

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:23:04 PM

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Team Information
City: Seattle, Washington
Conference:  West
Team Owner:  Kurt Grunge
Team Secretary: Holly Quist

Team History:
S1: Seattle Grunge 59-22 (1st)
S2: Seattle Grunge 59-22 (1st)
S3: Seattle Grunge 59-22 (1st)
S4: Seattle Grunge 58-23 (2nd)
S5: Seattle Grunge 48-33 (3rd)
S6: Seattle Grunge 57-24 (1st)
S7: Seattle Grunge 56-25 (1st)
S8: Seattle Grunge 47-34 (3rd)
S9: Seattle Grunge 42-39 (3rd)
S10 Seattle Grunge 48-33 (3rd)
S11: Seatle Grunge 52-29 (2nd)

Playoff Appearances:
S1: 2012 Championship
S2: 2013 Championship
S3: 2014 First Round
S4: 2015 First Round
S6: 2017 First Round
S7: 2018 First Round
S11: 2022 First Round


"I don't know much about basketball but I do know about being creative being successful and thinking out the box, so creative GM's are a must. I also like to live a certain lifestyle and have other business ventures I attend to so I don't want to always be around, checking up on you or bailing you out of bad decisions"-Kurt Grunge

GM Josh

Mr. Grunge, Captain Underpants here, but you can call me Cap. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to lead this team. I've always been a lover of the west coast and that tradition continues here. Out of the box thinking is right up my alley, but I also run a tight ship with discipline. I look forward to making sweet music with this team and by sweet music I mean victory music. You don't have to worry about getting involved with the day to day unless you want to. The only thing I ever ask is I do like to start my season and the post season with some words from you to the team.

I'm excited to see what this team can do once we get rocking and rolling. Dare I say this will be the season we say here we are now.

GM Lucas

"Ok Cap. right down to business. I'm a Come as you, come as you were type of guy. No Judgement. Money is no object but do not let these players bully you into contracts that will hurt the rest of the team. We have always had a winning culture and that was developed by selfless players. Be smart with my money. We have some really great guys on this team. I've worked on making a culture of "team first"  Maryjan Jovanovic is one of the best players in the league and he barely make $12Mil, There are players in this league half the player he is making much more, get where I am coming from, money doesn't equal talent so make sure you know who you are bringing in here. I won't be around, this team is now your team. And yes, I don't mind saying a few words, Maybe I get some of my old band members back on opening day and we have an opening day concert for the fans. Now, any questions"

GM Josh

Keep it smart with the budget, I definitely hear that tune. I look forward to what can be done here and an opening day concert sounds like a perfect way to start the season.

No questions from me, I can't wait to meet the rest of the team once everything is settled in.

GM Lucas

"Ms Quist will handle everything from here until start of season or until you need to seriously, key word, SERIOUSLY reach me. Like, you should have team info sometimes this week once the audit is done. We have our hands tied until then, so, yeah. Word from a close source is that major shake up is about to go down. All we can do is duck and make sure the proverbial shit doesn't hit us int he face. I know I've always kept things clean and transparent so we don't have anything to worry about, Let's rock and roll baby! I think

GM Lucas

"So listen up Mr C, Mr G has given me the ok to go ahead and fill you in on some info hun' our salaries are pretty decent compared to the rest of these nuckleheads paying guys 40 million, what the heck if you ask me. Now, on our roster we have Maryjan who is an absolute dream boat, such a hunk,....{Day dreams of Maryjan} Oh, sorry, anyway, like I was saying, Maryjan gets it done. He's a wrecking ball and we got him for cheap but don't go trying to chat him up. He's not one for many words and barely speaks any English. Other then that little tid bit, we don't have to0 many deserters, most of the team loves being here so they opted in, it's part of our charm you know. Anyway, we have $14,482,104 to fill about 7 spots. So look it here Mr C, Mr G told me we can spend a bit so I went along and got you a draft sheet to take a look at, let you see some young whiplesnappers looking to come to Seattle, and since the audit is over I can get you that free agent list and coach list in a jiff.....Oh, before I forget, when you decide to start signing players, let's avoid putting numbers in wrong spots. Let's keep our offers to rounded numbers, get what I'm saying, clean offers got it,  are we clear hun, that's great. Need anything, don't be afraid to ask, good luck, I think you're gonna love it here Mr C"

