

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:23:04 PM

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GM Lucas

"Summer camp was a success, let's not forget to mention it to Mr Braswell, what a great thing to have for these kids. Ok, so Cage surprised me, He came in motivated. Don't worry to much about Poffo's defense, he made some solid improvement, he just has to get it together and it may take some in game experience. Looks like when he figures it out, he will be a force. So now we head to preseason. Either of us can handle line ups, just make sure not to forget to tell me which three to track"

GM Josh

Sounds good coach. A smart person once told me let the coach coach and the GM GM. So I'm gonna go just that. I leave the lineup and focuses to you.

Let's keep an eye on Cage, Poffo, and Santiago for training.

lock in

GM Lucas

"Swept the pre-season with nearly identical scores. We are ready to start. Santiago did well the first game seeing how he went against Walls straight up. but in that second game, Whoa, 33 points and 15 rebounds. That guy is the real deal. Poffo struggled, I couldn't pinpoint it. it seemed like he was in his head. I think the moment got too big, I know the kid has a lot of emotion and want to be a star but right now, we are going to have to bring him along slowly. Cage didn't do anything to wow me but he didn't make me think he was incapable either so, until he shows he can handle a ton of minutes I see him 7th or 8th on the depth chart. So now, let me know how to move foward"

GM Josh

That is excellent feedback coach. It definitely sounds like a productive pre season. I'm sure under your guidance we can bring Cage and Poffo to that same level as Santiago showed. I'm going to leave the line up and minutes up to you ultimately, but I would like to see what you have in mind.

GM Lucas

"Excellent, just pick a captain and we'll get ready to start the season"

GM Josh

Maryjan did a great job last season and I see no reason to change that. Let's lock and load with Maryjan at captain again.

lock in

GM Josh


1. Discuss your week 1 results. Who surprised you, good or bad. Any concerns? No surprises here the whole team worked hard this off season and it's great to see them gelling so fast.

2. How are you dealing with your injuries (If you suffered an injury) Luckily for us were fit and healthy right now.

3. Talk about changes if any you plan to make.
If it ain't broke don't fix it. We're off to a great start and we're gonna keep on keepin on.

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?
We're going to come in hot with the same intensity. We've found a nice groove and we're going to push that hard.

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.
Vancouver off to a hot start as well, but we're right behind them ready to knock them back down.

GM Lucas

"I like the confidence Holbrook is showing, but we are playing so well, we don't need to give a team like Vancouver any blackboard material"

GM Josh

That's a valid point Coach. I think we're all a little excited for a hot start and want to give extra to the rivalry. I do love the drive from Holbrook though, it's not often you get someone who's so willing to adapt the way he has when we've needed him to.

GM Lucas

"He's never stopped playing with a chip on his shoulder, that works for us. I'm ready to see what we look like moving forward"

GM Josh

As am I. I see no reason to change anything up. I'll leave everything in your capable hands Coach.

lock in

GM Josh

Oooof let's start off by addressing that little scene between Texas and Mexico. I know these games can get a little heated but some professionalism is needed. I'm glad to hear no one was seriously injured.

Also a shame to see what that whole smarter basketball system is doing in Oakland. Just a pure shame to see. You know it almost makes you feel bad for the team.

Finally I want to bring up what Mr. Holbrook said cause he is absolutely right. Until we can beat Vancouver and Motor to solidify ourselves and that number 1 spot we haven't done enough yet.

GM Lucas

"We got Panama and Oakland coming into town. Panama is dangerous, they are starting to get it together behind their core, but Oakland is a mess, Still, guys are playing and we don't need to be their first win so we need to be careful"

GM Josh

Agreed coach we can't let up on our game plan. We know how teams can be when they're hungry for that win, but we can't afford to feed them.   How's the team feeling right now?

GM Lucas

"They are excited to be the last unbeaten team but they hear the chirps and whispers, so they want Vancouver and Motor City"

GM Josh

I want them too and our time will come with them. Let's keep riding this wave.

I leave everything to you again Coach.

lock in

GM Josh

1) Your thoughts on the punishments handed down for those who were part of the brawl between Texas and Mexico?
I think it's more than fair, we're all grown adults around here and the league showed people are held accountable for their actions.

2) What do you think about the announcement of a World championship All Star game?
I think that's a great idea. We'll really be able to put on an amazing show as well as show why we have the elite talent pool.

3) Mention any other news if you like?
Maryjan popping out that 61 to keep us rolling was a godsend. I tell ya, this team is really something special.

GM Lucas

"Someone always seems to step up when we need them too. I hope that's a sign how good we can be when we are running on all cylinders.

GM Josh

I think it definitely is Coach. Like i said to the media we have a special team here and it's showing. We only got one game this week but it's a big one for us. How you feeling about it?

GM Lucas

"Right now, they look unstoppable, we can play with anyone, but Fender and Fonseca are one heck of a duo. Once you get past them, it's hard to see who can step up. We are going to need an all around team performance. If this becomes iso ball or any of our guys decides they want to put on a one man show and go blow for blow with Denser or Fonseca we could be in for a long night. To me they are the best team in the East so let's show them we are the best team in the West"

GM Josh

That's what I like to hear, this team has shown they can play team ball and that's what's gonna get us to keep on winning. This is an important game so I know we need to be prepared. With that said I'll let you head out to practice to really get these guys ready.

