

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:47:42 PM

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You've not steered us wrong up to this point, so no reason to not believe you can get us there now.  Good luck GM Eli!

GM Eli

"Thank you, Ms. Snow."


"Elsa, that's it for me for the week. Hopefully next time we talk we'll be celebrating a victory over the Mustangs"


Set OG Donald Jones to RG1 until Sydney Morgan is healthy

Lock In

GM Eli

"Ladies and gentlemen, lets get to this shall we?

Discuss your weeks results

"We weren't good enough, it's as simple as that. They made plays when it mattered most, and we didn't. Especially on offense, we just weren't good enough. The Mustangs defense is talented, there's no doubt about that. But when you have a man who has been at the top 2 in receiving yards the last three seasons you expect him to come up and make plays. When you put your faith in a kid that you brought in from a divisional rival, you expect him to be hungry and make the sort of game breaking plays you need in a division like the North East. This game was won or lost by our Quarterback and Receivers lining up against their DB's and they didn't get it done. We didn't get it done.

So now it's time for us to man up and see who really is about the grind, who really is about the work, and who really has the sort of fight in them that you need to make the playoffs and chase the dream of winning an impact bowl. We'll find out who has that dog in them, and who would rather be sitting at home collecting a paycheck. Trust me. I'm watching. Coach Mackey is watching. Coach McFadden is watching. And most importantly, the guys on this team who want this more than anything else? They're watching too.

It's either put up or shut up from here on out."

Discuss any news that interested you.

"The sensationalized terms of the media not withstanding, this season is certainly teetering on the brink of being a disappointment and I am not one who is accustomed to disappointing the Lynx fanbase, and I promise you it won't be something that I ever accept or get used to. We're either going to figure things out, or we'll be reworking things come the offseason.

As far as the rest of the league is concerned, you're always interested when one of your peers is tagged with a potential move out of the division. Personally, if you're a rebuilding team, I'm not sure picking up a GM who has struggled to build successful rosters in the past is the right move. I'm not sure it would be in the best interest of Franchise, either. There will be other jobs available that are probably more his speed. Look at what he was able to do in Cleveland after I left. He was able to add to an already good roster and find some success and probably would still be there doing well enough if life hadn't gotten in his way, as it does to all of us at times."

With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?

"Vegas finding a way to get both Darren Pierce and SJax on the same roster is both a shock and a testament to Metro's creativity when it comes to the trade block. Landing one of those guys is enough to make waves for an offense? But adding both? Defensive backfields won't relish seeing Vegas come to town."

Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.

"I want to see more out of both Aaron and Max for the rest of the season. Whatever changes we need to make to see that happen, we're going to make. Defensively, we traded away a talented defensive end in Isaiah Simmons and put a lot of faith in the young kid Thomas Pak. I'd like to hope he can start to make a bigger impact given the talent that lines up alongside him on the defensive line."

Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

"Right now, on a three game losing streak, I'm not sure we have any major advantage against anyone. We've got the talent to beat Milwaukee and we're going to need to do it twice down the stretch if we hope to make the playoffs this year. But their a team that's been put in the position of giving up a lot of talent and yet still they're finding ways to keep games close. I think that's a testament to their head coach, honestly.

Like I said earlier. This is a put up or shut up game for our team and it happens in what will undoubtedly be the most hostile environment we're in all year. It doesn't take a historian to look back a few years ago when we were rebuilding here in St. Paul and remember the shock we sent to the Barons on their own home turf when everyone expected them to trounce us. I'm sure that the Milwaukee fanbase would like nothing more than to put us one foot in the grave. But I believe in our guys. I believe they've got the sort of fight in them that we're going to need.

One game, and one win at a time."

GM Eli

"Well, Coach, I'm still not sure what to think about our offense. The defense stepped up big time for us in overtime and to not be able to make anything out of either of those opportunities is brutal."


Yeah, Brutal indeed.  We've just lost our way in the pass game.

GM Eli

"I think maybe we switch back to our passing preference being long, but keep the aggressive attitude and balanced 'passing target'

We need this win, though, Coach. So I need an assessment of how much this loss has actually effected the locker room morale."



