

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:23:04 PM

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GM Josh

That works for me. We had talked at the start of the season and he knows it will be a build back in to the starting role and not just an immediate jump so we don't risk any injuries.

Anything we need to address this week?

GM Lucas

"I would like you to decide if you or I am going to handle if and when I start getting Eran in the lineup. When Healthy and on the floor, Eran is one of our best players and can play both guards positions at an all star level. So when it's time Hollbrook, Morris, McClain, Bannister will all be effected. Just something to start thinking about. I'm gonna let Eran dress and be on the bench for the games but other than that we are ready to roll."

GM Josh

I shall leave that decision up to you as you'll be right there with Eran through practices and the games to make the right call.

I'll give the full reigns back to you for this next series. I think together you and I will find the right balance.

lock in all coach decisions this week

GM Josh

1. Discuss your results
A tough loss to Oakland. We're not heading in the best direction, but like an arrow sometimes you gotta go back before rocketing forward.

2. What do you think about the situation between Smokey Mountain and Texas

Some good old psychological warfare there. I love it.

3. How will you handle your injuries this week?

Injuries are unfortunately part of the game, but we have plenty of men on this team ready to step up and step in when needed.

4. What do you think about the All Star game options

With this being the first season under the new GMs I think a neutral site would be best.

5. Talk about any other news

Nothing else really caught my eye this week

GM Lucas

"I know you heard about me walking out of practice. It wasn't because of the disagreement with Hollbrook, it has more to do with our failure and me needing to take a step back and get a better picture of what he was saying. This league is changing overnight and fast and obviously what I have been doing don't seem to be working at the moment. It was self-reflective more that anything"

GM Josh

Thank you Coach, I appreciate the honesty and I get it.  We all need those moments sometimes. My question now is what kind of changes are we looking at making here?

GM Lucas

"I'm gonna need your backing but I think a short bench might be the way we need to go. Eran Aharoni is ready to go full steam ahead. Now this is gonna cause some guys who have been getting minutes to sit more which is gonna probably gonna cause some tension, but they are going to have to suck it up and put the team first. I think while the season is young we need to rely strictly on our talent. I've been trying to get everyone in and I don't think we are truly utilizing our main guys like we should"

GM Josh

What does your ideal line up and bench depth look like?

GM Lucas

"Brandon Holbrook, Eran Ahrmani, Elton McClain, MaryJan Jovanovic, Rob Isenhour. Elton has the size and athleticism to play small forward while moving Maryjan to power forward which creates great for our opposition. Giving Eran full time minutes will be great for lighting up the score board."

GM Josh

Alright Coach let's see how this works for us. I'll trust your gut her and leave the decisions up to you.

lock in

GM Josh

1. Discuss your game this week
Back to back wins with our new changes is a great feeling and the team now has that extra fire to keep that streak alive.  This week showed the importance of trusting your coaches and the players.

2. Discuss any game that interest you on your schedule for next week
Honestly will be keeping an eye on all of them. This season can still swing a million different ways and it's always good to have intel on the other squads.

3. Discuss any other news
Love the energy coming across the league with the MVP performances and All star grab attempts. You gotta do what you gotta do to get your name out there, but some people forget this is a team sport and those performances only help as long as you're helping get that W. Will also be keeping an eye on the situations down in Panama City, Minnesota, and Black Rock.

GM Lucas

"Thanks for the vote of confidence boss"

GM Josh

We're on this ride together through the good and the bad. You really stepped it up this week and I do appreciate you talking to me about your own self reflection earlier. You have my full support and I know we're gonna do great things as a team.

How we looking this week?  Anything we need to address?

GM Lucas

"Nothing I can't handle. Just a note, not sure where we are with the budget, but word around the water cooler is that Panama is looking to trade Berry. That guy is elite. now don't get me wrong, we have a talented team but there's nothing wrong with trying to get better. You may want to kick those tires. just a thought, never hurts to look into the possibilities of getting better"

GM Josh

That it doesn't coach, I'll see what I can find out.  In fact, like I said we're a team so we'll do this together.


