

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 08:31:23 PM

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GM Pancho

Having that discussion as they had been walking from press conference room towards Coach Tibbetts office near the locker room, Coach Tibbetts sends out an alert to meet in the large meeting room immediately.  As all the players gather, including new arrivals, Coach Tibbetts gets everyone in order and presents the floor to GM Pancho

"Thanks Coach Tibbetts.  Guys, this is it.  We are going into week 12 and every game from here on out is must win.  We are in lose or go home time.  Cause despite the amazing talent in this room right now - we are what our record is.  This is a 4-6 below average ass team. I can see the headlines now - end of an empire?  Am i getting fired ... nah traded! New blood needed in Alabama? And frankly I'm getting off easy.

They always make it worse on the players.  Ortega - they'll question your will.  Coach Tibbs! They'll question your competence. Dekker? Your heart? Juan Pablo? Tu sangre. Surtain?  Your skills. Clyde's gone. And Bruce? Well shit it's gonna be hard questioning anything about you.  But your name will still be linked to those same headlines and more.

But remember we chose to be in this position.  I don't believe in "well it's not our year."  Because if the decisions we made got us here - then we can make better ones and get out of this situation.  There is no bad luck! Its just the consequences of our actions smacking us in the face.  Yeah we earned those smacks!  But we were just learning.  That's why there's an earn in learn.  Now we've got the lessons.  We can make better decisions.  We can take another path. It's that simple.  Make the decision guys. Choose to be better.  Cause it was always up to you.  Thanks for your time guys."


Coach here's the final depth chart adjustment

Depth Chart

Jean Bethea to DE2 - Glenn Everson to be primary DE backup.
Elliot Wellman to primary backup G

Lock In

GM Pancho

GM Pancho makes his way through the hallways getting congratulations from some of the staff members as he makes his way towards the press conference room.  Rosa flags GM Pancho down showing him some of the quick headlines including a rumor that he was almost traded back to Long Beach.  GM Pancho thanks her and enters the press conference room.


Thank you members of the media.  I'll just give a quick statement of the top - I won't be discussing rumor, innuendo or hypotheticals.  Whether or not I am, will be or almost was traded is not where my focus lies.  And I don't want this organization focusing on that either.  We've got much bigger things to deal with.

Now let's talk about that Music City game.

You've often referred to the 4th quarter as 'winning time' - what can you tell us about your teams 4th quarter performance in this game and how important is it that they continue to perform

  That 4th quarter was truly something.  Tied in a game with Music City we went on a 20-0 run to separate ourselves. The defense dominated and our offense capitalized on opportunities.  That 4th quarter sets the tone for the way the rest of our season should go.  Because rest assured - we're in winning time the rest of this season.  It's win or go home for this team from here on out.

You highlight your defense but is there still any concern with only putting up 268 yards against Music City or your 2.7 yards per carry?

We didn't play perfect but I view the low yardage due to the performance of this defense and giving us great field position.  Let's not forget PS2 taking one to the house.  But we don't use the scoreboard to measure yards - we want points.  And while I'd love to convert those 4 FG's into TD's ... I'm also happy Holbrook delivered - cause we're going to need his leg to win us some games.  As for the yards per carry - Crenshaw sprained his foot and Gault gave us everything he had with his 19 carries.  Biggest workload for him so far.

Alabama is usually very active at the trade deadline - that wasn't the case this season.  Was it frustrating not making a splashy deal?

No.  It's not about winning headlines - it's just about winning games.  If it was up to me I wouldn't have traded Clyde - but I made a promise and the man called his chit in. Trading him to a divisional opponent wasn't ideal either - but they made the best offer and I had to do what was in the best interest of the team - not what was in the best interest for me.

Any nostalgic feelings with Long Beach coming to town?

Absolutely.  I'm nostalgic for another Nighthawks victory.  This one's already gotten to be old hat.

Any further questions?


Well, from one season saving win to the next... here we go.

GM Pancho

And it's going to be like the rest of the way.  No reason to mess around.  Back to the grind.

Lock In

GM Pancho

GM Pancho as the GM Rep do you have any comment regarding the Team 32 rumored expansion - or care to comment on the possible changing dynamics of the PFL?

  Team 32 is way above my pay grade.  Those decisions are made at the league office and amongst the owners. I only represent my fellow GM's when we get brought to the table.  Now as far the PFL - well first, Mr. Profits is a shrewd negotiator - we know that first hand in the HiFL.  And actually I can sympathize with his current dilemma.  When you're in a position of power and have a direction you want things to proceed with - anything that changes that can be an annoyance.  For me it was fellow HiFL GM's wanting to settle vendettas with the PFL and it took a lot of work to get everyone to the table.  Mr. Profits is realizing that with his owners it seems.  But as a wise man once said - not my circus so not my monkeys. So with that being said I'd like to talk about Alabama football at this point.

