

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:18:40 PM

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GM Lucas

"Well hot damn, if this team isn't the belle of the ball lately. These kids are doing the job and I am thoroughly impressed. Maybe I need to start approaching this differently, you know, different mindset and all that hickory dockery when it comes to these kids. Da'youngster has really made me eat my words and I couldn't be prouder, hot damn"

GM Adam Wrong

It's a mix of both. I knew we needed some youth and while you keep a great handle of the egos and attitudes with your style. We... and the fans reap the rewards. Great work!

GM Lucas


"Thank you, I do what I do because I'm good at it, but you took a hell of a chance pissing me off. If these kids would have came in here with their tikky tokky, grammy bullshit I would have walked out the door. But they didn't so, way to take a chance. I like working with people who show some balls in this business"

GM Adam Wrong

If they hadn't have grafted, we'd have been trading them out.

Anything to address this week?

GM Lucas

"There's always something to address son, I mean, you don't put a brisket in the smoker for 8 hours and just come back 8 hours later, you got to check in on it, make sure it's cooking right, With that said, we are cooking and I would leave it for next week but definitely next week. No need to get these boys off their Rythm, plus now I'm hungry, so let's wrap this up so we can get a move on"

GM Adam Wrong

Let's do it then.

Now I'm hungry!

Lock in!

GM Adam Wrong

2023-2024 Season

1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think to much is being made about it?
I think it's all down to interpretation. I would say it's difficult to call it tampering as there was no direct approach made. It would be like me praising another team and saying that a particular player would start in my team and be a star.

Saying that, starting in a second rate league doesn't stop it from being in a second rate league.

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?
It's an understandable approach. We are maximising the careers of these players who will be able to play for a lot longer at a much better pace.

3-How do you view your team to this point?
We are in a good place. Finding our identity and fully gelling. It's nice to see.

4-Address another piece of news
Lots of rookies having a mixed bag of a season. I am very lucky to have a head coach who respects the youngsters and uses his attitude and approach to manage them excellently

GM Lucas

"So, we have a small situation I have been putting on the back burner hoping it works itself out. Our defensive guru Zac Norvelle is starting to poke the hornets nest about wanting to start. He still has a lot left in my opinion. Now, open your ears son because this is where you gonna have to GM your ass off. He's a big body PG with the ball skills to put up some points but also shut anyone down, yes, you heard me. I love him off the bench but I can't justify keeping him there either. Now, starting him, means someone goes to the bench and that will be either McSwine or our captain Merton who in my opinion if I had to choose, would choose Merton because he hasn't been producing like we know he could. Now, he's the captain, he may or may not be ok with it, it's a roll of the dice if you ask me. Now, All this lands on your lap. Before you go and ask my opinion, I'll let'cha have it, I would talk with Merton about giving Norvelle the start to possibly have Merton bring veteran leadership off the bench and it may send a solid message to the team that if he's in for doing what's best they should be also"

GM Dario

Um, So, Ok , Hi. Welcome to my press conference. My name is James Anthony Michaels.
I'm, uh, taking over here for the Mist as GM of the team. 

Now before anyone calls me Mr. Michaels, that's my dad, not me
You can call me Jam or GM Michaels for the time being.

Press Conference.

1. We are 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing?

I'm going to be very honest here and say, I don't have a clue. I see the record for us at .500 but we've lost the last 3.  I hope to change that.

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer.

Again, I'm not very sure at the moment, but by the standings we're, um, 6 games out so we aren't out of it yet. We're going to evaluate things on a quick scale and see what we need to do. Yeah, that's about it for now.

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.

This is my first day as a General Manager at any level. I've been a ball player and a ball coach, so let's not hand me the keys to anything until I can at least say hello to my team first

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.

Well the best should be playing, so whoever's the best, um, should be in the All Star Game.

5. Any other news?

Um, your guess is as good as mine when it comes to that. I'm just here to help out and see what I can do, um, to improve the Mist for the rest of this year.

So, yeah, any other questions?

GM Lucas


"Well, JESUS, back-flipping Christ in a baby basket. Did the last guy just up and leave without even a reach around. I feel like I was just thrown from a horse. I tell you brotha, loyalty around these parts is like a my Nana's flower garden, comes and goes with the season. Anyway, excuse my deliberate and misdirected frustration. I am coach Murray, I'm gonna assume you got that much. WE here got a young team that I really didn't want but they grew on me. We got some good kids here and some healthy veteran leadership. I'll leave it there, you got any questions for me other than what I just told you son?"

