

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:36:22 PM

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Mr. Rizz, we have been notified by the league that we are being fined $100K from our S18 bonus fund and will be unable to offer any targets on phase 3 due to violating the 4-target maximum as noted in the league's outline of the rules for this phase.

Quote from: Talon on August 27, 2024, 10:26:35 PM27-28 August:  Unrestricted Free Agency - Phase III:

For Phase 3 each team will be allotted a total of 14 contact points to spend and a maximum of 4 targets.
If a team uses more than the allotted contact points in a given phase, they will be fined and lose contact points for the next phase.

PM me your list of targets and your contact points spent.

If a player is not interested, you will be given the opportunity to replace them, which means this first 24 hours is just sending me the list of players you want and how your contact points are being used.

I'll reply after the deadline and let you know the result.  If players want to meet, you'll have a period of time to do the offers/interactions.

Once that is complete, phase two will begin.


Be sure to league office the payment.

GM Rizz


"Well I feel stupid. But it has been paid.

While you are here Ariel would you get Meadow Campanelli on the phone please."


"Meadow, I would like to offer CB Philip Johnson a 1 year, 1.5 million dollar contract."



How are you doing GM Rizz, we'll accept those terms.

GM Rizz


"I'm doing very well, thank you. It is a learning process but I am doing the best I can to do that without it being painful for everyone involved.

Hope to speak again soon."


"Ariel, can I speak to Bobby Shaprio next please."


"Bobby, Long Beach would like to offer QB Jonathan Wright a 1 year, 1 million dollar contract."



Sorry buddy boy, but my clients are sellin' like hot cakes, he's already agreed to a $3MM deal to go to Lincoln.

GM Rizz


"Don't need to apologize to me for getting your guys paid. How about the same offer for LB Lleyton Kyrgios. 1 year, 1 million dollars."



We can handle that. It's a deal.

GM Rizz


"Same offer for DE Marcus Laroche? 1  year, 1 million."


GM Rizz




"Ariel, would you please place a call to agent Lavar Jackson for me."


"Mr. Jackson, would Yourhighness Schumacher be open to playing for us this season on a 1 year, 1 million dollar contract?"



Na, Big Ballers won't play for less than $3MM.

GM Rizz


"Let's make it happen then. 1 year for 3 million. You have a deal."


GM Rizz


"Heck yeah!"


"Ariel, Mr. James T. Crain please."


"Mr. Crain, I'd like to offer you client P Andrew Campbell a 2 year, 2 million dollar contract."



To come to Long Beach and enjoy the beaches?  Yeah we'll take that price even though its below our ask.

GM Rizz


"They are very nice, thank you sir. How about a 1 year, 1 million dollar deal for WR Joseph Hickson while we're at it."



Definitely not.  He's looking for $5MM

GM Rizz


"That's a hefty price tag that I can't match. Thanks for your time Mr. Crain."


"Ariel, Mike Maker please."


"Mike, hoping QB Kenny Kemp will come play for us on a 1 year, 1MM contract."


GM Rizz


"Same offer of 1 year, 1 million for RB Daniel Darby?"


GM Rizz


"Rookie minimum 1 year, 500 thousand for RB Robert Carswell?


GM Rizz


"Thanks Mr. Maker."


"Ariel, Eli Harris please."


"Eli, I'd like to offer OT Aubrey Keet a 1 year, 1.45 million contract."


GM Rizz


"Thanks Mr. Harris."


"Ariel, I'd like to confirm my finances match yours. I'm going to league office a 100K payment to facilitate that but I have us at 0 salary cap once I file this last signing with the league office along with what will be 1.8 million in bonus and like 50 thousand in off season bonus."



Okay so we're looking good.  53 players. 0 in cap. 5MM in international bonus, $1.8MM in S18 bonus and 50K in off-season bonus.  We should probably just donate that $50K to a fan event or something but yes, we're in compliance on all fronts.

GM Rizz


"Thanks Ariel I think we're ready to do the whole lock in thing."




We're ready to dive in and make a splash!