It's somber in there, a lot of guys questioning themselves. I agree that we have to break this skid before we lose control of our season.


GM Eli

GM Eli appears live via zoom for his press conference this week.

Discuss this past week.

"For me, personally, it has been a bit rough as I've been under the weather. Hence why I'm not there to speak with you all one on one. But the team? Man, the team showed the world that the Lynx still have some fight left in them and for that I am endlessly proud. We've got six games left and realistically we need to win all six of them if we hope to have a chance at jumping the Mustangs. But I think we've got that kind of run in us."

Discuss any news that interested you.

"I'm not going to act like our mid season struggles weren't frustrating. They were. But what made them so frustrating was knowing the kind of talent that we have, especially on offense, and the passion that they have for the game. It just wasn't coming together for whatever reason. But this week against Milwaukee it did and like Max said, he isn't dead yet. And neither are we as a team. As long as we have fiery leadership from him, and other guys who share that same passion, we're going to be dangerous.

I would have honestly been more shocked about Ortega if the news was that he wasn't receiving increased treatment. The man is a force of nature but to keep that level of play up requires as lot.

I found Caleb Smoaks comments to be interesting. Since I'm not hearing them first hand maybe I'm misunderstanding the context of what he said, but I would think if anyone needs to step up it would be one of the most highly revered quarterbacks this league has ever seen. When I first became GM in Cleveland he was spoken of by my peers as though he could walk on water. So I hope the someone he was speaking of was himself, and that he wasn't pointing fingers at his teammates."

Talk about your plans for this week.

"The plans for this week are to let Coach Mackey and his staff get ready for the Monsters. They were able to get a big win against the Silverbacks, something we were unable to do earlier this season, and are a team that is continuously improving around a special young Quarterback. No doubt they're looking to build off the momentum of their recent win to try and make a late season run. Meanwhile, we'll be trying to send our fans home happy with a win. We proved at the start of the season we have the talent to beat them, and to do so on their home turf. Now we just need to go out and execute."

If there are no further Questions GM Eli ends the zoom call with the media and moments later connects on a call with Coach Mackey.

"Coach, great win and exactly what we needed. Of course we understand that the Barons aren't the most talented team in the world and their season has gone into the toilet. But sometimes those are the teams you can have a let down against and we did the exact opposite.

Superb job motivating the squad. Now we need to build off of it."


Michigan thinks they can knock us off; time for us to shut that down.

GM Eli

"Agreed. So, the one thing I wanted to touch base on before we lock in for the week is Mumbasa, and if you think it's worth reaching out to him to see if he would be interested in taking over as our offensive coordinator for the remainder of the season.

I know that anyone who has had to be on the receiving end of anything that Wayne has had to say likely wants a chance to ram it back down his throat."


Not a bad idea; not exactly sure how his playbook will mesh with our guys since he's never had a quality running back, but it might be worth a try.

GM Eli

"I'll get in touch with him then and if things work out, I'm sure he'll be getting together with you to get himself sorted out here in St. Paul.

If it doesn't that's alright too.

Thanks, Coach. Again, great job getting us back on track."


"Elsa, would you connect me with Mumbasa please."


"Mumbasa, a bit of a shame seeing you turned into the scapegoat there in Milwaukee when we both know you weren't given the talent you needed to be successful.

That said, if you're interested, we'd like to bring you on as our offensive coordinator for the remainder of the season and offer you 3MM to do it."


I'm only interested in the job if I am given control of play calling; I don't want to run anyone elses playbook.

GM Eli

"That's a fair ask but something I need to discuss with Coach Mackey before pulling the trigger. I'll be in touch."


"Elsa, I need Coach Mackey back real quick"


"Coach, after speaking with Mumbasa he is willing to come on but only if he is given play calling responsibilities. That's not something I'm willing to give away as I GM and you coach, and play calling falls under the coaching purview. So this one is going to be your call."



I didn't mind Coach Tomlin calling his own plays, so I wouldn't mind as long as it doesn't reflect on me if it doesnt work, you know?

