

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:16:19 PM

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GM Lucas


"The draft is about bringing in those top guys who can make a difference right away. We have the first two picks so that gives us the absolute pick of the litter. Listen to your scouts and don't be afraid to take chances, but smart ones. I am focused on Free Agency, that is where we get game ready talent. Either way, I want guys who can score, I don't give a rats ass from what position they do it from. I run many different schemes, so I need versatility and athleticism. I hope I answered your question. Signing Pabcevic was the best thing for this team at the moment as he is a very versatile two-way player that can play both big man and guard position. Kudos on not doing what this franchise has always done but if we can get more guys like that, it would be great. Don't break your head over it, there aren't many"

GM Fosters

You probably haven't had a chance to work with him, but what is your opinion on Adrian Summerall? I could cut him potentially, or do you think he's worth keeping around?

GM Lucas

"He's the type pf player. I like to have around. He wasn't given a chance last season until the summer league. Bar Harbor brought him in. Between Peck and Vinson, they brought the best out of him. I think can do better. He's a fast pace, up and down the court rim rattling dunk junky who can also grab some boards. Not much for defense but like I told you, I don't do defense. Crider will work with him. If the kid has any ability to defend, it will be Crider's job to bring it out of him"

GM Fosters

Coach Hicks please.

Well there we go! Full roster of 12 guys. I'm hoping you'll be happy with the lads.

I think I've had a pretty bonza off season

GM Lucas

"Not sure what Bonza means, but if it means solid, yes, then I agree. You did well in drafting. Landing Sherman was more than even I expected so kudos to you, or bonza. Now, are you setting the line up are am I. Doesn't matter to me, but if you take the wheel, you are driving, and if you crash, then you burn"

GM Fosters

Bonza means class! Brilliant! Fantastic!

I'll let you set the line coach... what have you got in mind?

GM Lucas

" So I can't say to much for the guys I haven't seen yet. But I can go off what I have seen then we can talk about potential. So first, Darko and Erick are the same type of player which is a good thing. Both can play the point and control the court and play shooting guards and become scorers when we need it, bravo on that happy accident. But the next one is a bit tricky. Everything says Devon Walls can start, but he plays small forward, and right now if you want your number 1 draft pick playing, we are going to have to move him from power forward to small forward because we now got Sherman and he has already made it clear he is not moving to Small Foward or Center. So that gives us Darko, Erik, Terrell and Sherman. Now I haven't seen much from our new center Gilbert so until I do I would rather start Ryan. This gives us an extremely long and athletic starting five. Bravo on that. If we play Terrell at Center, we would be smaller than any other team at that position but then we could play Walls which would make us dynamic but a bit under size down low. I can run either one and make it work. We have great depth with Morgan and Wallace at the point, Summerall as an athletic Small forward give us a spot on 6th man. The rest of the guys are wait and see."

GM Fosters

Coach sounds good. Leaning towards the first option at the moment but can we revaluation after summer camp?

I'd like to send Terrell Robinson and Devon Walls, I will leave it up to your decision for what you think should be worked on. I know you haven't seen them in action yet, but based off of what our scout says.

GM Lucas

"Well Robinson found himself in foul trouble often, but, as good as he was on the defensive boards, he wasn't great on the offensive boards, which is strange considering when he has the ball down low he scores. Regardless, so we work on either Rebounds so his footwork and position gets better down low or his IQ. As far as Devon Walls goes, He needs more work on his defense and his jump shot. Choose which one you want to work on for each. But you know who else needs to work in their shooting, Ben Wallace jr. Thought I would throw that out there."

GM Fosters

Let's go IQ for Robinson and Defense for Walls. I'll either work on Wallace Jr's shooting down the line or on Gilbert's stamina and endurance.

GM Lucas

'Very well then. I'll be in my office, if you need to make any last-minute changes, let me know before we finalize the details"

GM Lucas


"Now that you got the reports, let's make a decision, are you going to set this line-up for preseason up or am I. No funny business, make a decision. And please do not forget to choose three players you want us to focus on"

GM Fosters

Coach, these are the guys I want to work on in preseason:

1. Terrell Robinson- Coach's decision
2. Devon Walls- Coach's decision
3. Gilbert Blanks- Endurance

Coach you go ahead and set the lineups and we'll talk after preseason

Lock in

GM Lucas

"Where do we start. We split which wasn't horrible. Gilbert Blanks is coming along nicely. I wouldn't worry. He's going to be fine. Terrell Robinson looks like he's living up to number 1 pick expectations. Walls did great the first game, solid 16 points, some rebounds  but he was facing two rookies Nico and Aleksandras. My concern is when he went against a more shut down defender in Norvelle, he was held to zero points. Nill, nada. It got so bad he was 0-4 after 12 minutes and I sat him to avoid destroying the young man's confidence before we get into the season. He is really talented but he's trying to do too much. He may have to come off the bench to start the season. Calm him down a bit"

GM Fosters

That sounds reasonable coach! Glad preseason went well.

Do you neeed anything from me?

GM Lucas

"Well yeah, Who is setting the season line up, you or I. You also have to select the captain for this team."

GM Fosters

You can set the line up for the season if that's alright coach?

Who's got the best leadership qualities?

GM Lucas


"Pabcevic is the heart of this team. He leads by example but isn't much of a communicator. Our big mouth is Thorton. He's the guy that sets the tone. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and luckily for us he has got the skill to back it up. Robinson would be my choice if he had one year under his belt but is learning right now. Plus making a rookie captain may not sit well with guys like Williams and Thorton"

GM Fosters

GM Lucas

"Good, now lock this in with Ms Banner and we will be ready to start the season. I'm ready to make a splash. Like my pun"

GM Fosters

Love it Coach!

