

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 08:31:23 PM

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GM Pancho

Sounds like we are a lot closer on George than we are on Pope.  It's good to get a baseline on both. Let's get back in touch before the trade deadline as things are always fluid here but these talks have been productive. 

Thanks again for taking my call Mr. Maker.


Rosa can we please talk to DeVonte Diaz?


DeVonte thanks for coming in.  How did you like your first taste of major media attention a few weeks back? Just comes with the territory of being a bright young star on a team with the brightest lights shining on them.  And then once it gets out in the media - the jackals jump all over it feeding into the machine.

I'm sure you have seen your dad go through it but quite another when it is your name.


I don't mind the spotlight or the attention, I thrive when the lights are on me, it motivates me to show out.

GM Pancho

You not only have the skills - but the mentality to play here. No other place are the lights brighter or stronger.  Keep doing what you are doing on the field.


Rosa do you think you could get Bobby Shapiro on the line?


Thanks for taking my call Bobby.  Calling you for two reasons.  First, updating you and keeping you in the loop there's a chance we might have a deal in place to honor Manaia's trade request.  I've made an official offer and the other GM is considering it.  If you want me to get specific I certainly can though I don't want to jinx anything as nothing is official like I said.

Secondly, and I know this is very recent so you may not have had a chance to confer with your client but I was once very interested in bringing Louis Stevens - though at that time I believe he ended up choosing San Antonio - still sore about Season 11 and his 6 pancakes btw - really did a damn fine job on my Cerberus.  Anyways, I still have that same interest in him and was if the feeling was mutual.  I know there are other teams that will probably be calling, hell maybe even other leagues but I figured it was worth at least calling to let him know we are interested - even if we would have to move around a few things to make it happen.



What are you thinking, when it comes to Stevens?  I'm all ears.

GM Pancho

Well I don't want to appear to be discussing anything untoward so I'll keep it hypothetical. 

Say a certain Tackle that wants to be traded - has the worst news come to him and his close to done trade falls through. 

What if his freedom came about not by trade - but by a mutual agreement to terminate. A clean break. This is assuming a different trade couldn't be worked out of course.  Possibly more teams could be interested if they didn't have to give up a player and only draft capital.

That would give the tackle the choice of a new destination rather than just a trade.  And it would allow the GM a roster spot and cap room to obtain the services of another player.

That new player could just slide right in and it appears that three hypothetical people could be in the positions they want to be.  Like I said. Don't want to appear untoward or violate any long standing traditions of not discussing two different players contract statuses.




To avoid any potential trouble with the league office, I think we're best to just not speak in hypotheticals and circle back when you have a roster spot open.


GM Pancho


1. Discuss a game that caught your eye

I caught the second half of the Silverbacks and Predators game and as the game drew closer and closer I could see the players getting tighter.  The game intrigued me because both teams were playing a much different brand of football than Alabama does as they both focused more on throwing the football.  Wright and Owens were doing their best to move the football and they just kept matching each other all game until eventually the clock ran out.  A brutal ending for all involved.  A tie just always feels so ... inconclusive.

This might not be the best venue to discuss it but perhaps in the off season we can discuss a change to OT rules.  Maybe. 

2. What does your team need most in terms of improvement?

Competition.  We need iron to sharpen iron.  Orlando showed that we aren't invincible and we've spent the bye week working hard in practice and balancing that with resting players with nagging injuries.  Getting back on the field will help this team improve the most.

3. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

DC made the first move as one of the teams that signed a player from attending the HiFL O-Line Open House.  Being honest ourselves, there were multiple players that we showed interest in and that impressed in both their skills and interviews.  But interest alone doesn't get someone signed and I have to balance the acquisition of talent, with the needs of the team now, as well as making sure everything stays within budget – especially as a mid season addition.

Certainly the news for Keenan Daley is harrowing.  This sport is physical and while there's never an intent to injure – in most cases – injuries obviously very much do happen.  I hope he can make a full recovery and get to decide on his term how his career continues.

And of course I always keep an eye on our partners in Mexico.  Seeing them get their first victory was a great feeling both as a partner and as a fellow Mexicano. And also as an American – what a comeback for Team USA! And as a Bruin I tip my cap to those boys for trying their best.  Losing like that to a rival always sucks.

4. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

New GM.  New Logo.  New successes ... but still Atlanta.  Despite the unfamiliar it won't be long before we get familiar again.  For a few seasons Alabama and Atlanta were one of the most physical and heated matchups that could be put on the schedule.  But what's helped us – not just in this game but in all games – is that we have experience being in those situations.  Our veteran players are battle tested and our untested younger players are prepped for those situations.  It's a real credit to the coaching staff and captains we have on this squad.  Atlanta may have thought that they exercised all their demons ... but the Nighthawks are back to show them that while the more things change the more they stay the same.


