

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:34:00 PM

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GM Metro

Fair enough - hopefully that adjustment also helps us keep John upright as well. The other thing I wanted to ask about was Jeff Carter - I think he's done a great job as that third option receiving but over the last bit I've noticed an uptick in missed blocks and then last week with the number of sacks off the edge, I wanted to talk about his blocking. Is it just an abberation, something that can be improved upon, more that it hasn't developed as we had hoped? What's the story?



I think his work in the pass game has cost him a little as a blocker, but he's still improving all around, I think it will balanced out.  We'll keep an eye on it though.

GM Metro

For sure - sounds good. I was going to touch base with Micah but I think focusing on rehab is more important for now. Let's just get ready for Dallas.

Use Pierce - Slot formation exclusively
Pass Focus = Intermediate


GM Metro

1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)
It was a big win for us. John Lynn did a great job stepping in for Micah and the defense; man what can you say about Talon Wilkinson II. Incredible performance from him and really keeping Dallas on their back foot. You'd like to see us execute a bit better offensively but Dallas is a good defense and for us to fight for points and come out on top is bigger for this team.

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?
I think defensively we're where we expected. Offensively, I think we've yet to hit our stride with some of the injuries we've had. I think 3rd down and protecting the football continue to be where we need to improve. We've beaten the math so far but historically, turnover margin is a big, big, contributor in whether you get to where you want to go.

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?
I think that any trade takes two teams to tango obviously; it's harder to make deals earlier in the season because no one is really out of the playoff picture currently. There's relatively short windows in this league for the most part and so admitting defeat four games into a season is really difficult to sell to ownership/fans/etc. Given where we are in the schedule, we'd love to make a deal right now; Tuscon, Winnipeg, Miami, Alabama, we need to beat those teams to win the Impact Bowl and so getting a head-start is important. We'd be buyers today if the right seller came along.

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?
I really have no comment on rumors. Currently, our GM Rep has negotiated that the PFL players under contract are off-limits to GM's so until I see an official change in policy, I don't think it's prudent to discuss them or have comments that could be construed as contravening that policy in any way, shape, or form.

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?
I think the IFAF is great for the game and opens up opportunities for the sport to grow. We continue to look for players who are going to contribute to an Impact Bowl winning team and I think the IFAF provides those players.

6. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)
Must win. This is a big game for us; you look at the standings in the division, the conference, they're a team with Impact Bowl aspirations and if we're to get there, at some point the road is going to go through them. It's a great test for our team and I'm excited for the matchup.


GM Metro

This is a huge game for us and a huge stretch. I think we need to be locked in and laser focused. Wanted to check on Micah. He's listed as probable and with the criticality of this game, I think if he can go, we ride by him. The other thing I wanted to talk about was with the trade chatter that has picked up. I like the team we have and would be content to roll with what we have. If I make a move, it'd be a splash, and the two things I can think of is one more receiver and/or another elite pass-rusher.

At Receiver, it is more about continuing to give weapons for Micah and punishing nickel and dime corners. On the defensive side, I'm not sure if the upgrade is truly needed. The stat-book doesn't tell the entire story with the front-4 always, and that's doubly so with Talon having the year he is so looking to get thoughts on if O'Donnell is maybe a year away, and/or the rotation we've got with Ah Sam and Scott.


I think the case at either position is simply "do we add a rental to make that title push this season?" because we have first round picks at DE2 and WR3 and both have the upside we hoped for; but if the question is purely "can we and should we get better in the right-now if we want to win it all?"  The answer is Yes, in my book.


GM Metro

I hear you coach. That makes sense. Seems like nothing is moving on the trade front so let's lock this in.



GM Metro

1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)
That's a loss that stings; not just the divisional opponent but we held them for 3 quarters and just ran out of steam at the end. Time of possession really bit us; we did a great job keeping them from making the splash plays but the methodical nickel and diming really got us. We had a chance at the end with one play and they made it. It happens. It's football. I'm proud of the guys and their efforts but we're not focused on moral victories this year and that one hurts.

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.
I'm not really concerned about "instant classics" as much as I am about victories. We played a great game and came up a bit short and that loss is really what counts. We'll see them Week 15 at home and hope for a different outcome.

3. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional).
There's some big moves made; I think it's really interesting to see teams going back to the well again with players they let leave in free agency. First Molina, and now George Vu. I think in some situations you have to applaud the GM for realizing the mistake they made in letting someone get away; but I think the inverse can also be true in that if the player left depending upon the reason that reacquiring them may not work out.

4. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)
Winnipeg comes to town – we know what this match up means. We've got to be on top of our game against them; they've got the best defense in the league and one of, if not, the top offenses. We need to execute and take advantage of the opportunities as they come if we're going to walk out with a win.

5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?
Welcome back Mr. Hallquist. It's good to see Jon back in the game.


This one was a learning experience for Micha.  He knew he couldn't hold that ball on the final play, but he tweaked his ankle late in the game and it just slowed him a half step.  I'm glad he only missed a few plays in the game, but hopefully after that type of loss he learns from it and makes sure the next time he's in that position he pulls the trigger.

GM Metro

For sure - it is something I need to continue to remember for this year that we're still young at the key position. Winnipeg presents an interesting challenge for us. To this point no one has been able to move the ball through the air but at least the ground game has gotten things moving in bits and pieces and with Capps out that might be an area to attack. I'm torn because part of me wants to see Micah continue to go up against the tougher tests and no one has a receiver corps like we do - but the ground may be an opportunity for us this week. Thoughts?



With Winnipeg being in the bottom half of the league in run defense and upper echelon of pass defense, I think we put the win ahead of testing our QB in this case, we game plan to run it early and often if we can and only resort to going heavy in the pass game if we fall behind.

GM Metro

That works for me - if we do something like that - what do we think about creating a package for this week with Donn Brown at TE to even add the extra beef up front to support that.



As in a 2 TE set with him at TE2 for an overloaded line? I'm fine with that.  If he gets the occasional target we'll have to live with it obviously, but we'll try to streamline it.

GM Metro

That'd be my thought - yes. And it happens. I think telegraphing the run though might give us the chance to hit a deep shot or two to our big guys in play action as well.



Absolutely.  That's why I say there could be a random checkdown forced to him, because I dont want to 100% run from the formation and let them overstack the box.

GM Metro

For sure - I like that approach. Other thing is I think we can leverage Pierce in the slot some more to try and get some potential mis-matches there. I wanted to check in and make sure to get the pulse of the locker room. Obviously our record is good which has to help morale - but anyone down currently on a personal level?



Morale is high across the board, the team is feeling great after last year's rough road.   Im fine moving Pierce into the slot more often, but it would definitely be easier to swallow with another high end WR to give us a real three headed attack.

GM Metro

Perfect - I think with Pierce it's just this week but I hear you. You know I'll be active in the trade market for upgrades. Thanks Coach.
Demi - Micah Larkin please.
Micah, just wanted to touch base after the game. I know it didn't end up how we wanted but I think adversity helps galvanize us. We'll get another shot at them. How's the leg doing?



It's feeling better, just a frustrating week.


GM Metro

I'm really impressed with our guys - that's the statement win that you need and to rebound after a close loss against Winnipeg is a massive step for our guys. You have to especially love the week over week growth where we executed this week in a similar situation we struggled in. I have to tip the cap to Coach Rhodes and Mumbasa for a great game-plan and the team for executing it. I know it's hard for a guy like DP to be shut-out most of the game but to stay locked in and make big plays at the end, that's huge. Lash and Floyd carving up yards and S-Jax making the big plays. Everyone stepped up and earned that win! You also have to commend the composure of our guys. I think they stayed clear of the chippy stuff; I think as this team grows, discipline and eliminating bad mistakes, is going to be a deciding factor and to see our guys exemplify that really cements this team as a contender going forward in my mind. You have to respect Winnipeg and I know they're going to come back hungry in a rematch later in the year but the momentum boost of this win for our team can't be overstated.

We get to continue against a great Miami team. Obviously this is a match-up that's going to hit close to home with Coach Rhodes but I think if we execute offensively and our defense gets after it we've got a really good chance here.

Coach, that is a MASSIVE win for us. I know it's just one game but against the reigning champ and to rebound is huge. Micah showed guts and improvement in the same spot as last week which I'm really impressed with. Going against Miami, they're balanced offensively, defensively, it's just going to come down to who can execute. I think we go back to normal as I think Pierce and S-Jax on the outside gives us a big advantage.