Another close victory for the Nighthawks - does it worry you that your team didn't play well in the first half?

Facts on both counts but right now I'm not in a position to complain about the quality of wins.  We need some quantity up in this mofo.  But I also think it shows the determination this team has that they fought back from 21-6 and to go on a 25-7 run to close out the rest of the game. For the questions we got last week about our yardage or our yards per carry those were all answered this week.  I'll be looking forward to next week and saying the same thing about our first half woes this week with another win.

On the road to Atlanta - a city you guys have history with.  How do you think you matchup with the Underground?

I remember the Atlanta fans well.  There's not an Undeground fan that wouldn't revel in tanking our playoff opportunity and I wouldn't blame them.  But much like when Alabama used to come to Atlanta - we took whatever we wanted and we want ... nah NEED that W.

Any further questions?


GM Pancho

Back on the grind. Atlanta will be hostile.

Lock In

GM Pancho

You know that win feels like payback from Season 15. At least that's how I am marking it in my memory.

Miami sits a half game in front and Cancun sits a full game ahead of you. How does that feel while you've been on a 3 game win streak.

like the jobs not finished yet. Does it feel good not being in last place of this division? Absolutely. But 3rd ain't gonna cut it. The good thing is we still have a game on Miami that we ourselves can take care of. But with Cancun we're depending on the kindness of strangers.

For me I won't be feeling good till we can control our own destiny. For now it's back to the grind. We're not dead yet.

A lot of news coming out of the PFL - care to comment?

Only to find out details of their tv rights deal. I'm curious what I can learn and apply to the HiFL - if anything.

You're on a three game winning streak can you keep it going against a division leading Myrtle Beach team?

They've got a tenacious team in Myrtle Beach and GM Gooch has whooped on many Nighthawks teams. But that was then and this is now. Despite their division lead they're .500 on the road and they still allow more pts as a team then they score. That's something we can capitalize with our stellar defense.

Any further questions?



There might be a day where the Nighthawks aren't the cream of the crop in the Gulf Coast Division, but not today...  not today.

GM Pancho

A day may come when the courage of the Nighthawks fails, when we forsake our teammates and break all bonds of brotherhood, BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY COACH!

Back to the grind!

Lock In




GM Pancho

  This was a great victory. We now find ourselves on a 4 game winning streak.  I would love to stop and smell the roses.  The way this team and this staff have rallied from where we were in the beginning of the season is commendable.  But we still don't have the luxury of that.  Now we find ourselves in a position for the wild card but that isn't guaranteed and we are about to have two incredibly tough division games left. So there's nothing to celebrate - job's not done yet. Simple as that.

Given that Miami loves to throw the ball deep - how difficult will it be with Timothy Dekker still out possibly until the playoffs.

Dekker is one of the premier FS in this league and his impact will be missed both on the field and as a captain of this team.  But as we just saw in the Myrtle Beach game that our defense responded with 3 INT's.  Despite those INT's Winston still threw for 464 yards and 5 TD's.  Some of that was the flow of the game but some of that was them taking advantage of Dekker being out.  But when it comes to Miami we need to take advantage of their OL. 12 Sacks in their last game. 17 sacks in their previous game against Oakland. We need to put him on his butt and get him moving in that pocket before he has the time to throw. We need to move into their backfield, establish squatters rights and dare them to get us out.  That's going to be the key to victory

Any further questions?



Don't look now, but here come those mother FN Nighthawks.

GM Pancho

  Nighthawc is back causin' a mass destruction - Guess who's here? Them boys of football .... Don't turn your back on the Nighthawc ... You might wind up in a body bag.  We make this run Coach might have to drop that mixtape.  But you already know what time it is - back to the grind.

Lock In

GM Pancho

  Here we are final game of the season and yet everything is still in doubt.  I know there are a lot of articles that can break down the different ways we can clinch a playoff spot but I just make things very simple for our team.  Win and we're in.  It's as simple as that.  Control what we can and let the chips fall where they may.

Cancun finishes the season against Miami and you guys finish the season against Orlando.  There's a chance you go from last in the division to winning it.  What do you think that says about this team?

I'm not ready to celebrate or congratulate anybody until the jobs finished.  And even if things break that way their is no time to reflect on it since the playoffs would kick off right around the corner.  All I will say is that our focus is on Orlando, finishing strong and looking forward to make an impact in the playoffs.  As I've said to Coach Tibbetts since speaking to the team - there's nothing left but the grind.