GM Josh

Thank you Miss Quist, I look forward to seeing the potential new recruits here. I was reviewing over the current team sheet and we seem to be missing the contract lengths for our current rosters. Would you be able to update that when you have a chance.

GM Lucas

Well would you look at that Mr C, Kinda had my head in topsy turby for a minute. What a ding bat I can be some times, Let' me correct that. Keep this between us Ok Mr C, Mr G doesn't have to know what happened here....GOT IT!

GM Josh

Thank you for the roster page that I am just is seeing for the first time ever Miss Quist *wink wink*

We have a great team here and it's only going to get better.

GM Lucas

"Attaboy Mr C, now you gettin it! Once we know the new salary cap, you'll have your free agents sheet"

GM Lucas

"Hey Mr C, here it is. We are locked and loaded and ready to take aim and shoot our shot with some young talent. All the rules you need are in that folder, email me everything(DM), oh and ask any questions, seriously. you aren't going to like it if I get a bit cranky, Cool, sweet...(THROWS UP THE PEACE SIGN)

GM Josh

You're a doll Miss Quist.

I understand Coach Eyles is around. Can you have him come see me so I can get his thoughts on our current roster.

GM Lucas

"Good evening, Ms. Quist said you wanted to have a sit down with me"

GM Josh

That I did, thank you Coach.

I wanted to get your insight in to our strengths and weaknesses currently. Most specifically what would you say is our biggest strength and where do you think we need the most help?

GM Lucas

"Ok, Well first and foremost, Maryjan Jovanovic and Rob Isenhour are our horses. Isenhour is getting better on free throws and he absolutely raises his level of play in big games, guy is clutch. This guy is everything you want in a player. When they talk about best players in the game, they talk about Berry, Derion Williams and Esquire and they always leave him out because he is quiet. Do not be fooled, he does everything exceptionally well and he's fearless. The absolute team player and if he has to take over, he will. We do have solid role players left on the roster, for the most part they are all aggressive and love to attack on both defense and offense. Our biggest weakness is that the aggressiveness at times leads to more turnovers than can we come back from and we don't have that traditional PG guard that controls the floor. If it ain't Isehour or Jovanovic scoring then we often have trouble finding consistent play makers or guys who can bring it up, set the tone and create plays. I hope that helps"

GM Josh

That does help a lot for Coach. I will be honest the turnovers does concern me as I am big on smart basketball and learning to control those turnovers, but that is something I know takes time.

Next questions are for you and your staff, what is your primary focus on coaching?  What would say are your strengths and weaknesses and what would you say are the strengths weaknesses of the rest of your coaching staff?

GM Lucas

"well, let me start by saying, I'm in no way about to throw any of my guys under the bus so I won't be speaking to individual weakness. I can tell you my strengths and I can tell you the strengths of my staff, but weakness of my staff won't come from my lips. If you are good with that then here it is. I personally consider myself one of the best in working with and developing young talent, I can make bench guys into starters if they are willing to learn. I also am very meticulous when it comes to game strategy, you won't see me running the same scheme out there if it ain't working, I switch it up everyone quarter if I have to. My assistant, Simon Hicks is great at evaluating our offense and a players ability to work within our offense and he also is meticulous about strategy which makes us a great team. Perry and Wright, Those guys bring traditional ball skills which is the first step of any player having trouble with basic ball issues. As far as our game strategy, we are an aggressive group that believes in putting pressure on the other team, crashing the boards and attacking in all faucets of the game. You won't find a lazy player within our ranks. Everyone is hellish and an absolute animal on that court, and that's how we like it. I prefer young players because they have the energy and legs, We run man to man, so don't go bringing in entitled or lazy players that feel because they are veterans they don't need to participate in drills, they won't survive our practices, and don't worry about needing studs' throughout the depth chart, I play a short bench."