Back to the field and getting ready to face Atlanta Coach Tibbetts.  I have to say while the scouting was good those interviews really highlighted who our targets should be IF we sign anyone from the O-Line Open House.



Glad you found value in the reporting, we tried to dig as deep as possible.

GM Pancho

It's a merit to the coaching staff and I think this move will really give us some depth behind the starters at that position and possible a starter moving forward.  That being said I have make room for that roster move right now so I've got to make some calls.

Still not sure about the timing of a deal currently in the works but I will definitely circle back with you regardless when it comes to preparing for Atlanta.

Rosa could you please connect me with Amber Molina?


Senora Molina.  Thanks for taking my call.  We're making some roster moves and unfortunately we are going to be cutting your client Anderson Guerra.  He's the 4th tackle on our depth chart and not really seeing the field much - - even after Faamoana's time on the injury report.  We think it's best we part ways and he get a chance to see more playing time and we can open a roster spot to make a signing we think can improve our depth at another position.  Sorry to make the call but I wanted to make it before the paperwork hit the league office desk and the news hit the media.


GM Pancho



Rosa, our new signee Jack Lewis should be arriving soon.  Can you make sure he get's a playbook and that someone guides him around to show him where everything is?  Also can you ask Coach Tibbetts to come back to my office?


Coach we've signed one of the players from the Open House - I know we have missed training camp so our options are limited but I still wanted to get a head start on familiarizing him with the offense and improving on his skills.  What options do we have during the season to get Jack going?



Our best bet to get him spun up is to spend on position training, it will get him better overall and a little more familiar with our scheme.

GM Pancho

Consider it done Coach Tibbetts - want to get the kid started on the right foot and from all accounts he's someone who wants to work hard.  This is an investment for our future more next season but in the immediacy at least provided some depth for us.

Speaking of future - I wanted to have a quick discussion about our depth at Corner.  We know what Vu brings to the table - while Steven Lord and Anthony Garland seem to be filling in at CB2 and CB3 right now.  I wanted to ask how the rookies Cleo Walters and John Huggins are progressing.  I know they aren't seeing much if any playing time right now but wanted to know how the two measure up compared to the men above them on the depth chart.


Garland has been getting around 22 snaps a game, Huggins didnt play last week but he had about 12 snaps in each of the first three games and played well.  Cleo flashed in week 1 with 15 snaps but giving him 29 and 39 snaps in the next two games he struggled more and more so we didn't even really play him against Orlando, and with Arnold he got about 11 reps in each of the first three games with solid results. 

We're rotating everyone in the nickle/dime/quarters looks and so far nobody has really stepped up and claimed the role for their own, but I see both you guys as long term options for us as long as they keep developing.   


GM Pancho

Definitely something to keep track as the season goes.  There will be opportunities for those players and I will be curious who steps up.


That being said we've officially gotten word that the Lloyd Cormier deal has gone through.  Think it's no question he slides into our starting LT.  I was a bit surprised that Dele Obaje seemed to be thrown into the deal giving us a different look at DL.  I think it's going to take a few games to figure him out but I think the kid will need to bulk up or hope he is fast enough to play LB for us.  I won't lie I've already got interest from other teams reaching out but for now I am expecting him to be on this roster.



Huge get!  Love adding Cormier to the roster!   We can find some reps for Dele hopefully, but I don't see him working as a linebacker, he's too tall and doesn't have those types of skills, but yeah if he could add 20-30 lbs to his frame he could be very similar to Diaz in our scheme.

GM Pancho

I'll keep mind of that.

I've already adjusted our Depth Chart on that trade. And I think we are fully prepped for facing Atlanta now.  Let's get ready and get the team bus ready.

Manai Faamoana is replaced by Lloyd Cormier and made starting LT
Shawn Oakman is replaced by Dele Obaje and listed as DE3

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss your week 6 results

Alabama v Atlanta.  New coat of paint. New marketing and logos. Still the same result.  A credit to their organization and their players they didn't quit like they had in years past.  That kind of spirit is new and being honest; that's a winning attitude that can be built on.  A credit to their GM, coaching staff and captains.  That 4th quarter didn't go our way and that's an issue that needs to be addressed. In the last three 4th quarters we have had we have been outscored 48 – 21 and really in the last two games it's been 37-7.
But despite all that we did come with a win and with a win comes a game ball.  I'm really choosing between two candidates – Jamie Ortega and his 277 all-purpose yard with 4 TD's or Bruce Wilkinson for his 9 tackles and 2 sacks – the last of which was an emphatic finale to the game and preventing any comeback from happening. In the end I am acknowledging Ortega but giving the game ball to Bruce for that finishing sack.  We needed every bit of both player's production to come away with that win.
Also shout out to Pegasus for producing immensely for us while dealing with broken finger. Mad respect.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
Lincoln Doss had some spicy comments to make after playing Miami.  I'm not going to deny his experience but I can't say I've seen that play from Miami before. That isn't to say they aren't doing that now.  Maybe they don't try that with us because of what happened to the last team that stepped up and knowing we wouldn't back down wouldn't want to deal with the ramifications that came out of that and really put a black mark on the league. 