GM Dario

Thanks Coach. I think I got it. I'm more in my element talking X's and O's then talking out there.

(nods towards the press room)

Let's talk about the roster for the moment.

The Rotation looks like
Pires, McSwine, Merton, Holden, Octavious, Norvelle, Thomas, London, Darko

Rest of the Roster is
Ramsey, Morris, Stoneking, Howard

Backtracking through some of the scribbled notes left behind on my predecessor's desk-

Norvelle is wanting to Start, but he's a big PG with good D skills
That would put us having to figure out who goes to the bench. We'll have to figure that part out, especially if he's not an offensive threat.
Merton is the Captain.
McSwine is the Owner's kid but is being professional for now.
Octavious is a free spirit Offensive player but lacks on the other end of the court
London is a hard practice player but has been a little lost at game time.
Darko has moxie in full.

Fill me in on Pires, who led the team with 26 in the loss to Vancouver.

GM Lucas

"Alright, that's a mouth full of marbles so let's spit them out one at a time. You wanna talk about the roster, ok.

Now, Norvelle is one hell of a player and my type of player to boot. Veteran guy who still has a ton left int he tank and takes no shit from anyone. He wants to start, I told the last guy that maybe Merton, as the leader would like to come off the bench. you know, just to see if Norvelle has the dog in him to play 35 minutes. Higgins could easily start in Small forward...

So while we are on Higgins, let's get one thing straight. That boy is the heart and soul of this team. Yeah, Yeah he's the kid of that Jack ass sitting in the hall but that boy proved himself ten times over. So don't you go getting your information from some post it the last guy left. He can ball and Smokey Mountain Fans just love him. He is the people!.

Now, let's talk Pires, that boy can ball, like, for real, averaging 25 points and can easily take over a game you hear me. He is everything you want in a point guard and then some. Best part about that, the guy who backs him up, Mike Stoneking is a hell of a rookie, kids a sponge and he is learning from a top-notch guy in front of him. So...Now, 

Da'Youngster, well, that boy grew on me, yes he did. Hard worker for a rookie who came in and looked lazy and foolish. He came in a boy playing on his tikky tak social media nonsense but goddamit when he leaves, he will leave a man. He's still inexperienced but he's learning and playing well. He's all offense, so defense is something he needs to work on but he can grab some boards and got good feet.

Now... we talk about the man of the team, John holden, Goddam I tell you, John Holden should be in everyone's mouth for MVP but for some reason, he's having a very up and down season. Still averaging 28 points per game and he is by far our best deep threat and low post guy. He plays both sides of the ball but he tends to play strongest to what you ask him to do. If you make us play to move the ball around and play perimeter and he will shoot the lights out the arena. You choose to play down low he'll crash the boards and slam every ball that comes his way back in.

Now, I mention Merton earlier, he is our captain and has been here since the start. He can go off for 17 rebounds one night then 32 points the next. He's only 25 but he's had to carry this team before we started getting good so that took a toll on him so that bench idea might not be the worst just to get his legs back, now, I would ask him. He deserves to make that decision as captain, but that's just me, this is your team now son.

Now of the bench guys, I already talked about Stoneking, and then there's Darko. Darko should be starting, just not here. He has a ton of talent but needs playing time to get going and we just don't have a spot to give him the minutes he should be getting. He's Hard nose, gritty, fights for every possession and will lay you out if you think the lane is yours to run through. Shit! I would love to get him more time but if we can't, he may start bitching which is going to piss me off, yes it will. The rest of the guys fall in line. Nothing special, they play hard. Ramsey is a nice piece off the bench, but I wouldn't go into any game thinking we can count on him or any of them for any big-time plays. They are solid players and have a lot of heart with some skill, but there's a reason they are on the bench."

GM Dario

Didn't mean to overload the barrel Coach. But thanks for the input.

If we do decide to run Norvelle in the starting 5, how do we line up? You've got two PG, two SF and a PF. Someone will have to play out of position, and I know the traditional Center doesn't exist any more, but it's still a defensive issue.

GM Lucas

"I mean, first and foremost, Talk to Merton about coming off the bench. If he's willing then we run Pires at shooting guard, Norvelle at point, McSwine at small, Holden at Power and Octavious at Center""

GM Dario

Coach, you know this team better than I do for the moment, but I don't want to walk up to our Captain and look like an idiot when I can't give a starting five that doesn't include him, especially when I barely know the roster at all.