GM Eli

"It won't. Sink or swim, like I told Jerry Worthington when I signed him to his extension, as long you want to be here, you're here.

We'll be ready to lock in in a minute. I'm going to make things official with him and then we'll be set."


"Elsa, barring anything unforeseen, this is the last thing I'll need this week. Could you get Mumbasa back for me please. Thank you."


"Well, Coach, if you're in with us for the rest of the season, the play calling is yours. 3MM for the remainder of the season."


GM Eli

"Welcome aboard."


All gameplan and strategy adjustments are coaches decision.

Offensive play calling to be done by Mumbasa.

Lock In

GM Eli

Discuss this past week.

"Well, we didn't play very good offensively again. I think at this point it becomes clear who the blame is on and that's me. I could have trusted in what we had built over the last few years and instead tinkered with things a little too much so when it comes to placing fault or blame when it comes to our struggles on offense this season, it's on me.

Still, the game had to be played and you've got to tip your cap to the Monsters who are continuing to improve as a team and they're starting to really come together. That's a nice defensive unit they've built, and a really talented young QB they're building around. They did what they needed to do and we didn't. It's as simple as that. We had opportunities early to really but the game to bed in the first quarter, but couldn't capitalize on the turnover the defense created for us."

Discuss any news that interested you.

"I'm not concerned with news stories right now. I'm concerned with the final five games. What the media has to say right now is inconsequential."

What is more interesting to you the PFL or the IFAF, do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?

"My honest answer is that I don't pay all that close of attention to what's going on in either league. Neither league functions on the same level as the HIFL does, even though there are some talented players there. If they're not on our schedule, I'm not concerning myself with them right now."

The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season, if you still have a shot at the playoffs what does your team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note?

"It has been a disappointment up to this point. But we're still in the wild card hunt and, technically, still in the division race as well. If we're going to keep playing like we have up until this point, though, the playoffs aren't going to happen for us this year. But if we can find our form and play to the level we know we're capable of playing, we can still make a run at this thing. I believe in the guys we have in the building and it's time I start letting them do their jobs without me meddling and making a mess out of things."


"Coach, I'm going to be pretty hands off for the remainder of the season. I'll still be active and we'll chat after each game, but when it comes to gameplan and strategy I want you and your staff to get together and reorganize everything and put everything together the way you see fit.

Forget the adjustments that I have made. It doesn't seem to have done too much good anyway and I brought you guys in to do the coaching so I think it's best if I let you all handle the business of that.

What can I do, if anything, to make your jobs easier the rest of the season?"



I hear you loud and clear boss; I'll make some tweaks so the offense is set up exactly how either I or Coach Mumbassa wants it depending on the situation and we'll try to see if we can get some kind of spark out of the boys.

GM Eli

"I'm going to speak with the guys and then we'll hit the road for Cleveland. Would you mind gathering everyone together down on the practice field? Thanks Coach."


"Gentlemen, I feel like I owe each one of you an apology for the way this season has gone. You see, I believe in the potential of this team. I know we have what it takes to be the team that can win 15 games in the regular season and have people nervous at seeing our logo across from theirs. But in my zeal to try and push you all to get to that point, I forgot that you guys know this game better than I do. You, and the coaching staff here. So I wanted you all to hear it from my mouth when I said I apologize for being a barrier to our success this season, rather than a conduit.

We've got five games to go, and one very important one this week against the Mustangs. The playoffs are still a realistic goal for us. It's a realistic goal for you all. We've still got one of the best running backs in the game grinding down defenses. We've still got the best wide receiver on the planet in Max Ramos. We've still got the most must see Quarterback on the face of the earth delivering passes to Max and Al and the rest of our receiving corps. We still have the talent that we've always had. We just need to find it within ourselves and remember who the heck we are.

Defense, you guys have been grinding this year and not getting the recognition you deserve. From Jerry to David to Doyle to Patrick to Trey and Michael and the rest of the crew. But we've got to ask more out of you and I know you've got it in you to give.