GM Josh

Thank you for your honesty there Coach. I meant no disrespect asking about weaknesses, I'm just a firm believer in acknowledging where we have our opportunities or how a team can help turn a perceived weakness in to a strength. There is nothing that can't be overcome.

Glad to see you all specialize in younger players as that will definitely be a theme this year. Is there anything you feel I should know before we start looking at the draft?  Any particular areas you like to see players from?

GM Lucas

"Can't say I do, if I can give you any advice, rather it be the draft or free agency, don't be afraid to look at foreign players"

GM Josh

That we definitely agree on. They're often overlooked.

Thank you for your time coach.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, I do have some follow up questions for you as well as some information I'd like to pass to the staff and team.

First I do want to confirm I am reading things correctly that we have a coaching budget of 5 mil to be used for the whole staff?  If so going to have to have some hard conversations with the coaching staff.

Second would we be able to speak to the agents for any current players. Would really like to get done of these contracts rounded out as it's much easier for bookkeeping.

Finally can you please advise the staff and team I do practice an open door policy unless otherwise stated. I welcome any conversations as I feel an open line of communication helps make sure everyone is on the same page, you of course included as we can't run things without you.

GM Lucas

"Hey Mr C, Sure, what ever ya need to know, so Here. we. Go. Our coaching staff has been grandfathered in contractually. We are actually over the budget but protected under the new contract to make sure no one lost their job year 1 of the new labor agreement, I hope I'm saying that right. This stuff can get a bit big if ya ask me. Anyway, We don't have any wiggle room, see, though our coaches salary add up to $6,694,550 and that should leave us $3,045,450. Before we hired Eyels, Mr Grunge fired the last guy he offered a whopper contract to and we had to eat 5 million in salary for ending his contract early. Fortunate for us all our coaches only have 1 year left. If it's any consolation, coaching has never really been the issue around here. So, movin on Mr C, because of all the fuss with new contracts, the Killswitch at the end of last season, not many players are discussing new contract until the new market is set, but if it helps, at least the cap has been extended and we now have $34,492,104 to work with during free agency. You may be able to exercise a few rookie options but on our team the only player that applies to is Chris Johnson. Pretty good insight there Mr C, I can see you looking outward, a head of the game if ya asked me. If there isn't anything else. I'll send a memo to the players letting them know about your open door policy, remember once open Pandora's box you can't close it He He he"

GM Josh

You're a doll Miss Quist, always want to make sure we're properly covered. I know the open door policy can lead to some questionable reasons for people coming to me, but it can have its benefits.

I think that is all I really need at this time until we're ready to move on in the season.

GM Lucas

"You got it Mr. C, right now we are on hold until every team let's the league office they have their ducks in order. At that time the league will appoint the time and date of draft and away we go"

GM Lucas

"Hey Mr C, word around the water coola is that Mr Grunge really liked that 2nd round pick you made, looking good int he neighborhood Mr C. Now, some pressing matters at hand, League deadline for early free agent offers is this Wednesday,  October 12th, 11:59 EST. Along with that, you have to tell me who you want to send to Summer camp. They have to be either a rookie or a 1st year player. Look at your roster sheet that I sent you and let me know by Friday October 14th. 11L59 EST, Let's keep the good times rolling"

GM Josh

Can never go wrong with another Josh around the locker room. Glad Mr. Grunge is a fan as well. Thank you for all the updates and keeping me on track. We're gonna make this year the best yet. Anything else I should be doing while we wait for camp?

