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Started by GM Pancho, June 27, 2023, 11:08:03 PM

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GM Pancho

"HelLO GM pANChO vERAcruZ dE La hoYa CARDEnAL liBrE.  wE ArE ThE ChILDren of veRItas.  the cHIlDREn of The TRUTH.

bY NoW yOU ARE AWaRe THAt WE havE SEIzed CONtrOl Of NoT ONlY the AlAbamA NIGHThAWks CoMMUnICAtIONS, fiNANCes, SOCiAL MEDIa, AND DiGiTAl resouRCEs BUT AlsO Those Of eVERy OthEr TeAM in YoUR LEaGuE.

we HaVe aLSo takEN thE leaguE offICE's finaNCiAL poRtaL.

we arE OnlY JusT bEgInnInG ouR miSSION.  neXt We will brIng yoUR sTaDIUms To TheiR kNEes.  wE ArE aWARe tHaT RigHt NOw thoSe sTAdIUms are EMpTY huSKS, VOId oF lIFe... BUT iF YoU EVeR WaNT THEm TO rETurN TO theIr NorMaL FUNCtioN anD To SAfeLy HOusE FanS, StAFF, AND PLayeRs wiTHouT the FEar oF A TOtAL takeOver, We hAve a sImplE DEMAND.

We aRE SeekinG $28mM usd. deLivered To A secuREd DElIVerY POrtAL WE wiLl PROvIde WHEn The tiMe comeS.


tHe TRuTh sHAlL SET yOu FREE."

Here's the note.  Guess we have two demands to discuss?  Do we pony up? And Stark can you get your boy to play ball?

GM Franchise

One thing we might need to think about is if the capital letters in the note and threats have a secret code in them for the "randomly" capitalized letters. Just a thought.

GM Pancho

Quote from: GM Franchise on June 27, 2023, 11:13:43 PM
One thing we might need to think about is if the capital letters in the note and threats have a secret code in them for the "randomly" capitalized letters. Just a thought.

Thanks for volunteering Franchise - gotten any patterns?

GM Franchise

Quote from: GM Pancho on June 27, 2023, 11:18:19 PM
Quote from: GM Franchise on June 27, 2023, 11:13:43 PM
One thing we might need to think about is if the capital letters in the note and threats have a secret code in them for the "randomly" capitalized letters. Just a thought.

Thanks for volunteering Franchise - gotten any patterns?

None yet but there could be a hidden message inside that could reveal who or what we're dealing with. I'll see if I can find anything and let everyone know.

GM Thad

I didn't see any patterns, and nothing is spelled out in any note except Dario's tweet.

Unfortunately I'm on the side of evil so I must vote to decline any cooperation. Let me know when the hackers want to go after the forces of good.

GM Dario

Talk about History Repeatin' itself.

Won't pay 16M, gotta pay 32.
Won't pay 250/500K, gotta pay 875K

Still No Guarantees in any event.
As for Stark's guy, I dunno. Not my cup o' joe.

Y'all can look for CON-sPiracy theories all ya want.
Everyone with the SkyBear's team needs their livelihood.
And a lost season doesn't pay the bills.
I'm in for 875K so we can get #Back2Bizness.

GM Pancho

Quote from: GM Thad on June 27, 2023, 11:21:37 PM
I didn't see any patterns, and nothing is spelled out in any note except Dario's tweet.

Unfortunately I'm on the side of evil so I must vote to decline any cooperation. Let me know when the hackers want to go after the forces of good.

**gets notification**

Not surprised they let this article reach my phone ... I think you're broke man

GM Franchise

Quote from: GM Thad on June 27, 2023, 11:21:37 PM
I didn't see any patterns, and nothing is spelled out in any note except Dario's tweet.

Unfortunately I'm on the side of evil so I must vote to decline any cooperation. Let me know when the hackers want to go after the forces of good.

The side of evil, eh? You might want to check the news and rethink your position on this.

GM Thad

TO sTaNd By And aLLoW Evil IS TO conDOne evil.


To EndoRsE EVIL aCtS IS To bE EViL.

GM Thad

GM Franchise

Interesting. What I'm curious about are the evil acts that are not to be condoned. That's the root cause of all of this. The real origin is that, not the GM debate stuff going by what I'm seeing currently.

GM Pancho

On the one hand ... you don't want to give in to a terrorist demands without knowing they can't just threaten you again. On the second hand we don't want to antagonize them further.

This is a negotiation and we need to string them along. We have to look like we're going to pay while we bide time for the actual solution.

