around so I figured all information was just being funneled through you. But, if the coaches are available to have these discussions then I'll talk to them.

GM Lucas

"Morgan tells me you wanted to speak to me"

GM Wayne

Yeah, man. Nice to meet you and all that.

So we were discussing what our rookie PG and SF should focus on developing during Summer League. I had thought Greenleaf with Stamina and Endurance, specifically trying to encourage him to put on some muscle.

And then Cruz it seemed like IQ was the right choice to maybe help him not lose focus in games. But I'm open to your suggestions as I was just kinda guessing.

GM Lucas

"Pretty on point, except we are only in camp about two weeks. Not sure how Greenleaf is gonna put on any real muscle and weight in that time. That's going to have to come throughout the season as he hits the weights and does some cardio. I like where you are going Carl, I mean Wayne, I like where you are going Wayne with Perez but for Greenleaf I would work on his jump shot or some techniques to better his discipline"

GM Wayne

Lets do that then. We'll go:

Forrest Greenleaf - Jump Shot
Julian Perez Cruz - IQ

For summer league.

GM Lucas

"Sounds like a plan then."

GM Lucas

"Reports are in, Greenleaf looked good. Perez showed some improvement but he's still a long way to figuring out. I have hope we are just going to have to stay diligent. So, we are going into preseason. Who's handling that? Me or you. And if I'm going it, let me know what three ballers I'm going to have to pay particular attention too"

GM Wayne

We'll keep working with Julian. We can be patient with him, no big deal there. Anyway, here's the next step for camp. I'd like for you to set the minutes.

Starting Five - Coach To Distribute Minutes
PG - Forrest Greenleaf
SG - Kasey Gobochov Babayaga
SF - Al Fuller
PF - Dwuayne Faulkner
C - Steve Ausler
------(If you are choosing your teams minutes, the bench will be organized by minutes)
B - PG Tim Stoneking
B - PF John Ohanlon
B - SF Julian Perez Cruz
B - C Gee Hawkins
B - SF Alan Jackson
B - PF Kareem McKay
B - SG Lydell Kenna
------ (This will be the guys who do not play)

Captain: Kasey Gobochov Babayaga

Preseason Training
1. Forrest Greenleaf - Outside Shooting
2. Julian Perez Cruz - IQ
3. Dwuayne Faulkner - Coaches Decision

Choosing in game strategy:

Perimeter Focus. (Leave up to Coach)

Defensive Strategies: (Leave up to coach)

Lock In

GM Lucas

"Well two pre-season losses will really help us decide our starting lineup. Let me say, the first game was a mess. Mexico is a real good defensive team, and they frustrated us all game. everyone was in foul trouble. Guys are hungry, they have a lot to prove, and you can see it in their frustration. Faulkner looked a bit lost, maybe it was new team jitters but Cruz was solid, that young man is going to do well. Greenleaf was interesting. The first game he put up 13 assist and not one point. The second game he put up 11 assist and 6 points but fouled out, he kept over committing on defense. We are going to have to make decision between Stoneking and Greenleaf to start. I wouldn't worry to much about Faulkner but definitely keep an eye on that. Overall, a lot of our rookies showed us what we needed but if we are putting any weight on these games then we needed more from our veterans."

GM Wayne

I think we let Forrest start at PG. I'd rather have the veteran presence of Tim coming off the bench leading our second unit.

GM Lucas

"Sounds like a plan. If the moment seems too much for Greenleaf we always have Stoneking to step in while Greenleaf gains more experience. If that's all you need to do, just name a captain and we'll be ready to move forward."

GM Wayne

We'll make Babayaga our captain.

If that's all you need from you can consider this my lock in.

GM Wayne

Ladies and Gentlemen let me apologize for my absence during last weeks media time. I'm not someone who avoids answering questions when things aren't going our way. However, because of the nature of the events of this week, I'll not be addressing any other news around the league because quite frankly I don't give a shit about the rest of the news around the league.

Regarding the events between the Mexico City team and ours, I am a huge proponent of the idea of that if you don't want us to run the score up on you, then stop us.