Miss Quist, can you get the rep from Panama City on the line please, let them know we're interested in Mr. Berry and want to hear what they are looking for.

GM Josh

Well that didn't work like I thought I would. Definitely wanted too much for that trade. We've still got a solid team here and on a good path now. I'll leave everything in your capable hands Coach.

lock in

GM Lucas

"you made the playoffs, but by the thinnest margin, either way, you kept us in the fold. You did it without rocking the boat. But now, to get over the hump, you will have to do just that. I have too much to worry about as owner rep and making sure these greedy players aren't high tailing it for what they think is greener pastures. Not sure how this will end, but time to get us over the hump. I don't want to hear All-apologies. I have to be able to trust you to get it done. I got your back, let me know what you need but understand I may not be able to get back to you right away "

GM Josh

We're definitely going to have a better season this year. We have a lot of work to do but there's something in the way that tells me this team is in bloom.

GM Lucas

"Listen, I'm worse at what I do best, And for this gift, I feel blessed. I want us to knock Oakland off their pedestal. Be smart and don't be afraid to make the necessary changes if needed at any point. Cut who you need to cut and build around Maryjan."

GM Josh

You got it boss. Smart is exactly how I like to run things.

GM Lucas

"Ms Quist is getting all the paper work ready, one thing, as owner rep, here's some information and advice coming down the pipe, you should know is that all of our coaches are free agents. I'm hearing there is going to be an expansion draft but it won't affect our current players but it may affect our draft position. So before any of that can happen, the league will open a small window for everyone to sign and release coaches. Once every coach hands in their FA finalizing paper work we will have a list of everyone available including our previous coach my Scotty Eyles."

GM Lucas


"Hey Mr C, glad to see you back. Boy do we have some work to do. We have no coaches, zero, zip, nada, blank. That's pretty important so we are gonna have to get that done asap. We got some solid guys coming back but don't be afraid to cut one, two or maybe even 3 if you ahve to. We won't be punished, I promise, unless you want to be. ANYWAYYYYYY!. I got your team sheet, look it over. Once the new contract amendments are rectified, we will start the interview process for coaches. Here ya go boss...."

GM Josh

Thank you miss Quist. Always a pleasure and you always give me all the best info. Now I believe it's time to get started this season.

We had a good thing going with Coach Eyles, so can we get him on the line please.


Coach, thanks for taking the time to talk to me today, I know we didn't get a chance to lock up a new contract last season with all the chaos that happened in the league, but I'm here to rectify that. You're a brilliant coach and a great man. We want you back here in Seattle to help bring this team to that next stage and win us a championship. I'm prepared to offer you 6 mil for the next 3 years to come back here. Is that something we can work out?

GM Lucas

"First off let me say, it was a pleasure working with you and I would love to keep it going. I have been in Seattle a very long time and we have done some great things but maybe we all need a fresh start; maybe I just need to reflect and refresh. I think your offer is a very fair offer and for transparency I may have other offers on the table. I would like to consider all my options before making a decision for the next, however long my new contract is. I am leaning on coming back because this year was a growing experience for me but again, I have a lot to consider and with the new expansion teams, maybe I just need a fresh start not sure. If I can get some time to think on it, that would be great but I understand this business and the speed its now moving."

GM Josh

Thank you Coach. I appreciate your honestly and transparency. You take all the time you need, I know this isn't an easy choice to make. I'm going to be honest with you as well, I have no plans on interviewing any other head coaches until I have heard back from you, but I will continue to fill the rest of the coaching staff.

GM Lucas


"I can't leave, we have unfinished business to attend to, LO office the deal, 3 years at 6mil. I can't promise I'll stay coaching that long, but I can promise I can coach now, so if you will let me have the opportunity to hand pick my assistants, I won't let you down"

GM Josh

That's what I love to hear. You got a deal Coach. I'll league office your deal now and you let me know who you want backing you up.