It's time we draw a line in the sand. And time we remind everyone that we're the hunter, and they're the prey.

Lets start by shutting Wayne and his ponies up this week."


Changes to be made as discussed with Coach Mackey.

Lock In

GM Eli

Discuss this past week.

"I'm sure most are expecting me to get up here and say something about my counterpart in Cleveland, but I'd rather spend the time devoting my energy to something deserving of my attention and that is the ability of this squad to win games that are ugly. We're still struggling to find ourselves offensively. But that didn't matter to Willis who put the team on his back and ran us to victory this week, right along side the immense effort of our defense as a whole.

I'm proud of these guys for continuing to grind, and that's what this season has been. A grind. A year ago things came easy for us. All the breaks went our way. This year, the exact opposite is happening but our guys are continuing to show their character and I think in that there is a lot to be proud of."

Discuss any news that interested you.

"Look, I'm not in the locker room so I can't speak to what is, or is not, going on between our Quarterback and anyone else on the team. We all know that Aaron is a special talent with a unique personality. But he's also a captain and a leader of this team and over the past three and a half seasons I have witnessed first hand that no one works harder, or demands more of themselves, than he does. This season hasn't played out in the way he expected it to, but that's our Quarterback and we're going to continue to support him just like we support everyone else. And if there's an issue? We'll get it worked out internally.

I'd be remiss if I didn't give a little bit of praise to Tuilagi. I'm one of the countless individuals who he's proving wrong with his performances this season. It's quite impressive and I'm more than happy to admit that I was wrong about him.

It is interesting to hear Caleb Smoak talk about writing his Hall of Fame speech when one of the bench marks for a Hall of Fame career at the Quarterback position has been Impact Bowl victories. I hope when the time comes he isn't disappointed."

If you could will your team into fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?

"I don't think it's any secret that if there was one thing I'd like for us to get sorted this season it would be our pass game. Thankfully there are two of the best coaching minds in the game working together to figure that problem out. I trust them."

You going to win this week?

"New Jersey is a really talented team and Joan Swope is as good as they come. But any GM who stands up here and says anything other than Yes doesn't deserve to be working in this profession.

So yes. We are. With where our record is and what the playoff hunt is looking like now, we don't have any other option."

GM Eli

Coach, good win this week. I'd say we needed that one but really we need all of them the rest of the way. But that one felt good.

You've got your finger on the pulse of the locker room better than I do. Is there any truth to what the media is saying about Aaron? This is the first I'm hearing about "strange requests" and what not.



I don't know what the media got a hold of, but Kitchen wanting guys to play better is always a loud vocal part of his game; if someone takes it as him not accepting responsibility for struggles then its a them and him problem they can resolve, but I don't think Aaron is doing anything differently than he always has, but this year has been frustrating for everyone, so Im sure there is a little patience with it for some guys who are used to winning... tis just overall frustration, I think.

GM Eli

Our season might hinge on this game this week. A win here and we at least put ourselves in control of a wild card birth, and maybe if we get lucky the Mustangs hit a slump after their loss to us this past week.

We have to do our part though.



Nobody wants to go home early.. we have to play like our season is on the line, and this time it really is.  We all know it.

GM Eli

Lets go then.

Adjustments are coaches decision

Lock In

GM Eli

What stood out to you about your team this week?

"Our grit and determination to win. Willis McNasty and PSII both deserve all of the praise in the world. The team collectively fought hard, but those two were the stand outs for me and to make those kind of plays against a team as well coached as the Dragons are, it's exactly what we were looking for."

Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

"I think we would all say that we hope Keenan Daley gets well soon. You hate to see anyone suffer the sort of injury issues, especially concussion related injuries, as we all know the sort of long term health concerns that can result. Football is secondary to your health for the next fifty years.

A congratulations to Tuilagi, again, on an incredible season."

3 Weeks to go, do you make changes or are you ready to roll with what brought you to the dance?

"We'll stick with what got us to this point. It hasn't been the prettiest season, by any means. But with three games left we're in control of our destiny. Win out and the playoffs are ours. I trust Coach Mackey and his guys to make that happen."


