

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:47:42 PM

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GM Jon

Noted. I'll be putting McNasty on the IR, what position is on your wish list add depth to? And I guess I'll double that question up with trading for any positional need as well.



I'd say depth at RB and WR are the only real concerns I've got. With McNasty on IR we will only have 2 RBs and with only 4 WRs, if we have any injuries we're really short handed.


GM Jon


1. Congrats on the victory against San Antonio. Taylor Griffin had a big game, is that something you expected from him as he was lining up for more carries with Willis McNasty out for the year? 

"It was quite the performance, wasn't it? I'm very happy for Taylor and that 60 yard score was the shot in the arm we needed offensively. I thought San Antonio did a really nice job being able to contain Dunlap and Taylor provided a nice change of pace that threw their defense off. I'd imagine you'll see his name being one of the most added players in fantasy."

2. This week you'll be playing in D.C., the place you accomplished a lot, winning two Impact Bowls. What kind of emotions do you have when you come here as the opposition?

"I mean, yeah, it always brings out a little bit of emotion coming to the place I started my career in this league. I enjoyed four and a half years there and it will always be a very special place to me and my family. They have a great squad and GM Justin has been doing an outstanding job running the team."

3. You'll be going up against Adrian McCaffrey who just became the leagues most prolific rusher. How can you limit his effectiveness and contain him?

"If you know the secret in doing that, I'm all ears. I mean, first off, huge congratulations to Adrian on a monumental accomplishment. You don't get to records like that with teams being consistently successful in limiting and containing him. I know our defense is up to the task of not only limiting Adrian, but the rest of that very explosive Cobra offense. It's sure going to be a tough battle. "



3 straight wins with a chance to knock off DC and steal some of their momentum... huge week.

GM Jon

Huge game, I know they'll be looking to get a little revenge for us eliminating them in the playoffs last season. If this type of game doesn't get your blood flowing, then I'm not sure what will.

I'll try and be as quick as possible this week, don't have any recommended changes to the game plan, so we'll stick to what's been working for us.

Unless you have anything for me, I'll get going with some business.

- - - - -

Elsa, if you can please get ahold of Willis McNasty on the phone.

- - - - -

Hey there champ, I'm absolutely heartbroken for you, but I know you'll be back better and stronger than ever. Whenever you feel capable, we'd love to still have you on the sideline with the team. I did want you to know that we will be placing you on season ending IR though to open up a roster slot.



I figured I'd be going on IR, no doubt.  ...The comeback begins right now. I'm going to comeback from this and prove that I'm still the best in the business.

GM Jon

I have zero doubt that you'll do exactly that. Best of luck in your recovery.

- - - - -

Elsa, can you get me Anthony Campanelli please.

- - - - -

Anthony, it's been too long. Hope all is well. Calling to see if Michael Jackson (RB) would be willing to come to St. Paul for the rest of the season for $1MM?



GM Jon, How are you doing? 

My name is Meadow Campanelli and I am temporarily handling the family business for my father.

That being said, we would be happy to accept your offer.

GM Jon

Meadow, pleasure to meet you! I'm sure we'll be talking in the future. Appreciate your help.

Elsa, can you please get the lock-in information down to Coach Kidwell.

Game 11 @ D.C. Cobras

Player Rotations:
Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Winter. Is. Nigh.




The St. Paul Lynx are seeking our next General Manager.  If you are interested, watch this space and we will announce when we are ready to conduct interviews.


We are conducting private interviews at the moment, we will announce if/when we decide to conduct open interviews.



GM Gates

Thank you everyone for coming.

It's been a crazy few days, that's for sure. It's true, I turned down Ms Snows initial offer to come here but after being informed by my former employer that I wasn't going to be returning, I reached back out to Ms Snow about the job here. Because honestly, if I wasn't going to be returning to Miami, this is where I wanted to be.

This is a great team that just needs a bit more direction. It's not that long ago that this team was in the Impact Bowl, and I am here to get the Lynx back to the championship game.