The only thing I have really for you and Coach Mumbasa to mull over is if you could give me two or three slot receivers you think would fit our offense and be a significant upgrade over Vincent Brice. I think the stats back up that Pierce in the slot as not as effective so I think adding a 3rd receiver their, even as a rental, might be the best path forward.



My wish list of realistic options would be Chang Lam, Clint Dickey, Erik Pitts, or if we looked in the division Eric West or Marshawn Holiday. 

With a lot of teams in contention, I'm just looking at teams that are pretty down in the standings.

GM Metro

That makes sense - two names there that I had on mine so I'll try and see what happens. What about DGB? Just doesn't fit in the slot likely in your estimation?



If Pierce was a better fit in the slot like he was in his youth, then DGB would be ideal to put outside, but I don't think he works in the slot either.


Coach Rhodes had to go get ready for final walk throughs.  I'll pass him any adjustments you have.

GM Metro

Thanks Demi.



GM Metro

That's a tough loss at the end; I know there's going to be some pearl clutching and given the history we have with the kicking position some enhanced scrutiny there but we realistically had no reason to be in that position. To have been in a position to win the game when you're -3 in turnover differential; that speaks to the quality of this club but the loss demonstrates protecting the football. We're a good team, potentially really good, but you can't give the other team consistent opportunities like that. We've got the same thing heading into Alabama this week; a really good football team on the other side with some elite playmakers on both sides of the football. If we lose the turnover margin it's going to be tough to pull that one out.

I know there's a lot of questions about the "war" that has been declared by the PFL. I think over the years we've had similar scenarios and I've made my thoughts very clear. The playing field is level for every team and we'll do what we can with the players that we have. I've concerned myself with the players in a Scorpions uniform and trying to win an Impact Bowl. It's also not the first time we've seen this kind of situation happen; you have a GM, or GM's, who act in such a manner that creates an aggrieved third party, and then GM Gates' mea culpa is concessions or reparations for the third party on the part of, or that impact, all franchises rather than just the offenders. I don't agree with GM Gates' philosophy in that respect; seems kind of Bernie Sanders like to me, but he is the duly elected GM Representative and so we're back to my first point; we'll do the best we can, with the rules that they are, to put bring an Impact Bowl home.


GM Metro

For sure - I think the last three games have really demonstrated the ceiling, and the floor of this team. We can match up with anyone, play any style, but turnovers are going to kill us. How's Micah's head at; too this point there's been some kid gloves but what can we do here to help limit them? Is this the time to put some of the weight of the world on his shoulders and see how he reacts? Has he already got to that point?



SIR! Sorry to interrupt but we're hearing that Guy Simpson and Ronald Velasco both have been offered deals to join the PFL!

GM Metro

Thanks Demi - appreciate the heads up. Can you get Guy Simpson for me?
Guy, I just saw the news and Demi gave me the heads up that the PFL is interested in you. Care to fill me in on the situation from your perspective?



So I got a call saying New Orleans wanted to offer me $8MM per season for 4 years if I was to sign today. 

I think its great money, I dont like the idea of leaving here mid-season, but I don't know if I can get that kind of money any other time.

GM Metro

Definitely. I can't imagine having to make a decision like this, at this scale, in this time frame. Everything you've said resonates; we've got a chance to have a special season this year and you play a role in that but you're right, it's a lot of money and term that honestly isn't often available at the strong safety position. I know in the off-season when I talked to Scott Forrest that our deal was to re-build some value for you and give you a platform to re-enter the market on and that's evidently come to fruition far earlier than I think we anticipated. Obviously, if you go to New Orleans it'd hurt to lose you and I'd be remiss to suggest otherwise, but I'll never begrudge someone for taking an opportunity to get the bag, especially so when that was really the basis for our agreement.

I don't know if that helps at all but I guess the only unsolicited advice I'd offer is that you've got a good support system and to leverage them as needed; family, Scott, we've got some great leaders in the locker room like Danny Edelman who I'm sure would be a good ear. It also goes without saying that my door is open as well.



I appreciate you understanding where I'm coming from.  You're a great GM in my book and maybe one day we can run it back on a bigger deal.

GM Metro

For sure - best of luck. New Orleans got a good one today.
Demi, Ronald Velasco please?
Ronald, hearing about the PFL knocking at your door. Care to fill me in from your perspective?



