

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:22:04 PM

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GM Black Death

Yes, thank you for coming in, I heard there have been some issues between you and the coach, but before we get into that I want to know what you really think about Coach Redeal, Give me your honest opinion here, you do not need to hold anything back

GM Lucas

"I don't know man. The timing of her being here with me being here the way my head is, is just, messed up. For real, I was ballin man. I felt like there were no limits to what i could do. The game was so easy and I felt like I was getting better. As a rookie a few years ago, I was averaging like 12 points, 4 assist and 5 boards a game with Houston. As a rookie man! But as you know already know what went  down with Houston. It started there. I started asking questions because things seemed a bit off. Like there were games were the officiating was so terrible, but we manage to benefit from it. I guess I brought it up once to many times and next thing I know, the owner came to me and said he thinks I need more work in the D-League because I wasn't ready for the playoffs. That was that man. That was three years ago. I have been trying to get back ever since. Being signed by you was my last hurrah boss. My head is a bit messed up man. What did I do wrong except show some integrity. Now I can't get it out my head as to why I have to prove myself all over again, Why do I have to do all this stuff I already did. It doesn't help that Redeal is who she is, I get it, she expects the absolute best but man. I guess I have to get out my own head. I'm not lazy boss, I'm lost"

GM Black Death

Ok, I understand, you're right Coach wants the best from you, it is not your talent that is in question, you are clearly talented, it is your heart, coach wants to see passion, and desire to play this game.  I talk to the coach, you're going to dress this week, and when you get your chance to play, show them that you love this game, and show your passion and desire.

Plus, sounds like you need to talk to a professional, I am going to get you a sports therapist to help you. I am no therapist but sounds like to me you have negative thoughts stuck in your head, and you're leading those thoughts to affect you in an adverse way.  So we are going to someone to come in and clear your mind.

so right now, I want you to give me your best this week and I want to let you know Black Rock is your home. for the foreseeable future. so no worries about that fornt. just play hard . thank you for your time and I will have Mr. Smith get in touch with you when the meeting with the sports therapist has been arranged.

GM Lucas

"Thank you for having my back man. I don't even know you and you willing to give me this chance and look out for me. I won't let you down boss"

GM Lucas

"Boss, I just got in contact with and amazing therapist who deals with sports related trauma and players who have had mental breakdowns due to the pressures of competition. He says he can sit with Stone one per week for 250K. Do you want me to call him"

GM Black Death

yes, Mr. Smith, call him and I want him to meet with Mr. Stone, that boy needs help and we are going to do so.  make it happen

GM Black Death

Ok,  Mr. Smith, do you know of any other issues with the team that I would need to address at this moment?

GM Lucas

"You can either decide how much you want Stone to play or leave it on Redael's hands. Other than that, I don't see anything else unless you want to manage who plays and how much. If you are done with all of it. You can lock in but I would hold off, maybe until mid week, you never know what may come up. Oh and boss, I like what I saw, everybody deserves a chance to prove themselves"

GM Black Death

It going to be Coach Redael's decision, that her department. Other than that we are good and should lock-in

Lock In

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your week 1 results

not much to discuss, it was the first game of the new season with a new team that learning to play together, there are bound to be some growing pains on their part, but this is a long season, and this team going to learn yo play together as the season goes on.

2. How are you dealing with or trying to avoid injuries this so far?

trust our training staff to help the players with preventive measures to avoid major injuries

3. Word is coming down from the league that no penalties will be handed out for the Scuffle between Hingle and Maryjan because no punches were thrown, your thoughts?

good, no punches were thrown,  it boiled down to two players both wanting to win badly and getting in each other way. it was heated but it does not merit any father action from the league 

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

mot going to change anything

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.

really don't have anything else to discuss, just can not  wait to get the second week started

GM Lucas

"Not sure if it's words you might have shared, words his shrink might have shared or just Stones willingness to shut me up. Which ever it is, I need more of it. Seems like something you did tapped into the guy I have been asking for all off season. Now let's hope he can stay on the court when we need him most"

GM Black Death

Well after talking with the kid , found out what happened to him Houston really messed with his head. I think the shrink is unclogging all negative things in it now.   So he might get back on track and turn into a player that you are going to love. All I did was let him know he was wanted here and he just needed to worry about playing.  So I think I did not do anything special.

GM Lucas

"Don't underestimate yourself, you did more than I was willing to do. Maybe you are the yang, who knows. Now you can talk to Stone about the incident or let him be, up to you. Not sure how he will respond to either"

GM Black Death

Well , let's hear his side of it , Truth of the matter I am not going to be mad at player for playing hard. Just might need more control, control fury , but again I don't know his side, so no judgement from me.

I will chat with him coach, thank you for you time and I will get in touch before the week over.