The league should immediately investigate and aim to prevent this kind of behavior.  If the referees aren't protecting us and the opposing teams are engaging in that behavior, it's only a matter of time before teams have to start protecting themselves and another incident occurs.

I saw some news highlighting our next game with Amsterdam, I'll touch base shortly on that.

I'm glad to hear that Daley feels he is doing well and on his way to recovery.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

Welcome to Mobile, Amsterdam.  We've missed you. And we've got a bit of a "bone" to pick with you.  The teams aren't the same. For either side.  But I can tell you the veterans on this squad have a long memory.  We show up to compete every game but to use a cliché this one has been circled on the calendar since the schedule came out – for me. 

I look to use our biggest advantage on both sides of the ball.  Nobody runs the ball better than use and nobody gets after the quarterback like us.  If we can dominate both sides of the ball and correct our 4th quarter struggles I feel confident going into this next game.


Coach Tibbetts thanks for talking to me, I'm a bit perplexed at our fourth quarter production in these last three, really two games.  Is there something wrong with our strategy? Are we playing too aggressive on offense or defense and turning the ball on downs too quickly or is a stamina issue?



The 4th quarter against Orlando wasn't /that/ much of a one sided effort.  They had it first and drove 97 yards to score and ate up some clock, it was just a problem stopping the run game.

Then we got the ball and drove but a penalty and then a big sack set us back deep and we had to punt.

They got it back and drove with the same tough-to-stop Tuilagi runs and they scored the TD  to take the lead.

We got it with 1:28 to go in regulation and rove down the field to score the go-ahead TD, but a freaking fluke Hail Mary let them send it to FG range and OT...

This week the opened the quarter with a field goal on hte first play, we ate 5 minutes and punted. they went 3 and out.  We drove into their zone and got aggressive with a 21 point lead to go for it on 4th down to put the dagger in and came up short.  then we never touched the ball again because of those freak onside kicks.

I don't think its anything more than coincidence.

GM Pancho

Naturally it's a GM's job to worry but when you lay it all out like that and give it the context of the game it does give me relief. 

But you know what they say once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times ... that's enemy action.  I'm still working the phones in regards to any roster adjustments.  I think gameplan wise we are still set.  Outside of that fluke Orlando game we've really been consistent in our performance. 

I still remember that game against Amsterdam so I'm wanting this rematch bad.



For sure.  We're ready to show them that we're Vengeance.

GM Pancho

Exactly the kind of attitude I want us to have. Thanks for your time Coach Tibbetts.


Rosa does Mr. Woods have time in his schedule to talk? The nature of the meeting is about securing the right to possibly trade draft picks beyond my contract status.


Hello GM Pancho, what can I do for you today?

GM Pancho

Thanks for taking time to fit me into your schedule.  I've been approached by some GM's who are looking to make deals but the kind of compensation they are asking for involves future draft picks that as of now I don't have permission to trade.

I could go into the details of the trade talks if you like but essentially I am asking for permission to possibly trade Season 17 picks.  Normally, I'm not one to trade future picks like that but I wanted to have the option to in case things made sense for Alabama.


GM Pancho, I believe you are asking for a one year extension to make your contract a 3 year deal?

GM Pancho

Actually I would like a longer extension than that if we really wanted to discuss a contract extension.  I'm not asking for more money because I am happy with my compensation but I wouldn't mind adding years to send a message to the staff and fans that I have no desire to manage elsewhere. 

If Mr. Woods you have reservations about the length of a contract I wouldn't be opposed to giving you opt out years. But I'd like something in the 6 to 7 year range if you'll have me.


7 Years at your current salary? I believe that is a deal any GM would be happy to have you for GM Pancho. 

GM Pancho

Thank you Mr. Woods.  It truly is an honor being part of this great organization.  I only wish to keep it that way.  I'll make sure to send all the necessary paperwork to the league office.



The best GM in the business with the greatest franchise in the business.. It's a match made in Championship heaven.  Keep up the great work GM Pancho and Have a nice da-ay.