I got an offer, but man I'm not ready to change my dream. I'm a HIFL baller, shot caller... Lets go!

GM Metro

Appreciate it Ronald - thanks for your time.
Demi, Coach Rhodes please?
Sorry Coach, brutal interruption. I've got some asks around replacing Guy but first I want to get back to my original question of how's Micah's head at? Too this point there's been some kid gloves but what can we do here to help limit the turnovers? Is this the time to put some of the weight of the world on his shoulders and see how he reacts? Has he already got to that point?


He's smart and tough, I think he can handle that type of pressure.  I'm not sure what is leading to the fumbles, if its a strength, hands, or other issue, but we definitely want to try to figure out how to improve that when we are able.

GM Metro

Sounds good - I'll talk to him this week. Replacing Guy, my original thought process is Edwin Winters. Good draft pedigree and was solid last year in Rapid City. I did want to inquire on your impression of Shelton Tenney in practice so far in the reps he's gotten?



I'm not seeing much there.  A cheap contract and not much else.

GM Metro

Good to know - I'll get some reinforcements then talk to Micah. Looks like we've only got one stud edge rusher to worry about from BAMA now too. Thanks Coach.
Demi, James T. Crain.
James, crazy times at the moment. My understanding is Edwin Winters is still a free agent. Assuming that is still the case, is he in shape and ready for some measure of game action?



He is ready and fit to play.

GM Metro

Awesome, normally we'd be looking at a minimum deal for the rest of the year but I'm thinking maybe we do something longer and have the value be similar to the deal that Guy Simpson had. 1.45MM this year and then 1.00MM for the following two?


GM Metro

Awesome, Demi will be in touch to get him here ASAP. Thanks James.
Micah Larkin please Demi.
Micah, just wanted to have a quick chat. Looking around the league we've got a chance to be at the top and make a push. I've also been super impressed at how you handled resiliency; the Winnipeg game was a big answer after the heartbreak in Tuscon. I want to challenge you again though and see what we can do to reduce the turnovers. You look at the teams that win, the top quarterbacks in the history of the league, that's something they do well. I don't want to lose the aggression in the passing game but the fumbles are something we can control. I want it to be a focus for you in practice and your training on how we manage that; whether it's changing protection at the line, knowing the blitz is coming and going to your hot read etc. Sometimes the biggest play is not try to make a play.

Up for the challenge? You have the full faith of both the Coaching staff and myself.



Absolutely, I'm a baller, and all that matters to me is make sure you see me as the long term answer. Lets go.


GM Metro


1. Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?
Any time you can go into Alabama and walk out with a victory that's huge. We had a good game; still some room to tighten things up but we moved the ball well offensively and made some timely plays on defense; Danny Edelman always seems to make something happen in big games when he's on the field and Jorge Mojica has been lights out all season. It's a good bounce back win and now we need to keep the momentum rolling.

2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?
It's ridiculous to call it a "war". First, it's disrespectful to the actual wars, human suffering, and casualty in the world to even attempt to equate the two and secondly, what we're really looking at is an emergent competitor looking to compete against an incumbent and spending resources to do so, aided and abetted by incompetence on the side of many in the HIFL.

You've had GM's all season long call it a "mickey mouse" league, talking about it going bankrupt, calling it inferior competition. Even this week it continued and do you know when people start talking about competitors in that language? When they see it as a threat; it's true in business, politics, the world all over. If it was half as bad as some of my GM colleagues say it is, no one would be talking about it but instead here we are. For years you had a set of GM's in the HIFL going off on Ace Profits and now look at what's happened? If people had kept their mouth shut; I don't care how boorish they may have considered Ace Profits to be or if they thought he was an astute businessman. If they had welcomed the competition, or ignored it, either or, we wouldn't be in this boat. 

And even then, from my perspective, that boat is pretty good. We've got our national TV deal already, you've got Jamie Ortega leading the charge for Jordan Brand, you had Morris Cooper Jr. working with GM Gators' Maple Syrup thing. What competition was there really when you look at that? Competing for markets? Over the last ten years the league has expanded from 12 to 32 teams; New York, Philadelphia, we could have been in those markets but our ownership groups elected not to be and went international instead. You can't have two national TV deals; you can't have both Bud Light and Miller Lite as the "official light beer" of the High Impact Football League. So where's the issue? It's not like we were hurting at the box office? It's not like we're competing to get our fans, who let's be honest we had 15 seasons to build a relationship with, into the stadiums to watch games and for local sponsorships. There's 31 franchises in this league that aren't actually competing with the PFL because Aviator BBQ just outside Raleigh really isn't looking at buying advertising in Charlotte for the Crowns?

