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Started by GM Lucas, June 08, 2023, 01:15:07 PM

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GM Gooch

1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think to much is being made about it?

I think it's something that doesn't belong in basketball. To get guys to try to leave one league for the other is only going to cause problems down the road. Let's each respect our lane and stay in it and try to bring the best basketball we can.

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?

I like a shorter season. We don't need 82 games to figure out who the good teams are and who the bad teams are. We are only asking for injuries in a longer season. Let's play a shorter season and have our guys play the best they can. The fans will be happier. The players will be healthier. It seems, to me, like a very smart move.

3-How do you view your team to this point?

Extremely impressed. I'd say we are the best team in WBS, even on a two game skid.

4-Address another piece of news

It's good to have GM Justin back in WBS. He's a sharp mind. He will do well in Oakland.

I also want to state publicly that I support Coach Wallace. While we may have players that feel they should be on the court more, I still stand behind Coach Wallace and his decisions to put us in positions to win ball games. That may not be popular with players, but I let the Coach do the coaching. I'm not going to second guess him. Coach Wallace is a world champion. He has my trust.

GM Lucas

"You have had my back since day 1. When they wanted me out in Oakland you stood by me. When players were implying I was a racist you stood by me. When Crooks defamed me you stood by me and here we are again. A coach could not ask for a better boss. Let's go win some more games"

GM Gooch

I'm with you! Let's win some more games!

lock in

GM Gooch

1.So who are you looking to choose for World All Star game

Fender Esquire is who I'll be choosing. He's our captain and he has done a great job this year.

2.Any other news

I'm proud of Fender for calling the local news station. He followed up and dominated. I'm proud of all that Fender has done this season.

It's heart breaking to see the injury to Wei Quo Lie. I admire his fortitude to try to come back from such a devastating injury. He signed with us to win a championship. We will still win a championship for him this year. He will get his ring.

GM Lucas

"Devastating, In Oakland we had a big man and we had one here. Not sure how we are going to look without a big man in the middle but now it's time for Scott to step up"

GM Gooch

That's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Tell me about Scott. What are his strengths? Weaknesses? How does he compare to Wei Quo Lie?

GM Lucas

"We can speak about his strengths and try and work on his weaknesses. As far as comparing, there is no comparing him to Wei, heck there aren't many in this league you can compare to Wei. So, let's focus on Scott, He hasn't had much playing time the last two season's but I think he knows this is a huge opportunity for him to really show the league what he can do. So Scott, he's a Good defender. Strong inside Prescence, physically tough as nails. I wouldn't be surprised if he could get us 8-10 points, 10 boards and maybe a block here and there. My only concern is that he is a hot head, so he can be rattled easily, I see it in practice all the time, Fender frustrates him then the fouls start. Hopefully he can turn that to our favor now. "

GM Gooch

He's got an opportunity to shine. Let's see what he can do.
Please get me in touch with Lucas Fonseca's agent.
I'm interested in bringing back Lucas next season and the seasons to follow. I'd like to offer him a 3 year deal at $22.5mm per season starting next season. Would that keep him in Machine colors?

GM Lucas

"Hello Mr Gooch, Vo, let me get dis straight, zu want to, zign, Ze Lucas Fon-zeca, ze 3 years vor 22.5 million, Vell, iz your lucky day, eh. Lucas like-eh-de you, like de-eh coach, like de team and de city, so...Lucas vill sign dat vit you. But, Make it 23, clean"

GM Lucas

[Lucas Fonseca knocks as he walks through the door of your office]

"Boss, we got to talk, is that KGB you got on the line, KGB, hold on, before we accept, I need to know something first"

[Looks at GM Gooch]

"Boss, I love playing here, I love coach, I love the city, you chose me over your own job in Oakland and that can't be forgotten. But KGB just asked me if I would accept the deal and yes I will, but, I need to know who will represent you, us, this city in the world All-Star game. I have and always will be the guy you can count on but this game is no cap, the real deal. Like, it's the world stage, so...am I representing us coach?"

GM Gooch

You are who I want to build my franchise around. But I was asked publicly who I would be sending and I've already said Fender. He's our captain this season and has done a fine job. I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings or hinders our deal in any way, but I can't go back on my word.