GM Lucas

"I want to bring in DJ Jones, he wants to be a head coach, so he won't sign anything more than 1 year and he's going want at least a million and a half but he's a hell of a game time strategist. The man can scheme, we can see a different scheme out there each quarter, I trust him. Then we got James Warhawk to coach defense, he'll come coach for about half a million for one year to prove himself. Now, I think a scout can put in good position, not only in the draft but in FA. His name is Heimdall Norse, he's a no-nonsense guy but can spot talent in the dark, he's a bit pricy as he also wants a million and a half. Now we have a cheaper option at scout, We could bring back Tanner Wright who was our scout last season, he'll come back for 1 million and he already knows the team. if you like what you hear, tell me who to call then league office it"

GM Josh

You can have all of your first choices. How many years would we be able to get Coach Norse for?

GM Lucas

"He would sign on for either 1 year and retest the market or sign on for 3 and stay here as long as I am here".

GM Josh

Let's keep him with a matching contract to yours. Let's go ahead and give all your top choices a call and we can settle in.

GM Josh

I was just made aware that Motor city snaked Norse from us, but we can take Tanner on a 1 year deal and hope to get Norse next season.

GM Lucas

"I'm fine either way. Maybe it works out and we can see what Norse is about"

GM Josh

That sounds like a solid plan.  I've sent the paper work in for coach's Jones, Warhawk, and Wright. Can't wait to see what we can do this season. I'll let you get back to your much deserved time off.


Miss Quist our coaches are all lined up, what's next on the agenda?  Or are we just in a waiting pattern?

GM Lucas

"Well Mr J, we are waiting for all of the college players to finalize their entry into the draft or are they going to return back to school. We are a week away from being able to resign Elton McClain. So if all the coaches can hurry this up, then that process can start sooners, until then, we can tell jokes or something"

GM Josh

What do you call a CAR with no AC?

GM Lucas

"Um, you got me Mr J"

GM Josh

GM Lucas

"Not sure I get it boss, ummm..., I'm sure it's hilarious to those who get it. He he Um.........Yeah, hey I updated our forms. I left off Hollbrook earlier on, apologies MR J, everything is ready to go"

GM Josh

Thank you miss Quist. Much appreciated.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, it's that wonderful time to begin negations.

Can you please get our friend George Braswell on the line?

George buddy, I'm calling about Elton. I know last time we talked he was wanting 10 to play here and after the work he did last season, I'd like to offer him that 10. Could we do that for the next 3 years?

GM Lucas

"Hey GM Josh, feels like forever since we spoke. Yeah so, Elton finished four spots above Larry Keely in scoring and Larry makes 32 mill. He see's a guy like Kevin Fuller making 15 and see's Bar Harbor handed a guy like Mikolaj Jaruzelski 13 mil and he averaged 4 minutes a game. So you see where I'm going. Listen, he likes it in Seattle and he wants to work with you but we are no longer at 10. He wants 15."

GM Josh

While the actions of my fellow GMs to offer such outlandish contracts is disheartening. I was impressed with Elton and do want to see him continue his career here as he is worth the money.

15 mil 3 years is a done deal to me.

GM Lucas

"You know, it's never personal, only business. We will gladly accept this offer and thank you for realizing his talent, he would have commanded 18 on the open market. Send it in"

GM Josh

Miss Quist, can you please let Coach Eyles know I'm looking to speak to him about summer camp

GM Lucas

GM Josh

Thanks for seeing me coach. We got a bit of a dilemma on our hands here. We got 3 rooks and only 2 spots for summer camp. Wanted to get some input from you as to who you feel may be the best two to go. I'm feeling Cage and Santiago, but I did want your input.

GM Lucas

"Well, if you want long term, then those would be who I choose and both could use to watch film and practice better decision making, BUT!, if we are thinking right now, then we have to send Poffo and Cage. If we can get Poffo's defense game a bit cleaner, he can be a starter sooner than later"

GM Josh

I know our depth last season wasn't quite where we wanted it so let's focus on getting us the now and work on the later later. We'll go ahead and send Poffo and Cage, I'll let you decide what their best focus is.

I got a few more things I'm trying to work out for us, but wanted to get the ball rolling on camp.

GM Lucas