I said 31 franchises for a reason though and Mr. Ron Porsche himself brought it up at the Summit. There is one city that shares both a PFL and a HIFL team. There's one team in the HIFL who is truly competing with the PFL and that's the Las Vegas Scorpions. That's us. We are the 1, in 31 and 1. That's our players competing with the PFL for local advertising. That's our marketing office trying to get sponsorships. That's our ticketing team competing for season ticket holders. For ten years if you flew to Las Vegas and were looking for a football game to go to you had one option but not anymore. And not once have you heard us piss and moan about it. Not once have you heard us back down; no, on the contrary, we've said we're not worried about it. We're going to do the best we can, with what we can control. Steel sharpens steel. Iron is forged in fire. I don't know why our GM's feel it necessary to take shots at Mr. Lionheart or Mr. Khantana, because from my seat, I've got a heck of a lot of respect for what Mr. Porsche has accomplished in such a short period of time and think he's done one heck of a job in putting together an elite team on the field.

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?
At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether I was pro-treaty or anti-treaty. I wasn't there for what are very obvious reasons given my opinion on the entire matter and the GM Union as a whole. Something had to be done though. I mentioned it last week; there was an aggrieved third party who was going to look for some form of recompense and the long since established precedent is that something would be done to accommodate that. The Gates treaty presented the GM Union an opportunity to negotiate a settlement that was acceptable to both parties and you know what happens in unions when a union member screws up? Everyone pays for it! 

The whole point of a union, for as long as it has existed, is to bring an entire collective together to negotiate terms and conditions of employment and effectively enjoin them as a single entity. It doesn't matter what industry - as soon as you have a union it protects the lazy and the incompetent while providing few and often meaningless benefits. The entire purpose of a union is to make it so that there's no ingenuity, no reward for individual success, its socialism designed to make sure that everyone is taken care of and no one actually succeeds. It makes it so that, yes, the collective is going to have to pay for GM Rebel's mistakes. If you didn't want to pay then why did you vote in favor of a GM Union in the first place?

If the GM's wanted to make GM Rebel pay, hold your nose, take one on the chin to solve the problem facing you right then and there and then deal with him later. Once the agreement is sign figure out if you're going to fine him for the balance owed to the GM fund to be payable in the off-season or off-seasons. Work with the owners and the HIFLPA to fine him a draft pick or picks. If we're going to continue with the ridiculous "war" metaphor, the treaty was an armistice, and the rest could have been handled later.

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?
I think CJ took who he thought were going to be a bunch of yes men who would capitulate and sign off on the deal he negotiated. Instead you had exactly what I have said was going to happen every time the GM Union gets involved. When it was created, there was a single GM who was against it, me, and my entire reason were that you were never going to be able to get highly competitive people to set aside their own personal benefit for the good of the collective in enough numbers to noticeably affect change. But instead, in that moment, all you heard was "I want a GM contract." You know how you get a GM contract? Do your job well, be a perennial playoff contender, don't waste your owners money by amnestying a player ever year, and I'll get back to the amnesty in a second, but you do that, you do your job your going to get a contract from the owner because he doesn't want you to leave for another team and do a good job there because he wants to win too. The next breath is "I want a salary cap increase" and the same people advocating for that are the ones stating that the wanton spending in the PFL is going to lead them to bankruptcy. Beyond all of that, there was never a single focus on what the HIFLPA was prepared to negotiate on, what the Owners were prepared to negotiate with, instead it was all about ME, ME, ME!!!