Merton, Need to see you in the Hallway, please.


Marques, Jam Michaels, good to meet you, Captain.

Listen, Coach wants to make a change in the starting lineup. Might be temporary, may be permanent. It's two-fold really. We want to see how well Zac plays as a starter, or if he's better as the 6th man. I know this isn't really how a new boss is supposed to start out with the people who work for him, but I want you to be the Captain here, and look out for the team, not just for you. 

Coach also wants to save your stamina a bit since you've been carrying the team. We're going to need you at top shelf as we edge towards the end of the season and hopefully the playoffs, and the last thing we need are dead legs on our Captain.

If it doesn't work, I'll be the first one to admit I'm wrong and we'll switch it up again. But we have to try and see if it will before we just dismiss it.

Got me?

GM Lucas

"That's one way to start off. Check it, coach is straight up and down so if he told you this, I know it's because he's tired of Zac bitching on the sideline and he see's my frustration with it all. I'm surpsied he didn't just tell me himself. not like him. Anyway, he's right about me being tired, most of it comes from mentoring Da'Youngster and Darko, which I never asked for but I'm a team player. I'm telling you this, if I'm going to hit the bench for "SOME REST" then I'm done talking with those two, hell I'm done mentoring anyone. Guys don't listen to each other on this team. They are great with coach because they know he'll break his foot in someone's ass but as far as communicating with each other, that doesn't happen. Honestly, I'm fed up with a lot of guys here. The only guy I feel I can trust is McSwine but he's alot like me and to himself. I'm going to do what is asked and maybe it helps me get my legs back but at the end of the season I would like to be traded. Has nothing to do with you. I have been thinking about this for a while. I have been here since I was drafted 9 seasons ago and I have given it my all. I just think I'm due for a change, hell if you can do it now, great, but I like to finish what I started so if I'm here, I'm here 100% but I need a fresh start boss, for real. Maybe my mind changes if we make the playoffs and this team comes together but right now that's where I'm at."


GM Dario

I got you, Marques, let's get through the year as it pertains to contracts. But I'll agree to your request after we're done playing, and the ball will be in your court to decide what you want to do for you. I appreciate you working for the team on this, Captain.


Coach, Merton isn't happy but he's the Captain is willing to try Norville in the lineup. It's got 2, maybe 3 games. If we don't see the benefits, I'll make the switch back to Merton to the Starting Five?.

Got me?

GM Lucas

"I guess it is what it is. We got one game next week, so the ball is in his court now. Put up or shut up. Want me to distribute minutes amongst the line up or do you want to handle that? "

GM Dario

Please. No need to micromanage game things. I'm a firm believer in the Goro Hondo way.

I do have a few things to figure out on the Office side of things. Is there a ... (checks a note from his pocket) ... a Miss Sugar that I should talk to?

GM Lucas

"Son, where you been. No seriously. I really want to get on the same page with you but seems like you either are just handsomely thick or just haven't taken the time to learn about us here in the Smokey Mountain's son, so unless you got them here a Ouija board or someone who can read a séance, which I heavily stand against, she's buried in Whaley-Big Greenbrier Cemetery. That is if you really need to speak to her.


"So coach walked past and said there was a character in here who wanted to speak to me"

[McSwine comes in sits down on the opposite]

"So what can I do you for son"

GM Dario

I guess Coach doesn't understand that I've been off the grid near a spiritual mountain retreat by Chimney Rock for the past 15 years or so. I mean, I only started coming back into town because my son plays at Warren Wilson. But at least it's good to know that she's at Whaley-Big, so my spiritualist could help me with that, it might be useful.

Um, Mr. McSwine, I just wanted to get the lay of the land for the league. We've got 17 games left out of 41. Guessing the Trade Deadline has passed. Is there 4 or 6 Teams in the Playoffs? I saw something scribbled on the wall about Perks, not that I'm too worried about it.

GM Lucas

"Don't guess around here son, guessing gets your pecker caught on your zipper, et my drift. The trade deadline is in three weeks the world all-star is in about 4 weeks I believe, and I speak for the fans when I say I expect to see my boy representing this here team. Now, As far as playoffs go, four teams make it. Two division winners and the top two best records after that.

Now, we have a 90 million salary cap and Merton Eats up 32 million of it, ridiculous I tell you. But hey, not my circus not my monkeys. Now,the coaches salary also comes out of that. We currently have 11,100,000 million dollars in cap space left and that's a great thing to have. Problem is, where do you spend it? Don't ask me?.