Of course the same off season that I arrive here, is the same offseason that the team moves from the Eastern conference to the Western conference. Not only that, but to a division that includes the juggernaut Winnipeg team. Which is great. I've never been one to shy away from stiff competition. It's why I originally went to Miami to test myself against the then juggernaut Alabama team.

But this isn't about my past. It's about the future of the Lynx and it's a bright future. I see no reason why we can't get this team back to the playoffs, the conference championships and the Impact Bowl. The future is bright here in St Paul, and I'm excited to be a part of it.


"Does it mean anything to you that you share a division with Rapid City, where you won your titles and had a falling out with Robbie Burns?"

GM Gates

Maybe a little. Probably not as much as it would have four or five seasons ago, but I'm sure I will enjoy when we play them twice a year, to get some sort of revenge or payback against them.


Yo, GM Gates, welcome to the Lynx. The name is Elsa, and I'm your assistant and the PR Secretary.

Glad to have a championship winning GM in the building, that's dope, yo.

Aight, once we lock in for the off-season I'll get you a detailed off-season report to work with, aight?

GM Gates

Elsa it's a pleasure to meet you.

I've got at least one call to make before we get into the off season.

Can you get me Bobby Shapiro on the line?


Bobby! How are you? GM Gates calling from lovely St Paul. I wondered if you had a moment to talk about some contract extensions?

First up, I want to talk about bringing Ricky Custer back to the Lynx. I would like to offer him a 4 year contract worth $14 million a season, broken up between salary and bonus money, to return.

Can we make a deal, Bobby?



You know what, that sounds like a good enough deal to stay in the twin cities.

GM Gates


I also wanted to talk about Shane Castleberry. Would he be interested in staying here for another year at $2.5 million a season?


GM Gates

Pleasure doing business, Bobby. I'm sure we will speak again in the off season. Take care.


Elsa, one more call. Please get Meadow Campanelli on the line.


Ms Campanelli, how are you? I wanted to touch bases on an extension for your client Thomas Pak. I was wondering if he might be interested in returning to St Paul. My offer would be a 2 year deal worth $9 million a season.



GM Gates, we're seeking $14MM to sign right now.

GM Gates

I understand, Ms Campanelli. Perhaps we can reconvene during the open market once I have a better idea of what I'm dealing with.

Thank you for taking my call.


Elsa, I'm done with what business I wanted to wrap up. If Ms Snow has nothing more for me then I will Lock In


Hey Yo,

Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.


GM Gates, You know who I am and what I am all about.  I'm looking to return to the HIFL after the low life Profits made it clear the PFL isn't what he promised it would be, so I appreciate the chance to interview for your head coaching position.  What do you want to know?

GM Gates

Mr Knotts, thank you for taking the interview. I do remember you as a great defensive mind. Winning two Impact Bowls as a defensive coordinator before moving on to being a Head Coach.

So let's dive right in.

I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more your vision as a head coach. How is a Keith Knotts team built offensively and defensively? I understand what your scheme preferences are, just wondering if there's anything specific beyond that.


Discipline is a large part of the game for me.  Reducing penalties, staying out of trouble, keeping your nose clean.   It all goes hand in hand.  The HIFL is not that much different than the military.  We all come from our own diverse backgrounds with a common goal.  What we do to make sure we adapt to the game and the organization to put the needs of the team above our own personal needs is what matters.

If we come together as a unit, we are unstoppable.   The X's and O's are one thing, but what is most important to me is that the team functions as one, and that they understand that if one link in the chain breaks, then we lose our strength and integrity.

GM Gates

Thank you for that.

My notes here say you'd leave the playcalling on offense to the OC which is fine, but how involved do you like to be on offense? Do you like to let the OC do his thing and you focus on the defense?



From a strategy and gameplan perspective, absolutely.   I do manage my players though, I am a leader of men, so I wouldn't just ignore the offensive players and their personalities.

GM Gates

Good to know.

What kind of players do you look for on your defenses? How would you build your defense if you had a clean slate to do so and does what we have in house align with that idea?