Any other questions?



Rumors of our demise were greatly exaggerated.  Time to take to the skies.

GM Pancho

Time to stomp the stampede. Back to the MF Grind Coach!

Lock In



GM Pancho

We finished the season strong.  6 wins in a row.  6 grinds in a row because this team has had the mentality that if we don't win - we go home. It's really commendable how they have responded to the adversity.  But much like climbing a mountain just when you think it's time to stop, you've peaked, let's catch our breath ... you look and suddenly realized what you thought was the peak - nope.  Still got more to go.  And we can either be content with how far we've come, because let me tell you their are plenty of franchises that would throw a parade for just making the playoffs.  OR ... we can commit, nut up and keep pushing forward.

But let me tell you something.  That march ... it's way more steep.  The playoffs are a different animal.  One misstep here and there won't be a chance of correcting it.  That's it. We're done.  And as proud as I am of this team ... our opponents - they just ended the season on a seven game winning streak.

GM Wayne seemed to have alluded to a possible mentorship between the two of you in his press conference. Do you have a response to his remarks regarding you and your team?

Yeah I heard he said we are a lot alike.  He also said that he wanted what we have.  The pedigree.  The rings.  How did he put it-"To be the man you got to beat the man.'  Admirable, but mistaken.  I should let him make this mistake but since it's a mentorship I'm giving out free lessons. Let's leave all this David Banner 'Get like me' talk out of the way.  See GM Wayne thinks he's playing against the legacy of the Alabama Nighthawks.  This team is not that.  6 wins ago you know what I called this team to their face? A 4-6 below average ass team.  Music City, Long Beach, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, Miami and Orlando.  1 playoff team in that entire run.  We might have those six wins and be in this position but we still got a lot to prove.  We're hungry for that opportunity.  This team isn't weighed heavy by the gold of past victories?  This team - missed the playoffs last season.  This team - had to fight every week just to get here.  They're not chasing us.  We're chasing them.

As the lowest seed in the conference do you feel that this Nighthawks team is capable of that kind of run?

Anyone ever actually say no to this?  I've been a one seed, gotten the bye, and lost the first game of the playoffs.  I've been the last wild card team and won a championship.  Seeding does not predict victories.  It just dictates who has  home field  - and frankly I'm not trying to go home anytime soon. Ya feel me?

News has just broken that GM Jon has resigned as the GM of St. Paul.  You two have had plenty of history. Care to comment?

Terrible man.  But a beautiful family.  He made the wiser choice of being with them.  But I know him all too well to know he's staying with them.  He'll be back ... and I will always be there to greet him - "old friend."

Any further questions?



...Us against the world.

GM Pancho

Damn right Coach. Other teams are gonna have to get ready. Give their talks. We've been at this for weeks. Back on that grind. 

I know Bethea, Shaver and Dekker all are different forms of availability. Hopefully they can play but we got to trust the backups to get the job done. It's how we got here. It's how we're grinding.

Lock In



1. This game was nearly over with less than 7 minutes to play, what happened?

2. Another year without a playoff win for this organization, is it safe to say the Alabama dynasty is over?

3. Do you think  the team needs a re-tooling or a rebuild to become Impact Bowl Champions again?


GM Pancho

This game was nearly over with less than 7 minutes to play, what happened?

  Our season was 'nearly over' - but we pulled it together in the time we had and made some magic happen.  A game isn't any different.  Cleveland pulled it together in the time they had and they made some magic.  We had our opportunities to respond at many times in the game.  Missed XP, FG that should've been TD's.  That's playoff football.  During the regular season you can afford a few mistakes but that window closes on you real fast in the playoffs.  Cause it comes at you faaaaaast.

Another year without a playoff win for this organization, is it safe to say the Alabama dynasty is over?

That's for you guys to write about. That's not a vision I have in mind when crafting a roster. So I can't comment on something I didn't build. Save that questions for your Monday Morning television pundits - a mi me vale madre.

Do you think  the team needs a re-tooling or a rebuild to become Impact Bowl Champions again?

Semantics.  These are media buzzwords that grab ratings and make headlines.  Interchangable terms that when applied don't matter if the results don't come with it.  In my time in football I've found the most effective way to play, coach or GM was to keep it simple.  Win.  This team needs to win to become Impact Bowl Champions again.

Any further questions?



I'll see you after the Impact Bowl. I have to process this loss.


Hello, I'm Mongo, Mongo Woods.

The Alabama Nighthawks will be pursing our next General Manager shortly. 

Okay, have a nice day.