The roster, We have 13 guys on the roster but only 12 get playing time. We can have up to 15 but that would be three guys not even dressing. Be smart. They are the just in case everybody breaks an ankle guys, last resort type of guys. Now, don't go asking me anything about any extra guys, they ain't that important. We can cut guys but we will have to pay them half their salary for this season.

The league has given us some scouting permission, 6 to be exact, 3 players and 3 coaches. And if I was you, I would use that, if not for now at least for later. They won't be free anymore.

And I don't know anything about perks. The perks of this job is that you have one and don't screw it up. Are we good, anything else you'd like to know"

GM Dario

I think that covers all I need to know. Thanks very much.


Starting Lineup-
Zac Norvelle
Mila Pires
Higgins McSwine
John Holden
Da'youngster Octavius

Marques Merton 6th Man
Damian Darko
Zac Norvelle
Mike Stoneking
Andy Thomas
Wesley Ramsey
Barron Morris
Gregg London

Ron Howard


GM Dario

Week 8 Media Conference

So , um, that didn't go as well as we had hoped.  Luckily it was, um,  just one game. So we'll make some adjustments, and uh, see if we can't do a little better. The change was on me, so I'll take that loss.  Let's um, get to the questions.

8 weeks in, are you happy with the way the team is playing?

Yes but no.  We're, uh, playing 500 ball for the year. But we're winless since, um, I took over, so we've got more work to do.

We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves at buyers, sellers or staying put as we get closer.

Right now, we'll stay put. I'm, uh, watching and listening, but it's still too early for me to make any breakneck decisions on the team. We'll see how it goes.

What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm. Is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself?

I'm, uh,  content with being a GM. No reason to overdo things only 2 weeks into the mix. So, yeah,  let's start off slow.

Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star game.

Doesn't really matter to me.

Any other news?

Nah, I think we're good here.

GM Lucas

"Though having Merton come off the bench really paid off well for his production, we lacked a true scorer with Norvell. Now he can score, don't get me wrong and maybe it was just him trying to do too much but I think we give him one more shot and let him prove either he still got it or prove that he needs to sit the hell down and close his mouth. I got your back on any decision you make"

GM Dario

One more week.  If not, we'll go back to before. We can't slip backwards any further.

GM Lucas

GM Dario

One more week.  Let's hope it goes right.

** LOCK IT UP **

GM Dario

Week 10 Press Conference.

So, um, I thought we played good ball, uh, against Manhattan and Texas. Yeah, Pires looked unstoppable in both of those games.
And, uh, um, I was happy to see the team rally, uh, to get two wins we definitely needed.
Merton looks, um, well, more comfortable now as a 6th man.

Our game against DC, uh, yeah, we didn't look as crisp but with Pires out on a Coach's decision, um, Ii still felt like, uh, we played good ball overall.

As for the rest of what's left, we're not out here to, uh,  just roll over.
We plan to play every game to win and that's just how it is.  Um Yeah.

If there's not any questions, I'll head on out.

GM Lucas

"Don't be so nervous in front of the press, they'll eat you up kid. Now, great showing from the team. DC is one hell of a team so I won't be too sour about that loss but it would have been nice to sweep the week. So word is coming that Pires would like to represent us in the world All-Star, I am also hearing McSwine would like to go. Now, both have been great for this team. Pires is just a studd and would be great to flaunt one of their own at them the way they will with guys like Mario. McSwine has shown studd play from time to time but is the heart and soul of this team. This team and city feeds off that boy. He is this city. You got a decision to make"

GM Dario

So Coach, I'm trying to understand this.  We have McSwine who played 8 minutes against Bar Harbor and Pires who was a Coach's Decision DNP. And yes, both have been great for the team to get us to this point, but is this a case of injury, time management or something else?

GM Lucas

"Son, you totally bailed on the press a week away from the world all-star game. Try and be better, these are important times for us and the WBS. Now about these two. This decision to go to the world All Star is huge for both men. To them, this game is their championship. One wants to show out in front of his home country and the other wants to show out for his city. So this is what went down. In practice both Mcswine and Pires got into a heated argument and had to be speperated, supposedly it was about this damn All Star game. Anyway, Pires came to me before the game and told me he wasn't feeling well. It was 10 minutes before the game. I'm not a doctor, so there was no time to check him out so I sat him. Word got around he was sitting to be fresh for the all star game. During the game McSwine hurt his ankle and he decided he couldn't go. Now I had both my stars sitting and I hear through the goddamn grapevine that they are saving themselves for the WAG. A fucking mess if you ask me. Can't wait for this game to blow over. Pick a damn player so we can win a game or two maybe this week"

GM Dario

Quite honestly, I was in no mood to deal with the media after seeing my number one and number two players play a total of eight minutes in a game we should have won. And come to find out, now I have two egos who  get into a fight over being the potential All-Star roster member, and both seemingly have quit on the team over the last two weeks, because of injury or sickness or whatever the case may be.. Is that what I'm getting?