But at the same time I am also a proponent of stopping us cleanly. What Mr. McCastle did was not clean. It was a cheap shot, and a dangerous one at that that could have left us without our star player for an extended period of time. Thankfully it did not come to that. But you cannot fault John Ohanlon for responding in defense of his teammate in the way he did.

The fact that Storm McCastle was not suspended immediately for his actions is an insult to the integrity of the game. We had to play our second game against Mexico City without our star while there were zero reprecussions for the Mexico City team. This is simply unacceptable and the Commissioner can take his stern warning and shove it up his a--

An assistant quickly steps to the podium and covers the microphone before Wayne can finish his statement. He whispers something into the General Managers ear and then takes a step back.

... I think you get the picture. So consider this the Texas Savior's official notice to the league that we protest the result of the second game against Mexico City. We will continue to protest against the continuation of this season until Storm McCastle is held accountable for his actions. And we will adamantly appeal any suspension of John Ohanlon or any other player on our roster until the league has done their job in a manner I feel is adequate.

GM Lucas

"WHAT.DID.I.TELL.YOU. The league wants to make us the bad guys, well GODDAMIT, I will. Not. STAND. FOR IT!. I will cover all fines that Ohanlon may occur. You stand firm in your protest. I.GOT.YOUR. BACK. I can't say I'm surprised, I think there are some twisting arms still feeling a certain way because of the controversy this team came with when they were Houston Snipers. LET. ME.TELL.YOU. if I ever find out that this league is still punishing this team for actions of the past, ALL.HELL.WILL.BREAK.LOSE!"

GM Wayne

Break it loose anyway because this is some bullshit. Make sure these fuckers at the league office have this McCastle cunt miss at least as many games as Babayaga is going to miss, and then some.

And do your best to make sure the porn whore and her franchise eat the sort of fines that make them think twice about commenting on my commitment when I'm away for personal reasons. That's all I ask.

GM Lucas

"Well.God.Damn, let's light the torches to these Motherfuckers"

GM Wayne

Yes. And while we're doing that I need to speak to Coach Grimes. So, if you'd excuse me.

GM Lucas

"I heard, you wanted to speak to me boss man"

GM Wayne

Just wanted to pick your brain real quick to see where the team is at from a morale standpoint. Getting off to a slow start and then all the nonsense from last week can work in a lot of different ways on a team that's trying to gel together.

GM Lucas

"They are pissed. They are fired up. What McCastle did to Kasey was uncalled for but I will take the blame for having him out there in a blowout. That was on me, won't happen again. Regardless, the team is waiting for the punishment for Ohanlon. Right now, I'm thinking you speak to either Kasey, Ohanlon or both"

GM Wayne

Good. They fucking better be pissed. I'm pissed. But lets get them both up here and then we'll get ready for the week.

Wayne waits for the two to arrive, through whatever process of notifying they need to come to his office since he doesn't have a secretary to handle this shit. Once they're there, obviously the conversation continues.

John, great fucking job defending the squad, and in particular Kasey, after that bullshit McCastle pulled. Far as I'm concerned you're good in my book and if the league tries to suspend you we're going to instantly appeal it and take that as far as we possibly need to. If there is anything I can do to keep you on the court, believe me I'm going to do it. But I love that toughness and grit out of you. Fuck those guys.

Kasey, proud of you for not giving a fuck about running up the score. If they had an issue with it, they should have done something to stop you within the rules. And just like I'm going to do everything I can to keep John out of a suspension, I'm going to do everything I can to ensure McCastle misses at least as many games as you end up missing as a result of his dirty, dangerous play if not more.

The season hasn't started off the way we wanted it too. These things happen. But this shit right here... I love what I've seen out of you both, and out of the rest of the guys too.