GM Pancho

Gracias Senor Woods ....


Rosa I think we are ready to go for matchup with Amsterdam.

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?)

Tough loss for the Nighthawks this week.  We had a great first half, dominating, like a Nighthawk team should perform.  But credit to Amsterdam because they got some halftime motivation and adjustments that we couldn't compete with.  Amsterdam took a page out of our book and ran the ball like they stole something.

The statistics were fairly even across both teams in third down conversions, time of possession, and rushing yards and attempts.  What really jumped out was the additional 100 yards they got out of their passing game which was essentially their final drive to win the game.

I'm not sure there's "one person" that we can pin this on and point the finger at.  That's not how we operate either.  Win as a team.  Lose as a team.  But if you're wanting a definitive answer on who needs to step up to prevent another loss – point the finger right here at the man making the decisions.  I've got to do a better job of putting our players in a position to succeed and I'll need to check with the coaching staff about how I can do that better.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

First and foremost, I'd like to remind everyone that the term fan is derived from the word fanatic. So when I hear a comment or a headline along the words of, "Nighthawks fans lament lack of traditionally dominant Alabama Defense, internet fan base says 'selfish superstars' weakening team with bloated contracts!" I know that's actually coming from a place of love.  But their love misguides them and the blame shouldn't be on "selfish superstars."  I'm not sure what they mean by selfish? Do they mean contractually?  Do they mean on the field like stat chasing?  These men got the contracts they have EARNED and their play certainly isn't reflective of anything selfish. We just need to focus on ourselves and deliver wins.  Wins always fix mostly everything.

I think the backlash against Maldonado is a bit extreme.  Every team in the HiFL could find a reason to lament not having Waylon Hagan around in a game situation.  Especially the ones that never even rostered him in the first place.  Naturally a team like Tucson that knows first-hand what kind of player he was would be aware of what is missing.  It's up to a combined effort from them to replace that level of production.

I think it's important to point out DeVonte Diaz player of the week award – he had an extraordinary effort in the game against Amsterdam.

And of course I've got eyes on the news in the Las Vegas locker room, our opponent in the coming week.  Got to give credit to Bannister for putting name to paper when it came to his statement.  I at minimum can respect that even if I can't verify what he is saying is true.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

We get to host the Las Vegas Scorpions and I get to host my good friend GM Metro.  We've had a bit of a professional rivalry ... though one sided it may be.  The match up of Nighthawks v Scorpions brings out the old school HiFL fan in all of us.  These two franchises have been at it since the beginning.

As for our biggest advantage, I'd have to say the experience we have in the backfield and the system that we run with Ortega and Pegasus.  These two guys know how to read the offenses and how to turn up field given the smallest windows.


Coach Tibbetts not the kind of results we were wanting but hats off to Amsterdam for delivering in the clutch.  I feel like we need to reevaluate the defense and/or the scheme that we are running out there. 

What are our rankings in the rush/pass game defensively? And do you feel these rankings are due to scheme and/or personnel?



We're 19th in points against, 30th in total yards allowed, 15th in passing allowed, and 27th in rushing allowed.  We're 5th in sacks, 25th in INTs, 11th in Hurries, 17th in Knockdowns, 20th in PDs, and 32nd in TFLs.   I don't know what the overall reason is, but Ash's graded terribly for us all season at SS with 2 key plays in 517 snaps.  Dekker hasn't faired much better with 2 key plays in 593 snaps but he graded out nicely in Weeks 2 and 3.  Pope had two highly graded games in Weeks 3 and 4, but overall he's done poorly for us this year,  Vu and Lord had a couple a good games, but same thing..  Our only stars have been Diaz and Wilkinson with 15 and 24 key plays each and really amazing grades in all but the Orlando game;  Eros and Moreno have done well too most of the season but the rest just isn't grading out. Effort and Cohesion have been our weak points.

GM Pancho

Cohesion I can understand - we have a lot of new moving parts - people in different roles - but effort.  That's really interesting to me.

You mention grading and key plays - does that mean that guys are out of position and can't make a play - are in position and can't make a play - or a combination of everything?  Just trying to figure out if the sample size points to a player issue or a scheme issue - and I know that's difficult to figure out.


I can't explain key plays or grades without total speculation boss, just passing the info I have.

GM Pancho

I appreciate you not speculating Coach. 

I'll go back to two outliers that I saw - 27th in rushing allowed and 32nd in TFL - those aren't results we are used to.  I'm not sure this information is available but when teams run the ball against us are they more successful going outside and trying to get the edge or running in between the gaps?