Britany I think we're all set to lock in for the end of the off season, are we all set on your end?

GM Lucas

"Um..no, I just ordered take out ...........NAH! Just joking. I'm ready when you are boss"

GM Fosters

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your week 1 results. Who surprised you, good or bad. Any concerns?

Well we played two games and lost two games... so things will hopefully only get better...

2. How are you dealing with your injuries (If you suffered an injury)

We're lucky we don't have any injuries, fingers crossed our guys stay healthy.

3. Talk about changes if any you plan to make.

I'm not planning on making any changes just yet. Let's see how things pan out in week 2.

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

By putting my faith in my coaching staff and remaining hands off.

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.

Sorry to the score keeper who got sacked but that was a school boy error!

GM Lucas

"Devon Walls was not happy.  I mean I would be too if I played my ass off and some dip shit made me disappear. Rumor has it that it was Devon Walls ex-girlfriend's boyfriends' father who did that purposely. Either way, not a good look. Right now Devon isn't happy about it so he would like to move on and get ready. As Would I"

GM Fosters

I bet! Bless him? Reckon it would help if I spoke to him or feel he'd be ok with you passing on my message to go smash the games this week?

GM Lucas


"Wells will be fine, he's just getting his balls busted by the guys who keep calling him the other guys name"

GM Fosters

Ok coach... possibly may be good for the guy in the long wrong.

I'm happy to lock in for Week 2 if there's nothing else we need to address?

GM Lucas

GM Fosters

GM Fosters

Week 2

We're 2-3 which isn't great.

Glad we're healthy. We got the win against Manhattan even if we didn't beat Bar Harbor.

Stupid fight in my opinion.

Never mind... onwards and upwards

GM Lucas

"Even after a huge win against Manhattan, the locker room is quiet. The locker room shouldn't be quiet. I will advise, either this week or the next you have a talk with the captain"

GM Fosters

I got you coach.

I'll speak to Darko as soon as he's available.

"Darko, not a bad start to the season! What's this I hear about the locker room being so quiet?"

GM Lucas

"Vell, Guyz, talk to, Deh, two guyz talk to Demselves, other guyz talk to demselves. Ahhh, Quiet is, not a bad at times. uhh, but, dare are guyz who vant to be starting or playing ah, more minutes. I know, Devon Vells and Summvall Vant more time but Everyone, eh, Plays vell but Vee arvent vinning so, hard to veally be ah happy. I think if Ze, Ve Vin more games guyz veel better. Many guyz vom difvent teams so Vee still getting to Ze, learn"

GM Fosters

Hoping we'll start clicking and playing as a team. The guys that want more minutes need to prove themselves and show they deserve the extra time. Im all for giving people chances to show what they can do.

GM Lucas

"Vinning, fixes, Eh, Evything, Yes!"

GM Fosters

Let's go out there and get some wins then...

Lock in

GM Fosters

1) Your thoughts on the punishments handed down for those who were part of the brawl between Texas and Mexico?

I think the punishments were fair and proportionate to the actions of those involved.

2) What do you think about the announcement of a World championship All Star game?

It's promising to grow the game and the reach as much as possible. It gives players more of an opportunity to showcase their talents.

3) Mention any other news if you like?

We're ticking along... it should hopefully start to click soon.

Its odd to see a head coach resign this early in a season- who knows what's going on with that.

GM Lucas

"Darko is playing like an MVP but If I may, I think we should start Summerall"

GM Fosters

Coach are you saying to drop Darko for Summerall?! Or start Summerall at SF instead of Thornton?

GM Lucas

"Neither actually, I am saying I think I want to give Robinson a shot at Center, Have Thorton at PF and Darko as SF. This way Victor and Summerall run the guard positions."

GM Fosters

So what you're saying is:

C: Terrell Robinson
PF:Sherman Thorton
SF: Darko Pabcevic
PG:Adrian Summerall
SG:Erik Victor

Shall we go with this?

GM Lucas

"Yes, Let us go with that precise line-up"

GM Fosters

You're the boss Coach!

Lock in as previously stated

GM Fosters


1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

What a spectacle! Love to see it!

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

Glad Terrell Robinson is being the player we knew he could be.

Darko is out for 10 days or so but it's news to me that Thorton has a nagging injury... that wasn't in the injury report.

We have so much talent but it's just not clicking... I'll be damned if I know what we're missing.

GM Lucas

"Thorton will be fine, but Pabcevic tweaked something when he came down awkward. We'll get him examined again when the swelling goes down. I'm hoping to have him back sooner but you never know with these things"

GM Fosters

That's a bugger coach. Next man up sort of situation?

GM Lucas

"Precisely, but I wouldn't worry. This may help us find guys who want to step up"

GM Fosters

Ok coach! I'll let you put us in the best chance to succeed.

All depth chart decisions to coach's decision.

Lock in

GM Fosters


1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think too much is being made about it?

No. Course I don't agree with a poxy statement saying WBS bench players should start in other leagues.

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?

I don't think it will necessarily be a bad thing. There will probably be more intense games as a result of having the longer breaks.

3-How do you view your team to this point?

We had a rocky start but we've got some blokes with massive potential who are still finding their feet. We just need to make sure we do everything we can to get them to their best ASAP.

4-Address another piece of news

The fact we don't have a bloke in any of the top5's isn't a great shout. I'm hoping we can turn that around quicker than shit through a goose.