"Coach, great job. If we can have our guys stepping up to make clutch big plays when we need them the most, it may not matter all that much if our offense isn't clicking as well as we'd like across the board. Still, I think we looked a little more polished this week.

Lets build on that and keeping fighting for the post season."


For sure. We need to gain some momentum and show some consistency.

GM Eli

"Agreed. Alright just in case we have the option to work some more minicamps in the final weeks of the season, where do you think we need to focus most with Thomas Pak. And where do you think Max has seen the greatest drop off ability wise this season? If we can give him a little bit of a boost in an area it might be exactly what we need."


For Pak, definitely Tackling.  For Max, I think Agility?   

GM Eli

Good deal.

Good luck this week against.


Any changes are Coaches Decisions

Lock In

GM Eli

What stood out to you about your team this week?

"A poor overall offensive performance undid us again. I'm starting to sound like a broken record but it's a shame to waste another big game on the ground by Willis because we can't figure out what to do with the football in the air.

We need to be better. I expect our Quarterback to be better. I expect our Quarterback to make plays. And I expect the same thing out of our wide receivers. When you've talked about being "Must See" and "Not Dead" that's great. This team needs them to show, rather than tell.

Hats off to Rinaldi and the guys there in Pearl Harbor and good luck to them the rest of the season."

Discuss any news that interested you.

"Somehow we still have managed to maintain control of our playoff position and I'm sure most are looking at our final two games on the schedule as probable victories for us. Louisville, with one win on the season, and Milwaukee having traded half their team away at the trade deadline. I assure you neither of these games are guaranteed victories for us. Buckson has the Woodpeckers playing with heart and Milwaukee will always relish the opportunity to spoil our playoff chances.

Hopefully we'll rise to the occasion."

What makes your team more deserving of a playoff spot that the other teams competing against you?

"You're asking me this on the heels of a loss? I suppose it would be our conference record and the fact that we have beaten some good teams this year like Long Beach and our own rivals in the Mustangs. What makes us a deserving team right now doesn't matter, though. Deserving teams win football games when it matters most. These next two weeks are when it matters most.

So if we deserve to be there, we will punch our own ticket."


"Coach, I don't have much to say that hasn't been said a million times by both of us already this season.

These are two must wins. Lets be clear that anything else is unacceptable. I see it that way, I'm sure Ms. Snow sees it that way and no doubt you do too."



Totally sick to my stomach.  It's put up or shut up now.  We see if this team can will itself to play up to expectation or if they fold under the pressure.

GM Eli

We need to push the ball downfield in the pass game. But more than that, we need our Quarterback and Wide Receivers to make plays. Hang around. I'm going to talk to them and then we're going to lock in.


Elsa, would you send up Aaron Kitchen, Max Ramos and Al Beard please. Thank you.


Gentlemen. I mean it when I say the three of you are going to determine whether we see the post season or not. I don't want to hear any complaining or finger pointing. All three of you have been given contracts that reflect our belief in you to put points on the board. That hasn't been happening and we're out of time.

I don't think any of us want to look back on things in two weeks and see that we've been out scored by two teams that at this point, combine for half the victories we've achieved at this point in the season.

Get with Coach Mackey and Coach Mumbasa. Figure out what plays work best for you. Find out what style of play works best for you. Do whatever you need to do to find the performances in yourselves that you had in the first two weeks of the season.



GM Eli

GM Eli

What stood out to you about your team this week?

"We stayed in control of our destiny and now we get to play a division rival in front of our home fans where a win affords us the privilege of playing in the playoffs."

Who has to step up this weekend in your eyes?

"As cliches as it sounds, everyone does. This isn't just any football game, it's Lynx vs. Barons and there is nothing that James Franchise would like more than for his potentially final act as General Manager of the Milwaukee Barons be to ruin the playoff hopes and dreams of this team. I mean maybe it's even enough to save his job, if the hot seat whispers are true.

We don't need anyone else's help. We win and we're in and we're going to need all hands on deck to make sure that happens."