Here is our defensive play data:

Exported data

Off. Formation   Play   Def. Formation   Count   Avg Gain   TD   Int
I-Formation   Backs Out   4-3 Defense   2   9.00   0   0
I-Formation   Backs Out   5-2 Defense   1   12.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   3   2.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Right   3-4 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Right   4-3 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
I-Formation   Dive Left   3-4 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Dive Left   4-3 Defense   2   1.50   0   0
I-Formation   Dive Right   4-3 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
I-Formation   Draw   4-3 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
I-Formation   FB Deep Out   3-4 Defense   2   2.50   1   0
I-Formation   FB Deep Out   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   OffTackle Left   4-3 Defense   3   1.33   0   0
I-Formation   OffTackle Left   5-2 Defense   2   1.00   0   0
I-Formation   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
I-Formation   OffTackle Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   PA Pitch Slants   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   PA Pitch Slants   5-2 Defense   2   4.00   0   0
I-Formation   PA Skew Right   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Pitch Left   4-3 Defense   4   2.50   0   0
I-Formation   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   1   7.00   1   0
I-Formation   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   1   1.00   1   0
I-Formation   Pitch Right   5-2 Defense   1   22.00   0   0
I-Formation   RB Post   4-3 Defense   2   6.50   0   0
I-Formation   Skinny Posts   4-3 Defense   1   27.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   3   0.67   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Left   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Right   3-4 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Right   4-3 Defense   3   2.33   0   0
I-Formation   TE Deep Out   4-3 Defense   1   23.00   0   0
I-Formation   TE Post   3-4 Defense   1   13.00   0   0
I-Formation   TE Post   4-3 Defense   2   6.50   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   4-3 Defense   1   -9.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   5-2 Defense   2   -0.50   0   0
I-Formation   WR Curl Flats   4-3 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Fly   4-3 Defense   4   15.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR In   5-2 Defense   1   19.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Out   4-3 Defense   4   7.50   0   0
I-Formation   WR Post   3-4 Defense   1   46.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Read   4-3 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short In   4-3 Defense   5   3.20   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short In   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short Out   4-3 Defense   5   3.60   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short Out   5-2 Defense   2   2.50   0   0
I-Formation   WR Slants   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Slants   5-2 Defense   1   -5.00   1   0
Two TE Jumbo   Backs Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Backs Out   5-2 Defense   1   -7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   ComeBacks   4-3 Defense   2   8.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   ComeBacks   5-2 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Counter Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Curl Flats   3-4 Defense   2   6.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Curl Flats   4-3 Defense   2   -3.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Curl Flats   5-2 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Left   4-3 Defense   2   2.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Left   5-2 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Right   4-3 Defense   5   2.60   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Dive Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Draw   3-4 Defense   1   -1.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Draw   4-3 Defense   6   1.67   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Draw   5-2 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Fly   4-3 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   In   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   In   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Off Tackle Left   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Off Tackle Left   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Sweep Left   Dime Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Sweep Left   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   OffTackle Left   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   2   4.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   OffTackle Right   5-2 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Out   5-2 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Bomb   4-3 Defense   3   12.33   0   1
Two TE Jumbo   PA Dump Off   3-4 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Dump Off   5-2 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Pitch Out   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Pitch Left   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   2   -0.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Pitch Right   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Post   4-3 Defense   1   17.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   RB Post   4-3 Defense   2   25.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short In   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short Out   4-3 Defense   3   3.67   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Skinny Post   4-3 Defense   2   7.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Skinny Post   5-2 Defense   1   33.00   1   0
Two TE Jumbo   Skinny Posts   4-3 Defense   3   13.33   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Square In   4-3 Defense   3   1.33   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Square In   5-2 Defense   1   -7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Streaks   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Streaks   5-2 Defense   3   4.67   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Sweep Right   4-3 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   TE Post   3-4 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   TE Post   4-3 Defense   2   11.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   TE1 Deep Out   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Out   3-4 Defense   1   1.00   1   0
Pro-Set   Backs Out   4-3 Defense   2   8.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Out   5-2 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Waggle   3-4 Defense   2   12.50   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Waggle   4-3 Defense   2   -3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Waggle   5-2 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   3   9.00   1   0
Pro-Set   Counter Left   5-2 Defense   2   35.50   0   0
Pro-Set   Counter Right   4-3 Defense   2   19.50   0   0
Pro-Set   Counter Right   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Crosses   4-3 Defense   3   -2.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Crosses   5-2 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Curl Flats   4-3 Defense   1   17.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Dive Right   4-3 Defense   5   0.60   0   0
Pro-Set   Dive Right   5-2 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Pro-Set   FB Deep Out   3-4 Defense   1   6.00   1   0
Pro-Set   FB Deep Out   4-3 Defense   1   16.00   0   0
Pro-Set   FB Deep Out   5-2 Defense   4   15.25   1   0
Pro-Set   FB Dive   4-3 Defense   3   1.67   0   0
Pro-Set   FB Dive   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Left   3-4 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Left   4-3 Defense   3   1.33   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   4   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Right   5-2 Defense   2   21.50   0   0
Pro-Set   PA Double Skinny   3-4 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Pro-Set   PA Mid Clutter   4-3 Defense   3   2.67   0   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   1   10.00   1   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   2   12.00   0   0
Pro-Set   RB Post   4-3 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Skinny Posts   4-3 Defense   2   14.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Skinny Posts   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   4   6.50   1   0
Pro-Set   Sweep Right   4-3 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Sweep Right   5-2 Defense   1   19.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Deep Out   4-3 Defense   3   -2.33   0   0