GM Lucas

"Take it easy, let's not let the horses out the barn all at once. I don't think anyone quit but these are guys who have been playing here, day in and day out nearly 40 minutes a game and both are passionate about being the representative. Now, if I find out they sat out or faked injuries over this, then heads will roll but I wouldn't go all scorched earth over this. I would say it was two young men, yes, a bit of ego showcasing but in a competitive spirit which I can't fault it, sitting out was horseshit and I tell you and again, HEADS.WILL.ROLL. i fI Find out they cost us a game over this shit, right now I say take a deep breath kid. Let me be the bad cop on this, they already know I walk in with a sour stick ready to shove in someone's rear. I need you to stay calm and not lose this team. I also need you to make a choice so the media can stop stoking these flames. Honestly, if it were me, I would send Holden, the best 3 point shooter in the league and can play inside. The upmost professional player I ever had the joy to coach. To me he's the teams MVP or if you want to give Merton something to walk off into the sunset with, I would go with him more than anyone just because of his dedication to this team for the last 9 years, no one would be upset.

GM Dario

Holden is going.  Merton will be our alternate if Holden is injured.

Pires and McSwine are seemingly too banged up to go. They both need time to get healthier..

As for me losing this team, Coach, if we are having players choose themselves over the team, then I can find another team for next season. 

GM Lucas

"That's a decision between you and your priest son, as for this team, that will be a conversation you will eventually have to have with those guys. This team needs a stable GM, running out ain't going to do nothing but give guys like that more power. You think about that. Now, as for Holden, great choice there. Sometimes you just got to reward the good guys because those are the guy who get overlooked every time for the big mouths. Anything else you want us to handle going into this week"

GM Dario

No need to change things.

** Lock It Up **

GM Dario

All Star Week Press Conference

What do you have to say about the WBS stunning loss to the IBA in the world all-star game?

The best players don't always, uh, make the best team. Sometimes Me first doesn't beat We first. Other times, it's just one shot that goes in or doesn't.  I think the All Star Game was more of a One Shot thing. It is what it is.

Thought the Dunk contest was going to be a Mist win with McSwine out there. But there's only so much you can do to battle against Dunkatron.  I mean, um, his name is Dunkatron. Go Figure.
I was, um, happy to see Holden show out in both the game and in the three point contest.  He's been the consummate team player since I got here. I'd like more Holden's on my team going forward.

What do you think this means for WBS moving forward, what ripple effects do you think it may have moving forward if any?

I don't think it changes much. It doesn't for me at least. Some players and coaches may think otherwise.

What would you like to see change now that we have experienced this type of al star game
Nothing needs to change. It's an All Star game.

With two weeks left are you making any tweaks.
We'll evaluate things on a case by case basis. I know the Mist Fans are looking for something, but we'll see how it plays out.
If no one has questions....


Coach, now that we have all the distractions behind us, let's get down to business.

We have two weeks left.. We have two brooding players in McSwine and Pires over the All Star Game snub. The Fans want Merton to start. And We have some Must-Win games to get into the playoffs. We're dealing with quite a bit here.

First off, is this experiment over with Merton as the 6th and Norvelle as the starter?

GM Lucas

"We are in a fourth place tie for the final playoff spot. For a team that went through a GM change, infighting from the very start over a stupid goddamn number, the News that Merton is lookin to possibly retire, and this McSwine Pires all star nonsense, I'd say we, you, me, us, the whole damn caravan is doing ok. Not as good as I had hoped but not in bad shape either. So, I say let's send Merton off into the sunset with something to remember, let's get him back in the line up, give him all the minutes, to hell if Norvelle has a fit, he ain't do much to change our trajectory anywho. Get McSwine, Pires, Merton, Holden and Da'Youngster out there and let's finish strong"

GM Dario

Merton to Start
Norville to 6th Man
Mist to the Playoffs

**Lock it Up**