What does this final week of the season mean for you and your team?

"Everything. It's the difference in getting to be in the conversation regarding the Impact Bowl or packing our things up early and going home. These are the types of games that Barbara Snow expects me to make sure we win. I expect nothing less out of us."


"Coach, good win. It stings to see Al go down to an injury, but I'll let you and your staff decide who is going to fill in for him.

We need this one. I don't want to feel like we did at the end of season 13 when we had everything in our control and just couldn't close."



This season has been a challenge, but lets hope its making us stronger.

GM Eli

"I'm proud of how we've fought in spite of the fact that nothing has clicked for us offensively all season, other than McNasty doing his thing.

I had thought about going down and talking to the boys and trying to rally them for this final push against the Barons in front of our fans. But at this point if they don't know what this game means, and if they're not motivated enough as is, then nothing I say am going to get them there.

I believe in you, Coach.

Now go get us to the playoffs."


Depth Chart, Strategy and Gameplan Adjustments are Coaches Decision

Lock In

GM Eli

Talk about the final week of the regular season and this week's match up.

I will admit it was much nicer a season ago when we could breathe easy and know we had a bye week to get ready. But at the end of the day we made it and we did so beating Milwaukee, which is something I will always take a lot of pride in.

Sucks that in doing so we ended up a little bit banged up. We've overcome adversity and frustration all season, though, and we'll have to do so again this week.

But I'm looking forward to the opportunity. The Cobras are immense in the passing game and it's going to really put a lot of stress on our DB's. They have my utmost confidence, though, and I trust Coach McFadden to come up with a game plan to slow them down.

What will it take for this team to win the Impact Bowl?

Grit and tenacity, and this season has provided us with plenty of opportunities to cultivate those things



Well, we closed the year out looking like ourselves; lets keep that shit going.

GM Eli

I'm concerned about our linebackers with Doyle being out and Ben being 50/50.

I think the quick adjustment is to have Harris at MLB and Poe outside. But is Flores or Teddy Rock the better option as our 3rd LB if Pipkin can't go?



I think we should go with Rock over Flores; Flores is a better tackler, but Rock is more rounded faster, and more athletic.

GM Eli

"If we can just slow their passing game down we've got a chance.

I want to have a brief chat with the guys, but I was curious if you think Doyle would feel up for being the one to really try and light a fire under them. I'd like to give him the chance to feel like he had a hand in this game, even though he can't be out there on the field."



I think he'd love that.

GM Eli

"Great, I'll meet you down there."


"Fellas, this is the moment where guys like me who spend most of our time up in a cozy office come down here and try to provide you all with a rallying cry. I don't want to do that, but I do ask for just a moment if your time if you'll allow me.

Those of us who were here a season ago remember that bitter taste that was left in our mouth after we fell short against Atlanta. We've been looking forward to the opportunity to cleanse our palettes and while this season hasn't been easy, we've fought tooth and nail to make sure we get that chance. Nobody has fought harder for that than our captain, Doyle Brady.

By now you all know that Doyle isn't going to be cleared to play. And so that means just like me, he is counting on you all to go out there and take care of business on his behalf. And rather than take up any more of your time, I'm gonna let him take it from here.

The floor is yours, D.


Alrighty now; listen up!!  You know me and my game.. the Doyle-Rulez merch, the crazy feather boas, the antics and the fun.. That's because I love this game and I love this team!

I'd trade just about anything to be on the field with you guys this week, to put those DC receivers on the turf again, and AGAIN, AND AGAIN!   ...but I can't!

What I need is for you boys to kick some ass so I can be out there in the next game!  You guys do your job, and I promise when I get back I'll do mine; because why?!


THAT'S RIGHT!  Now go out there and kick some Cobra ass! 

GM Eli

Aaron Harris to LB1 (MLB)
Terry Poe to LB2 (OLB1)
Ben Pipkin to LB3 (OLB2)
Theodore Rock to LB4 (OLB3)
Kenneth Flores to LB5

Any other adjustments are Coaches Decision.

Lock In