GM Lucas

"Thanks boss, yeah man, fuck those guys. Listen, Kasey is my brotha. When iIwas drafted here, he was the first one to take me under his wing. I came here a defensive player but he really helped me elevate my game. You don't get that from guys of his stature"

"Come on, John, you know, eh, got your back"

" Nah for real men. You had my back since day one so I always got you six. Ain't no one gonna step ont hat court and try to go at anyone on our team without having to pay the price. I'm here play basketball but if I have to, I will protect my team always"

" Hey boss, Ve are a tight unit, yes. We vill always play eh, hard. Ve vant to vin, yes. I am a little sore, but eh, I vill be fine. I do not worry about us. Eh, coach needs to, eh, let, guyz, eh, play dare game, coach very, eh, straight forvard. Need more eh, how ou say, eh...creativity"

"I think what my boy Kasey is trying to say is that, coach is cool. He's smart and he's fired up. He's right there with. Hell i thought he was gonna start throwing down also, but, coach is very straight forward guy. If you play Forward then that's where you play and you have to play like a forward, what ever that means. He doesn't allow guys to play out of position and doesn't mix and match or get creative. Like, Kasey can play every position, but he keeps him in one. Now the rookie Greenleaf is solid, but he lacks experience so in big moments, Kasey should have the ball, or Stoneking, but everyone has to stick to their assigned role. in my opinion and from what i think Kasey is trying to say, that's the thing holding us back. Coach comes from a high school setting, you know"

" Yes, John, eh, said exact vords. "

GM Wayne

Sure, I get that. Maybe there is room for a bit of both. I'll have a conversation with him about allowing you all the freedom to be a little more fluid and creative, but if it's not working you all need to be willing to buy into the system he's more comfortable with as well. That street has to go both ways.

GM Lucas

" What you bring up is fair, and I think we all just want to have some freedom out there and see what happens.


GM Wayne

I'll have a conversation with him then. Thanks guys.

Wayne daps up the players on their way out and then does whatever he needs to do to get Coach Grimes back.

Hey Coach, so both John and Kasey let me know they'd like to be allowed to play a little more fluid on the court. Both appreciated you having their backs and support you but felt like, from a performance standpoint, if they could have a little more freedom it would benefit them.

I think this is a good idea, but also told them if it didn't work they needed to be willing to fully buy into your way of doing things as well. I believe we can find balance somewhere here, don't you?

GM Lucas

" I wish they would have came and talked to me, I am always open for suggestions, but I have to also be firm, or guys will turn this into a street ball competition. I knew there was some frustration growing but I had no idea it was due to game management or planning. Of course we can change the plan. Things happens and we need to be able to switch it up when the plan goes south. Whatever plan we go with...we need to stick to it. I have no issues going back to the drawing board but if it's not working mid game I'm not going to keep switching it up each quarter. So yeah, I can do this. So let me go sit with the coaches and work out a new game plan before the game."

GM Wayne

2023 Season

1) Your thoughts on the punishments handed down for those who were part of the brawl between Texas and Mexico?

I think the fact that John Ohanlon is being suspended for protecting his teammate is ridiculous. I think the fact that he's being suspended an equal amount of games as the man who instigated this whole affair is downright criminal on the part of the Commissioner.

We'll be appealing Ohanlon's suspension and will fight it to the farthest degree we have available to us.

2) What do you think about the announcement of a World championship All Star game?

I don't care about a World Championship All Star game when my team is being unfairly persecuted.

3) Mention any other news if you like?

Until the league resolves my issue in a way that I feel is appropriate, I will not be having any conversation about any other news story. The focus will continue to be upon the blatant attempt by Storm McCastle to injure our player, and the unwarranted suspension of John Ohanlon who simply was doing the thing the league clearly has zero interest in doing which is holding said player, and said team, accountable for their actions.

I will add, though, that I am proud of our guys and our coaching staff. Coach Gri

GM Lucas

"Talk about bullshit, IN.A.HAND.BASKET. I am already on the line with Player union rep Karcher. Now, he tells me due to the fact he represents all players he could only help deliver the appeal, BUT! my man Kirk Grunge, president of the owner's association understands that this is not only a player safety issue but it's a goddam money issue. Where you want to go with this Wayne, how far. I GOT YOU BACK?'

GM Wayne

As far as we fucking need to. Burn the whole damn league to the ground if necessary.

GM Lucas