Stark any chance your boy can help with that end?

GM Pancho

Big Dog - I'll try and speak your language -  CAN YOU CHECK WITH YOUR BOSS TOO?!? WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET.

GM Franchise

Just remember when you're talking in here to be careful what you say. It's like The Thing, anyone can be hacked at any time. First it's Thad, it could be any one of us after this.

I do have a theory. Let me test it with words of truth

I condemn the evil acts done by Yutani-Tyrell and want those responsible brought to justice. He should answer for any crimes he has committed.

GM Stark

sigh Alright, so here's a solution that's being brought to the table: I don't know how to put this, but I have a working A.I. as my current secretary, you can thank my new boss for that. Her name is Sophia and she was able to fight off the hackers from locking me out of Seattle HQ. That was easy to do because she's already integrated into my systems. Here's what she's willing to do: 80% of our systems can be saved. She can fight off this cyber attack.

Here's our problem, and before you all go crazy, know this is a group discussion and she wanted to come to you guys first. In order for her to get rid of this attack she needs to get into the HIFL's databanks. Those databanks house all of our financial information and more. She would have access to those files and more. She's a computer, she can't simply forget what she's seen. But that solution is on the table. Now, we can pay whatever amount this group is asking for, or we go with the solution that Sophia's brought to our attention.

As we speak the Commissioner is trying to circle the wagons to get the owners and discuss our options. She's doing her part and now we gotta do ours guys.

GM Franchise

So we're just supposed to hand over the keys to the kingdoms and expect more bad things not to happen? I've seen Terminator 3, this is literally that movie in real life. In the movie the military turned on Skynet to destroy the virus when I'm actuality Skynet was the virus that was taking over and started killing everyone the moment it got control. I'm getting that vibe here. I'm against it until I have assurances that your boss, the creator of Sophia, isn't behind this and is only doing this elaborate scheme as a means to get all of our information so he can exploit it.

GM Franchise

Stark, while I'm thinking of it, you might want to talk to your boss about who might have a grudge or vendetta against him. That's the origin of this and may be a clue as to discovering who we are dealing with as it relates to the Children of Veritas. It could be someone in his corporation, maybe former employees, or even a family member who he had a falling out with. In all scenarios he is the key to all of this. It's just a matter of finding out why and what actions that he did to start these events into motion.

GM Stark

Listen man, I don't know a lick about my new boss besides the fact that apparently he's spat in the face of God and has seen the surface of MARS. I'm not gonna hand it to the cyber-terrorists who currently have our entire league locked up with no way of us doing a goddamn thing about it. Until proven otherwise, Halifax hasn't done a damn thing. Sophia's given us an out, and while I'm an old fossil scared at the accelerated progress of technology, I can see how giving her access to the databank could help us solve this problem without us being stingy over the large lump sum these people are asking us for.

And in terms of getting reassurance, I'll let Commissioner Wilkinson handle the owner side of that conversation. We're having this conversation now and we need to take action now.

GM Franchise

We also need to give your AI secretary all of our information now too apparently...

GM Oldfield

I will commit 1MM of my offseason wages to this. I don't want to debate it, or reason, or negotiate. I've learnt my lesson. Pay and move on

GM Fosters

I would take the lesser of two evils and allowed Seattle to know our financial details than the alternative that these hackers are going to provide if they carry on unchecked. Have the PFL teams/ IFAF teams been affected?

GM Franchise

So we either pay a ransom like we did with the PFL last season or we allow Sophia, an AI, access to all of our team information with the hope that she doesn't destroy the entire league when she receives all of our data? I vote for whatever option C is because neither of those options is very enticing nor does either option likely end up good for us.

If we could find out why exactly Veritas and either confirm or deny it I think that's better than either of those options. It could also exonerate or condemn Tyrell. Finding the truth about why this started to begin with, in my opinion, leads to a better outcome than ransom paying or giving our information to an AI that could have programming flaws that lead to catastrophic calamity. That's my opinion, I'm sticking to it for now until someone comes up with a better solution that doesn't lead the entire league into oblivion.

GM Franchise

Quote from: GM Fosters on June 28, 2023, 03:19:17 AM
I would take the lesser of two evils and allowed Seattle to know our financial details than the alternative that these hackers are going to provide if they carry on unchecked. Have the PFL teams/ IFAF teams been affected?