Pro-Set   TE In   4-3 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Pro-Set   TE In   5-2 Defense   1   -6.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Out   4-3 Defense   1   7.00   0   1
Pro-Set   TE Skinny Post   5-2 Defense   1   1.00   1   0
Pro-Set   WR ComeBacks   4-3 Defense   2   4.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Double Posts   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Double Posts   4-3 Defense   1   -7.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Fly   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Fly   4-3 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Post   4-3 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Post   5-2 Defense   1   18.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Read   4-3 Defense   3   7.67   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Left   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Right   Dime Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Shotgun   Draw   Dime Defense   2   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   Draw   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Left   Dime Defense   1   48.00   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Left   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   Nickel Defense   2   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   PA Pitch Stinger   Nickel Defense   3   6.00   0   0
Shotgun   Pitch Left   Nickel Defense   1   -2.00   0   0
Shotgun   QB Power Right   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   QB Power Right   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   Quick Slants   Nickel Defense   3   8.33   0   0
Shotgun   RB Post   Nickel Defense   3   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Rub   Dime Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Rub   Nickel Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Under   Dime Defense   1   -11.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Under   Nickel Defense   2   -5.50   1   0
Shotgun   Skinny Posts   Nickel Defense   4   4.00   0   0
Shotgun   Slot Corner   Nickel Defense   1   -11.00   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Left   Nickel Defense   5   6.20   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Right   Nickel Defense   2   4.50   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Right   Quarter Defense   1   20.00   0   0
Shotgun   TE Deep Out   Dime Defense   1   19.00   0   0
Shotgun   Trail Under   Dime Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   Trail Under   Nickel Defense   3   2.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Inside Slants   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Inside Slants   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Out   Dime Defense   3   3.33   1   0
Shotgun   WR Out   Nickel Defense   2   -6.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Posts   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Read   Dime Defense   1   8.00   1   0
Shotgun   WR Read   Nickel Defense   4   2.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Short Out   Nickel Defense   1   -11.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Streak   Dime Defense   1   21.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Counter Left   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Right   Dime Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Right   Nickel Defense   2   0.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Double Fly Streak   Dime Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Draw   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Levels Right   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   OffTackle Left   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   OffTackle Left   Nickel Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   PA Dump Off   Nickel Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   PA Quad Slants   Nickel Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Pitch Left   Dime Defense   2   6.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Pitch Left   Nickel Defense   3   24.67   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Quick Slants   Dime Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Dart   Nickel Defense   2   7.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Rub   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Under   Nickel Defense   3   0.33   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Sweep Left   Dime Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   TE Deep Out   Nickel Defense   2   -5.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR In   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR In   Nickel Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Inside Slants   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Square In   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Streak   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Counter Left   Nickel Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Spread   Curl Flats   Nickel Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Spread   Dive Left   Nickel Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Spread   Draw   Nickel Defense   5   2.00   0   0
Spread   Draw   Quarter Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Spread   Outs Under   Nickel Defense   2   8.50   0   0
Spread   Pitch Left   Dime Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   Dime Defense   2   18.00   0   0
Spread   QB Sprint Left   Nickel Defense   3   -1.00   0   0
Spread   Quick Slants   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   RB Post   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   RB Post   Nickel Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Spread   RB Screen   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   RB Screen   Nickel Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Slants Under   Dime Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Spread   Slot Drag   Nickel Defense   2   13.00   0   0
Spread   Slot Drag   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Slot Read   Nickel Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Spread   Sprint Left   Dime Defense   2   14.00   0   0
Spread   Sprint Right   Nickel Defense   3   5.67   0   0
Spread   Sweep Left   Dime Defense   1   15.00   0   0
Spread   Sweep Left   Nickel Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Spread   Sweep Right   Nickel Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Spread   TE Checkdown   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   TE Checkdown   Nickel Defense   3   6.33   1   0
Spread   TE Checkdown   Quarter Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Spread   WR Out   Dime Defense   1   18.00   0   0
Spread   WR Out   Nickel Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Slants   Nickel Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Spread   WR Square In   Nickel Defense   2   4.50   0   0
Two TE   Corners   3-4 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Two TE   Corners   4-3 Defense   2   5.00   1   0
Two TE   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   4   17.25   1   0
Two TE   Dive Left   4-3 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Dive Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Draw   4-3 Defense   2   1.00   0   0
Two TE   inside Slant   4-3 Defense   1   13.00   1   0
Two TE   OffTackle Left   5-2 Defense   2   7.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   4   1.25   0   0
Two TE   PA Staggered Ins   5-2 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE   PA TE Outs   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   PA TE Outs   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   4-3 Defense   4   9.00   1   0
Two TE   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   4   18.25   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   5   3.60   1   0
Two TE   Sweep Left   5-2 Defense   3   7.67   1   0
Two TE   Sweep Right   4-3 Defense   3   4.33   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Right   5-2 Defense   2   4.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Clearout   3-4 Defense   2   1.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Clearout   4-3 Defense   2   4.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Clearout   5-2 Defense   3   -0.67   0   0
Two TE   TE Clutter   4-3 Defense   2   9.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Drag   4-3 Defense   3   4.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Outs   4-3 Defense   3   0.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Outs   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Pick   4-3 Defense   1   42.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Streak   5-2 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Out   4-3 Defense   2   5.50   0   0
Two TE   WR Skinny Post   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Streak   4-3 Defense   2   6.00   0   0