GM Kirk

I think Munich have a fantastic young team and coaches and that there's a European dynasty building there, but when Alabama come calling, you don'r say no. The opportunity to put Alabama back on its perch at the top of the HIFL is too good to pass up. It won't be easy, but I'm confident in myself and the roster Pancho built. Winnipeg's time is up now that the GM Kirk era has begun in Alabama.



Hi there GM Kirk, my name is Rosa, and I'll be here to help as your assistant and Press secretary.   

I'll be working to get you set up with a roster sheet and budget information once we are locked in to close out S17, but until then feel free to handle any business you might have.

GM Kirk

Rosa, it's a pleasure to meet you. I need you to get me in touch with Drew Leventhal, please.


Drew I'm here to lock up Ulysses Jacks. I'm looking at a 3 year deal for $17 million. Obviously there are going to be changes to the offense. I generally like a balanced offence with specialist players, little/no hybrid QB play, that sets up deep balls downfield. Whoever is QB here next season will be a pocket passer, so talented WRs are going to be vital and Jacks clearly fits that description.



We'll take that deal, Pal.

GM Kirk

Thanks, Drew. Paperwork has been sent to the league.
Rosa, I would like to speak to Burton Tibbetts quickly before we all head off for a break.
Coach Tibbetts, I wanted to meet you before we close out the season to give you some face time with me and to see how you're feeling about your future here. You're a brilliant coach and I'd love to work with you. We're obviously heading into a new era and rumours say it is likely to be a post-Ortega era, so I just want to know how you see your offense going forwards, so I can start work on making it a reality. I'd like a clear picture of your overall philosophy.



I haven't heard anything about Jamie retiring, but it's good to meet you too GM Kirk.

As far as my style, I'm all about being flexible.  We've played a heavy option offense, we've played a spread with a mobile QB who is allowed to run it when he wanted, but I've also run the offense in St. Paul where we had Kitchen throwing bombs and using McNasty to keep the defense honest.  I believe in a hybrid vertical offense that can get big and run from a power look when needed.  I like a athletic H-back type TE/FB hybrid when possible to use in the short pass game, and I like having dynamic skills players who can score touchdowns anytime they touch the football.  I'm a detail oriented coach and I believe I'm great at bringing young players along.

GM Kirk

That's all music to my ears. I can't wait to get to work. Enjoy your break.
Rosa, I think we're ready to lock in


Hi there,   Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.



GM Kirk, in the event either of coordinators get an offer for a head coaching position, I'd like to know what the max I'll have in my budget to retain them would be. PM me the figures when you think about it, and if we don't wish to retain them at all, let me know so they don't miss out on an interview out of loyalty when we don't plan to bring them back.



I'd also like to go ahead and see about syncing up our contracts. How about a 3 year deal worth $15MM per season starting today.

GM Kirk

You could be a GM with an approach like that. "Syncing up our contracts"... very good. Sure, why not? You were speaking my language when you set out your style, so I'd be happy to work with you on those terms.



Happy to get it done, looking forward to taking Alabama back to the top and staying there, again.

GM Kirk

Coach, I've seen the way that we are supposed to handle coordinator hire, but my main choices are HCs now. I'm happy to let you pick the coaches, but I don't want to be picking up the leftovers so I'm going to have to fill in these forms. I have my own ideas for a couple of defensive guys, but what do I select to give you the choice of OC that suits you?


You can put "Coaches Suggestion" and you'll get a list of three of my top picks along with their interest level and salary requests, then you can choose who you want to attempt to sign.





Hi there,  After signing our draft pick we have 24 open roster positions to fill with $70.25MM in salary cap and $9.5MM in bonus available to do so. We need to add a Punter and the remaining roster spots are all flexible.  We also have $500K in off-season bonus money remaining as well.

The experts over Pro Football Focus gave us a draft score of 91.0 which was 1st in the league.

If you have any questions, let me know asap.

GM Kirk

I have the same for money and roster spots, but the required positions are a little different. Before the UDFAs, I had us needing a P, K, FS, 2 CBs, and a DE. Now I have our required positions as 1 CB and DE.



You're correct, it was a long night and it slipped my mind last time. Sorry!

GM Kirk

Rosa, please get me in contact with James T. Crain.

Mr. Crain, I need 7 players and I have $7 million. I would like to offer one of those to (CB) Sylvester Bieber, 1 year $1MM



Absolutely.  If you want anyone else from my stable, you just let me know.

GM Kirk

How about (DT) Franklin Sanderson, 1 year $1MM?


GM Kirk

And (DE) Jerry Roden, 1 year $1MM?