Excellent question. Looks like no for now but if any of the PFL owners have business ventures that deal with technology, communication, and online security a temporary alliance would benefit both leagues as well as eas tensions between them. For all we know one or more of their owners could have some information that leads us to key information that could end this issue. Everything has a way of connecting. I like where you're going with this and it could be beneficial for us in my opinion.

GM Franchise

One last thing to take note of and I apologize for taking over this discussion but it has to be said before we hit the big red panic button. I did some investigating as it relates to Tyrell. This is from the HIFL News story from when Tyrell took over the ownership of Seattle during last season.

"Tyrell's technological prowess extends beyond football. As a prominent figure in the AI field, his company's advanced research and development programs rival NASA in the realm of space exploration. This has garnered both admiration and skepticism from industry insiders.  In 2024, YTSI launched the largest rocket in history into space successfully, and seven months later the vessel successfully landed on Mars and has sent back valuable data from the red planet in nearly-real-time from over 300 million miles away, a feet no other space exploration team has managed.   YTSI's next step is to send a manned mission to Mars while launching a new probe deeper into space to investigate other space phenomena. 

ESPN analyst, Adam Schefter expressed his excitement about the acquisition, stating, "Hal Tyrell's involvement in the HIFL is a game-changer. His expertise in AI and technology could revolutionize football. However, his controversial views on AI operating in functional bodies make it a topic of intense debate as some fear we are going to one day see androids playing football, but that is just fear talking; today is a great day for football."

I would like more information about Tyrell's Mars missions, space probe data collection, rocket testing/launches, and views on AI operating in functional bodies. One of those three things started the chain reaction that led us to this point. He is the key to fixing of all of this and I'm convinced of that. If Sophia or Stark could enlighten us about this we would all be much better informed about what direction to go in as it relates to this current crisis situation that we are in.

GM Gates

So we can either pay the 28M they are demanding and hope the hacking stops with no other recurrences.

Or we can let Seattles AI into our systems and then Seattle has all of our information. Stark says she can fix 80% so not even a guarantee she can solve the entire issue.

Or we can spend money to investigate Hal Tyrell ourselves (since I doubt he's going to admit to anything), and if the investigation fails, we then have to circle back to one of the other two options.

GM Eli

I'm going to assume 28 million is a sum that is going to be challenging to achieve even if you include those, such as myself, who were against mandatory union dues but were still willing to contribute toward a solution to league wide problems when they arise.

For the record, I will contribute 1MM of my offseason finances if that is the route the GM Collective decides to go.

My personal preference, as it seems the simplest and most direct solution, would be to allow Henry's new AI to do what she can. I can understand there is some wariness about this. Even though our team financials are available to everyone I am sure there is substantial other private information that are maintained within each teams... whatever you call them. Cloud storage or whatever.

Anyway, it would seem reasonable to me to expect this Sophia to purge all of the data she does acquire after she has made the situation secure. If we choose to use her to solve this problem rather than give in to blackmail.

GM Oldfield

Didn't everyone bad mouth the GM reps when we didn't pay asap last time? Is this not essentially the same situation.

1M from contracts (not including the three newbies) would get us 29M. Isn't it that simple?

GM Eli

I don't remember bad mouthing but you might be right. I'm not sure it's that simple, though. With the PFL there was a binding agreement that was signed that would bring an immediate end to the problem. With this group of children, there is nothing to stop them from saying you paid 28 million... now actually we want 56 million in total.

My concern is that in the end we are going to be turning to Starks AI to make sure this stops. It's just going to be a question of do we spend 28 million before learning that lesson, or do we save our money and make use of it.. her?.. right off the bat.

Before we worry about the who, what, where and why of all of this, lets make sure we have our ducks in a row for how to stop it. Lets get confirmation from each GM of how much, if any, they are willing to contribute toward the 28MM. At the very least that should let us know if that is a realistic option to choose from.


We should find out how much it would cost to investigate Seattle's owner. It seems this group is more concerned with getting justice for something involving him than they are the ransom. I feel like even with the top of the line investigation of the owner, it'll come in well under 28 million.

GM Gates

Quote from: GM Cory on June 28, 2023, 07:31:41 AM
We should find out how much it would cost to investigate Seattle's owner. It seems this group is more concerned with getting justice for something involving him than they are the ransom. I feel like even with the top of the line investigation of the owner, it'll come in well under 28 million.

My worry there is if we pay to investigate the owner and nothing comes of it, then we have to (possibly) pay 28M on top of the money paid to investigate. It's probably easier to raise money for an investigation, but not necessarily going to end this...