Mr. Smith , can you get me Mr. Stone please like to speak with him for a moment.

GM Lucas

"Sup boss, I think I know why I am here. Listen before you ask, it wasn't intentional. Dr. Fraudiman told me to find an inner light, a spark. Something that can light my fuel. Well as of recently ,this idea that I am soft, lazy and a cry baby pisses me off and fuels my fire. Makes me play hard and take no crap. Regardless, I don't go out there to hurt anyone but I can't say sorry either. Thorton was throwing his weight around and talking mad trash the entire game, he thought I would back down and then he started calling me the rat and asking if I'm gonna out the dirt that happens here. I mean seriously boss, what do I do with that except out play him, not my fault he got in the way of my elbow"

GM Black Death

That all I needed to hear Chris, you keep playing hard, yeah these things happen , but I am not going to tell you to stop, I like it , coach like it, I know the fans like it.  You got let the others players know the real Chris Stone no pushover.

I heard you side and I got your back , we don't need to talk about anything else,  keep up the great work and my door always open if you need anything

GM Lucas

"Thanks boss, glad I'm getting this opportunity, to think I was about to ask for a trade or just retire"

GM Black Death

It all good , you have a great week.

Lock in

GM Black Death


1. Discuss your week 2 results

Two wins and one lose , that moves us to five hundred for the season, that's good.  the season id still young , but get a feeling the players are starting to gel together much better as the season goes along.

2. What do you think of the officiating getting tougher on fouls?

got no problem with it, getting tougher is fine as long as we can keep a balance that does not take some of the fun out of the game. we don't need them overdoing it.

3. What do you think of Don Potus stating he would create a competitive league to go head to head against WBS if he couldn't purchase Minnesota?

more power to him.  not here to tell the man what he wants to do with his money.

4. Not many teams are showcasing defense, what do you attribute that too?

it's the start of the season, think teams just going to have to get used to playing, I expect the defense to tighten up as the season goes on as the team starts playing each other more often.

5. Discuss any other news from around the league?

Chris stone is playing great and we at Black Rock are happy to have him on the team.

GM Lucas

"I like what we got going here, the players are starting to show heart but down the stretch we are going to need another guy with true skill in this line up. Not sure why, but Pabcevic is struggling. I've seen him in Oakland, he has skill but right now he doesn't seem to be finding his groove. Just keep an open mind if we start falling behind. This division looks like if we don't keep up we will drown quickly"

GM Black Death

If we had to make a move, who would like to see come in? What position should I look for?

Also with Pabcevic maybe I should have chat with him , see if we can find out going on with him.

GM Lucas

"I mean, I always want the best and right now Stevie Wonder can see that Kurt Berry wants out of Panama, truth be told, he'll probably cost us the future and half our team but it's up to you. Is the future now or tomorrow. As far as having conversations, that seems to be your strong suit. I'm here to coach not hold anyone's hand, I'm no ones mother"

GM Black Death

sounds good, I will make some calls, and see what I can do.  Also, I will have chat with Mr. Pabcevic, maybe we can find out what going on with him.  Thank you coach for your time, and don't sell yourself short, you are a mother, just not the touching, feeling type

Mr. Smith,  can you get me Darko Pabcevic please. I would like to speak with him in my office

GM Lucas

GM Black Death

Yes, thank you for coming in, just wanted to have talk, your play has been down of late and wanted to know if everything is alright. We want you to play at your best, but if something is wrong , we are here to help. So is everything alright with you?

GM Lucas

" Vell, vone game Pabcevic in 14 minutes, anover game Pabcevic is in 27 minutes. Pabcevic, in and out, in and out. Pabcevic don't play vell dis way. Pabcevic, always 34 or 35 zometimes 37 minutes, but 27 minutes, 14 vhat is that. That's not Pabcevic game. Coach take me out of 2 minutes then 6 minutes, zomevone gets hot, coach sit Pabcevic down. Pabcevic great player, but coach don't let Pabcevic be great"

GM Black Death

I get it, you are used to playing longer minutes and you feel that the coach is not giving you the time to get into your groove when you are in the game. I understand, I will speak to the Coach, but I am going, to be honest with you, I do not have any say in how the coach runs her team on the court, it is her call. so I can not make any promises to you, other than I will speak to her and let her know your concerns and will ask her to consider upping your playing time so you feel more comfortable and play better.  is there anything else?