I leave the team and game plan in your capable hands.

lock in

GM Josh

It's been an interesting week this week. We lost a hard fought battle to Motor City, but it was just one game and I know next time we meet up we're taking that W.

I hear the calls for Maryjan to be MVP and you know with how he's been playing that is definitely something everyone should be watching for.

Will be interesting as well to see where Shepherd lands.

I'll definitely be keeping my eye out on the IBA, you never know who could try and make the jump from there.

GM Lucas

"That game nearly put me int he hospital. What a game, I love how this team fought back from over 20 down and cut it to 2. Some of the guys got into foul trouble early and we couldn't seem to shake that."

GM Josh

It was a great game for sure. Wish it would have swung our way, but there is always next time.

GM Josh

Anything you feel we should discuss this week?

GM Lucas

"How do you want to play Sheppard, are you leaving it up to me or do you have a specific plan, oh and seems like a few guys weren't to happy with the departure of Isenhour, he was a locker room favorite. If we win, none of that will matter so we just have to do what we have been doing"

GM Josh

I trust you to make the right call with Sheppard. I knew it wasn't going to be the most popular choice but sometimes you just have to make the hard choice. Like the saying goes you Coach I gm and I'll take any blowback the team might have about Isenhour departing.

GM Lucas

"You know the saying, winning is the greatest deodorant so if we can keep it going, the only people that gonna be upset are our opponents"

GM Josh

That's what I like to hear. Let's go ahead and let the team do what it does best. I leave all changes to you Coach.

lock in

GM Josh

What a week it's been. A bit disappointed in our loss, but lots more basketball to play this season. We'll bounce back. Exciting to know the IBA kicks off here and will be following them to see how their teams stack up.

Want to give major props to Maryjan on his star of the week performance, it's much deserved.

GM Lucas

"We have a rematch with D.C and not that I am worried about Zac, just for his sake I need him to be more productive, just so the moans and groans of the fans don't become a distraction. He's a very emotional guy"

GM Josh

Definitely want to see more production from him, but I wouldn't have traded for him if I didn't think he could handle it here. Well chalk it up to being new to the team and hope this week goes better.

GM Lucas

"I'm with you on that, maybe introduce yourself to him, maybe a talk can help him better get a feel for the organization and where he stands"

GM Josh

You read my mind coach. Can you send Zac up to see me when you get back down to practice.

GM Lucas

"Sup boss, wanted to see me?"

GM Josh

Yeah, thanks for coming up. I wanted to check in with you see how your adjusting to the new team. Anything I can do to help your transition here?

GM Lucas

"I'm not a rookie, I don't need no one holding my hand in a new place. But what I need to know, what is my role. What is this supposed to look like"

GM Josh

I know you're not a rookie, I brought you here for your experience and skills. I fully plan on seeing you in a starting role as much as possible.

GM Lucas


"that's not what I mean boss, I know I'm starting. I also know this is Maryjan's world, I'm just a squirrel, you know the rest and I know I was brought here to be the number 2, so I need coach to play me and draw up plays for me like the number 2 guy. I get we have to form some trust, but that happens when I'm in the game and not being subbed out every 6 minutes like I'm just a guy...you feel me. I'm wearing a ring for a reason"

GM Josh

I feel ya, we'll definitely work something out to get you more involved.

GM Lucas

GM Josh

Go on back to practice and I'll talk to Coach Eyles

Miss Quist, can you please have Coach Eyles up to see me?

GM Lucas

"How you doing Boss, sorry it took me so long to get up here, Had a phone call, some personal issues. All handled though so I'm ready keep it moving forward, how can I be a service"

GM Josh

No worries Coach we're both busy men. Wanted a quick talk with you about Zac. He's asking to prove himself and is asking for more time out there to show why he deserves that time. I've agreed and would like to see his minutes on par with Maryjan for this next stretch, can we do that?

GM Lucas

"We can, but we have 7 starters and five starting spots so I am confident that we have grown as a team and it won't cause locker room issues, I hope"

GM Josh

Let's hope not either. We have a good group here and this is just a trial to see how it works. If things go well we continue if they don't we refocus.

Let's go ahead and lock in

GM Josh

Well damn that loss right there hurts, Maryjan did Maryjan things but Manhattan just had our number this week, but that's ok we're gonna brush ourselves off and push forward.  Maryjan has got to be a lock for the Allstar game if I do say so myself, but at the same time our focus is on the team and getting us back on track.

GM Lucas

"I'm worried about getting on track, what I am worried about is that Maryjan's age, he's logging incredible minutes. Not that he's complaining but I am wondering if we should start a bit of load management with him for down the stretch or at least until the all-star game and put more on Shepard's plate. It's a discussion that maybe we should have but I'll leave that up to you. Other than that, I agree that Maryjan is the representative to send to the world all-star game"

GM Josh

I definitely feel done load management would work. He's been putting in a hell of a lot of work but it's a team game and the rest of the team needs to step up. What kind of reduction are you thinking of coach?

GM Lucas

"Right now he's giving us over 36 minutes. So I am thinking more of how we spread his breaks. For instance, we can give him a minute before half and a minute after to extend his break. We can spread a minute here and minute there before moments we feel we are going to need him most, so maybe drop him from 36 to around 35-34 but use his time more equitably."