

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:17:09 PM

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GM Franchise

"Well that went well..."

*GM Franchise calls the fire department to let them know about the burning car in the parking lot. After this he then walks back over to his desk, sits down in his chair, and grabs a wine glass before grabbing a bottle of Cabernet. He then opens the bottle, fills up a glass, and drinks half of it before picking up his phone to call Coach Long to his office.*

"Gotta let Coach know what's going on..."


After Coach enters, Franchise smiles at him as he enters.

"Coach, there's a lot going on a right now that I think you need to know about before the games this week. I want you to hear it from me and not on the news or through gossip around here. I'm going to address the team at practice before we lock in too because they need to know what's going on before it becomes a distraction. I want the focus on the court where it should be. Now for the first part of this. Firstly Noah Archer is no longer the owner here and Ms. Ahab is no longer team secretary. I will find us a new secretary soon but that's why she was not there when you walked in."

GM Lucas

"That's pretty wild, maybe it explains why everyone in the gym started looking at their phones, look"

[Shows GM Franchise breaking news on ESPN]

"Looks like Rosita already made some calls. Either way, what does this mean for the franchise boss. Did you call me in here to can me"

GM Franchise

Nope, you're safe permanently while I'm GM and owner. I just wanted to tell you that I'm the new owner and you're good to go before the news broke but that obviously didn't happen. Anyway I just called you in tell you what happened with the ownership change and to tell you that keeping you as coach of this team long term was part of the discussion I had before this happened.

GM Lucas

"That sounds good, thank you for the vote of confidence boss. I'm ready to go back to top. Now, I think the team needs to hear from you. Maybe head down before we head out and talk to them, let them know the plans and settle the waters"

GM Franchise

You're welcome! That's the plan so let's go get that handied immediately before things get out of hand.

*GM Franchise and Coach Long walk to the practice court to address the team. They arrive before calling the team over so Franchise can address them.*

"Firstly I need to address the breaking news. Noah Archer is no longer the team owner and Ms. Ahab is no longer team secretary. I signed the ownership papers minutes ago so I am now both owner and GM of the team. This is an unprecedented move but one that I think will be a good one for us long term. I wanted to come here to address you all personally before this becomes a big distraction. That said, all of you are a team that can win games and will win games. I'm not doing any trades, no one is getting demoted, and no changes are going to be made. You all are the team I put together and I'm confident that each of you are more than capable of my high praise for you. There's media and news stirring the pot that put this ball in motion. That said, there's only one thing left to do. Let's win the whole fucking thing and bring the championship here to Bar Harbor."

GM Lucas

"It's not like Archer was part of this. You brought me in, you were the one who gave me a stable foundation to play where I was able to capture the MVP of the league. You made the moves that got us in the position to win and here you are again. All you boss. We got your back"

"I know I just got here, but I can see the guys here like being here and I have to think it because of everything Jerald said. So, I thank you for getting me out that hell hole in New York. I got your back"

"Yeah, hey boss, I'm Dunkatron, you know that already. You signed me and gave a shot when everyone else looked past me, so yeah, you know. That's right. I got you. Mad Love, Dunkatron owes you his loyalty, yeah! anyone got Ms Ahab number?"

"No vun thought I vuzz vorth my conta-ract, you did. So I play, hard vof you, GM, Now, Owner, Vanchise"

"Vee play today, Vee Vin Today."

[The rest of the team erupts in the chant "WE play today, we win today as they gather in the middle chanting. The team is amped]

GM Franchise

Hell yeah! I love it! Let's keep that energy going this week and Coach, let's lock in with everything the same.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

This week didn't go how I envisioned our first week of the transition into the new era of Storm basketball. Having trash being thrown onto the court isn't a good scene for us or the league. We have to move on from this week and focus on one game at a time. The defense had a bad game but it's not something that we can't overcome in the coming weeks. I'm confident that this team will be successful. I believe in them and they'll make believers out of all of you soon.

GM Lucas

"Let's get these wins. We are right in the mix so we are going to have to put some wins together."

GM Franchise

That's true. We had a hard schedule last week so I'm definitely not panicking at all just more concerned about the negative fan reactions.

GM Lucas


"The fans had a ton to deal with, I'm not excusing them but they went from the news that we made a trade that made us contenders to hearing that their hero who they have been wanting to return for years, to return to sell the team and make his exit official. Then we went out and lost. Not blaming them but I get their frustration in what has been a rollercoaster season. But let's make them forget Noah and start dreaming of a title"

GM Franchise

That's the plan! I'm hoping we can get some wins because like you said it's been a rollercoaster season. We can do this! We're going for the title and there's no one who can stop us.