GM Lucas

"I wouldn't mind hearing a joke Mr C, ya'got any. If I find it funny, maybe, juuuuuust maybe, I'll share a secret with you on how to really get on Mr G good side, "

GM Josh

Have you ever heard how Canada got its name?

GM Lucas

"Don't think I have Mr C"

GM Josh

So there were 3 men who are credited with discovering and founding the country. So they decided the best way to create a name was to each pick a letter and then see what they could come up with.

The firs man went C eh, the second N eh, and the third D eh.

GM Lucas

"Ahhh, I get it Mr C, (Continues laughing) solid joke Aboooot Canada. Ok, that was good"

GM Josh

It's an oldie but a goodie. I appreciate all the help and your secret stays safe with me.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, if Coach Eyles is available can you have him come see me.

Would like to get his thoughts on our most recent signings.

GM Lucas

" I like that Hollbrook is coming in here with a chip on his shoulder, the kid has discipline. He's also a dual threat at guard and ain't afraid to to take it to the hole. He's tough and doesn't need any extra motivation. My two concerns are he is a liability on defense and most importantly, if we ain't starting him, that chip on his shoulder will grow bigger and louder. Who's next, oh yes Larry Brunson

Larry Brunson, kind of an enigma, the guy is 7'4 with hardly any lift. I mean he really doesn't need to jump to high but he doesn't get off his feet to block many shots. He'll put back anything he gets his hands on but doesn't have the quickness to snatch many boards. Kind of reminds me of that kid many years ago that played in that other defunct league, what was his name, oh yes...Shawn Bradley. Think of Shawn Bradley when you think of Brunson just more durable and tougher. My biggest concerns is that when we start pushing the ball he'll be crossing the center line after we already scored and are back on defense"

GM Josh

Thank you sir, Holbrook will definitely be our starter this season unless we really see something from Morris or Yeagle to suggest otherwise. Him being a dual guard also helps should we need to slot him in for Bannister.

I did just receive news that we managed to secure Rolando La Rocca and Derek Fisher, any thoughts on them.

We do also have 1 roster spot left, is there anyone out there you had an eye on you'd like me to bring in?

GM Lucas

"Where do I start, as far as Yeagle and Morris go, they are the same type of guy, decent on all categories. Won't hurt you, won't win us any titles. The upside is that Morris is what Yeagle will be in time if we don't put some attention on Yeagle during the preseason. Yeagle can be a better overall players but that's up to him. If he's willing to learn and have patience he'll be fine. Hollbrook is our best shooting guard.

As far as La Rooca and Fisher, in the post, he finds way to score but does nothing else you need a small forward to do, like...I don't know Rebound. I'm not even sure he knows how to rebound. He thinks he's a shooting guard. La Rooca is more your typical big body forward. The guy has been around for 11 years his best game he had 13 rebounds. He's only recorded two double doubles his entire career so mehh. A body to have for depth.

Listen Boss, I'm not sure if you took a good look at this roster or not but we have Eran Aharoni who will be back the fist two months of the season who is a hell of a point guard. Now I know he'll need time to adjust. He hurt himself last year at the start of the season. Just keep an eye on that. As far as who I like to bring in, we'll goddamit man, haven't you been paying attention to the news. Fender Esquire is looking for a home. Can't deny a talent like that. He is extremely difficult to deal with and most likely will clash with the culture we got going here. He also plays the position hat Brian Jackson plays, and Jackson is a baller in his own right but as a coach, you always want the most talented guys. I'll tell you this, talk to Maryjan if you planning on making a move like that".

GM Josh

Thank you for the honesty across the board Coach. I was not aware of Erans talent as I did not have any stats for him due to the injury. It's great to know we can look forward to his talent once he is rested up.

I had seen the news of Fender, but I am also aware of all the news around him. While I do acknowledge him as a talent, my biggest concern will always be team unity as this is a team game not a solo game. I feel his issues and problems he may cause outweigh the talent he can bring especially when we have MaryJan already as our starter.