GM Pancho

Well it seems based on the data you provided teams are definitely more successfull running the ball on off tackle, sweeps and counters.  They are more successful going left than right but still successful either ways.

I think the quickest thing we can do is review our depth charts in our 5-2 defense and 3-4 defense.  With them getting the outside edge I'd have to think it's mostly a speed issue.  In terms of speed and agility how would you rank our LB group?



Of fastest linebackers are Jackson, Pope, and Marino.  All close in that order.. With Agility its Jackson in a tier to himself, then Marino, Knight, Pope, and Hildebrand.

As for our 3-4 and 5-2 depth charts:

Our default look in 3-4 is Bruce, Brandenburg, and DeVonte with Eros and Marino on the edges, Pope and Hildebrand in the middle.

with the 5-2  its Bruce, Bradenburg, Burke, Davis, Diaz from left to right; with Marino and Pope as the backers.

GM Pancho

Okay given that information you provided Coach I'm making some slight adjustments in the depth chart for those two formations.

3-4 Depth Chart

LE - Brandenburg
DT - Burke
RE - Diaz

LOLB - Jackson
LILB - Pope
RILB - Hildebrand
ROLB - Wilkinson

5-2 Depth Chart

LDE - Wilkinson
LDT - Brandenburg
MDT - Burke
RDT - Davis
RDE - Diaz

LOLB - Jackson
ROLB - Marino

My only concern is slotting Brandenburg at DE instead of one our backups in Markham or Obaje - would you rather have one of them in instead?



OBaje isn't big enough to play 34 DE, and the skill level is too great for Markham send him to the bench.

GM Pancho

Okay let's keep these adjustments and see what we can do with them.

3-4 Depth Chart

LE - Brandenburg
DT - Burke
RE - Diaz

LOLB - Jackson
LILB - Pope
RILB - Hildebrand
ROLB - Wilkinson

5-2 Depth Chart

LDE - Wilkinson
LDT - Brandenburg
MDT - Burke
RDT - Davis
RDE - Diaz

LOLB - Jackson
ROLB - Marino

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss your weeks results

A hell of a battle between the Alabama and Las Vegas that saw us push the game into overtime and then eventually win the game.  I've been discussing the defense when it comes to fourth quarters and this fourth quarter when we needed them to step up they did.  Only 3 pts allowed in what I always refer to as Winning Time.  And we truly needed that effort since our offense only scored 6 pts before getting that final TD to end the game in OT.

That team ball goes to the defense as a collective unit especially since they were out on that field far longer than I would've wanted them to be with Las Vegas winning the time of possession.  Great effort boys!

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?

First and foremost, I need to acknowledge the work of someone off the field.  It's really easy to get consumed by the game and what happens on the field.  But the work that Jamie Ortega has done with the community speaks to his character as a man which is far superior to that of his football talent.  I've always said that Jamie's greatest weapon on and off the field is his mind and I'm glad that he's helped under privileged student athletes get a leg up in this world. 