GM Lucas

"You tell me, vor Pabcevic, there is only basketball, only thing for pabcevic. So is there anything else you vant to speak to Pabcevic about"

GM Black Death

No, we are good, thank you for speaking to me today

GM Lucas

GM Black Death

Mr Smith, can you me coach please

Coach, just had chat with Pabcevic, he feels he not getting the enough time to get going when he the game. He use to playing long stretches of minutes and getting sub in and out quickly is hurting him. Now this is suggestion, not saying you have to do it, but consider maybe playing him in more sustain time frame.  Again just saying you could see how it goes with him.  If it does not work, I can look to move him for other pieces if need be

GM Lucas

"I do what I do for a reason. It's why I have a case full for coach of the year awards and a few titles. You bought yourself some good credit with the Chris Stone. I can admit I was, not fully correct on Chris so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but don't get used to it. I'll make some adjustments"

GM Black Death

Thank you Coach...that is all for this week. Let her some more wins.

Lock in

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your results

we did not get the win, but that's fine, still got a long season ahead of  us

2. What do you think about the situation between Smokey Mountain and Texas

Rivalry is good for the league, and if these two are starting a heated one, it going to provide dividends to the league in the future.

3. How will you handle your injuries this week (If you had/have any. If not Skip the question)

we got enough reserves where the man can rest and get fully healed, and  not have to push to come back early

4. What do you think about the All-Star game options

any place is fine with me, the All-Star game is the place for the fans to celebrate the league and the players and gives the players chance to rest and have some fun before the push to the playoffs 

5. Talk about any other news

I know Oakland started out hot, but remember is not how you start it is how you finish and this is a long season, let's see what the grind does to them in a few months

GM Lucas

"I don't like to lose, I hate it so much I made sure I never had a losing season on my resume. So! it may be time to start looking in those sofa cushions and between car seats for change and see what we can do about bringing in another talented player because right now I see a lot of hard working players, and that's great. But every other team has that, plus 2-3 studs making it happen every night. Be proactive not reactive. We have a long season that will be much longer if the loses continue to mount"

GM Black Death

ok, with what we have right now.  what do you need to get us on the winning track, and what positions or positions do you think we need to get over the hump.  I have no problem making the push, but I am going to need a target. who do you suggest

GM Lucas

"For starters, we have no real point guard, we got hard playing guys at the position who can handle the ball who do not create any opportunities. Players who typically would come off the bench for me, but now I have to start them and hope Pabcevic and Ryan Williams are on. We are extremely predictable and I can draw up game plans with the best of them but without the talent to execute it, I might as well be drawing up game plans on an etch-o-sketch"

GM Lucas

"Boss, you got someone on the line, should I put them through"

GM Black Death

yes, Mr. Smith , put them through

GM Lucas

"GM Death, I'm Ava Swann, New GM of the Panama City Breakers. My Owner, Jax Rummy tells me he was called by your coach. Something about you possibly wanting to acquire a guard and since we are looking to possibly move one or two pieces to start a rebuild I decided to see what exactly you are looking for. They wont be cheap"

GM Black Death

hello Mrs. Swann, yes I am looking to acquire a point guard for sure. Also if you are willing to move some more pieces, I have no problem working with you on that,  who are you looking to send to us, and what would be your price to get them?

GM Lucas

"I'm going to talk to Karcher and Berry. After this next series of games we'll speak"

GM Black Death

1. Discuss your game this week

not much to discuss, we got great talent on the team, but it just has not been enough to get over the hump yet.

2. Discuss any game that interests you on your schedule for next week

Oakland , been just beating people up bad , but I feel we can win , just need to play our game

3. Discuss any other news

I got no problem with the coach leaving early, the game was over and she was frustrated. sometimes just got to walk off and cool off quite frankly she should be praised for showing restraint at all the questions that you media throw at her after, sometimes, the best answer is not to answer

I am happy for Panama City, but a good week does not change things for them if they want to make moves and get ready for the next season-best time is now, they should not wait, because the window might close, and then where will they be?

I hope fender realizes he needs the teammates to get him the ball, is he going to play 1 on 5  the rest of the season? It was a great performance, but in this team sport, no one man can do it all, he needs whole team working together

GM Lucas

"Good evening, this will be our only chance to speak, Rummy is about to ice these talks. We will grant Berry his trade request but only if we find a suitor willing to pay his price. If I had to put a package together I would want Darko Pabcevic, Ryan Williams and a first rounder. That is the offer. No room for negotiation. Window Closing."

GM Black Death

GM Lucas

"Smart man, I'll finalize paper work and let Berry know. Welcome to first place in your division"

GM Black Death

It was pleasure doing business with you

GM Lucas

"...............Well done I suppose, relax, I'm just joshing you...This is a good thing, let's just hope the lack of a true big man doesn't come back to bite us, either way. I like this move"

GM Black Death

We have to take the good with the bad. We worry about that if it comes up. I believe you can do something with this team. Glad you approve

GM Lucas

"I feel better having a bonafide studd on the floor, maybe now I can put the advil away, finally...If we are done here I would like to go start looking over our roster and getting the guys ready. Hopefully he gets here in a timely manner so we can get him playing sooner than later"