GM Lucas

"It's not about my feelings being hurt. I don' play this game with my feelings I play it with my heart and my skill. If there's one thing Fender has taught me is, don't involve feelings with business. For me this is about moving forward. I like playing with Fender, hell, he has shown me how to be assertive and really take this league by the cojones. Showed me how to understand my value. If I am the guy moving forward why am I not the guy to represent us in the world All-Star? Look boss, I appreciate you and coach, but I have to take a step back right now and figure out what I want for my future. Right now I don't think I'm ready to sign a long-term deal just yet. Let's finish what we set out to do. I don't want to commit at the moment because I am still on a mission to capture a second title, but I would be lying if I told you I wasn't think about the All-Star Game"

[Begins to talk to KGB on the speaker phone]

"KGB, you there, listen. I appreciate you looking for me, but I want to hold off on signing any long-term deals at the moment"

[KGB responds]

"Vhat ever you vant Lucas"

GM Gooch

So just so we are clear. You asked me a question that I clearly answered in the media and you went from good with our deal to not good with our deal? Take all the time you need.
I'm going to lock in for the week. I'm beyond frustrated. Some GMs are getting to own their teams and I can't even get someone to sign a contract extension. That's enough for me this week.

lock in

GM Gooch

1. We 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing.

I'm absolutely elated. We are playing great basketball. The Coaching staff is doing a great job.

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer

I believe we have a championship caliber team right now, so we are staying put.

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.

There is a lot to being an owner, I don't think I'm the man for it. Our owner is a great owner and I don't want him to go anywhere.

GM Franchise can own a team, but he'll never own a championship, so there's that.

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.

Testing my memory here. Let's go team by team.

Bar Harbor should send Jerald Chadwick.
Blackrock should send Larry Keely
DC should send Johnny Walls
Manhattan should send Jonathan Maxwell
Mexico City should send Storm McCastle
Oakland should send Vojislav Kraljevic
Panama City should send Sherman Thorton
Seattle should send Maryjan Jovanovic
Smokey Mountain should send Higgins McSwine
Texas should send Steve Ausler
Vancouver is already sending Derion Williams and we are sending Fender.

If that were the list of players to represent us, we'd win, hands down, no question. Too much talent.

GM Lucas

"Things are starting to roll, Wei is a huge loss but guys stepped up. I want everyone to keep an eye on the Lucas and Fender thing. Lucas is young and with the media constantly stirring the pot I would hate for a situation where he and Fender are at odds because I know Fender won't take to anyone confronting him well when he is playing fantastic"

GM Gooch

Let's keep an eye on the Fender and Lucas thing, like you said. I don't want to call them in this week. I want to see if a week of games will help them get on the same page.

GM Gooch

Big week this week. We are still making progress. Huge game from Brendan McSwine. I love that we have different guys that step up when teams try to shut us down. We are running like a Machine...yeah...I meant to do that just now.

We have more games coming up and we are going to keep winning games. We are built to win and our only real competition is DC. I think that's who wins the championship, us or them. But I'm confident it will be us.

GM Lucas

"Exciting times. With the World All Star coming up, trade deadline approaching and our guys firing on all cylinders, Yeah I mean to do that just now. ...Like what I did there I think we are primed to make WBS history"

GM Gooch

hahaha. Coach. You're the best.

Thanks for all you do. I have full confidence in where we are going to end up and that's because of my confidence in you as a coach.

Let's go win some games.


GM Gooch

It was a good week. We were tested and that is always good. Iron sharpens iron and I believe we are better for it.

We have some things to look at this week, but I'm not terribly concerned. Fender has been a great team captain and I'm confident that this can all be sorted out.

GM Lucas

"In hindsight I should have let Fender play and maybe we would still be in first but I was thinking long term and he had gotten shooken up the game before"

GM Gooch

I don't blame the decision at all. Hopefully he will cool off and see your reasoning. I know I do and I'll be backing you up.

Do you think a sit down with you, me, Fender, and Lucas would be advantageous?

GM Lucas

"That would go over like a lead balloon. We are all men here and must carry ourselves like men. The storm is settling on the Fonseca front, he seems to be focused again. Both men don't have to see eye to eye but both men must be professional and that they have been. Fender will be ready for this weeks game"

GM Gooch

Sounds good, Coach. Let's pick up some more wins.


GM Gooch

How do you think your team has performed and how do you expect them to perform going forward

I think we've performed extremely well. I'm very pleased with where we are and I feel like we have a good chance at hoisting hardware this season.

What do you think about Australia Cease Fire saying WBS should potentially either expand for an IBA division close its door once IBA beats them.

I think he's talking trash and revving up his side. It's all well and good.

Who would you like to see win the Dunk Contest and the 3 point contest

I'd like to see Lucas in the 3 point contest. I'm not sure about dunking.

A few teams don't have games this week, any opinion on the WBS scheduling system.