GM Lucas

"Having Deaundra changes our dynamic. I'm thinking we should focus more inside now and move the ball around. that's just what I see, we can keep doing it the way we've been doing it. Oh and get a secretary after this week, paperwork is piling up and there's a ton of mail on the desk out there"

GM Franchise

Sounds good. We'll make that change to inside focus and I'll hire a secretary before the paperwork gets even worse.

GM Lucas


"Yo yo yo, wassup wasup wassup. My name is thee, Roddy"Smooth like a hot toddy" Candioti and your maintenance dude lives in my building and told me there was an opening for the Mancretary position. Sup wassssuuuuupppp, Homey. Help a brotha out. I tried to get a job in Panama, but that dude straight ignored me yo. Like word up. Couldn't get a job and had to come live with my momma dukes over here in Maine. So wassup. I need to get some paper to get up out of momma dukes house how about giving me a shot. I'm pretty good with mail and stuff YO!"

GM Franchise

Hey yo. Nice to meet you Robby. I'll help a brotha out because that's what I do. Yo, Panama sucks yo so I'm not surprised. Yo, yo do the mail and paperwork to. Congratulations you're hired. This will keep me less distracted since I like the ladies yo, no cap.

GM Lucas

"Ah Snap, Like for real bro-dogg. You alright home slice. Like, Momma dukes gonna be happy. I got a legit job with a paycheck and everything. Damn man, like for real. When payday comes, first round is on me boss. That's ok right? I can buy the first round after work right?"

GM Franchise

That's okay, homie. Yeah you can buy a drink and sounds good after we win these games, yo. Let's lock in with the only change being Offense: Focus on Inside, yo.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1. We 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing.

"We're 13-14 while in third place in the division. I'm not happy over that. It has nothing to do with the team but has more to do with the scheduling which I ranted about the first two weeks of the season before it became league wide news. The teams above us are 16-3 and 15-3. They've played 8 and 9 games less than us which majorly hinders our ability to catch either team. It's basically them in the playoffs unless something crazy happens because only Texas has played under 20 games in our conference out of the teams behind us in the standings. Scheduling hurt us big time, bottom line."

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer

"Staying pat. I trust my players and don't see too many routes for us to go in considering it's a shortened season."

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.

"I heard some of the comments from other GMs. Gooch shouldn't be talking any smack with his few games his team has played. My team played more than them in the first three weeks of the season. Go eat some more food and talk your stars out of fighting each other. Wayne hasn't won anything nor done anything of note so he shouldn't be talking smack about anybody with his track record of losing when it matters the most. Thank you to Big Dog, Gates, Josh, and Eli for actually giving logical answers instead of talking trash when making an informed statement was the clear way to go."

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.

"Fonseca for sure. I think that the top guys on the stats lists would be a good way to go. A mix of top offensive players and elite defensive players would be ideal I think to win the game."

5. Any other news

"Morgan Dean is the one person in this league who I can relate to with him both owning and coaching a team. Texas going 1-1 is something to take note of and I agree the fans there need to relax. Ryu Ken Hiro is playing unbelievable. He was on my draft radar so kudos to him for making believers out of everyone. Mexico City having a coach feud is something to take note of. Storm McCastle was another player on my radar and kudos to him for taking care of business in Panama City. Chadwick is playing at an elite level and should be in the MVP consideration. He's playing on another level right now. I predict that he's going to take over the World All Star Game and show the world that he is the best there is, bottom line."

GM Lucas

"Interesting press conference. Big win against Vancouver. Much needed and well earned"

GM Franchise

Interesting indeed. That win was huge for us. It was a statement win hay shows everyone that we mean business. Definitely well earned from the coaches and the players. I like what I've seen since the Anderson trade. That really made us a force to be reckoned with.

GM Lucas

"I'm thinking I want Higgins coming off the bench and I want Mikolaj Jaruzelski starting. He needs time to heat up and I don't think coming in off the bench works well for him. You cool with that"

GM Franchise

I'm definitely cool with that. That'll definitely allow us the have another viable scoring threat in the starting line up.

GM Lucas

"Yeah man, DC and Motor City are starting to pull away so we need all hands on deck, No Pun Intended"

GM Franchise

I agree and the schedule isn't our friend either. We're on pace for third but we need to get higher. I might have to push for expanded playoffs or a play-in for a playoff spot at the owners meetings next season because of this.

GM Lucas

"That's all good, but let's worry about the here and now. The guys are ready"

GM Franchise

That's true and yes they are. I think we're going to steamroll through the opposition the rest of this season in all scenarios.

GM Lucas

GM Franchise

Same here. We need the momentum going forward. Let's lock in and hope for the best.

Line up changes -
Mikolaj Jaruzelski to starting line up
Jamal Higgins to the bench
Coaches decisions for rotations

Lock in.