As for the statistical side of the game I have to say that Michael Meek as the yards leader did surprise me but when I looked further into I he's thrown almost 400 times.  The next highest is Ryan Hallquist and he's already got him beat by about 100 more throws, though poor Hallquist has only mustered 1,965 yards.  Hopefully DC is icing that kids shoulder every time he is on the bench.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Things do not get easier as the season continues because we get to host St. Paul.  That GM Eli said his biggest advantage is that they have proven they can win in Alabama and I'd love to correct him but he is right.  St. Paul has always been a tough opponent for us across multiple rosters and GM's.  Our biggest advantage is at Head Coach.  Coach Tibbetts was a part of the St. Paul coaching staff – and while I have immense respect for Coach Mackey – Coach Tibbetts knows both squads and how they like to operate.  That doesn't mean we will be able to know everything about them but it might tip the scales just far enough into our favor – and if you give the Nighthawks any advantage – that's all we need.


Coach I have to congratulate you on a very difficult win against Las Vegas especially with us not knowing that Pierce was going to suit up for them.  We definitely didn't plan for that.



Yeah, that was a curveball right there in the final hour, but hey.. we pulled it out and put one more in the good-guy column.

GM Pancho

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.  We're hosting your old squad Coach.  But speaking of fire I was thinking of turning up the heat on Kitchen ... man that metaphor was more on point than I realized ... are you a fan of that kind of change is it better to stick with our current gameplan?



I think St. Paul struggles most when Kitchen is in danger, so absolutely, lets give him some heat.

GM Pancho

Good we are in agreement.  I've kicked the tires on the trade block and listed our needs mostly on the defensive side of the ball - targeting strength at DT - speed at LB - speed/agility at CB.

I also see some big names being put on the market and you know I'll at least be having a conversation.  I assume someone like Steven Jackson, finances not included, would add a different dimension to our passing game.



Absolutely, he's a kid who's game reminds me a lot of my own.  He'd be a game changer.

GM Pancho

Close but no cigar Coach Tibbetts.  I did make some headway on a defensive trade but after putting so much energy into getting Jackson I think I need to refocus back to this St. Paul game and deal with any more trade next week during the deadline.

It also gives us another quality opponent to see if the changes we made on defense have stuck.

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?)

Outstanding! Absolutely outstanding! These boys delivered when it mattered and earned us a victory.   I heard GM Eli talk about – if this wouldn't went that way – if that flag doesn't cost us here – son, that's part of the game.  It's about executing in the moment and on that field and when the pressure built ... the Lynx cracked.  Still a credit for them for keeping it competitive most of the game but unfortunately there can be only one diamond in this business.  Speaking of diamonds – what can't be said about Jamie Ortega anymore.  My biggest fear is that his skills and performance are being taken for granted.  There's lots of cute little nicknames the media likes to use: Glitch, Cheat Code, etc. I prefer to call him one of one.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league? (Cover your news first; then move on)

I could have sworn Cure had been fired before this week.  We sure he wasn't on sabbatical and it just was made official?  Being from Mexico, it's tough trying to carve something out in a tourist location like Cancun.  Beautiful beaches, lots of night clubs ... maybe Cure was more preoccupied with Coco Bongo rather than tackle football.

As for Gooch, I think he got a taste of what it was like to have an invested owner.  I can't speak to every location that Gooch has worked at but Arnold Reigns isn't an absentee owner.  He has expectations and you either meet them or get your butt to the chopper. Let this be a reminder to fans around the globe and to other GM's as a reminder that there are levels to this game!  You either step up – or step off.  Going somewhere like Louisville that should do Gooch some good and give him the room to grow his skills as a GM as well as with that roster.

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?

Look I learned a long time ago not to overpromise – so I can't give them a definitive on their notifications but just know that I'll answer any phone call and entertain just about any conversation. 

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?

In the past I've been approached with larger sums of money to try and lure me away from being a Nighthawk.  I just recently signed an extension with this franchise with no raise in pay to send a message to other owners – my home is here in Alabama. 

But your question was about my feeling of safety and the answer is no I do not feel safe.  I'm as good as the teams next performance so I am constantly putting in the work to continue to succeed.  Matter of fact had a young whippersnapper of a GM recently remark that my first Impact Bowl win was somehow diminished simply due to the league size at the time. 
Funny right?!

Nah. I took it personal.  Challenge Accepted.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

Speaking of taking things personal ... GM Black Death had the gall to say the words, "think we can take advantage of Bama's defense."  So you ask me what's my biggest advantage? My biggest advantage is how this team responds to adversity.  GM Black Death sees a weakened unit that can be taken advantage of.  I know this unit is resilient and what he sees as weakness I see as an animal ready to strike.  We'll see which of the two of us is right.


Coach Tibbetts, that's a sweet victory we just had.  Savor that flavor baby!