

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:30:56 PM

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...after watching this team last year, I doubt it, but take your time.


GM Yount

"Alright, after looking it over there's one guy I might wanna bring back but can't commit to anything until I know our coaching set up.

Wise as usual Aurora, we're good to go."




Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.


GM Yount, I appreciate the chance to interview for a head coach position.  What can I do to show you I'm the man for this job?

GM Yount

Hey man, thanks for taking the interview. Obviously your work with Miami speaks for itself, but I was really impressed too with what you did in New Jersey with a totally different group.

So I've got no doubt you're overdue for a Head Coaching job in this league, but my first question is kinda a multifaceted one. I'm doing my best to bring as many legit dudes in as I can, but realistically we're gonna have a lot of young players on the roster given the position we're in.

How do you think that lines up with the timeline of a team that can execute your vision? I know you can work with all three levels of the defense, I know you're versatile as far as the schemes you run. But my understanding from a deep dive, is that you specialize more in developing vet players to reach their best level rather than working with young kids.

I'm not too worried about that last part, I mean whoever you'd bring in as DC could fill in the areas that aren't your biggest forte. But if we had to throw a few rookies or young kids out there this year, if we had to give a project kid like a Ray Thompson or a Garrett De la Cruz a significant role because I realistically ain't filling all the holes in one offseason, how much would that interfere with your ability to work your magic?

The last thing I want is all the great ideas you scheme up getting cut off at the knees because our roster don't got the experience to pull them off without making huge mistakes. Obviously I'm doing my best to get as many legit dudes as I can, but there's a realistic chance it's a work in progress.



Honestly, if we can budget to make sure we spend on top tier assistant HC, that will cover my issues with youth development.   Same goes for our coordinators, but the assistant HC works with rookie and 2nd year players heavily to make sure they are adapting.

I have no issues with a young team, but that perfect balance of youth and experience is where it is at.

GM Yount

I like the sounds of that, man. You've probably seen some of my M.O. this offseason has been kind of getting some grown-ass adults in the room.

Now, obviously I know our roster is pretty much a blank slate at this point & linebackers are the key to your defense, but as far as an ideal Sean Peterson defense what archetypes of players are you looking at for each position in a perfect world?

Obviously beggars can't be choosers with some of the positions having scarcity, but I'd like to know what I'm looking for & just as important if any of the depth guys in-house on that end have or don't have that could make the difference between them making the team or not."



From the front back, at DT I like power and tackling.   On the edge I want speed, but not at the expense of strength. I want my front 4 to all be strong.  The edge being agile and tackling well is obviously a big plus but the strength alos has to be there.

Linebackers is where I like my speed, agility, and tackling.    The corners outside, obviously the faster the better but they need to be able to be physical.  Greenwood worked for me in Miami because he has the strength to fight for the ball or the PD.   The safeties, strong needs to tackle well, and the free needs to be high IQ and agile.

GM Yount

I think a lot of that's on the same page as me, I don't really like plodding thumpers at Linebacker. There are plenty of guys like that who are damn good at what they do, but they limit the possibilities. If I wanted a guy at LB that was a minus athlete, I'd put the pads back on.

Anyways, now as far as a big picture thing, obviously the biggest jump from being a coordinator to a Head Coach is you're overseeing the whole roster and setting the tone for the 53. I really hate this phrase, because I think it's just a buzzword that gets used to ascribe to whatever a team's winning doing ... but what's the culture of a Sean Peterson team? What are the standards and the tone you set, what's the clear expectations of this group of men? I know from my time playing for her, Coach Woods who you coordinated under last year was very "This is the standard, and we're setting a tone that if you deviate from it or are a distraction? Buh bye." Which might seem extreme to some, there's different values that matter more to every coach, but I think it's important that each team knows what the ethos of their leader is & on board with the most important aspect of them.

Sorry, that was a rambly way of asking that question.



I put my focus on Discipline. Smart play. Leadership. Motivation. and Loyalty.   The culture is the same you'd find in what we did with Coach Jose in Miami.  The same as Coach Woods without that real hard edge on it.   A lot like what Max Rhodes preached in Vegas.   It's that same professional, do your damn job mentality.

GM Yount

I like it, I like it.

And as far as the offensive side of things, from my understanding your preference is to run the ball. Now, if given a proper budget for your coordinator, how much of a must is that? I mostly ask, because I feel like while there's some Jose Mackeys out there, it feels like these high flying offenses that are all in vogue now are the tree that a lot of coordinators come from. Is it a key to how you want your game script to go, or is it more just that you're a defensive guy so your preference will be to prioritize field position, controlling clock & avoiding turnovers but you'll ultimately go with whatever our OC wants as long as it scores us points?



I don't have a scheme preference, I just want first downs and points.  We don't want drives ending in anything but a kick. either for 3, or after a touchdown.  Protect the football, move the chains, and my defense will do the rest.

GM Yount

Alright Coach, I'mma be real with you.

I had an initial plan to really get deep talking to a bunch of candidates, but I'm also a believer in not outsmarting yourself. And letting someone that's the right guy walk out that door, just because I wanted to talk to other people and be REALLY sure, would qualify as that.

You deserve to helm your own team, I like the answers you gave me, they've got the attitude I like, so I'd like to offer you 4 year $14MM per to be our Head Coach and help me start changing the standards here.


I'm only comfortable committing to the same number of years the GM has, but $14MM is good.  Lets make it happen.

GM Yount

That's totally fair, 3 years $14MM it is then, I'll get that paperwork drawn up ASAP-- welcome aboard, coach.



I'm excited to get started.  Thanks for this opportunity.

GM Yount

Let's get it.

Aurora, sorry to trouble you, but while I'm waiting and tryna plan out my assistant coaching budget stuff I had a question on what would I guess be considered a more miscellaneous expense, but one that could potentially affect my available funds, I'll send it to you over a secure line since I swear some mfers in this league have spy satellites above every team's office.