GM Franchise

It's going to be a fight to the finish and we need every win that we can get at this point to have a chance at the playoffs. It's going to be a fight to the finish and it's one that I hope we can win. We're on the outside looking in and I don't like it. We need to finish strong otherwise the off-season trips to the Caribbean will start more sooner than later. Let's win some games and get the job done so we can win the championship we almost won last season.

GM Lucas

"We need to go into the all-star break strong or it will get ugly in the media"

GM Franchise

I agree with that. We need some wins to get the fire rising before we burn the whole league down and take it to scorched Earth levels on our way back to the top the rest of this season.

GM Lucas

"We got two ways to play this all hands on deck and maximize our starters until the need rest or balance our playing time so we have our starters and back ups fresh throughout the game"

GM Franchise

Let's maximize our starters. That gives us the best chance for winning going by how things are going.

GM Lucas

GM Franchise

Let's lock in with that strategy with no changes to the depth chart.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

How do you think your team has performed and how do you expect them to perform going forward

"The team is trending in the right direction. I think we're starting to get where we need to be but there's not a lot of time left to get it done. That said we're going all in to win it all and that remains our ultimate goal."

What do you think about Australia Cease Fire saying WBS should potentially either expand for an IBA division close its door once IBA beats them.

"I think he's overconfident and that's his weakness. He better be focused on winning instead of talking smack."

Who would you like to see win the Dunk Contest and the 3 point contest

"Dunkatron for the Dunk Contest since he's representing us in it. Bar Harbor's winning that one. For the three point shootout I'm going with Fonseca. I think he's the man to beat in that contest."

A few teams don't have games this week, any opinion on the WBS scheduling system

"I was the first one bringing this up in the press conferences. I think it needs to be overhauled next season. We had an insane amount of games at the start of the season whereas some teams had almost none. That's something that needs to be fixed."

GM Lucas

"The All star game is coming at the right time. Help us get rested"

GM Franchise

Definitely, the players need it and it's coming at the perfect time.

GM Franchise

How did the strategy changes work this week? Do we need to tweak it a little or just continue running with it as it is currently?

GM Lucas

"With the rest week coming I really just want to play all our starters as much as possible and try and go into the break with some wins"

GM Franchise

Perfect, let's keep everything the same and lock in.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

Do you agree with your coaches electing to start your guys over guys who statistically probably would have been better choices.

"I GM, I don't coach. Coaches do the coaching so me commenting on any coaching decision is like a plumber or a construction worker being asked to make comments about the cooking techniques of a celebrity chef. It's like the Chewbacca Defense. It does not make sense. That said, even with that going on we should've won, bottom line. My focus is on getting this team into the playoffs not foreign relations."

What do you think this means for WBS moving forward, what ripple effects do you think it may have moving forward if any

"I think it'll lead to a merger and two conferences based on the geographical locations of the teams involved or the leagues involved. Big changes are coming in all scenarios."

What would you like to see change now that we have experienced this type of all star game

"A regular East versus West All Star Game would be what I'd do if I was in charge so that's my answer."

With two weeks left are you making any tweaks.

"We're going all in. No need to fix what's not broken."

GM Lucas

"They forget who the reigning MVP is. Chadwick was gonna play as much as he wanted. I don't owe any of those guys anything. Walls and Anderson could go kick rocks"

GM Franchise

Exactly. We got the best player in the world here. Those decisions aren't why the team lost. Things happen, they just ignored that and stirred up drama with this narrative.

GM Lucas

"Whatever whiteboard material they need to motivate themselves is on them. If playing for a title isn't enough motivation, then they got to figure it out. Now, We have a shot, a long shot but a shot none the less to get some real big wins. I wish we didn't need help but we do and that's just the fact. We put ourselves in this situation, so we just have to be the best team on that court night in and night out and hope other things fall in place. It is what it is"

GM Franchise

Exactly. I think our loaded early schedule before the Anderson trade is what the real culprit was. I think we'd be fine with a more evened out schedule. However, that said, I only have one question before we lock in. How's the mainly starters strategy working overall? Have you seen an improvement since the change?

GM Lucas

"That strategy has done great against teams we should beat Texas, Oakland and Panama but then again they got 1 maybe 2 guys in their starting five that make it happen. We have a solid starting five but like them we don't really have don't have depth since we send Cutlass and Drissell over to Manhattan, so when we have to face teams like D.C, Motor City, Vancouver and Seattle we just get worn out and they keep putting ballers on the floor. Hell even Smokey Mountain has a deep bench. Don't get me wrong, Acquiring Daundra has been great but we traded depth for starter so we fixed one issue but hurt us in a different area. We are who we are right now"

GM Franchise

True, I'll fix the bench issue next season. Going all in for depth. That was the one risk with the trade but overall it was the right move. Luckily we kept Dunkatron which was a good long term move. Let's keep everything the same and lock in.

Lock in.