I'm not opposed to it. Guys still need rest, even during the season.

GM Lucas

"Would love to see Lucas win the 3 point contest and watch Fender take how the World All star MVP. With that said, the break is coming at the right time. Fender is really giving it his all and we don't need him tired"

GM Gooch

I hope we have a great showing too.

Lock in.

GM Gooch

What do you have to say about the WBS stunning loss to the IBA in the world all-star game?

That's how the ball rolls sometimes. It was a great game and we have nothing to be ashamed about. Hats off to the IBA.

Do you agree with your coaches electing to start your guys over guys who statistically probably would have been better choices?

I do agree. Fender is a machine, literally. He brings intangibles to the table that you don't find on the stat line.

What do you think this means for WBS moving forward, what ripple effects do you think it may have moving forward if any?

I still think we are going to get the best players. One game doesn't prove much. IF we played that game 10 more times, we probably walk away with over 50% winning percentage. The players know where the game is. IBA is very talented and well run, but WBS is the place to be.

What would you like to see change now that we have experienced this type of al star game

I liked it. It was entertaining. The fans were really into it as well. Great for the league, win or lose.

With two weeks left are you making any tweaks.

Nope. We are playing a high level of ball, no need to change anything.

GM Lucas

"Hopefully my loyalty keeping Fender in when he was struggling pays off and he knows I always got his back. Hindsight says maybe I should have done a better job with my subs but that was a game for the players and fans, the games I'm concerned about are the ones that net us a title"

GM Gooch

That's my real concern, too, Coach. I don't put much stock in an all-star game because I want to win a championship more than anything.

GM Lucas

"I hope the rest of the basketball sports world see's it that way. unfortunately, from some of the rumblings and rumors floating around, there may be a major shift in the league. honestly, not sure why so much emphasis was put on this game but I can't really think to much on it. My may concern is I hope Fenders performance doesn't throw him off"

GM Gooch

Fender plays with great confidence. I feel like he will shrug this exhibition game off no problem. He's really stepped up here in Motor City.

GM Lucas

"The fact that he's planning on stepping away after the season to pursue other career goals will leave a hole in the WBS. I'm happy for him, He's been a pro and really shut the naysayers up with his leadership and game play."

GM Gooch

I agree. He will be missed, but I'm glad we have him this season. Let's make this run to the championship, Coach.

Lock In

GM Lucas


You team was the clear favorite to win the division, after back and fourth leads with DC for the division, do you feel it was a let down not to win the division? What would say the reason for that was?

Now that game one is in the books and DC has gotten another win how do you expect to attack them moving forward?

Fonseca and Esquire accounted for 72 points in the loss against DC in game one, Planning on changing anything to get everyone else more involved?

GM Gooch

I don't feel it was a let down to not win the division. DC is a great team and I've said that before. But we are a great team and I feel the better team.

Game 7 is going to be huge. The biggest game in our franchise's young history. I believe we will rise to the challenge and come out victorious. I do not plan on changing anything. What got us to the dance got us to the dance.

GM Lucas

"We played them to the bitter end. At the end of, the one item that plagues us early in the season reared it's ugly head, foul troubles. Not being able to play Fender 35 plus minutes was key and we still took them to the end. Lucas did all he could for this team, probably would have scored 50 if not for being in foul trouble. One issues was seeing Scott get into foul trouble, he couldn't stop Tarver and Walls. Once he joined the foul parade we got in real trouble. We were so close, I am so proud of how this team rallied when we lost Wie and it weighs on me greatly that we didn't accomplish our goal"

GM Gooch

Don't let this burden you too much, Coach. We had a great year with a brand new franchise. In two years, we have won a championship and played in the conference finals. I'm proud of our efforts. I'm proud of you.

GM Lucas

"GM Gooch, what can I say.  I've made two great decisions in my lifetime, one was to bring a team to the great city of Detroit, the second was to trade for you and bring you in from Oakland. You did not disappoint. You brought in coach and you were spot on Lucas Fonseca. When Wie went down with a season ending injury I thought we were done but you kept it together. You brought in an enormous personality like Fender and made it work. All in all you had a very good first season in Detroit. Now, I'm not sure whats going on with the league and this potential buyout or merger, however they want to call it. But when the smoke settles if there is still a WBS to call home you will always have a job here. now, I was notified by Wie's agent that this injury has forced him into retirement and Fender is gone so we will have an interesting off season. Get Fonseca signed and make Mitchell is happy. Other than that, keep on doing what you've been doing, good job GM GOOCH"