GM Lucas

"Good man, when I heard he was looking for a team I was in conflict. We have great culture here and a hard working team it's hard to overlook his talent. As far as Eran goes, the kid is as solid as it gets. I posted it on the google sheet I sent you and the other coaches his stats and averages, it's all there. Let me know f you once again need me to send you a invite. I hate doing this stuff through computers. I'm a clip board and pen type of guy but I get we have to evolve with the game to not be left behind"

GM Josh

Thank you Coach, I did see them as well, had one of good ol brain farts, I too prefer a nice hard copy sheet to be able to pull up. We shall be in touch Coach. I got one more roster spot to fill and this conversation has helped greatly with what we need to do.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, can I get the representative for Elton McClain on the line please.

Hello, I'd like to bring Elton here to Seattle as I feel they would be a great fit with the rest of the team. That said I would like to extend an offer of 3 years for 7m

GM Lucas

"Good afternoon, I'm George Braswell, agent to SG Elton McClain. Elton was looking for 10, We had a convo about coming to Seattle and he'll take your offer, but on a one year deal"

GM Josh

That sounds like a fair deal to me Mr. Braswell. Looking forward to what Elton can do here and look forward to working with you more in the future. Thank you for your time.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, with a now for sure full roster and some left over funds in cap. I wanted to ask are we able to use those funds for other things this season. Like for retiring someone's number for example?

GM Lucas

"Well Mr. C, the agent you spoked to, Mr GB himself George Braswell is a legend in Seattle. Did you know in 569 Games he totaled 9095 Points, 1529 Assist, 4264 Rebounds, 269 Blocks and 409 Steals, he was also 2012 MVP, 2x WBS 1st Team All-League, 2x WBS 2nd Team All-League, All-Defense 2nd Team,10x WBS All Star. It's a shame we couldn't get him enough help to win a chip with us, his last year he signed on with Vancouver and won a ring. Don't blame him if you ask me. Anyway, WBS has only player ever in the Hall of Fame as of this moment, and it's him, so selling that way as the WBF first ever HOF would absolutely incredible for the city of Seattle. sum'tin to think about there Mr. C. Now let me see sum'tin, [STARTS TYPING ON COMPUTER] With fan Merchandise, advertisement, some excellent PR around the city filled with billboards and tv ads. I can get it all done for about.......................2 million buckaroos"

GM Josh

Thank you Miss Quist, you completely read my mind. I think it's only fitting that his client rounded out our team but that he gets the honor of getting his number retired in our first home game.  I'll send the paper work in to the league. While I'm doing that, would you mind getting GB back on the line so we can tell him the good news.

GM Lucas

"Hey Mr. Underpants, your secretary gave me a call and told me you need to talk to me, was there something wrong with our deal?"

GM Josh

Absolutely nothing wrong with it, in fact the deal actually helped me to make sure I had the money I needed for something I think you will love and I think it was quite fitting that you happened to be the man to provide the final piece we needed here.

Miss Quist is currently in the process of getting everything arranged, but we have decided that the best way to start the new era of the league is by honoring The best of Seattle and the WBS. We are going to be officially retiring your number in our first home game of the season.

GM Lucas

".......I'm speechless man. being the first player to be inducted into the WBS hall of fame was special. But you giving me one more chance to go out in front of the family I knew for nearly a decade, well....Damn man, you messing me up right now. Getting choked up at the idea of standing in the middle of the Mosh Pit and hearing the fans cheer one last time for me. Thank you GM underpants. Never would have thought this would be happening so soon. Thank you for thinking of me when you didn't even know me until like a few hours ago. Can't wait"

GM Josh

I couldn't think of a more deserving person to have this honor. I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony and getting a chance to meet you properly.

GM Josh

Miss Quist, I believe we are all ready to lock and load. Is there anything else you feel we should address?  If not, can you have coach Eyles come see me one last time before lock in.