You take that and you put it to this situation and of course the GM's CJ brought aren't going to look at the broader picture or at anyone else other than themselves and how they can create a competitive advantage for themselves. There's all this rhetoric around poaching players and making sure that the PFL doesn't do it again and protecting THEIR team but let's take a look at the history here for a moment. Orlando had a player "poached" in the off-season in Felton Sumner, but let's be honest for a moment, GM Rebel would've given him away to any HIFL team willing to pay his contract. Same scoreboard, you have Bjarnasson and McGhee going back the other way so let's get our facts straight before we throw stones. Outside of that over the past two off-seasons you've had players who played out their contracts, earned the right to be free agents, and chose the PFL. I don't know if the GM's in the room considered that poaching because it made it so they weren't able to sign vested veterans for minimum league contracts but if they did, that's selfish and absolutely ridiculous because no one, and I'll include myself here, was ponying up that kind of money. That's not a slight to the players; they earn every penny and I'm happy for them to cash in when they have a chance, but is just reality and the economics of the situation and the HIFL. It's a conscious choice by those same GM's to allocate resources where they best see fit and it's ludicrous to suggest that the same freedom of choice shouldn't be given to the players to make the best decision for themselves based upon what motivates them.

Instead, though, we've got the entire focus on how do we prevent this from happening? What rules can we put into place to prevent players from leaving? I've got two major problems with that;  firstly, and most importantly, and let me refer to my notes on this one so I can get the exact verbiage of the Sherman Act right, "prohibiting individuals or business entities from entering into contracts, combinations, or conspiracies that restrain interstate or foreign trade" is something that gets you in front of federal courts. For all the GM's balking at the fifteen million, I can only imagine what they'd be doing when staring down treble damages awarded to the players under an anti-trust suit. Secondly, let's ignore the legality of such an arrangement altogether and instead actively look to cultivate a partnership with players, operate with a modicum of respect for them and do something to make it so that they actively want to stay with the franchise. Everyone acknowledges that there's things that happen in the course of doing business that may not be perfect, but acknowledging the other side, and that the other side accepts that it is part of the business, goes a long way. You don't get to where you are by being oblivious, resorting to denigrating the competition makes you look bad, I don't think how any rational person calling the players greedy for looking out for themselves is going to engender good will or not exacerbate the situation. Like it's really not that hard to do something that works for both parties but 99% of the things that the other GM's say and do seem to be incredibly self-serving and contrary to what they're actually stating their goal is.

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?
It's twofold; I respect GM Pancho putting his name forward and acknowledge that he's going to face a difficult task attempting to negotiate after everything fell apart. He is starting from zero and I can only imagine that the deal that was on the table yesterday no longer exists. Beyond that though, this was an example of holding your nose and taking one on the chin. GM Pancho's election doesn't change my perspective on the GM Union. It doesn't change how this is going to work in the long term. Not to denigrate GM Pancho or pre-emptively belittle his accomplishments but if he has any success in the interim getting enough parties to agree it's not through his abilities but people realizing that they've already left the best deal on the table and that signing today is the least objectionable alternative.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.
I'm all aboard the Talon Train for MVP. He's having an amazing season from a position that often times is hard to generate stats and notice their performance at. There's a lot of great players in the HIFL and I think he is front and center there.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?
Talon Wilkinson in the center of the defense. We're back to being an elite defensive unit after an off-year and his performances are a big reason why. Beyond that, we've had conversations about people stepping up internally. The connotation obviously is someone under performing but I don't look at it that way. We've got a good team and Micah Larkin is a massive part of that. He has been incredibly impressive and continues to put in the work to be better. Every challenge we've thrown at him he's handled with aplomb. You look at how he's responded to adversity and the growth game to game and that's exactly what you want to see from that position. We couldn't be happier with him and what he does to make sure he's successful; the leadership, the dedication to his craft, he's stepping up and taking the jump from rookie with potential to future star and if he continues on that same progression through the final half of the season I think we have a chance to make a lot of noise in the playoffs.

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?
We're always going to be aggressive; I'm not afraid to pull the trigger on a deal. It takes two to tango though and you look at what our team has done to this point, the players that we have and the roles that you can fill, sometimes trades don't line up. We're going to be purposeful with any acquisitions that we make and ensure that they fit with what we're trying to do.

9.  Discuss this weeks game
Oakland comes to town and I think we've played against Daley enough times to know what he's capable of. We have to get after him, our front four has to be able to generate heat on him in the pocket without requiring extra rushers because if we give him time he'll pick us apart and against the blitz he's an elite quarterback. Offensively it'll be keeping Micah upright and allowing our offense to work. We execute our game plan I think we have a good shot.