Speed and agility on the edge, but with size.  You look for those big boys, 300 lbs+ that can run, and they can do damage in the pass rush.  Give me that on the edge, and great tackling linebackers in the middle and we build a secondary to be aggressive and make plays with good hands at corner and speed/agility at FS to play cover 1 in the blitz and you let it rip.

GM Gates

Alright. I don't know if what we have checks your boxes, but I can always be on the look out.

From when you first became a head coach in San Antonio to your time in Raleigh, what have you learned in order to be a better head coach? Anything you wished you could have done different?



The first thing I learned was to be careful who you work for.

GM Gates

Do you mean the people who employed you were not to be trusted?



No, I mean San Antonio was a shit show and then the PFL is run like you took half a brain from a bad GM and stuck it in a blender then asked it to fill out a roster.

I've not had the chance to coach a talented roster as head coach, yet.

GM Gates

Ah, I see what you mean. I was going to ask about your end in San Antonio and what happened there. I assume everyone just didn't see eye to eye but wasn't sure if there was more to it than just a different viewpoint.



It wasn't a good fit.  We drafted poorly, we made the wrong moves at QB, and the front office just put us in a whole that was too deep to climb out of.

GM Gates

So then let me ask you this. I'm sure you've had some time to peruse the roster, even if it's just on websites from talk heads. Do you feel this has the makings of a roster you could see yourself working with? One that you envision as a good fit or talented team?



The framework is there. Worthington in the Cobbs role fits my d-line well;  Antetokounmpo fits the mold at corner, Pak is a kid I like.. Marks can attack from the LB position, there are building blocks there and the offense looks promising with that WR room

GM Gates

The defense was mostly all on expiring deals when I took over so I'm trying to rebuild it.

I think that is all the questions I have for you, Mr Knotts. Do you have any questions for me?



No sir. I appreciate your time.

GM Gates

Thank you for yours.

I've got a few more interviews to conduct before I decide anything. We'll be in touch.





Hello GM Gates, thanks for the chance to interview.

GM Gates

Mr Houser, thank you for taking the interview.

It's been awhile since you and I crossed paths professionally. What has it been? 5 or 6 years since we worked together in Rapid City? It's crazy how fast time flies in this business.

I've got some notes here about your coaching style and I just wanted to dive a bit deeper into them.

Let's start with the offense. My notes here list your scheme as spread, but I was wondering if you could give me a bit more information on that. What does a Head Coach Housers offense look like? Are there specific types of players you need to make your offense run the way you want to see it run?

Apologies if the question is broad, I just want to get a better feel for the kind of offense you like to run, instead of just putting our current roster in front of you and asking you to put a check mark beside all the players that fit your scheme.



No problem CJ, The big thing in my game is that I am a firm believer in balanced players who can do a little bit of everything.  So receivers with a good mix of size, speed, and physicality.  Your Colt Soriano types.    At running back, I'd prefer a solid all-around RB1 with a similarly built RB2 who doesnt need to play all that much but is ready in case he's called on.   Think about that Rapid City build we had, Pruitt as a talented mobile but not dual-threat QB with a good mix of skills.   an RB in that J-Mart form of do-it-all ability,  a good mix of skills at WR, and on the offensive line pass blocking tackles, run blocking guards, and a balanced center is a good overall foundation.  Conditioning is important though because I would like to keep an up tempo approach if possible.

GM Gates

I like the sounds of that. Hudgins isn't exactly the mobile quarterback you'd be looking for, at least not in the Pruitt mold. But he should have a plethora of options at his disposal, much like we had in Rapid City.

One thing I noticed in my notes was you'd prefer to give playcalling duties to the offensive coordinator. Is there a reason for that? Do you prefer to oversee everything and let the coordinators do what they do?



I don't mind calling plays, but I prefer having an OC who is capable and can run their play sheet.   I wanted that luxury afforded to me when I was an OC and didnt always get it, so I like to be open to it if we hire the right guy.

Hudgins will be fine in my offense, I just like the mobility because of the pass rush teams can have and if we dont have elite pass blocking we have to count on the QB not to turn the ball over on a sack.