GM Dazz

I'll pay towards Bowser's offer of help but not a penny to any ransom. GM Dazz doesn't negotiate with terrorists. As previously mentioned, it doesn't guarantee they'll stop and actually encourages further attacks. If we pay every ransom demanded of us we just become an easy source of money for criminals.
Any decision on databanks and the like I will defer to BC James. It's his data. I've not even gotten my feet under the desk yet.

GM Eli

The problem with Bowser is that we currently have no way to pay him since the league office has been locked down.

GM Justin

I ain't paying shit. This is not a GM problem it's an owners' problem as they're the ones that got hacked considering they own the team's and all. Let them pay for it.

GM Thad

For once, can we all agree to try the obvious solution presented to us, rather than being over backwards to assume that the solution is a trap? How many times must we fail this simple test?

I am referring to the AI solution of course.

GM Pancho

Eli's right. We don't have a binding agreement with the Children of Veritas. Hell we don't even have a face to the name should things go bad. We would also have to pay by a means they control.

Frankly I'm in favor to trust the AI for one simple reason. We CAN make a binding contract with the data that is accrued and the people who would have access to it.

Im opposed to investigating the Seattle owner though. One, it ruins the chance of that binding agreement - if we investigate him it's only fair for him to investigate all of us. Two, logistically it's impossible to get that investigation funded. We don't have the ability to raise funds or access to the GM Fund. Three, we have no basis of truth to these allegations except for the demands by this terrorist group. Is that who we want to trust? The media would take our investigation as validating them. As football GM's that's not our job.

GM Gates

To those who don't want to pay anything:

I understand that given how often we pay for things and stuff still happens. Would you be alright with allowing Seattles AI secretary access to your teams information so that she/it may try and stop the hacking?

Obviously there's some risk there, but as far as we know no money is going to be spent in that regard.

Unfortunately there likely is no sit back and wait option. While Tyrell is at the heart of this, this likely doesn't happen if we weren't so fractured and showing a weakness of unity earlier. And now we have a timeline.

I was planning to donate to the GM Fund anyways once the off season kicks in so I can pledge $1 million to it, whether that is for it to sit there for a future event or to be used to help this one (depending on which route we go obviously).

GM Adam Wrong

It's not entirely down to us though. It would have to be with our owners support.

I'm on thin ice so I can't risk volunteering

GM Eli

Since there's been a deadline can we put this to a vote that way we can deal with this immediately and move on.

I am in favor of the AI but will do my part financially if the majority would rather go that way.

GM Thad

My team's money has already been stolen so I cannot contribute to the ransom/and or Bowser payment anyway. I also pick the AI.

GM Gates

Just a thought...

If we are all locked out of the league office and our team networks, do we even have the ability to pay for anything? Wouldn't our contract money and any other money be locked away and unavailable to us?

Seems like the only option might be the AI way since the owners said no to Bowser.

GM Josh

Smarter football says trust the AI. That's got my vote

GM Eli

I think we have access to our money but no way to spend it as the league office is locked.

Which is why they have said there will be their own secure portal to make payment. That's my understanding of things anyway.

GM Pancho

Quote from: GM Gates on June 28, 2023, 10:03:13 AM
Just a thought...

If we are all locked out of the league office and our team networks, do we even have the ability to pay for anything? Wouldn't our contract money and any other money be locked away and unavailable to us?

Seems like the only option might be the AI way since the owners said no to Bowser.

If we committed to paying the ransom - the hackers would provide the means to pay them. Not sure what specifics those are.

But STARK! Can you get your owner/AI to agree that any information collected would be under an NDA with a punishment of loss of all draft picks, big ass fine, and suspension from the league should any of our information go public? Is that possible?

GM Gates

From the news...

IF we pay, they still need a confession from Tyrell to stop...

GM Yount

Quote from: GM Eli on June 28, 2023, 09:57:53 AM
Since there's been a deadline can we put this to a vote that way we can deal with this immediately and move on.

I am in favor of the AI but will do my part financially if the majority would rather go that way.


GM Yount

Quote from: GM Gates on June 28, 2023, 10:12:36 AM
From the news...

IF we pay, they still need a confession from Tyrell to stop...



GM Black Death

I say bring forth the AI, they are not getting any money from me.

GM Justin

Well Pancho, you wanted the job and you're now in the hot seat.  I didn't vote for you, but you're our rep so how about pull your man pants on and make a decision so we can move on. 

No more debate needed.  Pancho make the fucking decision.