

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:23:04 PM

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GM Josh

Let's definitely get him out there for the All Star game. He more than deserves it. But we definitely need to adjust his minutes to avoid burnout. I trust you to make the best adjustment for him and the team.

Anything else we should discuss this week?

GM Lucas

GM Josh

GM Josh

1. We 8 weeks in, are you happy with the way your team is playing.
I'm happy with what I'm seeing for the most part, but would like to see some more W's getting up there. We're a strong team but the close games are killing us.

2. We have seen some trades turn things around for some teams, do you see yourselves as buyers, sellers or staying pat as we get closer
I think I've already made all the moves I'm going to make this season it's time to push for that cohesion. But as always things could change.

3. What do you think of GM Franchise now owning the Bar Harbor Storm, is that something you would pursue if the opportunity presented itself.
I think that's a lot more stress than it needs to be but more power to him. We have a great owner here and I don't see that changing.

4. Besides your own player and Derion Williams who have already been announced, who would you like to see represent each team in the World All Star Game.
I think seeing Fonesca repping the Allstars would be something we'd all like to see.

5. Any other news
Shocking departure from GM Fosters did not see that coming.

GM Lucas

"I'm not to worried about the split this week, D.C is a very good team, but we are going to have to start stringing together some wins to keep up with Vancouver"

GM Josh

That we are coach. I know this team can do it. Are you seeing anything going on that I'm missing?

GM Lucas

"Guys just have to step up. Sometimes it feels they pass the ball to Maryjan and then all start watching in awe. They just got to wake up. I see Maryjan always looking to pass the ball and guys are standing around. Maybe we need to change our team focus a bit. We play seven second ball, that's no game in the paint and everything outside. Alot of holding the ball and shooting in the last second so obviously everyone is going to make sure it's in the best shooters hands. There's Alot of perimeter play unless Maryjan takes it inside. We may be able to get guys moving and getting open, maybe be able to move the ball around more if we bring the game more inside. Some more post up play, ball movement. We are the third lowest scoring team with the second most field goal attempts."

GM Josh

Getting some of our other guys involved definitely seems like the smart call here. I love the work Maryjan puts in but you're spot on about guys not playing this like a team game. We win as a team we lose as a team and right now we're doing a lot more of the latter.

Let's change it up this week and start working more to the inside and getting guys involved.

GM Lucas

"Good, We'll change focus and start getting the ball moving around. I think Maryjan moving around is beneficial to the growth of the team"

GM Josh

I would agree. Let's go ahead and lock in with the new approach.

GM Josh

Split the week but still a success in my eyes especially seeing Hiro shining bright. Kid has a massive future here.

GM Lucas

"I'm blown away by hat kids play, holy moly did he make a statement. Now I'm not sure if this is a blip or something that will be consistent but I'm thinking he's our new starter. That won't make some guys happy but right now we need to put our best out there."

GM Josh

I'd agree Coach. We gotta play the hot hand and right now that's Hiro.

GM Lucas

"Now, Maryjan is doing phenomenal with our new time management. I tell you, for this scheme to work 100%, the other guys are going to have to step up. I don't think they were used to getting the ball as much as they did so hopefully the cobwebs came off and now they know they are going to be called on. I'm excited how we will look down the stetch"

GM Josh

You're damn right there Coach. We're looking good now we just need everyone to get settled in to the new scheme and we'll be rocking and rolling. Now the best way I think that can be done is more practice so I'll let you get back to it and we'll talk more next week.

lock in

GM Josh

What do you want to see from your team down the stretch.

I want to see this team come together like I know they can. We're gonna be playing with a man down while Maryjan rests up his shoulder so now is the time more than ever for everyone on this team to step up and show out. I know I put together a team that can support each other and it's high time they show us that and get us that 1 seed. We have a strong start to our season but along the way the wheels seem to have gotten a bit twisted.

GM Lucas

"this is the perfect time for guys to stand up"

GM Josh

That it is. Now before I address the team. I have a question for you.

What kind of changes are we looking at while Maryjan is out?  Who do you feel is best to start?

GM Lucas

"I think this is a good time for Jose Santiago to go out there and play significant minutes. Obviously we won't give him Maryjan minutes but we can move him around with Poffo, Brunson and Brian Jackson as we see fit"

GM Josh

What do you have to say about the WBS stunning loss to the IBA in the world all-star game.

We should have had that game locked in. Our team wasn't on the same page like the IBA and it shows.

What do you think about Coach long from Bar Harbor electing to start Chadwick over Either Babayaga or Walls and Coach Wallace choosing to start fender over Jared Anderson or Walls

Coaches gotta coach and sometimes they think they have an idea that may work for them. You gotta try it out cause you never know.

What do you think this means for WBS moving forward, what ripple effects do you think it may have moving forward if any

I don't see any long term effects here, but I can see us being better prepared next time we try this.

What would you like to see change now that we have experienced this type of al star game

Definitely better coaching for the All Star game.

With two weeks left are you making any tweaks.

I'm definitely going to be looking to make some changes and go with the hot hands these last 2 weeks

GM Lucas

"You said the hot hand, if I was starting the hot hand, it would be Maryjan, Obvioulsy, Then Hollbrook, McClain, Sheppard and Poffo. Ryu and Aharoni is all we need to support our guards as long as they don't get into foul trouble and for the inside game all we need is Brian Jackson and Santiago. 4 guys off the bench. We need to stake our claim and do it now. We did the job against Texas and Black Rock as we should but again got handled by D.C"

GM Josh

That sounds like a plan to me Coach. I believe in you and the team. Let's make the changes and have Maryjan, Hollbrook, McClain, Sheppard, and Poffo as our starting line up. I'll leave the minutes up to you.

lock in

GM Lucas


You needed a big win at the end and a loss by Smokey, you got both. What do you attribute that final run which got you into the playoffs at the season too?

You needed a win over Vancouver at the end, you got it when you your teams wasn't able to beat them in two previous meetings. Do you think Seattle had a good day or Vancouver had a bad day?

Having got into the playoffs on multiple tie breakers over Smokey Mountain, some say Smokey Mountain was jipped, have anything to say about?

How do you plan to move forward against Vancouver after this first big win in game one?

GM Josh

Teamwork plain and simple. These men are finally clicking the way we need them to.

I think we had a good day and finally got our heads where we needed them to be to pull off the win.

That's just the nature of the game. Both teams did what they could, but only 4 can make it.

We plan on doing what we doing best and that's playing tough smart basketball.

GM Lucas

"Big time performances"

GM Josh

That's what I like to see Coach. Everyone stepping up when we needed them to

GM Lucas

"We clawed back from 16 down. Pair that with they had three guys foul out. I think over the last two games we have gotten under their skin and it's starting to show. I am very happy with our guys performance on the road but that was just one, we need 7 more"

GM Josh

And 7 more we shall have. This team has come together nicely and I have no doubts that we can do it under your leadership coach.  Let's get back to practice and make sure this team is ready to go.

lock in